Juxta, Magi

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Juxta, Magi Page 28

by Porter, Geoffrey C

  The trumpeter drew in a deep breath and blew one long note, followed by a second, and a third. Everywhere on and around the hills, rangers looked to their fellow man, pairing up and standing back to back, or joining up in groups of three and four and making formations to guard every front. They could hear horses' thunder in the distance. William refused to take his eyes off the burning mausoleum watchful for Rivek's emergence. William said, "Rollin?"

  "Cavalry… Two groups, one with torches. The Rogue Scouts… The second troop, the second troop is led by mage light, my lord. It appears the cadets are joining us."

  Juxta snarled. "Timothy!"

  "Juxta, keep hitting that mausoleum," William said. "Hit it with everything you've got. If that bastard comes out, finish him. We'll watch your back."

  William drew his sword and howled at the moon advancing on the dead, lopping off heads and limbs. Juxta maintained a constant zeal of lightning on the mausoleum's shield. Rollin and Simon stood with Juxta and cut down undead one after another. One by one, rangers started to fall. Then a Rogue Scout got dragged off his horse. Then two cadets fell. Still, the mausoleum burned. Rivek spoke out to Juxta, Even as I lay here dying, know this, the crown and great sword are in the hands of our neophytes. Once a suitable host is found for Balron, he'll take up the great sword and don the crown and crush your cities under his heel.

  "If Balron returns, he's going to need more than the crown, more than an ancient sword," Juxta shouted. "He's going to need more than the help of the gods of hell…"

  The gods of hell have more power than you think.

  Just as Juxta was about to up the ante, the fire got to the structural beams, and the mausoleum collapsed on Rivek. He screamed in their minds and then went silent. The dead kept on fighting though cutting down rangers and dragging riders off their horses. With Rivek gone, Juxta turned his eye on the undead surrounding them. Lashing out with precise lightning bolts, Juxta cut into the walking dead over and over while the rangers fought on.

  The last of the walking corpses were dispatched a few hours before dawn, and Juxta started sorting through the wounded healing the worst of them. Everybody had cuts on them, so much blood.

  Timothy rode up to Juxta. "I'm sorry, Master."


  "If it's going to be two months of eating turnips, it'll have been worth it."

  "Perhaps we'll make it three!"

  "Perhaps I'll grow to like turnips."

  Juxta glared at him. "Who taught you that light spell?"

  "Robert showed me."

  Juxta's left eye squinted closed. "Go hunt up something to eat!"

  "Should I look for a turnip farm, Master?"

  "No, bring back meat!"

  Timothy nodded and rode off.

  William was the first to start sorting through the rubble of the mausoleum. When he found Rivek's body, he shouted, "I found it!"

  Then he lopped the head off. He chopped off both arms and both legs. "I need five scouts!"

  Five of the Rogue Scouts rode up to the king. One said, "I'll take a leg!"

  Another said, "Arm for me!"

  The other two claimed another leg and arm. The fifth Rogue Scout smiled. "I'll take the head."

  "Take each of his limbs to the four corners of the land," William said. "Take the head south into the badlands, or take it north into the far reaches of Nork and bury it."

  "I've friends in Nork. It's a long journey. By your leave, I'll take my time returning after I bury the head."

  "Just don't fail me, Scout!"

  The five riders took burlap sacks, and put the pieces of the corpse in them. Then they galloped off in the distance. William stared off into the rising sun not wanting to look upon the dead rangers that surrounded him.

  Rollin stepped gingerly between the corpses lining the field and approached William. Rollin sighed deeply to announce himself.

  William continued to stare into the distance. "We'll build a funeral pyre for the men. Leave a sword for every man in the ground as monument."

  Rollin said, "Aye, my liege."

  "Send for a priest to say a blessing."

  Chapter 37

  The realms will be shattered by a demi-god driven mad. - Isher Text.

  They built a massive structure of fallen timber in almost a pyramidal shape. The bodies were carried one by one to the top. They planted 213 swords in the ground all along the outside of the structure. They couldn't find a priest in time, so they simply lit the structure and watched it burn throughout the day. The ride back to Lynken was a solemn one. Spring came upon the land, and Juxta and Timothy went to visit Juxta's fiefdom. He asked Ruskin to show him the orchards they planted the spring before. They rode to a great sloping hill with small saplings growing in rows, many only three feet tall. Juxta fed great power into the trees, and they grew in height until many were taller than two men. Ruskin said, "You're truly powerful, my liege. We'll have apples this season now. We'll have to build our cider mill promptly."

  Juxta and Timothy returned to Lynken proper. Seasons passed. Juxta's cat grew to its full adult size, and he gladly accepted Juxta as a rider. The cat wouldn't let Timothy ride, and it pleased Juxta that the cat was finally showing him some loyalty. Timothy turned 17, and Juxta decided Timothy needed to acquire a staff. It was his choice what tree to wake, of course, but Juxta encouraged the boy to visit his grove first. Juxta's trees welcomed Timothy and immediately offered him a staff, and Timothy accepted it.

  Timothy got word from his family that his uncle had died and left him a sizable piece of land complete with peasants, a copper mine, and a small town center. Timothy bid Juxta to let him take leave for the funeral and to secure the land. Juxta agreed and gave him Dragon's Fire for the journey. Much like when Juxta had first worn it, it made Timothy feel like a real Magi for the first time.

  Timothy left for home. The cat clawed at the door to Timothy's room. Juxta growled at him. "He's gone, follow him if you want!" The cat sprinted off in the direction of Timothy.

  Robert said, "I'm going to follow him in case there's trouble, Juxta."

  "Go then, leave me to myself." He invited himself to the castle to eat dinner with King William and Teresa. Simon and Heather ate there as well that night.


  Timothy traveled by day and camped at night. Robert joined him. Juxta's cat showed up, and Timothy hugged it gladly, happy for the traveling companions. He arrived at his boyhood home, and everyone greeted him warmly. They all asked about the cat, and Timothy replied that it was his master's cat. His father wanted to see a display of his mage powers, and Timothy heartily agreed. After dinner they moved to the courtyard.

  Timothy started with lightning, channeling his power through his staff and the Dragon's Fire ring. Then he launched red, green, and blue fireballs at a stone wall. He pushed himself to the limit displaying his full potential. Not a master yet, and he hadn't learned to cast from the heart, but he still put on an impressive display. Timothy's father applauded loudly. Afterwards, his father approached him and wanted to speak to him in private.

  The elder Drakkar started bluntly. "You should find a girl in Lynken and start a family, boy."

  "My apprenticeship isn't complete, Father. There'll be time for girls later."

  "You've the line to worry about. And you own a tract of land now. You're a lord, and a lord should have a lady."

  "I'm a mage first. I'll live for centuries—there's no need to hurry. Plus, my younger brother can continue the line as well as I can unless you're planning to require him to become a mage too."

  "No, he's to become a ranger. His trials will be at hand next summer."

  "I'll leave the sword and broach I wore to the trials for him."

  Timothy's father looked the boy in the eye. "Good. You're strong for an apprentice, yes?"

  "I wield power through a magical ring. I wouldn't be as strong without it. Father, I've a request. Can I see the family's trove of gemstones? I need a gemstone for my staff."

old man nodded. "We'll open the vault in the morning, Timothy."

  Timothy slept in his old room that night. They opened the vault after breakfast, a literal treasure trove, stacks of gold and silver, and uncut gemstones of every kind. Timothy started casting ‘true sight' on them, a large sapphire glowed the brightest. He asked if he could take it, and his father agreed.

  They buried Timothy's uncle in the family cemetery. Hundreds attended the ceremony.

  Timothy spent the next week inspecting the land he inherited. He met with many of the farmers as well as the workers in the brewery and copper mine. He held a great feast in the town center. Close to a thousand peasants lived off the tract of land. Timothy's uncle had been a kind and fair lord, and the peasants expected the same from Timothy.

  Timothy returned to Juxta's house to continue his studies. Juxta taught him dueling, and they used it as an exercise for Timothy to grow in strength. Another year passed, Juxta had almost forgotten about Lisa. Juxta still looked like a teenager as his long life kept him young.

  Prince Matthew, William's younger brother, declared to his brother the king that he wanted to become a wizard instead of a ranger. Wizardry held more power, and he knew he would never ascend the throne. William had sired a son with Teresa, and he was in line to be the next king. William agreed and summoned Juxta. He rode his cat to the castle, and Robert and Timothy followed. Juxta agreed to teach the boy if he could pass the test. Juxta threw green fire at the boy expecting him to dodge out of the way.

  Matthew stood his ground. He pushed the palms of his hands out in front of him as if to block the green fire. His face turned into a grimace as the green fire hit his palms. He held the fire back by sheer force of will. His face started to sweat. Still, he stood his ground. After a few moments the green fire burned itself out on his palms. Juxta said, "Your line's magic resistance is strong in you."

  Matthew nodded.

  "I've never seen anyone stand their ground against green fire and not be engulfed," Robert said very quietly.

  They lodged Matthew in Juxta's home. Timothy beamed, for he no longer had to cook breakfast. Another year passed, and Matthew's training went well.

  Chapter 38

  Juxta's two apprentices grew in power everyday. They were slow roasting some beef flank over a fire in the backyard. Suddenly two lights appeared in the sky above them. Juxta heard their telepathy in his mind, Juxta, we've found you at last. Two Tree Nymphs descended on the group.

  Timothy said, "They're beautiful."

  "That isn't their true form," Juxta said. "Their true form is hideous."

  The Tree Nymphs landed on the ground at the mages' feet. One spoke, "We've traveled far to find you, Juxta. Our forest is being invaded by goblins, and you must help us fight them."

  "How can the goblins even harm you? You drove their species to extinction in the past."

  "They've learned how to forge bane weapons. They invade our homes, and many tribes have been wiped out. We beseech you, Juxta. Come to our forest and engage them with your magic."

  Timothy and Matthew looked at each other. Timothy asked, "Goblins?"

  "Short man-like beasts with poisoned fangs," Juxta said. "They attack en masse. We encountered them in hell."

  The quiet Tree Nymph spoke up, "You killed their spirits in hell? A god must have reincarnated them in this realm. This is your fault. You must help us."

  Robert said, "That's a likely explanation."

  Juxta threw his hands in the air. "I can't face an entire army alone, Tree Nymphs."

  "You have the power, Juxta, even if you don't realize it. Come to the forest and fight for us, or we'll be wiped out. If they rule the entire forest, they'll start to expand into human lands. You'll have to face them sooner or later. They breed faster than dogs."

  Matthew stirred the fire under the spit of beef. "Seems like a job for the rangers, Juxta."

  "I'll request a regiment of rangers and require a similar force from Ruskin's entourage," Juxta said.

  Timothy grabbed up his arcane staff. "You'll let me join you in this battle."

  "Me, too," Matthew said.

  The sheer glee in the boys' eyes put a smile on Juxta's face. "Matthew, you'll stay in Lynken and practice. Move back into the castle while we're gone. Timothy, you can come."

  Timothy did one of his patented Drakkar happy dances. "Excellent."

  Matthew turned back to the fire and poked at it again.

  Juxta approached his cat, and the beast knelt down so Juxta could climb onto his shoulders. "To the castle!"

  Timothy mounted his horse, and Matthew stayed behind. The Tree Nymphs followed. Guards admitted them to the throne room, but William had to be found. They located him in the nursery with his children. William asked, "Tree Nymphs?"

  "Their forest is being overrun by goblins," Juxta said. "And they need our help."

  "Since when are there goblins?"

  "Since Juxta killed their spirits in hell," a Tree Nymph said. "They were reincarnated in this realm. They're forging bane weapons and growing in number. If they aren't stopped, they'll threaten this land."

  William blinked his eyes a few times. "How many rangers do you want, Juxta?"

  "A regiment of a hundred will do nicely I think. We'll go to my land and recruit another hundred of Ruskin's warriors for the battle."

  "Lieutenant Fredrick leads a fine regiment. Inform him this evening of the journey. They should be ready to ride in the morning."

  Juxta made to leave the nursery. William said, "Is Matthew going with you?"

  "No, my liege. He's too young."


  Juxta and his entourage made their way to the ranger barracks and found Lieutenant Fredrick. Fredrick pretended to wipe a tear from his eye when he heard the news. He rallied his sergeants, and they in turn gathered up their squads. Fredrick promised they would be ready to travel by morning. Juxta and Timothy returned to his house to sleep for the night. At dawn they rode to the castle. They found Fredrick and the regiment of rangers ready to ride.

  They made haste to the northeast to Juxta's land. Juxta couldn't help thinking of it as Ruskin's land, but still, Ruskin greeted him as king. Monroe had trained a group of a hundred men as rangers. They had horses and bows. Goblins were common in Ruskin's time. If they needed to be rid of them again, so be it. Goblins were foul beasts. The Tree Nymphs split from the army after recruiting Monroe and his soldiers. The nymphs flew ahead to the forest to let the tribes know that help was on the way.

  The small army of over two hundred souls traveled quickly due west towards the Forest of Weslan. At least thirty cadets traveled with Lieutenant Fredrick's regiment. Within a week they made it to the outskirts of the trees. They built great bonfires within their camp. They expected a stand up fight with the goblins. On their third night in the wilderness, the sounds of the forest died down, and they started noticing movement on two sides of them.

  Juxta cast a great light spell, and thousands of pairs of eyes gleamed back at them all about half the height of a man. Juxta shouted, "Timothy, face behind me, and I'll grant you power."

  Timothy turned to face the horde on their far side.

  Fredrick ordered his cadets to keep the horses calm and stand in the center. Monroe's force faced one side. Fredrick's men the other. The goblins were out of range of their bows. They seemed to be watching the humans. Robert materialized next to Juxta and whispered to him, "You must pray to the God of War!"

  "No," Juxta said.

  "How many men will you bury in the morning without his aid?"

  This made Juxta stop and think. "What do I do, Robert?"

  "Recite after me, pouring power into the prayer…"

  Robert started to pray in Ancient, and Juxta copied the prayer. The prayer asked for spirit warriors to aid them. It asked for the fallen to be taken to a warrior's paradise. It asked for bloodlust for the mortal warriors. Juxta felt a wave of power around him like none he'd known before. Sheet lightning flashed between clouds high
above the opposing armies. A firm, bass filled voice spoke in Juxta's mind, Finally, Juxta, after all your battles, at last you ask for my gifts.

  White floating spirits started to form between the human warriors. The spirits took the form of tall, beautiful female warriors carrying bows almost as tall as they were, with swords on their hips, wearing ornate metal armor over their beautiful bodies. The men's hearts raced as the God of War filled them with an awesome bloodlust. The spirit warriors let loose with their spectral arrows. They morphed into real arrows when they left their bows, bursting into flame as bane arrows in hell alight. Many hit their marks among the goblins. Another barrage of arrows flew and another. A horn sounded, and the goblins charged. Amazon spirit and man alike discarded their bows and drew their swords. The men tightened their grips as the God of War's fury raced in their veins. The ghosts simply smiled with their spirit blades of smoke glowing with a white light.

  Timothy let loose with lightning and fire. He used the Dragon's Fire ring and his sapphire staff, not to mention the flood of power Juxta poured into him. Juxta started his onslaught on the goblins on his side. Still, as many as they killed with magic, many more lived and reached the lines of the soldiers. A great melee ensued. The goblins tried to hurt the spirits who simply laughed. The men all fought with precision. They killed and killed. Hundreds, nay thousands of the goblins died. Slowly but surely, the goblins got lucky bites in here and there, and their poison acted quickly to incapacitate the humans. The battle raged on for another half hour at least. The hordes of goblins seemed to never end. Timothy leeched power out of Juxta, and both magi grew weary. The God of War egged Juxta on telling him to kill and kill and kill.

  A wounded goblin flanked the soldiers and slipped past Timothy's wary eye. He got to Juxta and bit him on the leg. Juxta's cat turned and finished the goblin off. The poison paralyzed Juxta. He fell off the cat.

  The goblin horns bleated for a withdrawal. A great cheer went up from the men. The Amazon spirits cheered and then dissipated like clouds of mist.

  Timothy shouted to Monroe. "Juxta has been bitten."


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