The City

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The City Page 5

by Rachael Byrd

  "Thank you, Angel,” she whispered.

  "You're more a friend than a slave. I couldn't in good conscience allow you to remain branded. I should send you away from me now."

  She raised an eyebrow and Angel shook his head.

  "I can't,” he whispered. Angel's hand brushed her hip and Intrigue closed her eyes. His lips slid across hers, gentle and brief, soft and lifeless. She opened her eyes.

  "I could leave,” she whispered, hoping he would say “no” but praying he would say “yes".

  "Please don't."

  "All right.” A shiver of nervousness passed through her. A quick thought (Chaotic) distracted her, but Intrigue forced her plans back to the corner of her mind, hoping desperately that Angel wouldn't sense them.

  He pressed his hand gently around her waist, pulling her closer. He looked down at her, his stern façade never faltering. She stared quietly back into the eyes that she felt she'd seen a thousand times before.

  "I care about you, Intrigue."

  Quiet apprehension tightened around her. Intrigue remembered the way he'd looked at her when she'd cut her hand, remembered the bitter sting of her death against his mouth. She tried again to pull away but he moved with her.

  "I mean it,” he said.

  Intrigue lifted her chin. Angel was the only thing holding her here, the only thing that was preventing her from saving other lives, from helping to defend The City from creatures like him. “I know."

  He tilted her chin, dipped his head, and lightly grazed the skin of her throat with his fangs. A thin trickle of blood dribbled over her shoulder. She arched her neck toward him, unable to quell her wish that he would take more, but Angel released her. He swept his fingers through the blood that he had loosed and pressed his hand against the side of her neck.

  "I brought you down to this life. You were still almost human ... you would've healed entirely."

  "Angel, don't,” she murmured.

  "I wanted to take your blood. I bound you to me through my wish to keep you for my own."

  Keep me, something whispered within her. Don't let me escape.

  "I cannot lose Phoenyx, not now,” Angel muttered. “There is too much unrest in The City. I need her to help me maintain the Nest. This Den is not the stronghold everyone wants to believe in. If I were to cast her aside—” His voice cracked and he tightened his grip on Intrigue's neck. Angel looked down at her, his troubled grey eyes glimmering a plea she couldn't bring herself to answer.

  "Here, it is with your own blood that I bless you.” He tilted her chin back, hesitated, and then kissed her cheek. “I'm sorry."

  "Don't be."

  "Change into your new clothes, Intrigue.” Angel turned, walked around the corner, and left her standing there.

  Intrigue touched her neck and when she pulled her fingertips away, they were bloodied. She brought her fingertips to her lips; her blood tasted of his words. Stop it, she hissed to herself. Forcing her rebellious mind to quiet, Intrigue shed her clothes and changed into the new outfit.

  The pants were not as baggy as the ones she had worn earlier; made of soft leather and tight down to the knee, they were loose and straight between knee and ankle. The smaller of the pair of shirts was a deep crimson tank top and the other was a short-sleeved black leather shirt with a deep V-neck. The boots were similar to the ones she was wearing; the only noticeable difference was the slightly heavier heels on the new shoes.

  She slid the stake into the black leather shirt and transferred the knives from her old boots into the other spaces in the shirt. Intrigue strode back down the corridor, turned the corner, and found herself face to face with Phoenyx. The Queen of the Nest had changed into loose jeans, a white tee shirt, and tennis shoes. Her dark hair was tied back in a long ponytail, making her look almost human.

  "Angel sent me to fetch you.” She glanced at the pile of clothes on the floor barely a yard behind Intrigue.

  "Intrigue moved to walk past Phoenyx but the Queen caught her arm and yanked her back.

  "I wonder what weapons Angel has entrusted to you.” Phoenyx's hand snaked toward Intrigue's vest. Intrigue caught Phoenyx's wrist and shoved her backward.

  "Stay away from me, ‘Nyx."

  "You're a mouthy thief, aren't you?” Phoenyx snarled.

  Intrigue managed to bite her tongue but she could not resist the temptation of rolling back her sleeve. Phoenyx glanced at the unmarked flesh and the hatred on her face melted into suspicion and fear. Not waiting any longer, Intrigue pushed past her and hurried down the hall.

  Angel's face was impassive. He barely glanced at Intrigue as she joined the mass of soldiers standing in front of him but she could see the tension in the smooth curves of his face. She shivered, forcing herself to drop her gaze.

  Phoenyx joined Angel at the front of the group and he slipped his arm casually around her waist. Phoenyx lifted her chin arrogantly as she surveyed her troops, but no twinge of jealousy affected Intrigue. In his eyes, she could see Angel's longing to push Phoenyx away from him, to call a replacement to his side. If he did that, would she have the strength to run?

  A bitter smell assailed her nostrils and Intrigue glanced to her left. Hawk, the drunkard, swayed at her side. He smiled, his breath redolent with alcohol but his eyes clear. Hawk reached out toward her, his hand shaking violently. Intrigue reached out, shook his hand, and dropped it to her side.

  "Follow you to the ends of the earth, Gemstone."

  Intrigue raised an eyebrow.

  "Ah, you'll never know how badly I wanted to see you again,” Hawk muttered. “They got me, Gem. I don't even know what happened to Talon.” Tears streamed down his face and Intrigue turned away uncomfortably.

  "My name is Intrigue."

  He patted her shoulder reassuringly. “You look different, now, Gem."

  Why does that sound familiar?

  "Sure you do. The others wouldn't’ have recognized you. If I hadn't seen your eyes, I never would have known."

  Wouldn't have known what?

  "You were completely reborn, weren't you? No memories?"

  He shouldn't have known that. Intrigue glanced at Hawk warily and he continued.

  "The rest of us weren't so lucky. Not me, anyway. It was Phoenyx that betrayed you; I always knew that you'd be drawn here, to fight her, to avenge us all, to make amends for what happened."

  What did Phoenyx do? What's he talking about?

  "I never figured on Angel taking you like that, though. I thought it'd be you as a human fighting her. Take her down, though, Gemstone. Do it for Crow, if for nothing else. I met him once, before they got me. God, how he missed you."

  A memory hit her hard and fast (A tall thin girl with dark hair and pained eyes stabbed herself with a beautiful sword, stumbled, and a bullet wound appeared in her chest. Her name was Gemstone, and she no longer felt pain. A boy named Crow picked her up, carrying her into a river of light. He kissed her and dipped her into the river, baptizing her in new life,) and she gasped for breath.

  Angel stared at her from across the room, his eyes wide as he dismissed Phoenyx and made his way toward her, but Intrigue's mind was still reeling. She shook her head and stepped away from the drunkard. Whatever this memory was, she did not want to see more.

  "Gemstone? Do you even remember your claws?"

  "Intrigue, is Hawk bothering you? I can have Nytala remove him, if you like. One soldier will not break us."

  "No, Angel, it's fine."

  "Never thought I'd see the day when Gemstone would turn away from me to bow before Angel and the betrayer."

  Intrigue didn't turn to look at him. She focused on Angel, who gazed steadily back at her. Freedom had never seemed so distant.

  "Gem...” Angel mused

  "Want to know why I drink AB negative? Talon's AB negative. If they get her, I want to know it. I will know it. Her blood will end up in my flask, and I'll know it's hers. And then I'll kill myself."

  "That's enough, Hawk.” Angel snapped. “It's time
, anyway. Come on, Intrigue"

  They left the church in loose file. The night was cool and dark. Intrigue walked contentedly at Angel's right side, knowing and not caring that Phoenyx was on his left.

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  Phoenyx knelt by the ruins of the Den of Nest 513, the tan of her face swept aside by a deathly pallor. A single tear traced its way down her cheek. She reached out and caressed the vampire's papery forehead. “Clayton—” Phoenyx whispered.

  Intrigue frowned and wiped her stake against the leg of her pants, sweeping the ashes from its glistening surface. Angel turned away and Intrigue followed him.

  "He's not dead yet, is he?” she asked

  "No. Most of the others are, but I want to leave that bastard here for the sun."

  "Phoenyx seems pretty freaked out."


  "Do you know why?"

  "Yes, of course. Clayton was her husband. He beat her and I took her.” Angel ran his hand back through his hair and glanced at Phoenyx, his brow creased.

  "And she still cries over him?"

  "I cannot imagine why."

  Intrigue shook her head.

  "It's tempting to relieve Phoenyx of her place in the Nest."

  "Is it?” she asked.

  "She wanted me to spare him. I think that's the only reason she came with us.” Angel looked sternly at Intrigue. “In my mind, that's betrayal."

  Intrigue nodded. “You love her?"

  Angel paused, then met Intrigue's eyes. “I did. I owe her ... and she is an incredible fighter."

  "She didn't look incredible tonight,” Intrigue muttered. Phoenyx had spent most of the brief altercation motionless at the sidelines.

  "I didn't expect that she would. If anything, I'd have expected her to turn against us—you and me in particular.” He looked away from her. “You'd look fantastic in a Queen's tiara and gown."

  She frowned. “Tiara and gown?"

  Angel smiled at her, his eyes distant. “A parody of a human wedding. A young vampira wears a silver tiara—not real silver, of course—and a dress to the ceremony. Not really a wedding; it's just a display of power, honor, and authority.” Angel glanced to where his fighters roamed the ruins of the defeated. “It reminds them of who's in charge."

  "I'll bet Phoenyx was pretty."

  "Beautiful,” Angel whispered. He closed his eyes briefly and when he reopened them, they were a quiet and melancholy steel-grey. “And I honestly believed she'd take the position she'd earned and leave everything else behind."

  "She didn't?"

  He glanced over his shoulder to where Phoenyx still knelt. “Does it look like she did?"

  Intrigue shrugged. “No."

  "Would you consider taking her place?"

  "No,” Intrigue said quickly. She felt only breaths from freedom, moments from escape. Angel couldn't hinder that.

  "Would you reconsider?"

  "Angel, I just met you last night."

  "You did not just meet me last night,” Angel whispered. His fingertips brushed hers, and when he took her hands, Intrigue's stomach clenched. She wanted to look at Phoenyx, to see if she saw, but Angel's eyes had shifted to warm violet and Intrigue couldn't look away.

  "I don't know how, when, or where, but we've met before,” he continued. “It just seems like ... I don't know. I don't want you to leave. The way you fought—like you had nothing to lose and everything to gain—was incredible.” Angel tilted her chin toward him, as if to kiss her again, and Intrigue delicately pulled away. He continued unimpeded.

  "I'd never seen even Phoenyx kill with such passion or grace. You were an angel."

  Angel's words echoed in Intrigue's mind, laden with familiarity. She bit back against the memories that strained at her and focused on Angel's rhythmic voice.

  "Phoenyx is parading her weakness before my Nest; her authority isn't sufficient anymore.” He stared down at her, his eyes reflecting the wonder she felt. “I want you to forget whatever life you had before Aymir captured you. Our Nest needs strong leadership.” Angel paused and looked solemly at Intrigue. “Will you please take Phoenyx's place as Queen of Den 902?"

  Intrigue pulled back. Disgust and longing struggled against one another in her gut; Chaoticism clashed with her desire to stay with Angel. He could not be her friend. It was time to run.

  "I'm sorry, Angel—more time, please—"

  "This isn't indecision, is it? You knew this was coming."

  She was silent, unable to answer.

  "Is it Phoenyx? Do you honor her, respect her?"

  "No, sir, but perhaps you should,” Intrigue muttered. The words were out before she could reclaim them.

  He paused and frowned. “Why ‘sir'? Haven't I been ‘Angel’ to you since the first time you saw me?"

  "Yes, you have,” she affirmed.

  "Why not Angel now, then? Are you afraid?"

  "I might be."

  "I don't believe it,” he smiled.

  "Good. I'm not."

  "Would you take this authority?"

  She paused, her mind racing. How could she deny him and still conceal her intentions when no full-blooded vampira would be able to walk away from what he was offering her? “You have Phoenyx already."

  "Forget her,” Angel said.

  "No. I can't replace Phoenyx."

  He hesitated. “If you won't replace her, will you participate in a ceremony and take a place as her equal?"

  Intrigue bit her lip—was there no way out of this? “Yes,” she relented. “When will you tell her?"

  "When we are alone ... this morning, perhaps, before we sleep. Let's go now."

  Intrigue and Angel walked away together, the army moving with them in a loose cluster. Phoenyx stayed behind.

  "Don't you think she might try to save him?"

  Angel glanced over his shoulder and smiled faintly. “No."

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  The army's retreating footsteps faded away into the night and Phoenyx returned her attention to Clayton. She dried her tears quickly and her expression hardened as she considered Clayton's drawn face. His eyelids fluttered as the horizon was began to pale. There was still plenty of time to reflect.

  Phoenyx remembered him beating her. She remembered how he had almost killed her when she'd accidentally woken him up after (The rat and the bird) she came home late with the groceries. She remembered him swinging a meat cleaver at her head, his eyes empty black pits that led to nowhere, (his wolfish face). She remembered him choking her, chasing her down the stairs, cornering her, knocking her unconscious.

  She remembered her Communion night. She remembered Clayton, already a vampire, lunging at her after Angel led her into the firelight. She did not remember how she had gotten from the old, warped apartment into the forest where Angel accepted her into Communion, but what she remembered was enough. Clayton had nearly killed her on multiple occasions. Angel had saved her and made her into the most feared vampira in The City. She owed Angel everything, yet her hands were drawn again and again to the ropes that held Clayton fast to the pyre.

  His eyes flickered open and she stared into those flat circles, considering. She had her own loyal following within the Nest. Although they were mostly blunt-fanged menial laborers, they would die to protect her, should she be discovered.

  "Phoenyx?” he whispered

  "Yes, Clayton?"

  "I love you."

  Phoenyx bit her lip and untied him. “Get back in there,” she hissed


  "There. What's left of your old Nest."

  "How can I live there alone?"

  She frowned. “What do you mean? You're a vampire; you can hunt for yourself."

  "You know what I mean."

  Phoenyx paused. The most powerful Den in The City had decided that Clayton should die and there was very little that he would be able to do alone to support himself. “Yes, I suppose I do.” She closed her eyes, deep in thought
. “There's a forest just outside of The City. I'll help you."

  "A new Nest?"

  "The Disciples of Malok, perhaps."

  "You think it ... wise? ... to follow such a powerful angel? Everything is a game to her."

  "She enjoys the game, and she is known to favor those who invoke her name."

  Clayton stared darkly at her. “You'd better not betray me.” His arm darted out, lightning fast, and his cold fingers closed around her throat. He flipped her onto her back and ran his free hand along the length of her arm. “You know what will happen if you do. You know how much I loved you."

  Phoenyx was silent.

  "This is a new chance for us, Phoenyx. Go back to Angel. Make it seem as though everything is all right. Bring me food and we can start a new Nest together. Make him think it's his child. Bring it to me, tell him it was a miscarriage."

  "Child? What child? We are dead, Clayton."

  "I can't believe you betrayed me. Come to me tomorrow night and I'll remind you how much I loved you."

  Phoenyx shoved him away. “Get up and run."

  Clayton sprinted for the forest just as the sun brushed the horizon. Phoenyx stood, tossed back her long black hair, and ran full out for the Den. She reached home just as the first rays of daylight washed over the church.

  She had no intention of betraying Angel for Clayton. She'd done her part; he could live or die now and it was completely up to him. She had heard Angel's plans to take Intrigue. She was sure that he didn't mean what he said. She knew he wouldn't betray her. She had seen Intrigue's hesitancy. Only one kind of vampira looked like that when she was receiving what she believed to be a genuine offer from a powerful vampire.

  Intrigue was Chaotic.

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  Hawk's breath was laced with alcohol but the smell was not as rancid now as it had been earlier. Intrigue was fairly sure that Hawk had not had anything to drink since before the attack on Den 513 but she was still leery of him.


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