From Best Friend to Bride

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From Best Friend to Bride Page 14

by Jules Bennett

  His eyes came up to meet hers. Eyes so like hers, but they’d dimmed somewhere along the way. Perhaps the process had been slow, and that’s why she hadn’t noticed. Most likely the light started fading when he’d been kicked out of two schools in two years, before junior high. They’d had to move, but eventually Megan came back to her school in Stonerock because she’d missed Cameron and his brothers.

  Evan’s eyes definitely lost some shine on the night their parents died. Since then he’d been at a rapid decline and spiraling into a territory she feared she’d never rescue him from.

  “Are you ready to get out?” she asked.

  Evan reached across the space between them and gripped her hand. “Yes.”

  Relief flooded through her. “Are you on something now?”

  She didn’t need to go into details; he knew exactly what she was asking.

  “No. I don’t use. I only supply.”

  As if that made his position any better? Megan sandwiched his hand in her grip so he’d understand how much she wanted him here, how much she loved him and would support him on all levels.

  “We’ll get through this, Evan,” she promised. “But first we need to go to the police.”

  “No.” He jerked back, shaking his head. “I can’t do that. You don’t know what those guys are capable of.”

  Megan repressed a shudder as the memory of being held at gunpoint flashed through her mind. “I’ve got a pretty good idea,” she told him. Easing forward, she pleaded, “Cameron can help, but you have to tell him everything.”

  Evan closed his eyes and sighed. “I can’t right now.”

  Megan started to say something, but Evan opened his eyes and offered a weak smile. “Just let me get some rest tonight. Okay? Can we discuss this tomorrow?”

  He was exhausted and broken. Megan’s heart ached for him. But he was making progress, and she wasn’t about to upset him further and risk driving him away.

  The job opportunity in Memphis was weighing heavily on her mind, especially after being with Cameron again. He’d seemed stunned and speechless about her offer, but she desperately needed to know how he felt about her moving, how that would impact anything they had. At some point he was going to have to be honest with her about what he wanted.

  Megan dabbed at the cut on Evan’s swollen eye with a cotton ball. After applying some antibiotic ointment, she placed a small butterfly bandage on the wound and turned her attention toward his mouth.

  “If we could move away, would you go?” she asked.

  “Where would we go?”

  Shrugging, Megan didn’t want to give too much away about the job offer. “I’ve thought about Memphis, but I wouldn’t do anything without discussing it with you.”

  “I like it here.”

  Megan nodded. “If you want to escape the mess you’re in, you need to get away, and not just in theory.”

  A frustrated sigh escaped him. “I don’t want to fight. I just want to rest.”

  “Fine.” She wasn’t going to get anywhere right now. She had to be patient. “You’re more than welcome to stay. Will they come here looking for you?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Megan finished up and started putting supplies away. “If they come, I am calling Cameron. No arguments. Got it?”

  Evan straightened in his seat. “Meg—”

  She held up her hand. “No. Arguments.” This was her turf, and no way in hell was it going to be penetrated by guys who were only out to cause harm.


  He scooted away from the table, rising to his feet as he grabbed his side.

  “What’s wrong?” She started to reach for him, but he stepped back. “Are you hurt there, too?”

  “It’s nothing but some bruised ribs. I’m gonna go crash.”

  With that, Evan turned and headed toward the spare bedroom. Megan stared at the empty doorway, wondering how the conversation would go in the morning. Would Evan still be ready to talk about a new life or would his current fear disappear?

  For now, he was safe and she wouldn’t go to Cameron unless someone from Evan’s circle showed up. She would do anything to keep her brother safe, and now that he was in her home, nobody would get through. She kept a gun for security in her closet. She’d never had to use it before, but she wouldn’t hesitate to defend her family. No matter what.

  * * *

  Megan was thankful today was Sunday and she could relax. She tended to work a few hours on Saturday, so Sunday was her only full day off.

  Halloween was tomorrow night. She enjoyed seeing the kids in her neighborhood all dressed up in adorable costumes. She couldn’t wait until the day she got to parade her own little gremlin or witch around.

  Megan had finished making breakfast an hour ago, and when Evan continued to sleep, she covered his plate and set it in the microwave. She wanted him to have a nice home-cooked meal because she doubted anyone else truly cared for him.

  Her phone vibrated on the kitchen table. Glancing at the screen, she read Cameron’s message.

  Still coming to the cookout at my parents’?

  Megan hesitated. She’d forgotten all about the cookout and bonfire, complete with s’mores, at Mac and Bev’s. But she couldn’t leave her brother behind to go to the St. Johns’ house, and she couldn’t very well take him.

  Until she knew how the day unfolded, she wasn’t going to respond.

  By the time Evan woke, Megan had already cleaned the entire kitchen and dusted her living room. Wearing only his jeans, Evan shuffled in and sank onto the couch. His dark hair stood on end, the bruises over his face and along his right side more prominent this morning. He hadn’t let her look last night and she wasn’t going to coddle him today. He was a grown man, and he was here for security, not lecturing.

  “Morning,” he mumbled, raking a hand over his face, the stubble along his jaw and chin bristling beneath his palm. “Thought you’d be at work.”

  Megan leaned a hip against the back of her oversize chair and crossed her arms. “I don’t work on Sunday.”

  “It’s Sunday? I’ve lost track of the days.” He eyed her, drawing his dark brows in. “You have plans?”

  “Not really,” she replied with a shrug. “You have anything you want to do?”

  Evan scratched his bare chest. “I need to get my stuff sometime.”

  “Where is it?”

  “All over. My clothes are at Spider’s place. He’s cool, though, so I can go there alone. I have a few things at this girl Mary’s house, but she’s probably sold it all by now.”

  As Megan listened to her brother go through his list of minute belongings scattered all around, another layer of how different their lives were slid into place. He had no stability, while she thrived on a solid foundation. He had no real friends, and she’d had Cameron and his family since grade school. Evan worried about day-to-day life, whereas Megan worried about advancing in her already successful career.

  Where had she gone wrong? At some point along the way she’d missed something.

  “If you have plans, go on and do them,” Evan told her. “I’m going to go get my clothes and just chill here. I don’t expect you to put your life on hold for me.”

  “I’m not putting my life on hold,” she corrected him, easing around the chair. Taking a seat on the edge, she angled her body to face him fully. “Do you have a plan beyond today?”

  “Not really.” Wincing and grabbing his side, he started to sit up. “I know you like details and schedules, but that’s not me, Meg. I’m not sure about moving, but I wouldn’t mind staying here for a while if you don’t mind.”

  Reaching out to pat his leg, she offered a smile. “You’re always welcome here, Evan. I just can’t have the group you hang around with. I’ve worked hard to get where I am and I’ll do anything to help you. Consider this your home, but if anyone jeopardizes my little world, I won’t back down. I’m not afraid of them.”

  Covering her hand with his, Evan’s eyes held hers.
“You should be afraid. They’re ruthless, Megan. They don’t care who they hurt, so long as they have money and drugs. Maybe I should stay somewhere else.”

  “No,” she answered without thinking. “I worry when I don’t see you or hear from you. You’re staying here, where I can help you.”

  The muscle moved in his jaw, and his eyes darted down, then back up. “I don’t even know if getting out is possible.”

  “We’ll make it possible,” she promised.

  The back door opened at the same time Cameron’s voice called out for her. “Megan?”

  “Living room.”

  Evan’s face went from worry for her to instant stone. “You didn’t respond earlier so—”

  Cameron’s words died as he stepped around the corner and froze in the entryway. “Evan.”

  The tension between these two was so thick it was like a concrete block had been dropped into the room. Still, she loved them both, and if they loved her, they’d just have to grow up.

  “Evan needed a place to crash,” she explained.

  Cameron didn’t take his eyes off Evan. “Looks like he was already in a crash.”

  “Something like that,” Evan muttered.

  They’d never made it a secret they weren’t buddies, but still, couldn’t they at least try to be civil while she was around?

  Megan twisted in her seat, letting go of Evan’s hand. “What’s up?”

  Cameron stared at Evan another few seconds before turning his attention to Megan. “I didn’t hear from you earlier, so I thought I’d see if you were coming tonight.”

  “Actually, I probably won’t.”

  “Megan, go,” Evan told her. “Don’t stay here because of me.”

  She glanced back to her brother, knowing he expected her to just leave him in pain. He’d just have to get used to the fact that not everyone abandoned him. Damn it, she wanted him to see that she was here no matter what and his needs came before her own.

  “I really don’t want to leave you alone.”

  “Because you don’t trust me?” he asked, masking his hurt with a rough tone.

  “No,” she told him, purposely softening her voice. “Because I worry about you, especially after last night.”

  “You can come, too.”

  Both Evan and Megan turned to Cameron as his invitation settled in the air between them.

  “You’re inviting me to your family dinner?” Evan asked.

  With a shrug, Cameron leaned a shoulder against the door frame. “Sure. It’s no big deal, and you have to eat, too.”

  Megan held her breath, her eyes darting between the two men. She was beyond shocked that Cameron had invited Evan. That was the type of noble man he was. Cameron was reaching out all because he cared for her and—dare she hope—loved her.

  “I don’t think your family would want me there,” Evan said as he came to his feet.

  “They won’t mind. Come with Megan if you want or don’t come. No big deal. Just extending the offer.”

  Megan caught Cameron’s gaze and mouthed “thank you” when Evan wasn’t looking. Cameron’s eyes held hers, a small smirk formed on his lips and Megan knew he was only doing this for her.

  If she hadn’t already loved him, this would’ve sealed the deal. He was trying. Did that mean he wanted to try more with her, as well?

  “I was just heading out for a run and thought I’d swing in,” Cameron stated, pushing off the frame. “Megan, I’ll see you tonight.”

  So, he wanted to see her whether Evan came or not. When the front door closed again, Evan glanced down to where she remained seated.

  “He’s in love with you.”

  Jerking her eyes up to him, Megan laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous, Evan. We’ve been best friends since grade school.”

  “The guy has always been territorial with you, but he was looking at you like... Oh, great.” Evan shook his head and laughed. “Tell me you didn’t fall in love with him. Come on, Meg. He’s a cop.”

  Yeah, he was a cop. He was also perfect for her little world, amazing in bed and irreplaceable.

  “Who I love or don’t love is really none of your concern,” she told him. “I’m not being rude, but you have your own issues to work out. Now, if you want to come with me later, that’s fine. If you don’t, that’s fine, too. I’ll be leaving at six.”

  Megan turned and left Evan alone. She didn’t want to hear anything else about why she should or shouldn’t fall in love with Cameron. The reasons were moot at this point because she’d already fallen so deep, she’d never find her way back out.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  Cameron had always hated that saying. Having enemies so close made him twitchy and irritable.

  As he glanced across the field toward Evan, who sat in a folding chair all by himself, Cameron figured if Evan was here, he wasn’t getting into anything illegal. Megan could rest easy tonight.

  Speaking of Megan, she’d gotten cold earlier when the sun had gone down and he’d grabbed a hoodie sweatshirt from the back of his truck. The fact she was wrapped in his shirt made him feel even more territorial. The way she all but disappeared inside the fleecy material made her seem even more adorable. How could a woman be so many things at once? Sexy, cute, intriguing, strong... Megan was all of that and much more.

  She laughed at something Eli said before turning her gaze and meeting his. Instantly the air crackled. Nothing else mattered but Megan. The case should be wrapped up by tomorrow evening when the next “trade” took place. He knew all key players were supposed to be in attendance, according to their inside source.

  Maybe once all of this was tied up, maybe once Evan was out of the picture and not weighing so heavily on Megan’s mind and conscience, she would figure out how to seek that happiness she deserved.

  Drake came to stand beside Megan, and she turned, breaking the moment. Only Eli knew of the tension between them, and Cameron doubted anyone else was picking up on the vibes he and Megan were sending out.

  Cameron’s gaze darted back to Evan...who was shooting death glares across the distance. Okay, maybe one more person knew something was happening between him and Megan, but Cameron didn’t care what Evan’s opinion was.

  “You seem quiet tonight.”

  Cameron merely nodded as his father came up beside him. “Been a stressful time at work,” Cameron replied.

  “Looks to me like you have something else on your mind.”

  Cameron glanced to his father, who was looking straight at Megan. She excused herself, picked up a roasting stick and took it over to her brother. Cameron watched as they talked, and finally Evan came to his feet, took the stick, and he and Megan went over to the fire to roast marshmallows.

  “I figured you two would figure this out eventually,” his father went on.

  Cameron groaned inwardly. “There’s nothing to figure out, Dad. We’re friends.”

  “Friends is a good start,” Mac agreed. “Building on that only makes a stronger relationship.”

  Frustration slid through him. He really didn’t want to get into this right now with his dad...or anybody else for that matter.

  “Look, Dad—”

  “Hear me out.” Mac turned to face Cameron. The wrinkles around his father’s eyes were more prominent as he drew his brows together. “You are overthinking things, son. Megan isn’t going to wait around for you to come to your senses.”

  Clenching his fists at his side, Cameron nodded. “I don’t expect her to. Things would be easier if she met someone and moved on.”

  “Easier for you?” he asked. “Because from where I’m standing, Megan only has eyes for one person. I figured you’d be smart enough to make your friendship more permanent.”

  “You don’t get it,” Cameron began, absently noting that Evan had taken a phone call.

  “Get what?” Licking marshmallow off his thumb, Drake came up beside their dad.

  “Nothing,” Cameron sta

  “Your brother is having women problems.”

  Still focused on his gooey thumb, Drake laughed. “Megan giving you fits?”

  What the hell? Is nothing sacred around here?

  “I’m going to kill Eli,” Cameron muttered.

  Drake’s smile widened. “He didn’t tell me. Marly did. Women just seem to be in tune with each other, but I think something happened when they all went out to Dolly’s the other night.”

  Had Megan mentioned him to Marly and Nora? Surely she hadn’t.

  When he sought her out again, she was helping Willow roast a marshmallow. She fit in perfectly with his family. What would happen if he decided to take a chance? What would happen if he gave in to both of their needs and took this friendship beyond the bedroom?

  “For what it’s worth,” Drake went on, “I think Megan is great. I always figured you guys would end up together.”

  Apparently every single person in his family had some creepy psychic ability because Cameron had fought the urge for years to ever make Megan more than a buddy or a pal. Unfortunately he knew firsthand just how sexy and feisty his “pal” was.

  Evan rushed to Megan’s side as he slid his phone back into his pocket. Just as Evan said something to her and hurried toward the front of the house, Cameron’s cell vibrated in his pocket.

  “Excuse me,” he told his father and Drake.

  Stepping away from the crowd, he pulled out the phone and read the text.

  Moving day changed. 30 min.

  Damn it. That’s why Evan rushed out?

  Cameron caught Drake’s eye. “Something came up. Tell everyone—”

  Drake waved him away. “Go—we know.”

  This family was more than used to Cameron getting called away. All three St. John brothers were in high demand in Stonerock, so it wasn’t unusual for at least one of them to get called away from a family gathering.

  Cameron rushed to his house to grab his work gun and Kevlar vest. Thankfully, the designated parking lot was less than ten minutes away. By the time he pulled in, he still had ten minutes to spare.

  The outcome tonight was not going to be good, but right now all Cameron could focus on was doing his job. Just when he’d been about to open himself up to the possibility of a relationship with Megan, this call had come through. Was it a sign that keeping his distance was the right thing to do?


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