The One That Matters

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The One That Matters Page 8

by Elle Linder

  Not only was Parker Nichols a master griller—the compliments abounded—he was also a captivating storyteller. During dinner he shared stories about his adventures in acting. Everyone at the table hung on his every word. He was animated with his gestures, and even did voices, which the boys loved. Marie was seduced by his warm gaze and the light touch of his hand on her knee. Electric surges would shoot through her each time he touched her, and she grew more nervous as the evening went on.

  What was she going to do about Parker Nichols? When she excused herself from the table to put the food away, Ann volunteered to help.

  “What an interesting evening this turned out to be. I’m so glad I decided to come,” Ann teased.

  “Oh, I bet you’re glad.” Marie laughed. As if Ann would ever decline an invite. In the last thirty years, Ann had attended every party or gathering Marie had planned.

  “That man out there...” She jerked her chin toward the patio. “He has it bad for you.”

  “And what do I do about that?” Marie whispered.

  “What do you mean? You run with it.” Ann busied herself, putting plastic wrap on the platter.

  Marie leaned in close to her. “I’m afraid. The way I feel when I’m around him…it scares the shit out of me.”

  Ann’s eyes shot to hers.

  “It just seems easier…safer…if I never see him again.”

  “Don’t do that,” Parker said.

  Marie whipped around, startled. Parker stood before her with empty glasses in his hands. Flustered, she took the glasses from him and put them in the sink. Marie shot a pleading look at Ann.

  “I’m gonna go check on the…on the others,” Ann said with a glint of mischief in her eyes as she left the kitchen. Marie was on her own this time.

  “Marie, I’ve had a really great time tonight. It looked like you were, too.” As Parker touched the tips of her fingers and ran them between his, she turned to goo. “Give me a chance.”

  “Mom,” Jackson interrupted, and Marie pulled her hand away from Parker.

  “What is it, buddy?”

  “Ricky has to go home now.” Ricky came up behind him and grinned at Parker.

  “Yeah, I have to be home by nine. My sister isn’t going to believe I met Parker Nichols. Can I get a picture with you?” Ricky asked.

  “Of course. Can you take a picture of us?” Parker asked Marie.

  “Yes, let me grab my phone.”

  Parker and the boys huddled together for a group picture.

  “Okay…say cheese.”

  The boys grinned widely while Parker did his serious look…his Professor Pierce look. His eyes never left Marie’s, and those dang butterflies were in a full-on frenzy.

  “Now, let’s have just Parker and Ricky together.” She snapped the picture. “I’ll send these to your mom right away.” She smiled at Ricky.

  “Thanks for having me to dinner. This was the best night of my life.” Ricky beamed, with a Professor Pierce autographed t-shirt and ball cap in hand that Parker had given him.

  “You’re welcome, sweetie.” Marie patted his shoulder.

  “You’re the luckiest kid ever. Parker Nichols is your mom’s boyfriend,” Ricky exclaimed as the boys walked out the front door.

  Marie blushed, looking at Parker. He walked over to her and took her fingers back into his hands. A chill shot down her spine. “See me again.”

  “Parker, you’ve been great…”

  “Marie…” he interrupted. His voice strong—commanding, yet gentle. “See me again...tomorrow?”

  Nervously, she inhaled and nodded “yes” just as Brooke walked into the kitchen.

  “Oops, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Brooke quickly turned around.

  “No, that’s okay. I got what I wanted.” Parker smiled at Marie and walked back out to the patio. Marie turned around fanning herself.

  “He got what he wanted? What does that mean?” Brooke asked.

  “I agreed to see him tomorrow.”

  Brooke’s face brightened with excitement. “This has been the most amazing evening. He’s so freakin’ sexy!”

  “I know…I need Ann.”

  “I’m right here. I figured you’d need me after Parker came out looking victorious.”

  “Great! I’m going back out with the celebrity.” Brooke grinned and hustled out the sliding glass door.

  “So, what happened? You’re not going to stay in here all evening with him out there are you?” Ann teased.

  “He got me to agree to see him tomorrow. I swear my heart is going to burst out of my chest.” She gasped.

  “Good for him…and you. Now let’s go back out. He’s telling another story.”

  “Wait! I can’t go out with him tomorrow. Look at me. I look like a frumpy mom of two. While he looks like… Jesus, he looks like…”

  “A hot steamy bowl of sex. Grab a spoon and take your time, honey. That man looks like he can go for hours.”


  “Honestly, I don’t see the problem.” Ann nudged her elbow.

  “Will you be serious for once. I’m falling apart here,” Marie said, aghast.

  “Stop panicking and enjoy the ride. You need this, and I don’t think any woman in her right mind would pass up a chance with Parker Nichols.”

  “Ann, I’m not like most women.”

  “I know, and that’s why you’ve snagged him.” Ann smiled her most sincere smile. “Now let’s go back out.”

  Marie and Ann rejoined the group and Marie took her seat next to Parker. For the remainder of the evening she was mesmerized by him, as was everyone else. The soft glow of the flickering candles created a sensual atmosphere, or maybe it was the Patrón. Either way, Marie was transfixed by Parker. She couldn’t fight it—no one else existed.

  At eleven o’clock, Parker announced he needed to leave. A celebrity through and through, he had taken pictures with everyone…except Marie. Every time someone asked for a picture she’d become uncomfortable. Though it wasn’t like she never took pictures or selfies. It was just different—Parker was a celebrity.

  “It was a pleasure meeting all of you,” he said, smiling as he scanned the group.

  “Yes, we hope to see you again,” Ann returned. He nodded in a “me too” sort of way.

  He went over to Jackson and squatted next to him. “I’m glad we were able to finally meet. Make sure you watch the new episode. It will blow your mind.” He patted Jackson’s back.

  “Really? Oh man, I’m not gonna miss it,” Jackson said. “Will you come over again?”

  Parker stood and looked at Marie. “I hope to.”

  She rose from her seat, and he took her hand. With a final wave to the group, the charming Parker Nichols had won everyone over. And the whispers behind him brought a smile to his face as he, and Marie went inside the house.

  At the door he faced Marie. “How’s eleven?”

  She looked at him, perplexed.

  “For tomorrow…you said you’d see me tomorrow,” he reminded her.

  “Yes, I know. But why so early? I thought you meant dinner.”

  “No, we’ll do lunch and dinner. Let’s make up for you rejecting me when I asked you out to lunch way back when.”

  “I didn’t reject you.” She shook her head, knowing full well she had.

  “Yeah, you did,” he teased. “So, eleven, then we’ll just see how the day unfolds. But for the sake of planning, for Jackson, just assume you won’t be home until late.”

  She bit her lower lip as he stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” His touch made her heart pound. She had never felt such a strong connection to anyone before.

  “I’m looking forward to it. Goodnight.” He gave her hand a squeeze and left.

  She closed the door and leaned her back against it, like a swoony, love-struck girl who had just met her teen idol. What in the hell was she going to do now?

  Chapter 9

  Like A Dream

  I can�
�t believe it. Best. Day. Ever!” Jackson exclaimed. “So, where’s Parker taking you?”

  Marie wasn’t paying attention as she dug through her closet for something nice to wear.

  “Mom, did you hear me?”

  “My wardrobe sucks,” she hollered from inside the closet.

  Jackson’s eyes widened.

  “Sorry…” She stuck her head out of the closet with a guilty grimace. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

  He laughed at her.

  “I don’t know where we’re going or what we’ll be doing. I know lunch. What do I wear to lunch with Parker Nichols?” She went back to searching in her closet for anything that wouldn’t scream, “Boring; mom of two.”

  “Something sexy,” Jackson shouted.

  “What do you know about sexy?” Marie asked, walking out of the closet with her hands on her hips.

  “Mom, I’m almost twelve. I hear stuff, I see stuff, and guys like sexy.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Jackson, you’re making me nervous. This is just crazy.” She threw her hands up in the air. “I have nothing good to wear. It’s all work clothes and mom clothes. Nothing for going out with a celebrity.”

  “You could go shopping.” The doorbell rang, and Jackson bolted to answer it.

  Marie walked back into the closet; she had to find something worthy of lunch with a celebrity. Parker would arrive in less than an hour. “He’s so out of my league,” she whined as she crumpled to the floor. “I should’ve never gone to the gym this morning.”

  Seth had been in the gym when she had arrived at seven that morning. For the next thirty minutes she watched him in the mirror, lifting weights and working out with cables, which explained his massive biceps. Then he talked while Marie ran on the treadmill, his biceps taunting her all the while. Though it was hard to concentrate on his words, she did learn he was from northern California, an electrical engineer and divorced with three kids. He had a set of twenty-year-old twin boys, Connor and Cooper, who were in college, and a sixteen-year-old girl, Aimee.

  Guilt plagued her for judging him by his physical appearance the first day they had met. She had been sure he was a player searching for his next conquest. The tall, muscular pillar was nothing like what she expected; he was sweet and open about himself. So, when he asked her out for coffee following her run, she said, “Sure.” They walked to a coffee shop up the road from the complex, and for an hour they talked. It was just before ten when she returned home and jumped in the shower. Now she was staring at her horrid wardrobe without a clue as to what to wear for her lunch date.

  “Knock, knock… Your fairy godmother has arrived with a garment bag full of clothes,” Ann announced.

  Marie ran out of the closet and hugged her.

  “Yes, I love you too, dearie. Enough of this mushy shit. We need to get Cinderella ready for her celebrity.” Ann grinned.

  “I don’t know what I’d ever do without you.”

  “You’ll feel different when I’m a pushy bitch again.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. So, what should I wear? I don’t know where we’re going or what we’re doing. And he said to plan on being home late. What does that mean? Crap, I don’t think I can do this.” She slumped on the bed.

  “Breathe. You’re doing this. I knew you’d fall apart. Who wouldn’t with your shameful closet,” she teased Marie to lighten the mood. “Listen, last night Parker was the most charming man I’ve ever met. And he’s interested in you, babe. Do you know how awesome it is you said yes to him? He’s one lucky man for scoring a date with the best girl in the world.”

  “I’m the lucky one for having such a terrific best friend. Let’s do this. Make me beautiful, sexy, and presentable for any situation.”

  “Your wish is my command. Let’s start with sexy panties and bra.”

  Marie’s eyes widened. “I’m not having sex with him,” she gasped.

  “Oh, honey I know, but sexy undergarments make you feel sexy. It’s not about the sex. Unless you want it to be…?” Ann nudged her.

  Marie rolled her eyes. Typical Ann. “That’s a relief. The thought of sex is too much pressure.” To admit she wasn’t ready to think about sex with Parker in real life lifted a weight off her shoulders. She’d leave the thoughts of sex in her bathtub.

  “No pressure, babe. When you’re ready, Parker will be too.” Ann’s sinful laugh meant dirty thoughts ran rampant in her head.

  “I have to confess something.”

  Ann looked at her with concern.

  “I had coffee with Seth this morning.” Her face soured. “I saw him at the gym, and we talked. Then he asked me to have coffee with him, so I said, ‘sure.’” She sighed and plopped on the bed. “I feel like I did something wrong knowing I was having lunch with Parker.”

  “It was just coffee. Big whoop. My question is, do you like Seth more than Parker?”

  “No, Parker makes me melt. Seth seems nice, and he’s not bad-looking. He has amazing biceps, and he’s like me. You know, ordinary. He’s divorced and has three kids. It’s like we understand each other. He’s new to the area and doesn’t know anyone. I kinda feel bad for him.”

  “Don’t feel bad for him. He’s a grown man. He can find someone else to be his friend or therapist. If you’re getting involved with Parker, it needs to be just Parker. No man wants to share his woman with another guy.”

  “You’re right. Parker’s my focus.”

  “Perfect. How about this cute little number?” She held up a dress for Marie to consider. “It works for day or night, casual or fancy. We’ll bling you up with the right accessories, spritz you with that intoxicating Chanel perfume of yours and add a little makeup. Parker Nichols won’t be able to resist you.”

  “The red background is gorgeous, and I love the floral print, but is it off the shoulders?”

  “Yes, a little trashy, but also trendy and classy.” Ann snorted when Marie’s mouth gaped open. “Now go put it on. He’ll be here soon.” Ann pushed Marie into the bathroom before her flighty girlfriend changed her mind about Parker Nichols.

  Jackson opened the front door with a cheesy grin on his face. “Parker, this is awesome!” He gave Parker a high-five. “I can’t believe you’re picking my mom up…for a date! It is a date, right?”

  “It’s a date.” He smiled as he walked into the entryway. “So, what are your plans while your mom is out today?”

  “Ann is here helping Mom. We’ll have lunch and see a movie. Then Lexi and Isaac will spend the evening with me.” He rolled his eyes. “But I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “I’m sure you don’t. But it’s nice to have someone to spend time with, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess. So where are you and Mom going? She’s frustrated because she didn’t know what to wear.”

  “Is that right?”

  “She was in her closet griping about having nothing to wear. Girls are weird. Her closet is full of clothes.” He shook his head, and Parker just smiled.

  So, Marie was worked up about their date. It mattered to her.

  “I’ll go tell her you’re here.”

  “Okay, but there’s no rush. If she needs more time, I’ll wait.”

  Jackson nodded and ran up the stairs.

  “Mom!” Jackson blew through the door. “Parker’s here.”

  “Oh man. How do I look?” She looked at Ann and Jackson.

  “Gorgeous,” Ann said.

  “Pretty!” Jackson smiled.

  She stroked his hair. “Thanks, buddy. I don’t know if I’m ready to do this.” She sighed, gripping her stomach.

  “Well, if you need more time, Parker said he wasn’t in a rush,” Jackson informed her.

  “He did?”


  “What a man.” Ann winked.

  “Okay, let’s do this.” Marie pursed her lips, nervous with anticipation. They walked out of her room, Ann and Jackson following behind her. When her eyes met Parker’s, a smile appeared on his face that said he liked what h
e saw. This was happening and she had the goosebumps to prove it.


  “Hi. You look amazing,” he said as he gazed at her.

  “Thanks.” She blushed, then turned her attention to Jackson. “If you need anything call me, okay?”

  “He won’t need anything,” Ann answered for him. Marie frowned at her.

  “She’s right, Mom. I’ll be fine,” Jackson agreed.

  “Well still, if you need me, call me.” She kissed the top of his head and then turned toward Parker. “Let’s go.”

  He nodded, then turned to Ann and Jackson. “Jackson, you have a good day, and we’ll see you later. Ann, always a pleasure.”

  They both smiled and waved as Marie and Parker walked out the front door.

  From the moment they stepped out of the townhouse Parker was the epitome of chivalry. His hand went on Marie’s lower back, guiding her to his SUV. The way he gazed at her in admiration when he helped her into the vehicle warmed her. The flutters within her danced delightfully. She couldn’t remember the last time a man made her feel sweet, romantic feelings. It was nice, but it also scared her. It wasn’t hard to see how different their lives were as she sat in his luxury Range Rover. Her car was a five-year-old Toyota Camry.

  The longer they were together, the faster her heart beat. Would she be surrounded by other celebrities, or worse, mobbed by fans and paparazzi? Seeing her face plastered all over social media would be mortifying, not to mention the gazillion tagline possibilities: Who’s the older woman? NOT a designer dress. Has Parker Nichols lost his mind? The humiliation would be crushing. Worse, she would have to stop seeing him, to protect herself and her privacy. For the hundredth time, she questioned her sanity.


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