The Deeper Game (Taken Hostage by Hunky Bank Robbers Book 3)

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The Deeper Game (Taken Hostage by Hunky Bank Robbers Book 3) Page 9

by Annika Martin

  “Come here, Isis,” Thor said. “The towel’s still partly dry. We’ll dry you off and get you in the truck.”

  Zeus stood instead, all glorious and naked. “She wants you to come down there.” Distant lightning illuminated his pale ass as he got up into Thor’s face. I thought he might kiss him, but instead he drew a finger down his cheek, trailing a line of mud like war paint.

  Thor glared, chest rising and falling beneath the rain-soaked T-shirt that hugged his muscles.

  One more inch and they’d be kissing.

  “You know you want to fuck her,” Zeus said. The rain pounded harder, louder. I almost couldn’t hear them. “You know you want to,” he growled.

  They kept close like that. My bank robbers never kissed each other—the only kind of sexual contact they had with each other was when they were fucking me, and that was more incidental. But I liked to imagine them kissing.

  Thor just watched Zeus’s eyes. Pulses of lighting flashed on the horizon, illuminating his mud-streaked face and ferocious expression and wet blond hair, like a hot, beautiful Visigoth. Hot, beautiful, and massively hard.

  And suddenly I wanted him like crazy.

  Zeus raised his other hand and swiped that one down Thor’s other cheek, so that Thor had fat mud stripes on both cheeks. A kind of weird challenge. The mud stripes made his cheekbones even more pronounced.

  Thor pushed Zeus away. “Fuck off. I’m not fucking Isis serially. It’s not fun for her.” He came to me and knelt, holding the towel.

  I sat up.

  “It would be fun for me tonight.”

  “Come on.” He wrapped the towel around my shoulders. The warmth felt good, but I wanted it to be his body, not some towel.

  Zeus muscled in beside Thor. “I’ll hold her and bite her ear while you fuck her,” he said. “She’ll love that.”

  My pulse was racing, imagining him holding me, imagining his meaty hands on my body while Thor fucked me.

  “No fucking you serially. Zeus, you go find your clothes.”

  “What is with you?” Zeus took the towel from Thor. “I fucked her, I’ll clean her up.”

  “Fuck you.” Thor grabbed the other end of the towel. I jumped away as they struggled over the towel, collapsing into the mud, wrestling over it.

  “You guys!” I said. “Stop it! What the hell?” I didn’t know how to feel about my guys wrestling and rolling in the mud.

  Until I realized it was the hottest thing ever.

  They rolled around like wild bears, coming to a stop only when they hit the base of the tree. Thor was on top of Zeus, then Zeus was on top of Thor. I went over and shoved at Zeus’s back with my foot. “Hey!”

  Thor hooked his leg in Zeus’s leg and flipped them over so that Thor was on top.

  Zeus grunted and pressed a palm into Thor’s muddy chest.

  That was enough. I got down there with them and grabbed Thor’s slippery shoulders, trying to pull him off Zeus. No go.

  “Hey,” I said, trying to push Thor since pulling didn’t work. Then I just pressed my weight onto him. They’d stopped fighting now that I was there, so I kept on horning in, pushing my way between the panting guys, exploiting the fact that they wouldn’t hurt me. I felt Zeus’s hands on my shoulders, gripping me and positioning me firmly on top of himself…and almost under Thor.

  I grabbed Thor’s shoulders and started kissing him.

  Thor gusted out a breath and closed his fists around my hair, kissing me back, holding my head in place.

  He angled his head, forcing my mouth open with his tongue, shoving it in.

  I pulled him to me more tightly.

  I could feel Zeus’s hands around my shoulders, locking me between them.

  I pressed my hands to Thor’s cheeks and pushed his face from mine, staring into his eyes. “Fuck me serially,” I said. “Use me.”

  “Ice.” He slid his hands along my breasts. I wrapped my legs around him. His pants fabric felt rough against my tender folds.

  “Come here.” Zeus pulled me backwards. He pulled me onto his lap. He was sitting back against the tree, I realized.

  Thor came with us, kneeling between my legs. He leaned in and slid his hands all over my breasts, then he bent in, licking the rain, and hell, maybe the mud. “God, Isis. You’re wet and dirty and so hot.”

  “Fuck me, then,” I said.

  He leaned in for a kiss, pinching my nipples lightly, teasing me like I liked. Zeus pressed his strong, firm hands into my belly, holding me flush to him.

  “Take off your pants, Thor,” Zeus said. “You have one second before I start biting her ear. She needs you to be fucking her while I bite her ear.”

  “Hurry,” I said.

  Thor stood, working his belt.

  Zeus closed his lips over my ear in the spot where he’d bit me before. I braced myself for the dark pain of it as he held me to him. He pushed his hands down my belly to my sex, or more the tops of my thighs, spreading my legs apart for Thor, and then he slid his hands back between my legs, but he stopped before touching me at my thrumming core. He simply pressed down on either side.

  Delicious sensation flooded my core as he compressed my pussy. “Oh, yeah,” I said. All the nerve endings in my clit felt plumped up, exposed, ready, tingly.

  I needed even more desperately to be touched, to be fucked directly. “Do you like this?” he grated into my ear.

  “Yes,” I panted.

  Thor’s cock jutted out like a feral, blunt rod, briefly strobed by the lightning flashes on the horizon.

  “Keep doing it,” I said. “Do it while Thor fucks me.”

  Thor fell to his knees in front of me. “You heard the lady,” Thor said, rubbing his cock on my plumped out clit.

  Oh, this was a totally new move. And it was brilliant.

  Thor kissed me, fucking me with his tongue. I grabbed his cock and pressed it to my sex between Zeus’s merciless hands. Waves of mad pleasure rolled over me. I felt his cock jump in my grip. He was as on the verge as I was. I pressed it into my center. He slid in easily with a deep groan.

  “I always want you to fuck me,” I whispered. “Always.” Well, that wasn’t exactly true; there were times I wasn’t in the mood, but at the moment, I couldn’t imagine any. It seemed impossible to not want this delicious feeling, to not want these hands on me, to not want my bank robbers to take their pleasure in my body. Especially with Zeus’s hands down there, pushing my sensitized lips flush against Thor’s grinding cock.

  I threw my head back to rest on Zeus’s shoulder. He turned his head and bit my earlobe. “Ah!” I said in surprise. With all the action down there, I’d forgotten he meant to bite my ear. “Ah!”

  I arched my back, lost in the crazy wild feeling.

  This seemed to excite Thor, because he thrust harder, which increased the intensity of the friction, and I broke apart, launching into a mind-numbing orgasm that spun through me. “Oh, yes,” I said as Thor came with a cry, thrusting in one last time, then stilling.

  The rain pounded as I lay there, strung out between my guys.

  Thor leaned his forehead into my neck. “Fuck,” he whispered as the tremors moved through him. He rolled off.

  “Uh, uh, uh,” Zeus panted. I realized vaguely that he’d taken one of his hands off me, and that he was doing himself.

  I turned around and knocked his hand away, gripping his slick cock in my own hand, then I bent over and took him in my mouth and sucked and stroked in the way that most drives him crazy.

  I felt Zeus’s hand come over the back of my head. “Goddess,” he rasped, pushing my head down over his huge rod. His whole body tightened as he came into my mouth with a strangled cry, cock pulsating between my lips, on and on.

  “Wow,” I said, collapsing back onto him.

  “Sheesh, I didn’t think I’d come again,” he said.

  “I didn’t think I’d come again,” I said.

  Thor lay on his side next to us, head propped up on his hand. He pressed his lips to my
shoulder. “So much for the clean, dry towel.”

  I smoothed his hair back so he looked like a 1920s guy. “You will never make me feel used, or like a prostitute,” I said. “I always want you to do everything you want.”

  Thor kissed my ear and whispered, “Except sometimes when you wake up crabby.”

  “Yeah. There’s that.”

  He stood up. “We need to go.” He put out his hand. I took it and let him pull me up. Then I reached back for Zeus. He took my hand and stood.

  The tension level between the three of us had dropped from eleven to one now that we’d fucked our brains out.

  Thor picked up the muddy towel. “I don’t know why Odin sent me out here with the towel. We should’ve waited for you to come to the vehicle.”

  “Odin sent you out with a towel?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” Thor said. “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  I squinted. It wasn’t a good idea at all. Like Thor said, the towel would’ve stayed dry if they’d waited for us to return.

  Unless the towel staying dry wasn’t the point.

  My clothes lay nearby, only slightly damaged. Zeus’s clothes were scattered all over. We helped him find them and wrung them out best we could. Then we headed back to the SUV. Even from far off, I could see Odin in there, face lit by the glow of his smartphone.

  It was then that it came to me that Odin had engineered all of this. He’d decided we needed to have sex to feel saner. He’d made it happen. And now I was less worried, Zeus was less primal, and Thor was less distracted.

  Had Odin quietly controlled things before, and I’d just not noticed? Or was I looking at a power shift? I’d always thought of Zeus as the leader of the group. Was I wrong on that? Was Odin the power behind the power? Or did Odin only take over when Zeus was wildly emotional?

  Zeus got to the vehicle first and pulled open the door. “Tell me we have more clothes in here.”

  Odin looked us with an exaggerated frown of disgust. “You ripped Isis’s shirt?”

  I smiled.

  Zeus snorted. “I ripped mine. She ripped hers.”

  Odin slanted his eyes at the back of the vehicle. “All we have is one old sweatshirt. Isis gets it. Maybe a few other towels.”

  We were back on the road two minutes later with Zeus driving. Thor and Zeus and I had towels to sit on, but we were still pretty wet and muddy. I pulled the sweatshirt over my head, grateful for the warmth.

  “This guy’s place is about fifteen more minutes out,” Odin said. “Zeus, what happens if we want to take our time with him? What happens if you call in sick to the HVAC crew? Are we screwed?”

  Zeus thought it would be fine just once. They needed him now. No way would they fire him.

  I looked over at Zeus, who was wiping his face with his hand, but it only smeared around the mud. Same with Thor. It was a totally insane look they had going. “We need to wash up properly and find new clothes,” I said.

  Odin eyed me in the rearview mirror. His look was just a little too sparkly. “Do we?”

  I straightened when I got it—he wanted us to go question this guy looking scary.

  I studied his face, even after he looked back at the road. Odin was all calm, confident determination, revealing nothing.


  The Gigis had once pointed out that my guys specifically chose the most difficult and dangerous form of robbery to specialize in—bank takeovers. There was always a lot of yelling and screaming during our robberies, and lots of problems always cropped up that we had to fix on the fly, so I guess I never really appreciated what masterful criminals they were until I saw them do a truly easy crime: entering Ingvey’s little matchbox house, a mini 1950s home on a block of mini 1950s homes.

  They blew in there like it was nothing.

  This entire investigation was making me see things a little differently. Like that they could be robbing mansions in their sleep. Running sophisticated con games without a thought. Hell, they could probably have started five different companies and made five different fortunes by now, but scary takeover robberies was what hurt ZOX the most. So that’s what they did. It was amazing and sad, all at the same time.

  So Odin and Zeus glided in like flash ninjas, guns drawn, splitting up and becoming invisible while Thor and I waited inside the dark foyer.

  “Okay, come on,” Thor whispered, responding to a signal I neither saw nor heard. He went in, also with his gun drawn, keeping me behind him. Thor was playing defense.

  Zeus appeared from nowhere and pointed at a spot in the darkest corner of the kitchen. I waited there while the three of them did whatever they did. The walls of the kitchen and dining room beyond were lit by streetlights outside; judging by the photographs, Ingvey was very into architecture.

  Muffled exclamations sounded from the dark hallway. Moments later, Zeus and Odin were hauling a sleepy-looking man into the living room.

  Ingvey wore boxers and a T-shirt. His long brown hair was mussed and messy, and he was trembling visibly. “I didn’t do anything,” Ingvey protested as Zeus and Odin parked him at the head of the kitchen table.

  “You know her?” Odin asked him. “You recognize this woman?”

  Ingvey regarded me, wide-eyed, like I was going to attack him or something. “Am I supposed to?”

  Zeus grabbed his hair, as if to point his head more firmly in my direction. “Answer the question.”

  The man cringed. “No!”

  I felt sorry for him. What if he wasn’t the guy?

  “You fucked up when you threatened her,” Zeus growled.

  Ingvey looked bewildered.

  Odin put a hand on Zeus’s shoulder. “I’ve got it.”

  Zeus let go, and Odin took the chair next to him. “What about the package?” Odin asked. “We know it’s you.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Ingvey turned and addressed me. “Do I know you?”

  “You don’t talk to her, you talk to us,” Zeus said.

  “Look at me,” Odin said. Apparently they had a kind of good cop, bad cop thing going, or more a scary cop, less-scary cop thing. Odin rattled off questions. Ingvey answered as Zeus stormed off and started tearing through the house, opening drawers and dumping garbage. Either Ingvey was innocent, or he was doing a very good impersonation of a man completely bewildered by the situation.

  And then the detail of his fingerprints on the shoebox came up. They were on the baggie, too.

  “Well shit, I work at Giorgio’s,” Ingvey said. “The shoe store.”

  “You work at a shoe store?”

  “I touch shoeboxes all day.”

  “How do you explain their presence on the plastic bag?”

  “I don’t know. I work in a store. I touch things all day.”

  Odin narrowed his eyes. Then he stormed out to the truck and came back in with the shoebox. “This from your store?”

  “We have those. Or, had them. Last year’s model.”

  “You know this to be from your store?” Odin barked.

  “May I?” Ingvey held out his hands. Odin let him take the shoebox and Ingvey lifted the lid. “You mind if I rip it?”

  Zeus had returned. He and Odin exchanged glances.

  “Go for it,” Zeus said.

  Ingvey pulled apart a corner of the lid. “Yup, it’s ours.”

  “There’s a tracker in there?” Odin asked.

  “Anti-theft device. Other stores use this kind, but the way it’s inserted, this one’s probably ours.”

  “Can you tell us who bought this model?” Zeus asked.

  As it turned out, he could—if the person had used a credit card. It would be a long list, he warned, and he’d have to get into work and get it off the computer. His shift didn’t start until ten.

  “We’ll be in there at ten after ten, Odin promised, pulling a few bills out of his pocket and slapping them down on Ingvey’s kitchen table. “That’s for rousting you. There’ll be more for the list. Okay? We cool?

  Ingvey regarded him grimly.

  “And if you have cops waiting for us, we’ll know,” growled Zeus.

  “And you will feel the wrath of us beat down upon you like a thousand blazing fists, and we will crush you and this house,” Odin added.

  We used the interim to grab dry clothes from a nearby department store and clean up. Thor called Matteo, who reluctantly agreed to sit on the bank for our shift even though he’d said he wouldn’t.

  We were parked across the street and down a ways from the shoe store by 9:30. My guys thought it was unlikely Ingvey would have cops waiting for us, but they wanted to check. I certainly thought it was unlikely after Zeus’s manhandling and Odin’s thousand-blazing-fists threats, one of his more colorful ones of late. Odin and Zeus were sure it wasn’t Ingvey at this point. Zeus had a theory that the culprit had given Ingvey the plastic bag to touch during some transaction.

  Odin peered through binoculars. Fifteen minutes later, Ingvey met an older woman at the shoe store door. “He looks nervous. Don’t see cops. They’re going in.”

  At ten after ten, Odin went in. Five minutes later he came back out and crossed the street with a shopping bag. He swung into the passenger seat. “Got it.”

  Zeus peeled out.

  Odin handed the bag back. “A gift for you,” he said.

  A shoebox was inside. “Thanks,” I said.

  “You got a name?” Thor asked.

  “More like a hundred,” Odin grumbled. “That’s as far as he could narrow it. The box he used was from a fucking-g popular brand.”

  “Can I open it?” I asked.

  “Please,” Odin said.

  I pulled off the lid of the shoebox. Inside a nest of white tissue paper lay bejeweled, pink high heels. “These are like candy,” I said. “In a good way.”

  “We’ll always take care of you,” Odin said.

  I smiled. “Thank you.”

  “And now maybe you’ll stop disrespecting the tattoo with unkempt feet,” Odin said.

  I snorted.

  “Her feet are awesome,” Zeus said, merging onto the highway. He was unhappy with the length of the list. The stalker definitely upset my guys more than he upset me.

  Odin split the list with Thor, and they began to vet the names on their smartphones, knocking out the females, the out-of-state buyers, and buyers under the age of eighteen and over the age of sixty. Thor gave Odin his list and Odin narrowed down the people more from their Facebook pages.


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