The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero]

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The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero] Page 34

by Daniel Smith

  Dan looked at him as the woman thought before she agreed. Manny went to the wagon and climbed up before removing two bottles of liquor he and Dan had found tucking one awkwardly into his belt. Dan looked at Manny.

  “What are you doing,” he asked slightly angry. Manny smiled.

  “Listen no one wants to hear no, However if you tell them the right way, they might not like it but will accept it. That’s what I am going to try,” Manny said calmly patting him on the shoulder walking off towards the trucks sitting on the concrete divided bridge sitting over a small creek.

  Dan watched as Manny approached the group holding a bottle up in one hand. Stopping he started speaking with them for a few seconds as he started twisting off the cap of the bottle pausing to take a drink before handing it over to the other group’s leader. The group passing the bottle as everyone took pull. The five people on the other bridge walked over to drink. Manny removed the second bottle and talked for some time. The ball of tension building in Dan’s stomach the entire time before he saw the group slowly start moving towards their trucks with the bottles of liquor. Manny started walking back to the group of people from the convoy as Dan watched the people go leaving the bridge clear in both directions. Manny approached to clapping and cheers of.

  “Well done,” as he stopped near them. Dan looked at the woman in black as she looked impressed.

  “Well done, how did you do it,” she asked approvingly. Manny shrugged his shoulders.

  “Just some friendly talk overdrinks,” Manny said making a move for the wagon. The woman in black shook her head in amazement before calling out to the convoy.

  “Move out.” Dan watched the people mount the wagons and trailers getting ready to move when he saw Manny looking at him.

  “It all so help to remind them we outnumber them. And let them know if they hit a horse people here would be less than gentle with them,” Manny said grinning climbing into the wagon.


  Dan had to admit Manny was right Sandra, and in fact, the whole town seemed happy with the extra parts recovered. Now allowed the town to produce electricity twenty-four hours a day up from the previous sixteen. The next couple of months seemed good for them. He was happy with several of the deals he made on the stuff he had returned with Luke seeming the happiest with the items Dan brought him. Sara surprised him with a hug and small kiss on the cheek that made him turned red feeling embarrassed as he looked between Sandra and Manny to see if they noticed. Even Doug seemingly had forgotten the tension between all of them before they left.

  Life was good before returning to normal. Dan had been sitting outside City Hall on the three-tiered fountain, reading a book when he heard Manny and Sandra approaching before seeing them. Having a discussion or argument as he considered them. Manny taking the side that it was a waste of resources to keep flowerbeds and mow grass around the town. While Sandra countered that, it inspired confidence of the people to see well-maintained areas. Dan shook his head as he put the book down, looking up to see them. Sandra stopped a few feet away, waving hello before she turned from Manny to walk back into City Hall.

  “What do you think of a road trip,” Manny asked as a way of a hello as he approached. Dan shrugged his shoulders.

  “Sure where to,” he asked getting up. “About time for one,” he thought. Manny smiled.

  “I was thinking Memphis,” he said moving off. It took around two weeks to plan their trip and gather the necessary supplies during this time Sandra and Doug found out they were going.

  Dan could remember several late-night conversations between Sandra Doug and Manny usually followed the next morning by moodiness and tension around the table before Manny and Dan would leave for the day. Sara noticed this, but tried not to become involved but she spent more time with her grandfather. Luke as usual, wanted to go and became disappointed when told he could not go until Dan promised to try to bring back something for him.

  They left Hope on a bright clear morning after what Dan considered an embarrassing good-bye. Dan was always unsure of what to do when Sara gave him a hug and slight kiss on the cheek. He always felt that warm feeling was visible on his face. They had been riding their bikes with loaded trailers for the better part of the day on Natchez Trace Parkway. A small two-lane roadway making its way through rolling hills with an impenetrable looking line of tall trees to either side of it. When they came to the first obstacle of the trip. Strewn across the highway was a mass of dirt and grass with trees pointing out at odd angles.

  “Looks like a mudslide,” Manny said while studying it with a calculating look. Dan rested still sitting on his bike with one foot balancing him on the ground.

  “What do we do,” Dan asked wondering if they were going back.

  “We will try going over it,” Manny said calmly getting off his bike and walking it towards the mound of dirt blocking the road.

  Dan shrugged his shoulders as he got off his bike to follow Manny. They spent the next two hours struggling over, under and around the mass of dirt, trees and shrubs. At times carrying their bikes short distances then going back for the trailers before finding the open road again.

  “I think we will camp here for the night and start out fresh tomorrow,” Manny said wiping sweat from his forehead. Dan just nodded his head not bothering to wipe the sweat from his head he was just too tired.

  The next few days blended in to a routine. Riding on the abandoned highway between the thickly packed trees, pausing at the old overpass with low concrete guardrails to look at the sweeping view of the sixty-one highway. Before swinging east past

  Port Gibson where they had done some salvage work, before. Stopping to walk down the grass slope near one overpass to pull water from the stream taking time to boil it before refilling their water bottles. They had been making good time before Manny suddenly yelled.

  “Stop,” as he rapidly applied his brakes on the bike. Dan followed suit leaving a skid of black rubber on the road.

  Dan did not have time to ask what was wrong but followed Manny in pulling the bikes and trailers towards the trees.

  “What is it,” Dan said nervously as he felt the tension rise in his stomach.

  As Manny bent, forward quickly unzipping one of the front saddlebags on his bike. Pulling a pair of binoculars he quickly focused the lens up the road to a concrete arched overpass of the eighteen highway exiting from the tree line between two hills.

  “What is it,” he questioned again rather impatiently.

  “See for yourself, but stay near the trees,” Manny said handing him the binoculars.

  Dan took them and focused on the road ahead then up to some movement on the overpass he could make out three people walking on it dressed in brown hunting camouflage clothing and carrying rifles. Dan lowered the binoculars and looked at Manny.

  “We will camp here until after midnight and try to sneak pass then,” Manny calmly said as he put the Binoculars away.

  Dan managed to get a couple hours of sleep before Manny woke him and they pulled their bikes from the brush. Manny checked the overpass with the binoculars in the low moonlight before putting them away.

  “It looks clear but then it's dark,” he said calmly.

  “Then why not wait till there is more light,” Dan asked yawning.

  “We could see and be seen in the light, in the darkness we cannot see or be seen,” Manny said moving towards the road. Dan looked at him then shrug.

  “It makes sense,” he thought.

  They road on until about two p.m. the next day before stopping to make camp resting for the day before moving on the next morning. It was midmorning as they approached an opening. In the almost impenetrable tree line as the hills headed down towards highway twenty near Jackson. They almost made the middle of the overpass looking down onto the highway as they started hearing the sound of roaring engines as eight big rigs sped down the road. The lead truck was a massive squared off baby blue truck with chrome grill and exhaust pipes with two trailers. Fol
lowed by several others some with flatbed trailers others the standard box type trailers a couple of motorcycles were speeding up trying to pass them.

  On the flatbed trailers several people where lying down shooting at the riders. Coming up fast behind them was a dozen cars and trucks all looking like out of a movie. They had wild paint jobs, spikes welded on them, iron plates around there windows and tires. Large bumpers made for ramming and holes cut into their roofs for people to stand out and shoot as they were doing now. The unusual chased passed under the overpass as Dan and Manny watched. One of the chasing cars hood blew off sending steam and smoke spraying into the air as it swerved off the road plowing into the trees.

  “Do we check,” Dan asked looking at the wreck car.

  “No, I want to be faraway if they come back,” Manny said as he started peddling again.

  They made good time continuing for some time as the thick wall of trees, started thinning through the rolling hills to give them a panoramic view of the 55 Highway. They had saw no more moving cars on the highway just a few abandoned cars with several of the undead walking around them with Dan stopping beheading them quickly with the sword. As the day wore on, the trees on one side of the highway started thinning showing signs of the beginning of a reservoir. Which they started traveling with only a thin strip of overgrown grass separating them from the water. Here they refilled their water supply before continuing along the edge of the reservoir. They made good time traveling, stopping at the town of Kosciusko. Spending two days going through several homes looking for supplies during this time Dan had used his bow several times to take of the undead, but found nothing of value on the bodies. Before moving on heading further north, they encountered a wood split rail fence near the town of French camp.

  They checked a couple of homes finding nothing of value, until finding several cans of food at a ransacked café. Continuing their journey when they arrived at the overpass over the seventy-eight highway near the town of Tupelos. Here they rode their bikes down the grassy embankment cutting onto the seventy-eight highway which was a wide three Lane Highway separated by an overgrown grassy medium. As they continued their trek towards the town of Sherman. Passing several cars and trucks appearing in small clusters or alone some intact some showing signs of parts removed while others had bullet holes in them. They spent the better part of the day in Holly Springs searching for supplies. Dan's day packed was stuff to the point of bulging tugging heavily on his shoulders.

  He was just about to slip a bottle of aspirin into a blue reusable shopping bag that was getting also dangerously full. When the metal shelving unit right behind Manny rang out as a bullet hole punched through it as the deep boom of a rifle shot followed. Manny dropped to the floor as Dan ducked down managing to shove the aspirin bottle into the bag. Dan looked to see Manny crawling towards him.

  “Are you okay,” he asked calmly looking at Dan for any signs of injury. Dan nodded his head affirmatively.

  “Do we go for the back door the bikes are a couple of buildings away,” Dan said.

  Wincing as another loud boom followed by the metallic thump of a bullet smashed into the shelving unit. Manny shook his head and started crawling for the broken front window.

  “No, the best way to break an ambush is to attack not run,” Manny said pushing himself to his feet while bringing the shotgun up from his side. Ready to use as he moved forward towards the broken window of the store. In a fluid motion. Dan pulled the black parkerized autoloader with brown hardwood checker grips out of the Blackhawk shoulder holster thumbing back the low profile hammer readying it for use. They crouched near the cash registers looking out across the dirty street to see who was firing at them.

  Near a corner, with several wrecked cars Dan saw a head with a rifle pop up behind one. Manny pulled him down letting go of the shotgun before reaching around for the sling of his stainless steel rifle. They waited for the shot but it did not come.

  “Just put your handgun over-the-counter and point in the general direction of the cars fire once, but don't show yourself, “Manny said.

  Pulling back the rifle’s bolt slightly checking to make sure a cartridge was their before closing it, locking it in place. Dan put the black autoloader over-the-counter and squeezed the trigger. Hearing the loud crack with the metallic thump as the slide came shooting back before ratcheting forward to strip another round from the magazine and inserted it into the barrel ready to fire. Two more cracks boomed out as the sound of a ricochet went off inside the abandoned shop. Manny popped up quickly. Just bringing the rifle over-the-counter and sighting squeezing the trigger dropping down as the rolling boom faded they heard screaming. They could hear a commotion of voices from a distance as Manny popped up sighting the rifle again. Dan lifted his torso and head over-the-counter sighting in with the pistol. He saw one person rolling on the ground just past the front bumper of one wreck a rifle sprawled on the asphalt next to them. He watched as two people jumped out one grabbing the man one grabbing for the rifle. Manny started to take aim; when Dan saw a third figure pop up between two of the cars sighting on Manny. Dan pulled the trigger two or three times. He was not sure all he remembered was the roaring tongue of flame erupting from the barrel of the autoloader. The slide flying back ejecting the spent shell before slamming forward to insert a new cartridge into the gun to fire again.

  Dan saw a figure in dark clothing and baseball cap clutch at their stomach falling over as the figure fell the baseball cap falling free, allowing long pent-up blonde hair to fall out.

  “Was that a woman,” he asked questioningly as the two people managed to grab the shot man and the rifle. Before moving over to pull the woman back undercover as she cried in pain.

  “Don't think about it. They are shooting at you and trying to kill you,” Manny said urgently as he scanned the area.

  Dan shook his head to clear it. Manny was right. No time for distractions. He started looking around the street also seeing if they were coming.

  “Wait here while I check the back of the store,” Manny said moving off quickly.

  Dan waited the cry of pain that was coming from across the street had decreased when he heard a rustling noise, turning pointing the autoloader towards it. He saw Manny crouching, low coming down an aisle. He turned the weapon back towards the street as Manny came up next to him.

  “The back door is secure if they try getting in. It'll make noise and we will hear it,” Manny said scanning the street. Dan nodded asking.

  “What are we going to do wait till dark and try to make it back to the bikes.” Manny sigh slightly before responding.

  “If we have no choice. I do not like the idea of waiting here so long. They may have friends,” Manny said, looking around the street again. Dan looked up, squinting towards one street.

  “Damn and I think they're coming,” Dan said angrily, ducking. Manny looked up where he had been looking pausing for several seconds before pulling his head back down smiling. Dan looked at him amazed.

  “What's up, why are you so happy,” he said puzzled. Manny smiled and laughed at the look on Dan’s face.

  “It's not their friends that are coming but we might consider them ours,” Manny said amused.

  Dan popped up his head to look once again. Looking down the street realizing the ten figures coming down the street were shambling. As if on unsteady feet their movements swinging slightly from the side to side. Dan popped his head down.

  “The infected,” he said questioningly. Manny nodded his head.

  “I think they are coming because of the gunfire. Therefore, we wait. They'll probably chase that group off and then follow them. We wait giving them a lead before heading back to our bikes,” Manny said.

  After a few minutes, they heard a couple shouts. Dan from his vantage point saw two men take off running from behind the cars as the shambling horde came closer. Dan sat watching as the man. Manny had shot earlier slowly stood turning slightly showing off a bloodied shirt. Starting taking an unsteady st
ep towards the store before turning looking down at the ground behind the car. Dan watched as the undead man fell to the ground before a loud scream cried out from the woman. It lasted only a couple seconds before going quiet. Dan looked at Manny, who looked back, shaking his head as he mouthed the words.

  “Bad way to go.”

  Most zombies went after the running figures only a few zombies falling to the ground. Dan assumed joining the feast on the woman. Manny motion for him to pull his sword. As he pull out the tomahawk staying in a low crouch moving out of the ruined doorway. Staying close to the building they made their way down the street back towards their bikes. The sky starting to cloud up with dark ominous looking clouds as they reach their bikes.

  “I don't fancy riding in a storm I think will move a couple more streets over and find a place to camp,” Manny said eyeing the sky.

  They managed to find a small home that had the front door torn off in the windows broken out and what looked like scorch marks of black smudges around one windowsill. Manny pointed to it.

  “That one,” he said moving off. Dan looked at it dubiously.

  “Why,” he questioned. Manny turned with a smile.

  “Not your first choice or even second,” Manny said as Dan nodded his head. “That means it will not be their first choice,” he said smiling.

  Dan shrugged his shoulders moving his bike and trailer towards it. They made camp in one of the backrooms starting no fire that night as the rain fell on the leaking roof in a couple places causing a minor inconvenience. During Dan's watch late into the night the rain stopped and the clouds parted slightly to allow some moonlight to filter through the openings. He could make out several dark shapes moving carefully down the road looking this way and that, as if searching for something their movements smooth not clumsily like the infected. He tensed but watched them pass by. Waiting relieved they had not returned when it was time for him to wake Manny.

  “Saw a couple of people moving around, possibly looking for us,” Dan said as he covered himself in the camouflage quilted poncho liner to lay down to sleep. Manny looked at him.


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