Corporate Seduction

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Corporate Seduction Page 16

by A. C. Arthur


  “What did you think we were doing?”

  “I wasn’t entirely sure. That’s why I asked. I mean, we’ve been out and we’ve shared meals and we’ve, ah, kissed.” Although their kissing seemed a lot more significant than the average, she couldn’t think of a way to say that to him without embarrassing herself.

  “That we have,” he said wistfully.

  She nodded at the sound of his voice because it mimicked just how she felt when she thought of their kissing. “So I was a little mixed up as to what exactly you would call us.”

  “Let me make it simple for you. You’re my woman, which means I’d better not even hear whispers of you being with someone else.” He pulled into the driveway and put the car in park before turning to face her. “And I’m your man.” With a finger beneath her chin, he lifted her face so that she stared at him.

  “Which means if I even hear whispers of you being with someone else I have permission to cut her and make your life a living hell,” she whispered.

  Khalil smiled. “That’s it exactly.”

  * * *

  Reka wasn’t really sure what she expected, but it certainly wasn’t the large foyer—the size of her living room, dining room and kitchen put together—with marble floors and a huge crystal chandelier. The walls were stark white, the floor covered in a white woven rug with an intricate gray design. On one wall was a large picture, a countryside scene. On another wall a picture with swirling muted colors. She had no idea what it was supposed to represent. A woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties and was dressed in a gray uniform, complete with white bib and hat, came to take their coats. She looked to be Hispanic.

  “Good afternoon, Marla,” Khalil said as he shrugged out of his coat, then reached to help Reka take hers off.

  “Mr. Khalil, it’s always good to see you. But you’re a little on the thin side.”

  Reka looked at the maid as she surveyed Khalil.

  “That’s okay, I’ve fixed enough food today to fatten you right up. And who is this pretty little thing?” Marla looked at Reka now.

  Khalil placed an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer. “This is my girlfriend, Reka Boyd.”

  There was no turning back now. He’d introduced her as his girlfriend. Taking a deep breath, Reka extended her hand, not sure if she was supposed to shake hands with the help, and frankly not caring. “It’s nice to meet you, Marla.”

  Marla swatted her hand away and whisked Reka into a tight hug. “You like family now,” she said, patting Reka’s back. Then she turned to Khalil and hugged him. “It’s good you get back out there and start again.”

  Reka wondered at her words. Khalil had told her that he hadn’t found the right woman to settle down with but she’d never questioned him about any of his past relationships.

  “Is Danielle here yet?”

  “Ms. Danielle is in the den with the little one and your parents. Go on in, they’re all expecting you.”

  Marla cast Reka another smile and Reka smiled in return. She liked Marla and hoped the rest of his family would be as receptive as she was.

  Taking her hand, Khalil escorted Reka down a long hallway, passing a room she could see was the living room and a formal dining room with the table set with china, fine crystal and silverware. Reka could hear voices and the tiny laughter of a young child as they approached a room at the end of the hall. She immediately tensed.

  Sensing her dismay, Khalil rubbed his thumb over her hand, tightening his grip, then looked down at her and smiled. “You’re beautiful, and they are going to like you as much as I do.”

  Because his warm gaze held hers, because her hand felt comfortable being swallowed by his, and because with his very closeness he made her feel safe and protected, she calmed and walked into the room with a smile in place.

  “Khalil! It’s about time you got here.” Danielle jumped up from her seat on the cushiony couch and ran to her brother, hugging him close. “And this must be Reka.” Turning her attention to the petite woman beside him, Danielle made a quick assessment. She was definitely attractive; her eyes, the highlight of her round face, were an amazing hue. Her hair was lovely and her taste in clothes almost comparable with her own. Yes, she nodded, Khalil had done well with this one. Extending her hand, she offered a sincere smile. “Hi, I’m Danielle, Khalil’s sister. He’s told me a lot about you.”

  Amazed that Khalil had talked about her to his family but not wanting to show it, Reka extended her hand and returned the smile of the tall woman in front of her. She had Khalil’s coloring, but her eyes were wider, lighter than his. Her hair was swooped up into a fancy French roll, showing off the not-too-small diamond studs in her ears. Tacoma would be happy to hear he was right about something. “It’s very nice to meet you, Danielle. I’m afraid Khalil hasn’t told me much about his family.”

  Danielle took Reka’s arm, tucking it in the crook of her own, and moved away from Khalil. “Men can be so secretive at times,” she whispered to her. “Now come, let’s get this over with.”

  Reka followed her lead as they moved further into the room. A very tall, very studious man with a wide mouth and deep set green eyes was first to come forward. “Andre Miller, Danielle’s husband and this little one’s father,” he said jovially, lifting a plump, cherub-faced little boy into his arms.

  Danielle reached out and pinched a chubby little cheek. “This is Lance, he’s two.”

  “Andre.” Reka nodded to the man. “And hello, Lance.” On impulse she took a step closer to the little boy and touched his curly hair. “Aren’t you a handsome little man.” He giggled. “And you know it, don’t you?”

  Lance gurgled and raised his arms for Reka to take him. She looked to his parents, who didn’t seem to mind, before reaching out to take the toddler in her arms. The first thing she noticed was how sweet he smelled. The second how soft and cuddly he was. The third was how right holding a baby in her arms felt. It wasn’t as if she never got the chance to hold a baby. Cienna and Keith had a little girl, Tiana, and she spent lots of time with her whenever Cienna brought her into her office and over the summer when she’d go to Cienna and Keith’s for cookouts. But she’d never given much thought to having her own. Today, with Khalil by her side and her feelings for him so fresh and new, she thought it might just be possible.

  “He’s drooling on your jacket,” a cool voice announced.

  Reka was so caught up in making cooing sounds and bouncing the happy baby in her arms that she barely glanced down before saying, “It’s okay, that’s a problem for the dry cleaner.”

  “You’re quite right, but you should take better care. Appearances are everything when you’re a guest.”

  The frosty tone settled over Reka and she turned to see from where it came. Garbed in a mauve-colored skirt and matching jacket with a diamond brooch stood the woman Reka knew would be her biggest hurdle. From the perfect hair to the excessive yet elegantly made up face, Naomi Franklin looked like the socialite Reka suspected her to be.

  “It’s not a big deal, Mother.” Danielle moved to Reka’s side. “But I’ll take him and get him cleaned up a bit.”

  Reka quickly gave Lance over to his mother, then smoothed down her jacket and faced Khalil’s mother once more. “Mrs. Franklin, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Naomi neither took a step closer to Reka nor made any attempt to shake her hand. Luckily Reka hadn’t extended hers, so she didn’t feel too foolish.

  “I must say I’m surprised my son would pick a holiday meal to introduce you to us. It’s rather presumptuous of him to think we’d simply roll out the red carpet.”

  Was she serious? Reka didn’t know whether to curse her out or simply leave. Khalil cast her an apologetic glance and she squared her shoulders, taking a step forward instead. “I don’t need any special treatment. It’s simply nice to meet Khalil’s family, since he’s already met mine.”

  A man who looked so much like Khalil that he had to be his father joined t
hem then. “Reka, is it? That’s a different name,” he said, then seemed to dismiss the thought. “We’re glad you could make it this afternoon. Unlike Danielle, Khalil hasn’t told us much about you. Come, have a seat so we can get to know each other.”

  Relieved that she didn’t have to fight a double battle, Reka followed the man’s direction, with Khalil coming to sit next to her on the couch. Donald Franklin led his wife to a chair, seated her, then moved to another chair himself.

  “So how long have you and Khalil been dating?” Donald asked.

  “Not very long, I’m certain,” Naomi chimed.

  “We’ve been seeing each other for about six weeks now. The law firm I’m working at is where Reka works as a paralegal.”

  “Oh, you’re in law. That’s a growing field and a good living.” Donald pulled a cigar from his suit jacket and prepared to light it.

  “Yes, I’ve been in law for a few years now. I enjoy it,” Reka added.

  “I’m sure you do.”

  That was Naomi again. In a minute Reka feared she was going to ask the old battleax what her problem was. Khalil rested his palm on her knee, silently advising her not to go that route. She wondered what the odds were that Naomi would skip the meal and take her angry behind upstairs for the duration of her time here.

  Slim to none, she deduced.

  * * *

  Dinner was scrumptious, with Reka consuming things with names she couldn’t even pronounce. Conversation had been cordial, but that was mostly due to Danielle and her husband. They were very talkative and very much in love. Reka couldn’t help envying them.

  They were having drinks in the living room when Khalil sensed that Reka was ready to go. But before he could announce his departure, the doorbell rang and Naomi seemed to perk up. Khalil was instantly concerned, but held his tongue and waited until Marla came in to announce who was at the door.

  In a few minutes Marla entered the living room with their new guest right on her heels.

  “Happy Thanksgiving,” Sonya crooned.

  Naomi was up and out of her chair instantly, going to capture Sonya in an overzealous embrace.

  Danielle looked to Khalil.

  Reka looked from the impeccably dressed young lady to the mean woman she’d just endured a meal with, to the sister that she’d found likable, then finally to Khalil, who looked as if he’d just witnessed a murder.

  Khalil looked at his mother with annoyance. He didn’t look at Sonya at all.


  “Isn’t this a lovely surprise?” Walking forward arm in arm with Sonya, Naomi came to stand in the center of the room.

  “It’s a surprise, all right,” Danielle said blandly, not bothering to mask her disapproval.

  Naomi disregarded her daughter’s comment, as if she’d said nothing at all. “Khalil, aren’t you going to say hello to Sonya?”

  Reka watched as Khalil’s jaw clenched and he hesitated. Oh yeah, this woman was definitely somebody from his past. Somebody his mother happened to like a lot from the way Naomi Franklin was now smiling at her son. If she were in the club she’d simply move to Khalil’s side and claim her territory. But since she was out here in richville with these so-called classy people, she’d have to re-group. Taking a step in front of Khalil only seconds before Naomi and the woman named Sonya reached him, Reka extended her hand.

  “I’m Reka Boyd. Sonya, is it? It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  For endless seconds the room was totally quiet. Reka could swear she heard Naomi’s intake of breath while they waited. Sonya, however, remained cool. With dark shifting eyes, she looked Reka up and down with what could only be described as amusement. Then she shocked everyone by extending her hand with a quick smile. “Sonya Davenport, Khalil’s fiancée.”

  Reka’s hand stiffened as Sonya held on a few seconds longer than necessary. She wanted to spin around and slap Khalil, but then that would be giving Naomi what she wanted. She’d deal with Khalil later. “Really? Then you’ve got to be asking yourself why your fiancé would bring another woman to his family’s Thanksgiving dinner. I know I would.”

  Danielle muffled a giggle. Andre quickly moved to her side, sensing fireworks about to begin. Donald, who was watching the events unfold, finally stood and took control.

  “Khalil and Sonya were engaged, but broke up a few months ago. It’s always nice to see you, Sonya, but I have to admit I’m a bit shocked by your arrival, just as I’m sure the rest of the family is.” Donald cast a warning gaze at Naomi.

  As if he’d finally been snapped out of his trance, Khalil stepped closer to Reka, putting a protective arm around her shoulders. “Reka and I were just leaving.”

  Sonya grinned up at Khalil. “Please don’t leave on my account. I came especially to see you.” She wanted to get closer to him, to wrap her arms around him and convince him that being with this other person was below him and that they were so much better suited, but she refrained. “Can we talk for a minute? Alone?” She tossed Reka an ominous glare.

  Reka was not one to be played with. If she was his ex, then she definitely wanted him back. Reka didn’t fight over any man, but she wasn’t up to being embarrassed by a cover girl reject either. “That sounds like a wonderful idea. Why don’t you walk with Khalil to retrieve my coat, and you can talk then.” Giving Sonya the sweetest smile she could muster, she waited for the woman’s response.

  This could go one or two ways: Either Sonya was woman enough to accept her limitations with Khalil here today or, like any other jealous female, she would jump on the opportunity to go one-on-one with Reka. Either way, Reka was ready for her.

  “Splendid idea.” Sonya smiled happily, grabbed Khalil’s arm and pulled him behind her as she headed out of the room.

  Khalil looked over his shoulder at Reka but she glanced away. When Khalil and Sonya were out of the room, Reka moved towards Danielle and her husband. “Danielle, Andre, it was truly a pleasure spending this day with you and I look forward to seeing you again.”

  Danielle pulled Reka into a hug, whispering in her ear, “Great job.”

  Andre hugged her as well. Then she turned to Mr. Franklin. “Mr. Franklin, I enjoyed today. Marla prepared an excellent meal.”

  Donald shook the young woman’s hand, uncertain what was coming next.

  Then Reka turned to Naomi. The woman held her head up high, disdain for Reka clear in the way she looked down on her. Reka could cuss her ten ways from Sunday and it probably wouldn’t ruffle one silky gray hair on her head. Kill ’em with kindness, Grammy always said. “Mrs. Franklin, you’ve been a gracious host. I’m sure Khalil and I will be visiting more often.” She didn’t bother to extend her hand to be shaken because she knew the frigid old hag wouldn’t accept it. She simply smiled and turned to leave the room. Let her chew on that for a minute or two.

  With confident strides she headed towards the hallway where she knew their coats were hung. As she drew closer she could hear angry whispers coming from Khalil and not so modest pleading from Sonya. They were definitely broken up, but Miss Thang couldn’t seem to accept it. She’d have no choice, though, when Reka got finished with her. Approaching them quickly, Reka put a hand on Khalil’s arm. “Baby, why don’t you go and get the car warmed up? I want to speak with Sonya a moment.”

  “That’s not necessary. We’re leaving,” Khalil said through clenched teeth.

  Reka took her coat from his arm and gave him a cool stare. “Oh it’s definitely necessary.”

  “Actually, I’d like to talk to her, woman to woman. I’m sure she’ll understand what’s going on here.” Sonya folded her arms over her chest.

  Khalil looked from one woman to the other.

  “I won’t bite her, Khalil,” Sonya said.

  Reka chuckled. “This won’t take long,” she assured him.

  Reluctantly, Khalil walked away. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “Take your time,” Sonya called.

  Reka casually slipped her arms into her coat. “You know
there is nothing more pitiful than a woman chasing a man who obviously doesn’t want her.”

  Sonya gave a cold chuckle. “Sure there is. A woman with a man she knows is out of her league.”

  Because Reka had been wrestling with that very thought the words stung for a minute. “Whether he’s in my league or not, he’s with me now.”

  “That’ll be over soon enough.”

  “Maybe so, but it’ll be fun while it lasts.” Reka buttoned her coat. “So you go on back in there with your partner in crime and have nightcaps or whatever it is you people do instead of communicating with each other. Khalil and I have a wonderful evening planned. I’d invite you to tag along but you might not like what you see.”

  “You’re vulgar and common, and the sooner Khalil finds that out the sooner he’ll come running back to me.”

  “My leftovers usually aren’t much, but if and when that happens, you’re welcome to him.” With that Reka turned, leaving her standing there to stare after her.

  Khalil was just about to come back into the house when Reka opened the door and stepped out. “What happened?” he asked.

  “Take me home.” She didn’t look at him, simply walked straight to the car.

  For the first twenty minutes they drove in silence. Khalil kept his eyes on the road while his mind replayed the events at his parents’ house. It was obviously a mistake to take Reka there. He’d thought his mother would at least behave herself for one day. Inviting Sonya over was low, even for her. He’d sensed the moment Reka turned against him. What he couldn’t figure out was the exact reason she was mad with him. Did she think he’d planned it this way? Could she possibly believe that he still wanted Sonya? There was only one way to find out.

  “We should talk,” he began.

  “About what?” she asked stiffly.

  “About what just happened.”

  Reka turned slightly in her seat so that she was facing him. “What? Your ex-fiancée showing up, or the fact that you neglected to tell me you even had an ex-fiancée.”


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