Blake, Abby - Traitor [Altered Destinies 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Blake, Abby - Traitor [Altered Destinies 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Abby Blake

  But then both men sped up, and every thought was wiped from her head as pure sensation took over. Together they took her, stamping their claim, making her theirs in every sense of the word.

  “Swallow,” Davin instructed as he pushed deep and then held still. She struggled to comply, her body no longer seeming in her control. When she finally managed to remember how, Davin groaned and ordered her to do it again.

  “That is an amazing sight,” Darrick said as he held still, his cock buried deep in her pussy. Davin groaned, pulled out of her mouth slightly, and thrust back in quickly, almost as if he couldn’t stand not being connected to her.

  Darrick leaned over her, his chest touching her spine lightly as his hand wrapped under her pelvis and slid into the slippery curls covering her clit. He scraped over the swollen bud several times, ratcheting her need higher, much higher, before he pinched it hard and demanded she come.

  Holy fuck. Every muscle Sandra owned vibrated violently. Davin pulled out of her mouth as Darrick leaned back and sped up his movements, pounding into her harder and faster, holding her trapped with his hands. She moaned as he pressed his thumbs against her anus, mimicking exactly the images he’d sent earlier as he massaged the virgin flesh. She writhed, the wicked flames of her release scorching her insides as her climax went on and on. Finally her orgasm slowed, exhaustion pulling her down as her excitement dulled to a slow burn.

  Darrick pounded into her twice more before holding her hard against him as his cock pulsed in her channel. She tried to collapse face-first, but Darrick held her up even as he pulled from her body. She barely registered that Davin had moved before he grabbed her hips, dragged her to the edge of the mattress, and thrust his hard, thick cock into her pussy.

  He gave her no time to adjust, simply plowed into her willing flesh over and over and over. She gasped, crying out as her body raced toward orgasm once more. He slapped her thigh, did it again and again, the hard slaps hitting the same hot spot each time.

  “Come for me,” he growled, his voice low and deep, his command of her obvious. She obeyed, writhing as sensation screeched through her once more. She closed her eyes, brilliant rainbow colors bursting behind her eyelids as he gave in to his own desires and thrust hard and deep once more.

  This time they did let her collapse forward, her arms unable to support her weight one more moment. Davin followed her down, his cock still filling her as he surrounded her, lightly pressing her into the mattress. He was gasping for air as hard as she was, and he sent his instructions to her telepathically. “Stay here, lying just like this. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  She mourned the loss as he pulled his cock from her still spasming pussy, but she did as she was told, too tired, too exhausted to even consider not following his bossy rules. If she wasn’t so wiped out, maybe she’d sass him a little, but for now she was happy to be the good girl they’d been calling her.

  A deep chuckle came from behind her as she finally realized that Darrick was listening to every thought in her head. “Keep thinking like that, baby girl,” he said as he caressed the soft flesh on her bottom, “and this ass is going to be an even deeper shade of pink.”

  She couldn’t help the heat that writhed through her at his softly spoken threat. Davin came back into the room, and a moment later a warm washcloth touched her intimately. She tried to squirm away, completely embarrassed by the contact. “Be still,” Davin said in a tone that suggested punishment would follow if she disobeyed.

  She closed her eyes, forcing herself to relax and endure. Two very male chuckles reached her ears as Davin took his sweet time cleaning her up. Then he rolled her onto her back and pressed a kiss to her belly.

  His fingers tangled in the curls covering her mound before he tugged on them sharply. She gasped at the sudden pain and couldn’t believe the heat that followed. Shit. Maybe there was some truth to what they’d said about her seeking a man to dominate her. She’d never had three incredible orgasms in a single day in her entire life, and these men had given them to her so easily it was almost frightening.

  They both moved onto the bed, dragging her up to the pillows and snuggling her between them. “Sleep now,” Davin said with a cracking yawn. “We’ll answer any questions you might have in the morning.”

  She nodded her agreement, grateful for the time to sleep and maybe process everything that had happened to her. She had questions, hundreds, maybe thousands of them. She just didn’t have a clue where to start.

  Chapter Eight

  Darrick held Sandra close as she slept. She was perfect for them. Too bad they seemed to be really bad for her. Since meeting them she’d given up her bedroom, her privacy, her career, and possibly her future.

  In some ways he wished they’d escaped without running into her.

  But then they would never have realized just how amazing the woman was, or how much she needed them. They could give her everything she’d been craving. Whether she understood it or not, she was a natural submissive and needed to be dominated in the bedroom in order for her to relax.

  He’d never dream of trying to tell her what to do outside of their sexual play—she’d probably threaten to shoot him if he tried—but he needed her as much as she needed him and Davin.

  He glanced at his brother and wondered what the hell to do now. They were fugitives, unable to offer Sandra anything resembling the future she deserved. Living on the run was not what he wanted for the woman who already held his heart. Even when he’d been angry with her, even when he’d believed her somehow involved in the attempt to incarcerate them indefinitely, he’d loved her.

  He shook his head, trying to clear the confusing thoughts.

  “It seems there’s more to the empaths meeting their mate myth than we gave credence,” Davin said directly into his mind. “I love her too, even after such a short time together.”

  “So what do we do now?”

  “Clear our names for starters. I don’t want the woman I love being dragged from one end of the country to the other trying to evade The Agency.”

  “I don’t like that we’ve separated her from her family, either. Her brothers must be frantic with worry.” Darrick touched her face lightly. “And I don’t even want to imagine what Dana would be capable of if she caught up with us first.”

  Davin smiled and chuckled quietly. “Yes, I don’t think the fact that we’re Dana’s half brothers would slow her down at all.”

  “Maybe we should head back to the professor’s old facility. Even after The Agency’s raid, we might be able to learn something about what’s going on. Maybe some information got left behind. It’s a long shot, but I haven’t got a clue where else to start.”

  Davin shook his head slowly. “Same here. Do you still have the information you gave to The Agency?”

  Darrick simply grinned in response. Surely his brother knew him well enough to know he’d never hand over information without retaining the details himself. “Get some sleep. We’ll head out first thing in the morning.”

  Davin nodded, pulled Sandra tighter against him, and closed his eyes.

  * * * *


  Sandra startled awake, her heart pounding hard enough to break a rib before she realized the voice belonged to Dana. Damn, she’d relaxed her guard enough to weaken the telepathic block she’d built in her mind.

  “Dana, go away. It’s not safe.”

  “Fffffttt,” Dana dismissed easily. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “I sensed that earlier,” Dana said with in a tone that betrayed her smug amusement. “I’ve been monitoring Theresa’s movements as best I can, and so far they haven’t been able to locate you.”

  “Dana, please don’t do that. I don’t want you in trouble as well.”

  “I repeat my earlier sentiment—fffffttt. I will let you know if they get close, but for the moment you seem to be okay.” Sandra trusted Dana implicitly. Even if her trust in her coworkers had been severely shaken, she had
no reason to doubt Dana’s loyalty, or her determination.

  “Thank you,” she said sincerely.

  “I assume that you have more reason to believe in Darrick and Davin than just the mind-blowing sex.”

  Sandra could feel her cheeks heating with embarrassment, but Dana just laughed. “I have two husbands of my own,” she said by way of teasing apology.

  “Hey, that’s my brothers you’re talking about,” Sandra sent back, feeling more relaxed now that Dana was acting like her normal self. Yet, she could sense Dana’s worry that Sandra, Darrick, and Davin didn’t have a plan. They sort of didn’t, but Dana didn’t need to know that. “We haven’t made any firm decisions just yet, but it would probably be best if you weren’t privy to details anyway.”

  She knew Dana well enough to interpret the silence as irritation that Sandra would even suggest that she would compromise their safety, but Dana’s twin sister, Theresa, was a stronger telepath and might be able to break through all the block’s Dana held in her mind no matter how strong they were.

  Even Jenna’s daughters were strong enough telepaths to compromise Dana’s knowledge. “Fine. Okay. I get it,” Dana sent irritably. Sandra felt a little surprised that Dana had been able to read her internal thoughts so easily, especially considering the physical distance between them. Perhaps Dana was a stronger telepath than even the woman herself understood. “Okay, that thought I like.”

  “How’s Pete?” Sandra asked, changing the subject completely. She’d worried for him over the past few days. It couldn’t be easy trying to do his job while getting sideways glances from his coworkers. Having a partner go rogue was one thing, but when that partner was a relative, it would make things ten times harder.

  “Worried for you, but he’ll survive.”

  Dana certainly had a way of cutting things to the bare essentials.

  “Probably best that you don’t mention this conversation. He’ll get pressure to report anything he knows about me or my guys.”

  “Your guys?” Dana asked with that smug attitude in her voice once more. “Now I really must meet them. Sort this out and hurry home.”

  “We will,” Sandra said, feeling better just knowing that at least someone knew she was okay. She hated that Pete and John would be worried for her, but at this stage it couldn’t be helped.

  “Oh, by the way,” Dana added casually. “The facility they raided in the Rockies was completely deserted. Rather inconvenient, don’t you think?”

  “Um…yes,” Sandra said slowly, trying to understand what that meant. Deserted, as in abandoned a long time ago, or deserted, as in everyone fled before the agents got there?

  “Okay, I’ll tell Davin and Darrick. Stay safe, Dana.”

  “Of course,” her sister-in-law sent with her usual self-confidence.

  Sandra opened her eyes to find both men watching her closely. Obviously even her private conversations were no longer private with these two around.

  “We have to head there and see what happened,” Darrick said out loud.

  “I agree,” Davin said with a nod. “We’ll need to pack provisions and rent an all-terrain vehicle. I doubt the entrance is easy to get to.”

  “What time is it?” Sandra asked. She didn’t think she’d slept more than a few hours, but she felt strangely rested.

  “Nearly seven. We have time for a shower before the rental place opens.” Davin grinned wickedly as he sent images to her mind of all the things three people could do under a stream of water.

  Her body heated just at the thought, but she couldn’t explain the fear that gripped her. It felt like this might be her last chance to enjoy time with her men before her life went to hell. She nodded to them both, catching the sad smile from Darrick as a similar thought flitted through his brain as well.

  “Come on, baby girl,” he said as he draped her over his shoulder and carried her into the bathroom. She giggled as all blood rushed to her head, but the soft touch of his hand on her tender bottom sent heat flooding through her again.

  He put her on her feet as he adjusted the taps and then stepped into the flow of water. He held his hand out for her, and she went to him without a moment’s hesitation. It felt kind of strange to let him wash her with the shower gel, but the slick glide of his hands over her skin derailed any thoughts of protest.

  His hand dipped lower as he massaged shower gel into the curly hair covering her mound. She groaned as his finger ran over her clit, pressing a little harder with each pass.

  “Are you sore here?”

  “Not really,” she said, sensing he would accept nothing but the truth. “A little raw perhaps but what you’re doing now feels very nice.”

  “Nice, huh?” He rinsed the soap from her and then slid his hand lower, his fingers wriggling through the folds of her labia before pushing into her pussy. “Is this nice, too?”

  She nodded, gulping air as he finger-fucked her slowly. Davin stepped into the shower behind her, his soapy hands smoothing over her shoulders, down her back, and over her ass. He caressed the sensitized flesh as Darrick thrust his fingers up into her vagina. Everything tingled, but she nearly stopped breathing when Davin slid a soapy finger over her anus. He teased her puckered flesh until she thought she would go mad. She could feel the muscle opening, allowing his entry, inviting him inside her body.

  It felt so strange, but at the same time wonderful. As he pushed his finger into her ass, fireworks exploded in her belly, the new sensation setting her alight with passion once more. “That’s it, honey. Ride my fingers.”

  She hadn’t even noticed that she was thrusting her ass toward him. With Darrick’s fingers still thrusting into her pussy she wasn’t sure the movement was entirely voluntary, but when Davin pressed a second finger in with the first, she could barely comprehend her need. She’d never even considered anal sex before, but right now she felt like she’d explode if Davin didn’t stick his cock in her ass.

  Holy fuck. When did she get so kinky?

  “You’ve always been kinky, baby girl,” Darrick said as he lifted her chin and then pressed a soft, slow kiss to her lips. “You just needed to meet the right men.” She nodded. It was different with these two. Never before had she experienced the contented peace she felt when she was with these men. “Davin is going to fuck your ass now.”

  She pulled away in instinctive panic, but they controlled her easily. Being unable to move set all sorts of needs loose, and she moaned as Davin pressed a third finger into her ass. He moved slowly, gently, preparing her for his cock until she was once again pushing against his hand.

  “Good girl,” he said as he pulled his fingers from her body completely. She didn’t have time to protest the loss because he pressed the slippery head of his cock against her opening and pushed inside. Darrick pulled his fingers from her pussy and moved them to her clit. She gasped, lifting onto her toes, but Davin pushed her forward, forcing her to lean against Darrick to maintain her balance.

  “That’s it, baby girl,” Darrick said as he moved back and helped her bend lower. “Just relax and let us take care of you.” She nodded, unwilling to deny them anything. Davin worked his cock all the way into her ass, his short, slow thrusts taking him a little deeper each time. Fully seated in her back passage, Davin wrapped an arm around her middle and supported her weight as Darrick moved away.

  She wanted to know where he was going, but Davin’s withdrawal and then hard thrust into her ass delayed her question. She moaned as he did it again, amazement thrilling through her when nerve endings she hadn’t been aware of flared to life. Her entire lower body buzzed with excitement.

  Darrick stepped back into the shower, turned off the taps, and helped Davin lift her up. He seemed to lean against the wall as he spread her legs wide and held her thighs open. Her feet were completely off the ground, but she shook her head when she saw Darrick’s cock covered with a condom. Surely she wouldn’t be able to take them both at the same time.

  Davin bit the back of her neck, the sli
ght sting distracting her as Darrick moved closer and pressed his cock against her pussy. “We’ll take it slow,” he promised as he kissed her lips and rubbed his cock against her dripping pussy.

  Swollen, hard inch by swollen, hard inch he pushed into her sensitive sheath. She cried out as he pulled away, only to grunt as he thrust into her once more. Again and again he pressed his cock into her aching flesh as Davin held still and let his brother do all the work.

  Both of them rammed to the hilt in her body. Sandra couldn’t believe she was actually here. She felt full, completely stuffed, but at the same time lovingly possessed. When they started to move, she had no control, her arms resting uselessly on Darrick’s shoulders as they took her to heaven and back.

  “Come for us,” Davin demanded as he somehow found her clit with his fingers. She screamed, the added stimulation overwhelming her senses and tipping her into orgasm. She shook violently, her climax crashing over her, back and forth and over again as she breathlessly chanted their names.

  She felt them both come at the same time, their releases seeming as violent and all consuming as her own. They held her between them, their cocks slowly softening in her body as they all tried to catch their breath.

  “Baby girl, you are an incredible woman.” The compliment sent a warm glow through her, and she dipped her head shyly. Darrick pulled her closer. It took longer to clean up than it should have, but the incredible closeness she felt to these men made it hard to stop touching. Finally sated, exhausted, and replete, Sandra walked back into the bedroom on wobbly legs and fell onto the mattress.


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