The One That Matters

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The One That Matters Page 22

by Elle Linder

  “Natalie, is everything all right?”

  “Marie, I know you’re not on social media, so I printed these out for you. I thought you should know.” She handed her a few sheets of paper with pictures on them. As Marie’s eyes scanned each photo over and over again, her mouth fell open. A flood of emotions took her heart hostage, and she swallowed hard, fighting the savage fears that threatened her. The pictures were of Parker kissing an attractive, younger woman on the red carpet at the awards show. Acid crept up her throat. She gripped her stomach as she stared at the photos.

  “Thank you, Natalie,” she whispered so softly her words were barely understood as she walked to her office in complete disbelief.

  Sitting in her executive chair, she was numb. She had talked to Parker just before the awards show and again right after. Did he decide to kiss another woman for the sake of publicity? The acid burning her throat would not retreat no matter how many times she swallowed. Were these photos real?

  But he loved her…right? She turned on her computer and searched the internet. The pictures were everywhere. The tagline read: Who’s Parker Nichols’ Sexy Love Interest? Her phone buzzed— a text from Jackson.

  Jackson: Mom, who’s the woman Parker’s kissing on Instagram? Did you break up with him?

  Her heart plummeted into the depths of the unknown. Tears welled in her eyes and her stomach turned. This couldn’t be happening. Her phone buzzed again, and it was Lexi.

  Lexi: Mom, did you see this?

  She attached the same photo Natalie had printed out for her. The lump in her throat grew by the second. Her office phone rang. She didn’t want to answer it but had to.

  “Yes Natalie,” her voice croaked.

  “Marie, Ann’s on line two,” Natalie anxiously announced.

  “Thank you.” She took a deep breath before answering the call. “Ann.”

  “Marie, don’t freak out. I know you’ve seen the pictures. They can’t be real. They’re fakes, I’m sure of it. Have you heard from Parker?” Ann talked at top speed as if she instinctively knew Marie was likely losing it.

  “No, I haven’t. Maybe this is his way of dumping me?”

  “No! Stop that! Those pictures are not real. I am certain of it,” Ann tried to reassure her.

  “The kids have already texted me. I feel like I’m going to throw up. I gotta go.” She hung the phone up, grabbed her bag, and left her office. On her way out of the office, she told Natalie to call her if anything urgent came up. She started driving home and then changed her mind. She didn’t want to go to her bland, depressing house. She needed to process. She needed to drive. She hopped onto the 405, destination…unknown.

  Parker flew into the law office, and Natalie’s eyes widened. When he had left the estate, his hair was a mess, and he was wild with worry. He didn’t look at all put together, poised, and confident.

  “She’s not here,” she blurted before he could speak.

  “Where is she? She saw the pictures.” It wasn’t a question. He was sure she had. He bent at the waist, taking deep breaths as Natalie nodded her head, confirming his fear. “They aren’t real. I swear. They’re fabricated.” Natalie just stared at him as he paced.

  “They’re everywhere, Mr. Nichols. Ann already called. Marie left shortly after. She didn’t say where she was going, but she looked pretty upset. She did say to call if anything important came up. Do you want me to call her?”

  “No, thanks. Natalie, they’re not real, the photos,” he repeated. “I love her. I wouldn’t cheat on her, ever.”

  She nodded her head.

  He knew what seeing those pictures would do to Marie—they’d crush her. He had assumed she would have refused his call, so he went to her work to explain, but he was too late.

  On his way to Marie’s house, he called her, but she didn’t answer, and dread filled him. He was sure she was ignoring his call, so he called Ann next.

  “Parker, oh man. You calling me isn’t good.”

  “Ann, she left work, and she isn’t answering her phone. I’m driving to her house now. Those pictures aren’t real. I swear.”

  “I believe you, but they are all over the internet and social media. They look real, and this is Marie we’re talking about here. The tagline to the photos called the woman your ‘sexy love interest.’”

  He inhaled deeply.

  “Worse yet, the kids have seen them all over social media.”

  “Dammit.” He slammed his hand against the steering wheel. “I wanted her to go with me to the awards show and she said she wasn’t ready. Now this. Ann, I can’t lose her.”

  “It’s going to take her time to adjust to being with you and in the public eye. But I think it needs to come out that you’re off the market and who snagged you. I know she won’t go for it, but if she’s going to be with you, she’d better get used to this. And she’d better grow a thick skin because this is only the beginning.”

  “This isn’t fair to her.” He sighed regretfully. “Okay, I’m here.” He had pulled up to her house, jumped out of his car and ran to the door. He knocked and then pounded on the door. “Shit, she isn’t answering.”

  “Look in the clay flower pot with the pink flowers. I made her put a spare key in there after the Fourth of July fiasco.” He found the key and seconds later was in the house. Everything was just as she had left it in the morning. He went up to her bedroom—nothing.

  “She’s not here!” he said frantically. “Where do you think she went?”

  “I have no idea. I think it’s best if you go back to your place and wait for her. I’m hoping she’ll come to you when she’s ready. Parker, she loves you and needs you.”

  “I need to know she’s okay. Just when we thought our lives were settling into a routine, this shit happens. Please call or text me if you hear from her.”

  “I will. Try not to freak out. Marie may meltdown at times, but she’s smart and sensible.”

  “Thanks, Ann.”

  Parker drove home as Ann suggested. His parents were waiting for him on the patio. When he walked out looking deflated, their faces sank, disappointed for him.

  “You didn’t find her,” his mother said. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I didn’t. I called her best friend, Ann, and she said the kids know about the photos.”

  Nancy and Peter shook their heads.

  “Is it fair to ask her to deal with this crap?” Parker said, throwing up his hands. “She once lived a quiet, private life and now she’s been thrown into the celebrity jungle. How is she supposed to protect herself and the kids?”

  “Parker, this is your life. If she loves you, she’ll stick by you. But you need to support her and do your best to protect her. Scale back your public appearances for a while, and when you have them, she needs to be by your side,” his mother advised.

  “Your mother’s right. She needs to support you, and you do the same. It’s not like you floated those pictures out there yourself. This happened to you too. Stick together and be a force in Hollywood.”

  “Thank you, both. I’m going to call my agent. I need to occupy my mind.”

  Marie was heading on the 405 toward Santa Monica. The ocean called to her, but when she saw the CA-1N exit for Malibu, she took it. For the last hour she had been driving around, all she could think was, I need Parker. Every fiber in her being told her those photos weren’t real. How could they be after she just spent a wonderful weekend with him and his parents? They had declared their love to each other. Everything about the weekend had felt natural…meant-to-be.

  Dozens of times he had asked her to go to the awards show with him. If she had gone, would this have happened? If he had someone on the side, surely she’d know about it, just like she did with Craig.

  The azure water blended into the sky, reminding her of Parker’s adoring eyes. This was ridiculous. Parker had proved himself reliable and was always on time. He left work for her and had motivated the crew in Budapest to wrap up two days early, so he could come home
to her. Parker even mentioned her moving in, so they could be together every day and night. The way he made love to her filled her with the kind of love that was genuine and real. And he told her he wanted “forever” with her. The pictures were a lie.

  The smell of the salt air filled her with strength and clarity as her hair beat across her face from having the window down. The closer she got to Parker’s estate, the more her confidence grew in the two of them. If she was going to be with him, she’d better toughen up. Running away and hiding every time something happened was stupid and she’d only hurt him. Frustrated with herself, she shook her head. She was cutting and running way too frequently, even for her.

  “Geez Marie, if you can’t stand the heat, then you’d better get out of the damn kitchen,” she scolded herself. The depth of her love for him negated that as an option. Unless he did something truly horrible, like cheat on her, she would be with him forever. She wanted to be with him forever, through the good, the bad, and the ugly. This was the ugly.

  After she pinned the passcode, and the security gate to his estate opened, she took a deep breath. What would she say to him? There were too many ‘what ifs’ in her head. She didn’t even know if he was home. All she knew was she couldn’t lose him. Before Craig had screwed with her head, she had been strong. Now, she was getting strong again with Parker in her life. Her handsome, kind, loving, and passionate man believed in her. She nodded her head, resolved. She wasn’t afraid anymore, and it was all because of him. He would fight for her and support her through any situation. It was her turn to fight for him…for them. Parker’s the one that matters.

  Marie confidently walked into the mansion where Vicky was busy preparing what she assumed was lunch. “Hi Vicky, is Parker around?”

  Vicky looked up, surprised. Before she could say anything, Nancy walked in from the patio. Marie forced a smile, but it was easy to see she was embarrassed. “Hi, Nancy. I’m just looking…”

  “For Parker.” Nancy opened her arms to her and Marie willing walked into them. “Marie, I’m so glad you’re here. It must have been awful seeing those photos.”

  Marie was without words.

  Nancy pulled back to look at her. “If there’s anything you need, we’re here for you.”


  She whipped around at the sound of his voice and saw the torment in his eyes. He had disheveled hair like he had just woken up, not styled and perfect like she was used to seeing him. His grieved eyes were drinking her in as he walked to her. “I’m so sorry.” He touched the tips of her fingers. “Are you okay? I went to the office, but you had left. Then I went to your house, and you weren’t there.” He shook his head, “Marie, you have to believe me.”

  She placed two fingers over his lips. “Shhh, I know. I freaked. I’m sorry.”

  He pulled her into his arms and held on to her for dear life. Nancy and Vicky left the kitchen just as Parker kissed Marie.

  “I’m going to fight for you…for us,” she said against his mouth.

  Marie and Parker met Tessa, Ann, and Troy at the airport Friday evening. The wedding was being held Saturday afternoon at the Four Seasons. They boarded the chartered jet and Marie had to giggle at Troy’s excitement. It was her second time on a private plane, but even she wasn’t as excited as he was, and Ann ate it up.

  “So, you’re doing better?” Ann asked Marie.

  “Yes, I’m better.”

  “She’s been a trooper. Thankfully I’m not the top story anymore. These things usually blow over in a couple of days. They’re up just long enough to stir up interest, and then they fade,” Parker said.

  “So, when are you coming out as a couple?” Ann asked.

  Marie looked at Parker and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. Soon, I guess.”

  “My publicist has mixed feelings about it. It’s a toss-up on whether the fans will receive it well or not. I don’t care how they take it, but Marie cares.”

  “I don’t want his career to take a hit because of me,” Marie said.

  “Are you kidding? Professor Pierce fans love him,” Troy interrupted. “You have to give it to them in small doses. Make them fall in love with Marie. And then your career as a family guy will take on a whole new platform.”

  Parker looked at him curiously.

  “How do you suggest we make them ‘fall in love’ with me and what exactly does that mean?” Marie asked.

  “Well, I think easing the fans into your lives is the way to go. Do teaser photos with great taglines that get them talking. Like, Parker tweets something about you but doesn’t mention your name. And then he can post a picture on Instagram where they can’t see your face. It stirs up interest. He slowly reveals you. After a couple of months, they can see your face. I think, if we do this right, you’ll have the fans eating out of your hand by the new year.” Troy proudly nodded his head. “But you’ll have to be willing to go public and get your picture taken.”

  “I like this,” Parker said. “Let’s try it now, here on the plane.” Marie’s eyes widened. “Yes baby, I’m serious. Let’s tease my fans.” He grinned. “We can get them primed and ready to see your beautiful face at the next awards show.” Marie took a deep breath and looked at Ann who, surprisingly, was silent through the whole conversation. Tessa looked intrigued herself.

  “Ann, you haven’t said a single word. What’s wrong with you?” Marie teased.

  “It’s this man. I love to hear him talk. He’s so damn smart. But I think you should go for it. Be bold, be a badass.” Ann winked at her.

  “She’s right Marie, you need to be a badass,” Tessa agreed. “Don’t let the fans and media ruin your relationship with Parker. You’re the happiest I’ve ever seen you. Fight for it. Join the celebrity circus and perform your little heart out like the Kardashians,” Tessa encouraged.

  “Okay Troy, what do you suggest we do?” Marie asked.

  “Parker is in the perfect setting, on a luxury private jet and taking you on a trip. He teases that he’s taking his…well, whatever Parker wants to call you, on a secret getaway. And then he can do something with your hand and one of his sexy looks. The girls eat that shit up and they’ll think he’s the most romantic man alive.” Troy laughed, rubbing his beard.

  “He is the most romantic man alive,” Marie said, squeezing Parker’s hand.

  The photoshoot of Parker and Marie commenced while they were on the hour-long flight. Parker posted the photos on Instagram first. It didn’t take long before the likes flooded in by the dozen. The pictures only showed Marie’s hands. The first picture was of him playing with her fingertips with the hashtags #lovethesefingers #loveofmylife #weekendgetaway. In the next photo, he was kissing the same hand with the hashtags #justgettingstarted #mylove. Then he shared those Instagram posts on Twitter. Last, he tweeted: I’d fly anywhere with my beautiful woman. Our weekend is just getting started baby! #myforever #secretgetaway

  By the time they arrived in Vegas, Parker’s numbers were pushing one-hundred thousand, and the chatter was all positive. The fans were intrigued. Mission accomplished. His publicist sent him a text: Nice work.

  Marie and Parker entered their suite, which was perfect and romantic with flowers and champagne. Parker was always on top of all the details. They had no aspirations to venture out of the room. They weren’t in Vegas for gambling, shows, or dining. No, they were there for Brooke and Dave’s wedding, and to be alone. They ordered room service and focused on each other for the rest of the night.

  Brooke was a beautiful bride. Her giddiness was contagious, and the girls followed suit. They visited the hotel spa for a little wedding-day pampering. Giggles kicked off the fun, followed by stories. The whole time they watched Parker’s accounts to see the numbers continue to rise, and the buzz from the fans on each media outlet. It was awesome, and the common question among fans was, “Who is the mystery woman Parker Nichols is calling the love of his life?”

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Marie admitted.

  “Well, you’re doing it like a pro. And that man loves you so much.” Ann smiled.

  “He completely does,” Tessa agreed. “Now I need to find me a man so I can join the party.”

  “You guys are great, but we should be focusing on our bride-to-be,” Marie redirected.

  “No, I love this talk. Our Marie, finding real love after all this time. I’m so happy for you,” Brooke said, her eyes sparkled with love. “Dave said he’s never seen Parker like this. He believes you guys will get married one day.”

  “Married? Um…” Marie shrugged, she had no words.

  “Now don’t go freaking out, honey,” Ann ordered. “Let’s stay focused on one wedding at a time.”

  Marie nodded in agreement. But the girls weren’t blind, and Marie knew she couldn’t hide the uneasiness that filled her with the mention of marriage. The truth was, Marie had been dreaming about marrying Parker. Her dilemma was the fear of losing what she most wanted—a life with Parker that would last forever. If she let her hopes and dreams be known, she would be devastated if they were never realized.

  The ceremony was simple yet elegant. It was just close friends and the bride and groom’s parents. During the ceremony, Parker held Marie’s gaze as he stood beside Dave and she was beside Brooke. He looked at her with adoration, like she’d imagine him if they were getting married. Marriage would be so different with Parker.

  Through the entire, short ceremony Marie watched Parker, who looked like he was listening intently to the vows. And so was she. She couldn’t remember for the life of her the vows she had said when she married Craig in City Hall. They didn’t have a wedding, just a reception her family had supplied. It was a day she hardly remembered, except for the puking, which she did a lot of on her wedding day. She had been three months pregnant with Lexi.


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