The One That Matters

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The One That Matters Page 25

by Elle Linder

  Natalie wasn’t at her desk, so she went straight to her office. She threw her handbag on her desk and began pacing the floor with her phone in hand, waiting for Brooke to call back. Five minutes passed and Marie was growing more anxious as she kept looking down at her phone.

  “Call—Me—Brooke!” She continued to pace, with her hand on her stomach. Her phone buzzed—Brooke.

  Brooke: Dave is calling around to see what he can find out. I’ll call you as soon as I know something.

  Marie: Ok, on the verge of falling apart here. Please hurry.

  Brooke: Please don’t worry, honey.

  It was impossible for Marie to not worry at this point. The more she thought about the possibility of something awful happening to Parker, the more her chest tightened. If something happened to him, she didn’t know what she’d do. She couldn’t lose him. She needed him more than anything, especially now, with their baby growing inside of her. Her eyes watered and her heart raced. Until Parker, she had never known real love. She sat on her sofa and put her face in her hands. “Please let him be okay.”

  Time had stopped, or so that’s how it felt while she waited for Brooke to call. What she didn’t know was her best friends were assembling a plan to support her through whatever was coming. Brooke had learned from Dave that there was an accident, but he didn’t have details. The last thing anyone wanted was for Marie to hear any fabricated news. They needed to protect her, so Brooke called Ann and then Tessa.

  Ann promptly called the law office and told Natalie what was going on. She asked her to keep Marie away from the news and all social media outlets. Ann was on her way to the office and Tessa was on the phone with Lexi, who was to pick Jackson up after school. She was told to bring him to Parker’s estate, which was where Marie would be. Through all their planning, Marie waited anxiously for Brooke to call. She was doing everything possible not to think the worst.

  Ann walked through the large smoked-glass door and walked straight to Natalie’s desk. Natalie stared up at her. “Have you seen the news?”

  “No, but I just got off the phone with Brooke and it isn’t good. How is she?”

  “She hasn’t come out of her office, but I’ve been peeking in the window. She’s been pacing and sitting on the sofa with her phone in hand.” Ann nodded as she walked back to Marie’s office. She took a deep breath, then opened the door.

  Marie’s head popped up and they made eye contact. “Why are you here?”

  “Brooke called me. I’m…”

  “Brooke called you? She was supposed to call me back.”

  “Marie…” Ann’s voice was uncharacteristically soft.

  Marie stiffened and shook her head. “No, don’t say another word. I don’t want to hear it. I’m waiting for Brooke to call. Dave will get in contact with Parker. I know he’s okay.”

  “Marie…” Ann sat down beside her. She reached for Marie’s hand and was startled when she forcefully pulled it away and popped up from the sofa.

  “Whatever you’re thinking is wrong, I don’t want to hear it. Parker is okay.” Marie paced back and forth several laps as Ann watched her. “I think you should leave.”

  “No. I’m here to take you to Parker’s.” Marie stopped and glared at her. “There was an accident Marie.” Marie shook her head. “We don’t know the state of anyone’s condition. Dave and Parker’s agent are trying to find him or at least information about him. Dave wants us to wait at Parker’s place.” The blood drained out of Marie’s face. “Marie, did you hear what I said?” Marie nodded, pressing her lips tightly together. A tear rolled down her face, then another and another. Ann stood and Marie grabbed her purse, walking out of the office without saying a word to anyone.

  Ann drove through the security gate onto Parker’s estate. Marie’s breathing increased as she stepped out of the car. Just being at his place comforted her, but it also brought it home that he wasn’t there, and Marie had no idea where he was or if he was okay. They walked inside, and Marie set her bag down on the entry table, aimlessly, she walked around. She was exhausted, both emotionally and physically. When Vicky saw her, she hugged Marie as a mother would.

  “Can I get you a cup of coffee or something to eat?” Vicky offered. Marie shook her head and took a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.

  “I’m going upstairs to our room. If you hear anything, please come to get me.” Marie walked out of the kitchen as Ann and Vicky exchanged worried looks.

  “The media is in a frenzy with this. Has she seen any of it?” Vicky asked.

  “No, she hasn’t seen anything. I told her there was an accident. She seems different to me. She hasn’t fallen apart like I expected her to. I’m kind of worried. I think I’ll go up and check on her.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’m going to stay here in the kitchen and cook. And make Jackson the marble cake with ganache he loves.” Her eyes misted.

  “He will love that.” Ann smiled, touching Vicky’s arm.

  Marie was seated on the loveseat in Parker’s room—in her room. She remembered the first time he had made love to her, how he caressed her lovingly and took his time giving her an unforgettable experience. His brazen hunger for her had opened up a whole new sexual world that was sinfully gratifying. The level they connected on, filled with respect and adoration; it was beautiful, and it bonded them. Now, sitting in their room alone surrounded by his essence, her heart filled with painful longing. She needed him, desperately. He had to be okay.

  She walked over to Parker’s side of the bed and grabbed his pillow and hugged it. There wasn’t the faintest hint of his scent due to the frequency the linens were changed, and it made her angry. She wanted to smell him, feel him…kiss him. Tears rolled down her face and her anger grew. “This isn’t happening. No! This isn’t happening.” She threw his pillow down. “Not when I finally found my soulmate—the love of my life.” She paced with her hand on her stomach. “Dammit Parker, I need you. Don’t do this to me! You can’t leave me…you can’t leave me dammit! We need you. Do you hear me, we need you!”

  Ann watched through a crack in the door with a lump in her throat. Marie was strong because of Parker. If she lost him now, it could be the one loss that would forever send her back into her lonely, dark hermit life. Marie climbed onto the bed to cuddle with his pillow as she quietly cried. Ann didn’t dare disturb her during such an intimate moment. She would leave her alone for now and check on her in a little bit.

  In Budapest, Parker was in the midst of utter chaos. He was going out of his mind trying to get out of the hospital and on a flight back to America. His phone had been left at the scene of the accident, and he didn’t have Marie’s number memorized, or anyone else’s for that matter. The less than melodic obscenities that left his mouth was heard throughout the emergency room, he was going out of his mind. How could he not know her number by heart? By this time, he imagined she was thinking the worst, and he had to get word to her somehow. After hours of trying to persuade anyone who looked like hospital staff, he finally convinced a young nurse to search the internet for the phone number of Malcolm-Bower and Associates Law Office and once he had it in his hand, he called from his room.

  “Malcolm-Bower and Associates, how may I help you,” Natalie answered.

  “Natalie, it’s Parker.”

  “Mr. Nichols, you’re alive!”

  “Shit, is the media saying I’m dead? Let me talk to Marie.”

  “She left with Ann. Ann came to take her to your place,” Natalie said.

  “How was she?”

  “Not so good, Mr. Nichols. How are you?”

  “I’m alive with a splitting headache and some cuts and bruises. I’m trying to get on the first available flight home if I can get these people to release me. I need to talk to Marie. Call her and give her this number. She needs to know I’m okay. Are you ready?”

  “Mhmm, go ahead.”

  Parker gave her the hospital number and his room number. Now, he would wait to hear from Marie.
  An hour had passed since Parker had spoken to Natalie and he hadn’t received a call from Marie. The stress he was under was making his concussion worse and he was out of patience. His only thought was to get home to Marie. After going back and forth with the doctors, he discharged himself and hoped to catch the first flight home. He called Natalie again.

  “Good afternoon…”

  “Natalie,” he interrupted her. “Marie hasn’t called me. Did you get in touch with her?”

  “Mr. Nichols, she didn’t answer, so I left a message.”


  “I have our tech guy unlocking her computer to see if I can find Ann’s phone number. But, Marie may not have her phone on her.”

  “You’re right. She often leaves her phone lying around. Natalie, I have to talk to her soon. I’m going out of my mind trying to get on the first flight home in the morning. Call my house. I should have given you the number earlier. This damn concussion has my head screwed up.”

  “Okay, I’m ready for the number.” Parker rattled the house number. “Got it.”

  “Please hurry, I’m about to blow a gasket.”

  “Yes, Mr. Nichols.”

  Vicky had just ended the call with Natalie when Ann entered the kitchen. “Ann, I have the number for the hospital where Parker is. Marie’s secretary called. He’s okay.” She handed the slip of paper to Ann, who ran upstairs to Marie. Ann’s rapid knock made Marie jump up from the bed as she walked in.

  “Marie, Natalie called with the number to the hospital and Parker’s room number. He called your office. He’s okay honey.” Tears welled in Marie’s eyes and her lip quivered. “Okay, let’s dial this number. He’s waiting for you to call.” Ann dialed and once transferred to Parker’s room; she handed over the phone to Marie.

  “Hello,” Parker answered.

  “Parker.” Marie’s voice was jagged as she tried to hold back her emotions, but there was nothing better than hearing his voice at that very moment, and the tears naturally fell. Ann rubbed her back and left the room to give her privacy.

  “Baby…are you all right? I’ve been going out of my mind trying to talk to you.”

  “I’ve been crazy with worry.” She sniffled, drying her eyes. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I want you home…now. Use your superhero powers.”

  He chuckled. “I’m leaving first thing in the morning and I’ll be home in time to go to bed with you. I’m going to hold you all night long, baby.”

  She smiled and touched her stomach. “That sounds wonderful. Now tell me, are you okay? What are your injuries?”

  “I have a concussion and some cuts and bruises, but I’m okay. My phone is gone and I’m kicking myself for not having your number memorized. We are definitely going to make sure this never happens again.”

  “Yes. I’m going with you next time. I love you so much.”

  “That’s what I needed to hear. We’ll talk about it when I get home. I love you… more than anything.”

  Marie and Parker talked until he had to get off the phone. Gratitude and relief swept over her, he was alive and coming home to her. Though, she wouldn’t have real peace until she wrapped her arms around him.

  Chapter 22

  Holiday Traditions

  If a person could ping off the walls, it would be Marie at this very moment as she anxiously waited for Parker to walk through the mansion doors. He had sent her a text from Dave’s phone after they left the airport. The last twenty-four hours were the hardest she’d ever experienced. Parker occupied her mind: his safety, his concussion, and their future. The torture she was under not knowing the state of his condition after the accident had been dreadful. However, now Marie knew without a doubt a future with Parker was the only thing that matter. She wanted him, forever. The whole package, including a baby.

  “Marie, do you want a piece of this delicious apple tart Vicky made?” Ann asked.

  She shook her head.

  “There’s also Jackson’s favorite marble cake with ganache. But if you want some, you’d better hurry up. He’s eaten half of it already.” She laughed.

  “No, I’m not hungry. Thanks.” Marie was doing what she did best, pace.

  “You really should try the apple tart,” Brooke interjected. “I’ve never had anything like it. The caramel gives it a wonderful depth. Oh my gosh, it’s good.”

  “Maybe later.” Marie paced, wringing her hands.

  Ann and Brooke didn’t seem to get her this time, offering her food, as if she could eat when Parker wasn’t safely in her arms. No matter what they did to comfort and support her, they had to know she was an anxious ball of nerves. After all, they’d seen it before over the years, like when Craig cheated on her. During the divorce, when she was in escrow for the townhouse, and through the custody suit for Jackson. Her focus had always been unwavering, and she would not be distracted.

  “Hey, how’s it going in here?” Tessa asked, walking into the living room. “Have you heard if Parker landed yet?”

  “Yes, he texted me from Dave’s phone almost an hour ago. I hate Los Angeles traffic. I’m going nuts here. How’s Jackson?” Marie asked.

  “He’s great. That is one awesome movie room. I’m going back. Just wanted an update and a couple of sodas,” Tessa said.

  “Sure, whatever you want.” Marie brushed her off.

  “Great, then I’d like to move in,” Tessa teased. Marie continued pacing and ignored her. Tessa shrugged her shoulders, grabbed the sodas and left. For Marie, there was not time for nonsense despite Parker being okay.

  “Marie seriously, stop pacing. You’re driving me crazy,” Ann snapped, as Marie continued. “Don’t ignore me. This craziness can’t be good. Just sit down for a freakin’ minute,” Ann demanded.

  Marie turned toward her with the scariest scowl on her face. She was about to give Ann a piece of her mind when Parker entered the room.

  “Cut her a break, Ann. It’s been a rough forty-eight hours.”

  Marie spun around and she couldn’t move. Tears rolled down her face as he walked to her.

  Hi, baby.” He wrapped her in his arms and held her tight. “You feel amazing in my arms.”

  “Oh Parker, I’m so glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.” Her voice trembled but her grip around his waist strong.

  “Don’t give it another thought. I’m here.” He cupped her face and tenderly kissed her in front of everyone, including Jackson, who had just entered the room with Tessa. This time he didn’t tease them with “ews.”

  For the next hour, everyone gathered around Parker as he told the scary, unthinkable story. They were all speechless and grateful for his safe return, and that none of the cast and crew had severe injuries.

  “Okay, enough of all this. Parker needs his rest. Just look at him—he’s exhausted.” Marie stroked his cheek.

  “I am wiped out. My head is pounding, but I’m so happy to be home. Thank you all for being here for my girl. We can talk more tomorrow and hammer out the details for Idaho.”

  “Um no. Idaho’s canceled,” Marie said, matter-of-factly. Parker gave her a puzzled look.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Why?” You have to be kidding.” She laughed. “Parker, you could have died, and then you checked yourself out early. You need to rest, and you need time to recover.”

  “But I really wanted to go to Idaho,” Jackson whined.

  “Jackson,” Marie began firmly, but Parker patted her hand.

  “We’ll talk about this tomorrow,” he said. Then he winked at Jackson to reassure him.

  Marie inhaled deeply. She was emotionally spent but was beginning to notice her abruptness with everyone. “Fine, we’ll talk about it tomorrow. Now, let’s get you upstairs,” she said to Parker. He nodded and stood, taking her hand.

  “We’ll lock up down here,” Dave assured Parker.

  “Yes, and we’ll make sure Jackson gets to bed at a reasonable time,” Tessa added.

  “Thanks guys,
I appreciate it.” Parker smiled. Marie was quiet and only gave everyone a small wave.

  When they got to their room, Marie grew nervous. She didn’t want to delay telling Parker she might be pregnant, nor did she want to overwhelm him just hours after he had returned home. She had bought a pregnancy test earlier in the week and planned to take it with him present. Maybe she’d wait until the morning.

  Parker stopped at the foot of the bed and pulled Marie to him. “Baby, what’s going on? You’ve been tense and agitated since I returned.”

  “I’ve just been out of my mind worried about you. I don’t want anything to happen to you. Idaho will still be there when you’ve recovered. We don’t have to go so soon after your return.”

  “Yeah, but I want to go. Jackson will love it there and I don’t want to disappoint him.” Parker studied her. “You look wiped out, too. I bet we’ll both feel better in the morning,” he said before he gave her a gentle kiss. “Let’s change and hit the sack.”

  Exhausted didn’t begin to describe how she felt. It was after ten and she had gotten used to going to bed by nine. The pregnancy had drained her the last couple of weeks.

  Marie walked out of the bathroom and Parker was already in bed waiting for her. She climbed in and they nestled in together, enjoying the feel of each other and sharing tender kisses. It didn’t take much for them to drift off to sleep after their much needed, emotional connecting. Neither woke through the night while Parker held Marie close until morning.

  Marie stirred, then popped up out of bed panicked. Parker wasn’t in bed and she briefly feared she had only dreamed he returned home. The sound of the shower instantly made her relax. It wasn’t a dream. She looked at the clock and it was after nine. She crawled back in bed to wait for him and fell back asleep.


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