The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero]

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The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero] Page 3

by Daniel Smith

  The helicopter flew in a slow circle with the chopping sounds of the blades heard through the TV as it circled Seventh street and Jefferson. The large square building with the rolled back roof revealed the grass ball field inside. A caption showing up on the TV screen announcing breaking news a plague victim has showed up at the ball field. The picture cutting to ground level showing shops and bars then panned past the ground floor of the parking buildings. Then across a busy street as a sleek light white rail train pulled to a stop in the middle of the street the doors opening to start unloading passengers. Before panning once again across the large building with numerous people moving towards a glass front. Under several large sports advertisements to a multitude of people dressed in light warm weather clothing all of them milling about watching a group of police and paramedics surrounding a person. A news reporter wearing a suit and tie stood forefront in the picture.

  “We are here at the ball field with possibly the first reported case of the plague showing up in Phoenix,” the reporter stated.

  Putting his hand up to his ear listing to something before looking at the camera.

  “We are cutting quickly to where the plague victim is.”

  The picture changed to center on a group of police and paramedics surrounding a man. Wearing a dirty flannel shirt and long torn pants and a shopping cart filled with various items stood off to one corner. The man was staggering in a small circle his balance seemed hindered as he bared yellowish teeth exposed in a snarl. From out of his dirty brown beard, he was emitting a low pitiful moaning as yellowish spittle was condensing on the hairs of his beard from his mouth. The man's eyes glazed over in a milky white color as his dirty hands thrashed about as he tried reaching for people. Stopping moaning loudly unable to decide on a direction. All the milling figures seemingly confusing him as the reporter's voice came over the image of the thrashing man.

  “Police and paramedics are unsure how to approach this person in his agitated condition he is not responding to their commands.”

  A large police officer separated himself from the group removing a Taser gun from his tactical vest.

  “Get on the ground or I will Taser you,” he commanded.

  The homeless man focused on the officer raising his arms in front of him. Taking a step toward the officer who quickly fired the Taser into the man sending the crackle of sixty five thousand volts down the attached wire. Into the man with a slight electrical crack as he depressed the trigger. The homeless man took another step seeming unaffected by the sixty five thousand volts of electricity that ran through him. The officer took a step back as two other police officers pulled Tasers from their tactical vests and aimed at the man.

  Just then a young man wearing jeans and a white polo shirt burst from the crowd towards the homeless man a young woman following him with a video camera.

  “I'm Bob Stevenson with the real news. Sir can you tell me if you are a veteran and did you become sick after visiting the VA Hospital,” the young reporter asked.

  Sticking a handheld microphone towards the homeless man who lost interest in the police officer turning to face the newcomer. Perhaps the reporter had stepped to close as the homeless man suddenly lunged grabbing the reporter's outstretched arm. Holding the microphone pulling the man off-balance dragging him towards his waiting mouth as he sunk dirty yellow teeth into the flesh of the man’s arm. The young reporter screamed as the homeless man pulled his head back. With everyone watching in horror as he started chewing a piece of bloody meat from the man’s arm in his mouth. Red blood running down his dirty beard before swallowing it and once again pulling the reporter who was thrashing wildly trying to get away from him.

  This causing an immediate action from the police officers as they fire their Tasers in to the homeless man. The cracking electricity from sixty five thousand volts surged into the homeless man far longer than allowed by law.

  “It's having no effect,” one officer yelled as he pulled a nine-millimeter service pistol from his holster as the homeless man pulled the reporter closer now biting into his neck.

  The picture jumped to a wide view as several onlookers took off running screaming causing the camera filming the action to jar slightly before the loud crack of a gunshot rang out. One police officer approaching the reporter that had originally been covering the story and camera operator with his hand up.

  “Turn that camera off,” he said rather tersely as he put his hand over the lens.

  The TV cut to two reporters sitting at a desk inside the studio for a moment who seemed lost for words before one finally spoke.

  “We are sorry for the disturbing images just broadcast we are keeping up with events at the ballpark and will update shortly.”

  Before the newscaster could report more his father stood turning off the picture on the TV.

  Dan looked stunned at the TV he couldn't believe at what he had just seen he barely noticed his parents standing up and exchanging glances between the two of them.

  “I think we should go now,” his father said to his mother as she just nodded her head agreeing.

  “I will call my brother and let him know we are on our way,” his father said as he moved towards the kitchen and the telephone.

  Dan’s mother turned to him.

  “I want you to go to your room and pull out some warm clothing were going to go visit your uncle for a week or two.”

  Dan looked at her stunned but before he could form a response, she pushed him gently towards the hallway where his room was. In under an hour his mother's burgundy van sat packed with a couple of suitcases, extra blankets and what seemed like all the groceries they had in the house. As his parents pulled out of the driveway he saw his two friends walking towards his home. He waved at them as his father headed towards the main street.

  Dan stared out the side window as the van went down the sixty freeway east towards the Town of Globe. Watching the sparse desert landscape change over to rocky hills as they climbed into the mountains. He watched unimpressed at all the different hues of reds and shadows he saw as the sun slowly started to set as they climbed higher into the mountains as they headed east. The music his parents listen to while they drove interrupted by the beeping of the emergency broadcast system as a public service announcement came on.

  “All citizens should stay inside their homes and avoid crowds. If you see anyone displaying symptoms or showing signs of illness, you should call 911 immediately and avoid contact with them. Some symptoms of the plague are loss of motor movement, confused speech and violent behavior. Avoid anyone showing signs of these symptoms contact the authorities immediately.”

  Dan tuned the rest of the message out as he look around he could see no other headlights on the road. Making him feel that they were alone on the highway as they continued their journey east.

  The flat ground filled with the dry looking desert brush was slowly giving way to small one or two small buildings to larger buildings. As the burgundy Minivan approached El Paso at the New Mexico and Texas border. Dan woke rubbing his eyes to the morning light as he heard his parents discussing the need to stop for gas.

  “Where are we,” he asked looking around at the scenery it reminded him of Phoenix.

  “El Paso, Texas,” his mother told him turning slightly brushing her short length blond hair from her blue eyes to look at him.

  “We need gas and will stop for breakfast,” she finished turning back around in the seat.

  The buildings were getting bigger and closer together as he heard the GPS unit in the dashboard tell them to take the next exit. Taking the off-ramp leaving the freeway driving onto a street called Wyoming Avenue. Driving down the deserted street until the electronic voice told them to make a left onto a street called Mesa. His father made the left turn crossing over the freeway before he turned into the gas station parking lot. The pumps where under a white awning, Dan’s dad pulled the minivan up to the first pump closest to the convenience store. Dan looked around the parking lot only two ot
her cars were at the station. One a silver four-door car parked at the back gas pump and a black truck near the convenience store with the hood raised a man was leaning over the engine.

  “I’ll get the gas going and get us some coffee from the store,” Bill said as he opened the door to the van.

  Dan watched his dad walk around the minivan to open the small access door and remove the gas cap. He then took his wallet out and swiped his credit card on the pump before removing the gas nozzle inserting it into the gas tank. He started the gas pumping before starting walking across the asphalt lot between the pumps and the store. Watching as he walked about halfway there stopping before turning around and walking back to the driver side window.

  “Twenty four hour store my foot,” he said to Trudy.

  “What,” she said looking up at him from her seat.

  “There closed, supposed to be open twenty four hours,” Bill said slightly annoyed.

  “We will get coffee with breakfast,” Trudy told him adjusting her position in the seat trying to find a more comfortable one.

  Dan noticed movement to the side of the car near his dad about the same time his father did. He watched the man approaching from his car near the back pump with his wife and kids stopping by the back of the van.

  Dan looked at them one was a girl about his age with brown shoulder length hair and what looked like her brother with short brown curly hair just a couple of years older. Both of them and the wife looked scared. Just then, the man pulled a black object from the waistband of his pants.

  “Give me your car,” he screamed at Bill. Dan froze in terror as he recognized the object as a gun.

  “Now wait a minute,” Bill had started to say, as the man screamed again.

  “Give me the car,” as the man screamed at Bill, he made a pointing like jester with the gun.

  Dan’s heart seemingly stopped as the loud boom erupted from the gun he could make out the small pencil thin tongue of fire for a second. Before his world fell apart his mother started screaming as he watch as if in slow motion his dad fall to the ground in a spray of bright red blood. He did not clutch at the bloody hole in his chest like the movies Dan thought for some reason. He could clearly see the expression on the man who shot his father’s face a mixture of horror and a slight smile. Then time return to normal as the man started screaming.

  “Get out of the car,” he screamed at them as he started moving to the passenger door of the car.

  Dan looked in terror at his mother who was crying.

  “No,” in an anguished voice. Dan looked out the van’s window at the man’s family had not moved standing frozen almost made he wonder if they were as scared as he was. The screaming man reached the passenger door of the van yanking it open while still yelling at Trudy.

  “Get out faster,” as he reached in to pull her out now pointing the gun at her with a frantic look on his face.

  Dan’s heart seemingly stop again as a second booming shot rang out. He stopped half out of the car door as he looked expectantly at his mother waiting for her to fall. The look of puzzlement that crossed over his face at seeing the screaming man with the gun jerk backwards hitting the gas pump before sliding to the ground was short. Now the screaming man’s wife started screaming, Dan looked at them, as they look past him before they took off running. He turned the way they had looked to see the man who had been working on his truck approaching them. The way he moved seemed odd to him as the cries of his mother faded into the background noise now everything seemed unreal. The man’s brown hiking boots moved across the small parking lot effortlessly as he approached slightly bent forward seeming odd in blue jeans and a dark flannel shirt. The black plastic stock and silver rifle barrel moved in a back and forth pattern across the parking lot as if looking for something. Dan stood still frozen still half in half out of the minivan door as the man moved up to where his father lay on the ground. Brown eyes from a tan weathered face sitting under short salt and pepper color hair looked at him with what.

  “Sorrow,” he thought.

  The man looked once around the parking lot again then knelt down next to his dad. The man took a hand from the rifle and placed two fingers on the neck of his dad before standing. Dan felt his blue eyes moving to meet the man’s brown ones, he did not feel afraid or scared anymore he was not sure if he felt anything. He could see no hostility or threat in the man’s eyes. The man started moving around the front of the minivan towards his mother still half out of the car crying. Dan looked at her still feeling nothing as he watched the man kneel down next to her talking softly. He was not sure if his ears where working because he saw the man talking to his mother but could hear nothing but the thoughts racing in his mind. He helped her back into the seat as he closed the car door for her. Dan could her sobs now but they still seemed unreal as he watch the man with the rifle knell down to the man he had shot a moment before. Standing holding the gun that had shot his father with a brown holster and two extra black magazines for the gun as he started around to where he sat.

  Dan watched the man toss the items on to the driver seat of the van before he slung the rifle to his shoulder. He looked down at his father he seemed smaller now as the bright red bloodstain covered most of the yellow shirt he was wearing.

  “What’s your name,” Dan looked up from his father.

  “What is your name,” the man with the rifle asked him again.

  “Dan,” he replied quietly.

  “I am sorry about your father Dan. My name is Manny I need you to man up now if you want to get out of here alive with your mother,” Manny said calmly.

  Getting out of the van his mind blurred with thoughts.

  “Who was the man, why did he listen to him. Why was his mother crying and not him. Where were the police,” he thought as Manny lead him over to his truck.

  The front grill of the black pickup truck smashed as a greenish liquid dripped onto the ground forming a puddle. Dan’s attention drawn to a piece of bloody gray fabric torn in a strip hanging off the front bumper.

  “Here,” Manny said bringing him back to reality as he handed Dan a black duffle bag.

  He nearly dropped the bag struggling under the weight of it for a moment. Manny started taking a toolbox and black pry bar from a compartment on the bed of the trunk before ushering him back to the van. He watched as Manny open the rear of the van and started removing their luggage tossing in the toolbox and duffle bag. He felt he should say something as Manny went through their luggage quickly tossing many items aside. Dan began to get mad at his mother for not saying anything just sitting in the front seat sobbing as Manny tossed their now reduced luggage into the van. However, he did not have time as Manny once again started ushering him about. First to the other car at the pump that he started ransacking quickly taking only a few items before placing them in the van before heading to the convenience store.

  “This is unreal it must be a dream,” Dan was thinking as he watched Manny use the pry bar to break the door window of the convenience store to unlock it. “Why have the police not shown up,” he wondered as they entered the store.

  “Here take these and fill them,” Manny told him as he handed him some red empty gas containers.

  “Move,” Manny, said reassuringly as he grabbed several items off the shelves pushing them into Dan’s hands before pushing him towards the door.

  Dan stared at the growing puddle of gas on the ground as it grew from the overflow of another full gas container. He had several of them full now as he watched Manny make trips from the van to the convenience store bringing food water and other items he thought necessary. Between watching, him make the trips from the store he filled the empty red plastic cans of gas. His mind raced as he split the rest of the time watching his now silent mother sitting in the front seat. He could not understand why she just sat there to look at the man who had shot his father the blood had stopped leaking from his chest. A yellowish crust started forming around the bullet hole as he laid leaning against the gas
pump. Looking at the dead man thinking he had never seen anyone dead before in real life only on TV or in the movies. Dan finished putting another full gas can in the van and started filling another one when he heard a low moan. Looking up from the container angrily had his mother started crying again, but saw through the open back hatch of the van she was still sitting quietly. He wondered why he was angry with her, his thoughts now interrupted again by the sound; it was a low almost moaning sound. He dropped the gas nozzle when he saw the dead man leaning against the pump turn his head to look at him. His eyes where a solid milky white.

  “UHH,” was all he could manage as the man moved his arm.

  Stumbling back a few steps he froze watching his father sit up his pale blues eyes now the same milky white as the other man. He watched in horror as they both struggled getting up. Dan watched as his mother calmly looked at the man near the pump before sinking her head into her hands he was not sure if she was praying or crying again. Both men had started moaning and turned their attention towards him.

  He should run he thought, as he stood frozen where he was as he watched both men raise their arms slightly. Looking like they were motioning for him to come to them for a comforting hug. He kept looking at them as he manage a few steps away from them. As he spotted Manny racing from the convenience store holding what looked like a short black tube in his hand as he neared. Manny skidded to a stop shouldering Dan aside as he raised a short barreled. Black pump action twelve gauge pistol grip shotgun up to a firing position on the man near the gas pump. The shotgun bucked in his hands as it went off with a roar hitting the staggering man. Directly in the chest leaving a black hole in the man’s shirt. A sticky yellowish ooze with a red tint of blood and flesh sprayed onto the gas pumps from the exit wound in his back. The man staggered backwards from the impact but did not go down. Dan stared in amazement he knew how scared he should be but for some reason he just stood there watching numbly. Manny pumped the slide of the shotgun back ejecting the spent red plastic round before chambering another round with a loud clack of the slide. Now Dan’s dad was the closest to them as his outstretched hands grasped for them. Manny fired the shotgun again the loud noise of the blast should have hurt Dan’s ears but he watch impassionedly as the twelve gauge round tore into his dad’s face. Skin, bones and brains where ejected from the back of his skull as he fell unmoving to the ground. Manny pumped the slide of the shotgun back ejecting the spent red round before ratcheting another round into the chamber with a loud clack of the slide. Looking at the affect the shot had he swung the shotgun’s barrel over to point right at the head of the other man. Pulling the trigger, a roar of the shot sent the man’s brains splattering onto the gas pump behind him as he fell to the ground.


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