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Dev's Mate (Shifters on the run Book 2)

Page 10

by Serena Simpson

  “No, you didn’t.” Her eyes were wide and sparkling.

  “Yeah, we did. There was this kid who needed an operation or he would die. There were so many people in and out of his house that they let the indoor cat out. The mother was telling a friend about it in a diner where we stopped at to eat. The kid wouldn’t have the surgery he was so upset about his cat. We listened to the whole story and later approached the mother who had a picture of the cat. We slept in our vehicles and fanned out looking for this cat. It took us two days. The cat was just as scared as the boy. The look on his face when we brought that cat home is something I won’t ever forget. I risked my freedom for a cat. What do you think I would risk for you?”

  “Everything.” Her voice was soft as large tears rolled down her cheeks. Dev would risk anything for her, and it wouldn’t matter to him if she got scared and ran or stayed because either way, he would give everything he had for her.

  She climbed to her knees on the bench and kissed him. He tasted like home as her tongue swiped over his taking him deep inside of herself. This is what she dreamed about at nights, the one male who was perfect for all the different sides of who she was.

  “Let’s go back,” she whispered in his ear. Together they got up and started walking back while she started singing. It was a silly song that she remembered from her childhood.

  “You have a pretty voice.”

  There was a little girl across the street with her frazzled parents.

  “We’re sorry, Lisa doesn’t like to go to sleep at nights.”

  “It’s not a problem. Lisa, why don’t you like to go to sleep at nights?”

  “The monster comes into my room and scares me.”


  “He’s real daddy his name is hachoo like the sneeze.”

  “Alright baby.”

  “Can I sing you a song?”

  She nodded her head yes.

  “It’s magical and will keep that mean man away from you.”

  The girl beamed her approval. Rissa began to sing as she did she imagined a wall of protection around the girl. When she was finished, Lisa threw herself into her arms.

  “You did it I feel safe, thank you.”

  “Your welcome.”

  “We can go home now.” She took her parents hands and led them away as they looked back at Rissa stunned.

  “What did you do?”

  “I don’t know all I could think about when I was singing was putting a barrier around Lisa to keep her safe.”

  “I told you. You can do more than you think,” Zayro told her before she and Talon disappeared.

  “I don’t like the way he pops in and out, and now he’s bringing his mate along for the fun of it.”

  Rissa laughed loud and clear. She would never have believed her life could be so much fun.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Do you think this is the calm before the storm?” She was sitting on the bed bent over pulling off her shoes.

  “I think we’re in the eye of the hurricane, but you know what, I’ll take the quietness.”

  She stood up and pulled off her shirt before undoing her pants and pushing them down her legs.

  “I don’t know I think I’d like some noise.” She took her bra off and dropped it at his feet. Stopping at the door to the bathroom she hung her thong from the handle before she went inside.

  She was leaned over the shower giving him a view of the globes of her ass when he came in.

  “Just in time, the water is perfect.” She stepped in and threw him a teasing smile.

  He stroked her with his eyes and measured getting in the shower with her against all the task he needed to do. Right, there was no competition Rissa would always win. He finished stripping off his clothes and joined her. The water was hot against his back.

  “You know I always heard that females like the water hotter than males.”


  “I think there may be something to that theory.”

  She laughed simply enjoying the sound. “You know what else we like hot?”

  “Why don’t you show me?” He crowded her body until she was against the wall before he leaned in to kiss her.

  Her arms went around his neck, and she melted against him. Her body touching in all the right ways to arouse him. A small grind of her hips against his had him groaning in desire.

  “You’re like a siren luring me to death.”

  “It’s a good thing you can’t drown in the shower.”

  “If only that were true I’m so far in that I’m over my head.”

  “Me too.” She licked the shell of his ear before she bit the lobe.

  “Rissa, if you keep this up.”

  “Mmm, what’s going to happen?”

  He gave her a look that made his brown eyes sparkle before he backed away just a little to look at her. His hand came up to caress the side of her neck and down to her shoulder.

  The feeling of his fingers moving over her skin first lightly then with a little more force made her shiver. She was becoming sensitized everywhere his hand went as if he knew the secret to her erogenous zones.


  “Shh, you asked for this egging me on. Now you have to bear the consequences.” His lips traced the pattern his fingers made on her neck and shoulders. His tongue licked at her while his teeth nipped her everywhere.

  The lips of her pussy were shivering with need even as she felt spasms deep within her body begging him to take her. The feel of his fingers circling her breasts had her tilting her body back, so he had better access. When his mouth found one of her breasts the feel of his tongue circling it was heavenly. His hands slid down until they found her nipples. His fingers pulled and tweaked bringing small sounds of pleasure from her lips.

  His head lowered and caught one of her nipples in his mouth sucking on it. She tugged on his hair even as she whispered words of encouragement to him. He gave her nipple a tug with his hand even as he nipped at her other one.

  “Harder,” she begged demanding more.

  His teeth nipped her nipple hard sending a wave of sensation through her body. She found herself moving against him asking without words for him to possess her.

  He repeated the bite on her other nipple allowing his hands to move over her belly calming her even as he made her hotter for his touch. Carefully he worked his way down until he was on his knees with his head pressed against her belly. He could feel her trembling even as he kissed her. His tongue came out to worship at her stomach and tease her belly button.

  The quick breaths of air she was taking were revving him up, but he refused to go fast. He wanted her to know just how much he cared about her.

  He kept licking her skin even as he worked his way down her belly until he stopped at the hood over her clit. He looked up into her gray eyes that were bright with longing and gave her a teasing smile.

  His smile made her stomach tighten, and her legs shake. When his head lowered, he took her clit into his mouth all she could do was clench his hair tight as sounds of pleasure tore free from her. Her body shook as he sucked on her. She was sensitive, and his mouth felt like heaven. Her hips tilted up as she got closer to his mouth.

  She could feel his sucking in the tightness of her nipples and the throbbing of her pussy. He was teasing her making her needy for what only he seemed to be able to give her. His tongue licked over her clit before he shoved his nose into her pussy and breathed deeply scenting her.

  “You smell like ambrosia, the food of the gods.”

  His tongue licked at the seam of her pussy making all words impossible as she thrust herself against his face.

  “My little cat is needy.” He stuck his tongue inside of her, they both groaned at the same time.

  His finger replaced his tongue as he explored her depths. Then he added a second one which she began to ride.

  “Dev, please don’t tease.”

  “Not teasing love.” He sucked her clit back into his mouth while his
fingers stroked her.

  She felt her body tense even as she waited for the explosion that would rock her world. When it came, she gave a high keening sound as her hips bucked against him.

  She was floating in a sea of tranquility. He stood up and moved close to her.

  “I never believed I would meet anyone like you.”

  He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around him. With one thrust he was deep inside of her.

  “Dev, you make me crazy with desire for you.”

  He chuckled as he withdrew before plunging deep into her.

  “I think you just make me crazy.” He whispered in her ear before biting it.

  Her head lolled to the side as he moved in and out of her hitting her secrets spots along the way. She worked her hips to stay in time with him pushing up against him and grinding herself into him when they met. His breathing came faster, and she grinned tightening her muscles making it harder for him to pull this thick cock out. His movements were faster less controlled as he plunged deeply into her.

  Her body tightened in anticipation of going over that beautiful ledge one more time.

  “Come with me, Rissa.” He was pounding into her making her swell from the feel of his cock even as she became more sensitive. Her nipples were hard buds that she rubbed against him. The throbbing of her pussy was pushing her closer and closer to that glorious moment of relief.


  “Now!” His deep voice in her ear had her jumping over the cliff leaving sanity behind.

  She began to milk his cock, and he gave a loud groan that sounded so good she came again. The feel of him shooting his seed deep inside of her undid her. This is what she wanted, what she spent her life looking for. Dev was who she wanted to be with forever.

  “You make my heart feel good.” She whispered into his ear.

  His teeth dropped, and he bit her claiming her for all eternity.

  There was alarm in her eyes when his met hers.

  “You bit me.”

  “I claimed you.”

  “Ahh, you know what they say right?”


  Her teeth dropped, and she bit him. The connection that formed between them rocked her. She never knew she could be connected to one person like this.

  “If that’s what they say. I like it.” He turned the water off and took her to the bed. “We can shower later.”


  The knock on the door woke them up. He was up pulling on a pair of pants on even as he pointed toward the bathroom door. She was out of bed picking up the clothes she dropped last night before she slipped behind the door.

  He answered the door to find Lore and Ben waiting for him.


  “I’m dressing I’ll be out soon.”

  “What’s up?” He turned to face them.

  “They found the body of the man you killed. They are calling it an attack by a wild animal. I think we need to find some place to lay low.”

  He nodded his head. Lore was right they needed to stay away from the heat right now.

  “Where did you have in mind?”

  “I was thinking of that vacation spot we passed earlier. The one for city folks to come and rough it as long as they have a roof over their heads, a kitchen, and hot and cold running water. You know roughing it.”

  Dev and Ben laughed.

  “No talking about city folks those used to be my people.” Ben grinned as he said it.

  “They are my people,” Rissa said leaving the bathroom.

  “Then it’s agreed,” Lore told them. “We hide in plain sight.”

  They packed quickly and headed for the Jeep.

  “Should we dump the Jeep? Rissa was looking at them waiting for an answer.

  “Not yet. They’ve been following us through other means. Right now we’re safe.”

  She nodded and placed her hand on Dev’s thigh. He was the one driving.

  He took an exit going to Ashville the land of oddities. She giggled as she read the sign, and soon they were in front of a diner.

  As far as she could tell it was a typical roadside diner with large eighteen wheelers pulled in front of it.

  They got some looks as they walked into the diner mostly from truckers checking her out and giving her smiles of approval. It shouldn’t make her feel good, but it did. She never thought she’d be able to blend again, but her time around Dev and the guys showed her how to let her human side show even if there was much more to her now.

  Dev glared at the truckers making her feel special. They seated themselves and waited for a waitress to come take their orders.

  After she left the table Lore spoke. “Rissa, you smell different.”

  She blushed thinking of the shower she never got to take.

  “So, does Dev.”

  They both sniffed at them. “You smell like each other.”

  She looked at Dev and smiled. The link that was forged between them was getting stronger with every minute that passed. There was no way to explain what happened to them. It was one of those things you had to experience to understand.

  “When we went out to dinner some strange shit went down.” He gave them a run down on Talon and Zayro and even the little girl. They stopped when the waitress came back.

  They all ate each lost in his own world.

  “You know I haven’t had soda in forever maybe I should order one.”

  “No, trust me. The doctors made it so that something in soda hinders our animals.”

  “I didn’t…” Her words died off as several people came running into the dinner.

  “Jill,” a female voice called out. “Have you seen Danny? He’s missing.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Rissa stood up making her way across the diner.

  “What do you mean Danny’s missing?” The woman who came from the back looked like the one standing in the middle of the floor. The family resemblance couldn’t be missed. They were both blondes with brown eyes and faces that were shaped the same. The resemblance was more than that, it was in the way they held their bodies and even in the silent communication between them. She was looking at sisters.

  “You know he thinks he’s grown at the grand ole age of eight. Every morning he kisses me and goes outside to take the bus to school. I run upstairs to the third floor and watch him through the skinny window. It’s the only one that lets me see two houses down where the bus stops. Today I tripped on some toys he had sitting on the steps. It took me a couple of minutes to get up, I knocked my breath out when I fell.

  “When I got upstairs I couldn’t see him. I thought his bus must have come early. All I caught was the tail end of a group of motorcycles flying down the street. I was still standing at the window when I saw Jeremy come out and then Susan came out. I ran down the stairs and got outside just as their bus pulled off. I searched for Danny then I called the police. They said he probably walked to school, but I don’t think so.”

  Jill pulled her sister into her arms.

  “I’m sure he’s okay, Danny can take care of himself.”

  “He’s eight Jill he can’t take care of himself, and those men have him.”

  “Don’t say that maybe he walked to school.”

  “He didn’t walk. He’s so proud to be able to stand at the bus stop by himself he would never risk losing the privilege by walking and making me worry about him.”

  “Can I see a photo of your son?”

  She handed over the photo she had tucked against her chest.

  “He looks like his dad. He’s no longer with us.”

  Rissa took the photo in it was a little boy with dark hair and bright brown eyes, his mother’s eyes. He was smiling and had a look that promised he was about to get into mischief.

  “What way were those bikes headed?”

  “They were coming this way.”

  “I saw them about fifteen minutes ago, they were headed towards old chrome road.”

  She nodded and took the picture
over to Dev and the others who were staring at her but still seated at the table. They passed it between themselves before she took it back to Danny’s mother.

  “Do you see those three men?” The woman nodded. “They are ex-military, the best there has ever been. We’ll find your son. What’s your name?”


  “Jane, I’m Rissa. You stay away from old chrome road. The cops will be up there, and I don’t want you to hinder them.”

  “I’m going to go get others to look for him, thank you.”


  “Stay here Jill in case he comes in here. I have my phone on call me.” She was out the door running to her car.

  Dev walked up to her took her hand and led her outside. Lore followed them while Ben took a moment to speak to the man who told them the direction the bikers were headed in.

  “I got directions.” Ben climbed into the front seat while the others got in. He drove until they came to a dirt road leading up a mountain side.

  The Jeep began to climb clinging onto the little slip of land that was laughingly being called a road.

  “My apologies to the Jeep.” Lore’s voice rang out.

  “Why are you apologizing to the Jeep?”

  “Because I was against it from the very beginning. Now I’m impressed that it hasn’t rolled over and killed us all before giving up its ghost.”

  Rissa laughed she couldn’t help it. All she could picture was the ghost of the Jeep pulling away from its actual body.

  “I told you the Jeep was a good choice.”

  “Why do you think this group took the boy?”

  “You know how when someone is telling you something and you just know immediately if it is the truth or a lie? When Jane said they had her son, I knew she was right.”

  “You always have this gift?”

  She shook her head. “It came after Roger. I guess you could say it was hard won.”

  Lore looked back at her. “Sometimes hard situations wake up what’s already inside of you.”

  Ben pulled over to the side of the road. “This is as far as we go in the Jeep.”


  “The road narrows too much, but also if the bike gang came this far, they will hear us if we get to close.”


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