The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero]

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The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero] Page 15

by Daniel Smith

  Dan thought about it for a minute it made sense he thought as he followed Manny as they hid the remaining buckets. They made their way back to the van lifting his blue backpack he placed it over his sword putting the bow onto his shoulder as Manny shouldered his backpack with tools.

  “Good time as any to start walking,” he said as he made his way out the gate towards the roadway.

  “You are not going to lock the gate,” Dan asked wondering why or if he should leave the gate open or close it. Manny turn to him.

  “Would you lock up something broken or something valuable,” he said calmly as he turned to the road.

  Dan looked at the open gate once more then turned thinking once again that made sense as he hurried to catch up with Manny. They made their way down the dirt road watching the tree line occasionally scanning behind them to see if any movement was around. They could smell the river only a couple hundred feet away through the trees occasionally hearing it flowing.

  “Well the good news is we won't have to go far for water but we will have to boil or purify it before we drink it,” Manny said.

  Continuing their walk the day wearing on as the clouds started building to a dark mass as they continue down the road. .Manny looked up at the sky shaking his head, the road had turned into a small paved two-lane road bypassing several small stagnant ponds of water.

  “Slow up,” Manny said raising a hand before slightly pointing to the head of a small grassy hill that had come into view with a bridge rising above it.

  “Follow me and stay close,” Manny said leaving the road to walk among the grass and weeds getting closer to the tree line.

  Dan followed as they skirted the roadway to approach the tree line near the main highway of the bridge.

  “But the road is easier,” Dan said slightly annoyed as he stepped onto the rugged ground. Manny did not turn as he continued to walk but his tone had taken on that of the teacher.

  “Yes and if someone sees us and they are unfriendly. We have to run further for cover. Where if we are at the tree line we can vanish real quick and I want to make sure that there's no one on the bridge if we need to vanish.”

  Dan had to omit it made sense. Moving out away from the trees onto the highway they approached the bridge stopping. A faintly sound of music coming on the wind from the distance.

  “Ranchero music,” Manny said. “Let us try the railroad bridge.”

  They moved towards the bridge near the river and tree line there crossing under the bridge as they stayed close to the trees.

  “They're on the bridge they will watch the road. We will be harder for them to see,” Manny said as he stuck to the tree line moving in and out of the shrubs.

  Dan said nothing but continue to follow him under the bridge and back through the trees to the small paved road. They followed it until it had turned into a compressed gravel road again as they approached the railroad tracks. Here they turned and started walking on the railroad tracks through the trees towards the river. They had just reached the metal span of the main bridge when Manny looked down and saw a small building sitting underneath the railroad tracks.

  “Looks like a maintenance shack it would be a good place to spend the night,” he said looking up at the clouds.

  They backtrack down the railroad tracks and off the dirt road to walk through small scrub following the tracks until they reached the shack. The metal building was not much dirty windows still intact the door secured by a padlock. Manny made short work of the padlocked with a black crowbar and open the door to the semi-darkness. Slipping the crowbar into his belt removing a small flashlight turning the light on he played it about the building. The building was large about fifteen by thirty foot room holding a workbench, cabinets and a wire cage. Manny played the light around the room.

  “It looks empty let's go in,” he said entering the building. Dan followed and close the door behind him the gloom taking over the room the only light filtered through the dirty windows.

  Manny moved about the room picking up various items. Looking at them before moving over to the wall taking a large white box with a red cross off.

  “Not bad we now have a well-stocked first aid kit,” he said happily.

  Dan shrugged moving to the metal cabinets opening one finding it empty only to close the door.

  He moved to the next and opened the second to find a couple of dirty sets of coveralls. The third one would not open he turned to Manny asking.

  “Locked can I see the crowbar.” Manny handed it to him without comment.

  Then settled in to watch Dan work on trying to open the locked door after several false starts he finally managed to pop it free. Dan put the crowbar in his belt as he had seen Manny do and open the door to look in the locker. He rooted around for a couple of seconds before pulling out several orange packages of dried noodles and placed them on a nearby bench.

  “These are good,” Manny said picking up a package examining it.

  “You can tell by squeezing the package. If it moves it still holding air,” he said placing it back down on the table.

  He turned to see what Dan was up to seeing he pulled a magazine from the locker looking at several naked large breasted women.

  “A little young for that,” Manny said chuckling as Dan hurriedly tossed the magazine back into the cabinet blushing.

  Moving on to the fourth and final locker opening then closing the door almost immediately.

  “Empty,” he said shaking his head.

  They both looked up at the roof as they started hearing a tapping sound coming off the metal. It took them a moment to realizing it started to rain.

  “Well that settles that will spend the night here,” Manny said putting his pack down and removing a freeze-dried meal that was in a package.

  “There is a metal barrel there we can throw some wood in using it to start a small fire,” he said. The rain starting to fall harder as the light through the windows grew dimmer.

  Dan sat looking out the dirty rain streaked window watching the lightning putting on a show in the gray sky as the sun started to rise.

  “As long as you're up we might as well get an early start and cross the bridge,” Manny said as he stretched getting off the floor.

  Dan nodded picking up his gear and putting it on in less than five minutes was ready to leave.

  “Before we go we use this as a fallback,” Manny said making his way for the door.

  “A fallback,” Dan asked puzzled.

  Manny turned with a half-smile.

  “Yes if by some chance we become separated today we make our way back here to meet. We will set up more the further we go into the town. If separated go to the first fallback if one of us is not there go to the second, third,” Manny said as he opened the door into the damp morning light.

  They made their way back to the scrub brush and trees to the small hill that would take them to the railroad tracks. Climbing up they started following the train tracks across the river. Reaching the point they were the night before looking down on the building They moved off onto the metal frame bridge spanning the river. The going slow not difficult stepping across the open spaces between the rails making sure of their footing so their legs would not fall through. They stopped to check their progress at the first pylon that sat in the river looking back the way they came then looking forward to the way they needed to go. They continued in silence as they made their way across the river Dan taking a moment to remember a scene from some movie about some kids crossing a railroad bridge. Before the thought darkened his mood as he thought about the events of the last few months. Loosing lost track of his attention when his foot barely made it onto one rail causing him to stumble slightly fighting to regain his balance.

  Manny stopped and looked with concern at him as he righted himself and continued forward once again in silence. Reaching the other bank they started walking through the tree line once again stopping at the edge of the trees. Looking out and down at a small road that passed under t
hem they could see they had about one hundred feet left on the still raised railway. Before they would hit a small hill that they could make an exit on. Looking around they saw nothing moving in the early morning light. Manny nodded his head as he moved forward towards the road as it intersected the railroad and looked to the right of them they saw what looked like a refinery. The large circular tanks sitting ahead of them to the right. Left they could see the start of homes. Exiting the railroad tracks, they made their way down the hill in the early morning light across an overgrown grassy field to a small two-lane asphalt road to survey the area. They continued walking down the road occasionally passing a small drainage ditch by the side of the road. Separating the grassy areas from sparse strands of cottonwood trees with some oak and occasional ash trees sprinkle among them.

  They stopped and Manny pointed to several single wide mobile homes surrounded by large overgrown grass yards and trees. Sitting next to a couple small single-family homes one with a white metal carport in the front of it empty.

  “We'll start with those,” Manny said pointing to the mobile homes.

  “We will look for a van or truck that we can use for parts and of course any food, ammunition, gas or anything else we need.”

  Dan hitched the recurve bow further up his shoulder as he started across the overgrown grassy field towards the first mobile home. They spent the first part of the morning going through the homes finding little food but nothing else of value as they moved further down the street. They were outside the single-family home with the carport as Manny turned surveying the area.

  “Let's see what that building is,” Manny said pointing across the train tracks at a small one-story tan brick building.

  Dan shrugged his shoulders as if to say why not as they started walking across the grass then the train tracks. Manny's face brightened as he saw the name on the building with the reddish color metal roof it was the police station.

  They stop to survey the building it had only two parking spot for cars. One spot reserved for handicapped parking separated by a small grass yard holding a flagpole and flowerbed. The police station sign with a single parking spot with police car sitting in. In front of a door marked police. Manny and Dan went to the police car to stare at the empty rack where the shotgun normally sat between the driver and passenger seat. Manny looked around the street the building was on seeing nothing he reached to his belt and removed the black crowbar that was there. Once again looking around this time Dan joining him Manny swung the crowbar at the driver window shattering it into small squares of broken glass.

  In the quiet morning the noise sounded deafening to Dan as he looked around to see if anyone noticed before realizing there was no one around. Manny reached in and unlocked the door opening it to reach down to flip the trunk release lever. The trunk lid popped up with a small metallic clank as they made their way over to it. Fully opening spotting the spare tire and car jack also two black nylon bags in the trunk. Unzipping the first one Manny found road flares and first aid equipment. Unzipping the second one he found some emergency blankets and supplies.

  “Good, these will come in handy,” he said removing the first bag and handing it to Dan before he took the second bag for himself.

  “Let's see what is within the police station,” Manny said calmly as he moved to the door.

  “Is that a good idea,” Dan said hesitantly following.

  “Why,” Manny said stopping and turned to look at him.

  “Well I mean its a police station isn't that stealing,” Dan said hesitantly.

  Manny looked at him for several seconds before taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it.

  “Technically yes,” Manny said with a nod.

  “Nevertheless, said that and given the current social conditions weighing the facts there is no operational government here. I would call it salvaging what we need to survive,” Manny said matter-of-factly.

  Dan’s lips pursed as he was about to say something but then simply shook his head as he moved his hand as if to say lead on.

  “Makes sense,” Dan thought as he followed Manny to the door of the police station and watched him pry it open with the crowbar.

  They spent several hours inside that small building going through the police department and City Hall as they searched. The only two events of that search was one when Manny had opened a wall locker in the changing area and removed a balky looking T-shirt. Examining it he handed it to Dan.

  “Put this on,” Manny said calmly. Dan took it looking at it.

  “What is it,” Dan asked holding the shirt .

  “Body armor from a company called Second Chance,” Manny said as he close the locker.

  “Why would I need it,” he said as he made a move to put it aside.

  “No put it on, you probably will not need it unless a zombie tries biting your chest. The living is another story if we run into some more people like we have it might just mean the difference between life-and-death,” Manny said seriously.

  Dan thought about it for a moment then slowly started removing his backpack, sword and bow to put the armor on. The second piece of good fortune was when they found the armory the Police Department had. They had found one scope rifle, four shotguns, and six Beretta 92 pistols, with 500 rounds of ammunition for each weapon.

  “These will do us well if we run into trouble or if we have to trade them,” Manny said examining one of the pistols.

  Dan was looking at the growing pile on the ground of the black nylon bags they taken from the police car the weapons and ammunition.

  “Something on your mind,” Manny said asking him making it sound more like a statement than a question.

  Dan stood in silence for a few seconds looking thoughtful before he spoke.

  “How are we going to carry all this stuff,” he said questionably.

  It was Manny’s turn to look like he was thinking.

  “Well we can try to find a shopping cart, wheelbarrow, rolling luggage,” Manny said as he thought about it.

  Dan eyes and face lit up at that.

  “I saw a metal garden wagon at the house we just left,” he said eagerly. “I can go get it,” he added.

  Manny looked at him thoughtfully for a moment slowly nodding his head.

  “Be fast and if you see anything or anyone leave the cart and head back here immediately,” Manny, told him.

  Dan nodded and made his way out of the building. Dan jogged in the late morning light looking up at the partially cloudy sky, the clouds were starting to darken again that probably meant rain soon he thought. He made his way back to the home to find the green metal balloon tire cart grabbing it by the handle. It moved easy enough as he started pulling it back towards the police station. He just about reached the abandoned police car when he saw a figure stumble around the side of the building.

  Dan stopped as he saw the woman’s white grayish curly hair tangled wildly about her face, which was a mass of wrinkles and those black and brown age spots that show up. Her solid milky white eyes locked on to his blue eyes as she turned to move towards him. Dressed in a light blue set of pajamas with a dirty white bathrobe around her the low groan escaped her lips as she raised her arms as she approached. Dan barely had time to pull the black blade, free from his sheath with a low metallic hiss as she closed fast.

  She started moving faster than the other zombies seemingly agitated. Dan thought with dismay as he let go the black handle the wagon and move to put the police car between him and her as he put both hands on the hilt of the blade. The old woman paused in confusion to what direction to go to get him. Dan was hoping she would come one-way so he could run and get close enough to the police station door. She did not her groaning grew louder and when he heard an answering groan from somewhere further off. He cursed slightly as she took the way he did not want her to come at him. Dan braced himself as he raised the black blade of the katana above his head in a two-handed stance. She lunge at him allowing him to bring the black blade violently down c
rashing through her cranium causing the bone fragments and blade to pulverize her brain.

  She stopped as if pausing for a moment before dropping to the pavement pulling her now split skull free of the black blade with a slight tug. Dan looked at the blade he could see bits of meat sticking to the yellow sappy like material that passed for blood in these creatures. A look of repulsion crossed his face with a possible touch of nausea as he took a deep breath to regain his composure. He bent wiping the blade off on the dirty bathrobe before sheathing the blade then grabbing the handle of the wagon. Dan took a moment to adjust to the gloom of the police station after closing the door behind him. Manny looked up at the noise Dan made as he came through the door pulling the wagon.

  “That went smoothly,” he said as he started to pick up one of the black nylon bags to place it in the wagon.

  “Almost,” Dan said haphazardly as he grabbed the second bag to place in the wagon. Manny stopped to look at him.

  “Mind explaining that comment,” Manny said as he started picking up some of the boxes of ammunition to put in the wagon.

  “Ran into one infected or zombie it was an old woman,” Dan said before hesitating. Manny didn't question him but simply raised his eyes in the way as if to say go on.

  “She move faster than the others,” he said before hesitating and continued. “I think there's more than one when she started moaning it seemed that another one answered her,” he said almost as if he did not believe what he had said himself. Manny continue to load the cart in silence, as he digested the information Dan just passed on as he filed it away for later use.

  “Will go out the back door,” Manny said grabbing the handle of the now full wagon pulling it behind him as he made his way to the back of the poorly lit building.

  What little light had come through the vertically slit windows was gone and Manny had to use the flashlight to find the back door. With the beam of whitish light centered on the door Manny pushed the bar release and cracked the door open slightly allowing grayish sunlight to filter past. Manny turned off the flashlight giving them a chance for their eyes to adjust to the sunlight outside before opening the door wider peeking out. He slowly ventured his head out past the door and looked both right and left before saying.


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