Pick Me (Wait for Me Series Book 2)

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Pick Me (Wait for Me Series Book 2) Page 1

by Walters, Dawne

  Pick Me

  Dawne Walters

  Copyright 2014 Dawne Walters

  All Rights Reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the expressed permission of the publisher or author constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from this book, prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher or author.

  FBI Anti-Piracy Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.


  This book contains mature language and explicit sexual situations. For readers 18 and over please.

  While reading this story, it is not the fault of the author if you want to throw your e-reading device because of situations contained herein. Just thought I’d put that out there.



  This is for Team Gabe and Team Carter

  May the best man win!

  For the Friends and Family that have helped me along the way with this series – THANK YOU!

  It’s amazing how people can mold and shape a book to give you ideas to take it in different directions. For those nameless few…THANK YOU!!

  Photography by Dawne Walters

  Cover Design by Brad QK

  ISBN-13: 978-1500396473

  ISBN-10: 1500396478

  2Wait for Me Series

  Chapter One

  The first week of October.

  The leaves were starting to change. The ocean was starting to get colder. Decorations for the holidays would start going up soon. He had a few weeks until he had to leave to Virginia for his NCOES School. He made the list for staff sergeant and didn’t have her to share the joy of his promotion.

  No call.

  No visit.

  No text.

  No happiness.


  She wasn’t at work. Hamish and Meavy would only say that she had taken some time off. Her stepmother said she wasn’t home when he’d gone by looking for her, and then promptly slammed the door in his face.

  He re-lived the moment she left every day and every night in his dreams. And no matter what the in-between part was, he always saw the tears on her face and her car. Of course, that fucking car started up on the first try. Of all the times to start on the first try, it was when she was leaving him. He knew she was as affected as he was. He saw her tears. The only thing he could do was fall to his knees in the middle of the street. He felt sick to his stomach. Doubled over, his head fell into his hands, and he cried for the first time since he’d heard his cousin had died. He couldn’t watch her drive away…it was too much.

  That was a week ago.

  He’d walked into his apartment, having left the door unlocked for Colette because she was making pasta for him for dinner. She was supposed to be there at any moment. He was finally letting her cook for him after he’d spoiled her with just about every Cuban dish his mother and grandmother made for him when he was growing up.

  Closing the door, he noticed clothes on the back of one of the dining room chairs. His moment of elation dinned when he realized that Colette would never risk walking around nude knowing Brock lived there too, and that there was always a possibility that he could walk through the door. Maybe she was doing something different. Maybe June had told Colette that Brock was staying at her house tonight. Either way, he put on a smile and walked closer to the kitchen.

  “Amante?” he’d called.

  What, or rather who, greeted him had left him flabbergasted.

  Rosa had come out of the kitchen nude. Her long black hair pushed behind her shoulders. She swung her hips just a little more than usual, trying to get his attention. Her large breasts swayed as she sashayed toward him. He took her in from head to toe. She’d put on a little makeup and shaved her pubic hair, she even went so far as to paint her toenails.

  “I was hoping you’d be home soon Gabriel,” she purred as she stopped in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’ve needed you.”

  Gabe stood there not touching her. “What….how…”

  “The door was unlocked,” she whispered in his ear now. “I hope you don’t mind that I let myself in.” She licked his neck under his ear and kissed over to his shoulder.

  He was in a panic. Colette had texted him and said that she was on her way from the grocery store. “Um…Rosa…”

  “Yes baby?” she pushed herself up against him, pushing her pussy up against his cock, trying to make him hard. “I want you.”

  “We don’t…we can’t.” His hands moved to her waist. ”I can’t,” he choked out, trying to keep his composure.

  “You wanted me not so long ago.” Rosa again pushed up against him. “Huerto could never do what you do to me.”

  The mention of his cousin’s name sent him in a spiral of memories that he did not want to re-visit right now. Not with his cousin’s wife rubbing up against him. He went to push Rosa away, but she pushed into him with her breasts and rubbed up against his cock again. His hands on her hips squeezed her tighter, and his cock was onboard totally with what she was doing. He realized all too quickly that he had sent her the wrong signal in squeezing her hips. He was frustrated that she was even there. He wanted her to leave. What was in the past, was in the past.

  “Colette is coming home,” he’d said. “Rosa, you have…”

  “Oh, then just a quick one.” Rosa slid her tongue over her bottom lip.

  Gabe shifted his feet. “Rosa…this can’t…we can’t.”

  “Aw come on Gabriel, just once more before Whetta comes over.” She moved closer to his mouth, “I’ll make you feel so good.”

  It was about this time he’d started to panic. He’d told her to get her clothes on, she’d pleaded with him more. Then she’d kissed him, but he didn’t respond. Well, his lips didn’t anyway. His dick was seriously contemplating her offer though.

  Then, he’d heard the resounding smash of something exploding on the tile by the front door. Looking over, his heart fell to his stomach, maybe his feet.


  No! No! No! He remembered that the next few minutes went by in a blur.

  He’d chased her to her car and kept her from getting into it. She had begged him to let her go. He’d said no that he couldn’t. It was the truth. He finally found solace in a woman that filled him with so much peace and dare he even say love…after only a few months. He was falling hard for her. She begged him again to let her go. And again he pleaded with her. He told her that he’d make Rosa go away.

  But, Rosa hadn’t gone away. She’d come out to Colette’s car and lipped off about a mess and how Colette wouldn’t make it in their world. He was so confused. How could Rosa not see that there was no difference?

  Then his world crashed down around his feet.


  NO! Don’t safe word!

  It was like a personal mantra from her lips to his ears. Over and over she’d said it. He knew that if she safe worded, even though they weren’t a 24/7 couple, he’d back off from her. It’s what Dominants did with their submissives. It’s what lovers did when they needed room. He followed this lifestyle to the letter. She kept whispering it as he stood there, and she got into her car.

  And damn if her piece of shit car started on the first try and let her get away. He knew she was affected as much as he was. He saw her tears. The only thing he could do was fall to his
knees in the middle of the street.

  Rosa was there over him as soon as Colette’s car made the left hand turn to the gate and out of the complex.

  “Get up Gabriel. You are just embarrassing yourself and me. I can’t have you acting like this.” She stood there with her hands on her hips.

  “Get. Away. From me Rosa. GO!” Gabe screamed at her as he sat back on his heels, his face a torrent of tears.

  “Get the fuck away from me,” he whispered now. “Just go. I don’t want you. You were just a lie. I never wanted you.”

  He’d phoned Colette that night, and it went straight to voicemail. So, he’d texted her to make sure that she at least saw his message if she didn’t take the time to listen to her voicemails.

  The next day at work, he was greeted by a very upbeat and happy Brock. When Brock asked what was wrong, Gabe explained everything, which set in motion Brock calling June, who in turn called Colette, only to be met with voicemail straightaway. When Brock told Gabe, his mood got worse.

  Day two without a word, either from her lips or her phone, and Gabe was thankful that it was Friday. He practically ran from the flight line to his car and sped to the pub. He wanted to give her time to sort out her feelings, but he couldn’t wait any longer. He walked in, still in uniform, and asked about Colette. Sara and Caroline didn’t know anything. Hamish and Meavy only said that she’d needed some time off. So, he’d gotten back into his car and drove home. Brock had asked if she was at work, and he’d told him that they didn’t know anything.

  On the third day, Gabe woke up early and went to the gym. He’d worked out so hard, he had to sit in the hot tub and drink water to be able to move. Later, he’d run up and down Eisenhower at least three times, and still couldn’t get Colette out of his brain.

  Day four, post Cuba. That’s what he was calling it now. He’d done laundry and finally ate a solid meal. Granted, it was just sandwiches and soup from Atlanta Bread Company that Brock and June had gotten. They were worried he wouldn’t eat if they didn’t put it in front of him. He’d gone to the gym and worked his ass off again, sitting in the hot tub until his legs didn’t fail him when it was time to drive home.

  That night, he’d woken up from a nightmare in a sweat. Rosa slid up and down his body; he’d gotten hard. He laid her out on the dining room table and was fucking her hard, just how she liked. Then Colette walked in, he looked over and smiled at her, a wicked evil smile, as Rosa moaned again under him.

  He looked over at his clock and it was only half past midnight. Shit! So, he got up and took a hot shower. Then, he went downstairs, took a water from the fridge and watched TV until he fell asleep on the sofa.

  Days five, six and seven were all the same. Up at five thirty, in formation for PT at six fifteen, back home at seven forty-five, back on the flight line at nine and working on his helicopter until lunch. Then he’d follow Brock to his car and they’d go eat, sometimes with June and sometimes without. He felt like shit even though he was still at the gym taking on new clients every day as his part time job after he left the flight line at five, sometimes six. He didn’t let on that anything was wrong. The only people that knew were Brock and June.

  Thursday was day eight, and Gabe finally decided that he needed to snap out of it. It had been a week. The past few months were the best months of his life, bar none. Walking up the sidewalk to his front door, his phone went off again. Out of reflex, he grabbed his phone quickly and looked at the screen, Rosa. He hit the red button sending her to voicemail. Walking to the fridge, he pulled out a water and made his way up to his room.

  A lusty cry came from Brock’s room and a very satisfied male groan. Gabe smiled, shaking his head. Closing his door, he walked into his bathroom, set the water bottle on the sink and took a long, hot shower. His dick really wanted attention, but, if he couldn’t have Colette, his dick wasn’t getting attention either. After toweling off, he slid into bed and turned on the TV. His phone dinged three times in a row and he knew without looking at it who it was. He picked it up anyway and checked it.


  He had so many texts and voicemails from Rosa, he couldn’t see straight. She had phoned so many times and texted twice as much. Not once had she apologized to him for what she’d done to come between him and Colette. Looking at his phone now, he got pissed and launched his phone at his wall. As luck would have it, it hit the damn doorknob instead and shattered the screen. Maybe that was a hint to him that he needed to stop looking at the few pictures of Colette he had on his phone and making himself look like a fucking sissy.

  Leaving his phone, he pulled the covers up, turned the TV up just a bit more and laid back against the pillows hoping for a dreamless sleep. He had a four day weekend starting tomorrow, maybe he’d go to the beach.

  Chapter Two

  Friday morning came with the sun shining through his window. Looking over at his cable box, he noticed that it was already ten. He couldn’t believe that he’d slept that late. Maybe it was because his phone didn’t wake him at all hours of the night. Then, he remembered that he’d launched it at the wall and it hit the doorknob instead. If anyone needed him, they knew where he was. Brock was his roommate, they could always call him too.

  After a quick shower and sliding on some jeans and a t-shirt, he stuffed his wallet in his back pocket, slid his feet into some flip flops and reached down for his phone that was in three pieces by his door. Picking it up, sliding the battery back in, and clipping the shattered front and back together, he turned on his phone. After a minute, it went crazy dinging with message alerts. Scrubbing his face with one hand, he pushed his phone in his pocket, opened his door and made his way downstairs.

  Brock was sitting on the recliner playing Call of Duty All was right with his world. June was curled up on the sofa next to him, covered in a blanket, asleep.

  “Hey man,” Brock said by way of greeting.


  “Colette went to Maryland to visit her grandparents for a little while.” Brock paused his game. “She hasn’t been in touch with anyone since she left, but June said last night that’s what her boss said after Colette phoned to let them know when she’d be back. They wouldn’t tell when she’d be back though.”

  “Just that she went to Maryland?” Gabe sat down on the loveseat.

  “Yeah.” Brock looked at his friend with a genuine look of sadness in his eyes. “Look man, I know how much Colette means to you, but honestly…you need to figure your shit out with Rosa.”

  Gabe knew he had to deal with Rosa. She wasn’t going to go away. He didn’t say anything though, and right on cue, his phone started to ring. Reflex action again, he took it out of his pocket and looked at the face of it. Even though the screen was shattered, he could make out Little G’s face somewhat like those mosaic pictures. He hit the red button sending Rosa to voicemail, then turned his phone on silent and tossed it on the sofa table.

  “What happened to your phone?” Brock asked, pointing to it with his chin.

  “Doorknob reached out and hit it on its way to the wall,” Gabe sighed, sinking back into the leather cushions. “So, I need to get over to the mall and get a new one.”

  “Ah.” Brock slipped through a few screens of his game, saving it, and then finally turning it and the TV off. “You want company?”

  Gabe just raised his chin at June, asleep on the sofa.

  “I’ll take her up to my room.” She’d gotten in late went unsaid. “Besides, I need to ask you something.” He reached over and tucked the blanket around June a bit more, picked her up with ease and walked up the stairs to tuck her in his bed. A few minutes later Brock came down wearing a ball cap, with his jeans, t-shirt and flip flops.

  “I’ll drive,” Brock said. “Let’s go.”

  They were both quiet on the way to the mall and walked in a companionable silence around the mall until they came to the mobile store for Gabe. A bubbly brunette walked up to them with a smile of invitation on her face when they walked in.

>   “Hi guys,” she said with her hand on her hip. “What brings you in today?”

  “Need to replace my phone,” Gabe answered with a half-smile.

  “Well, I can certainly help with that. Come on over to my station and let’s get started.” She swung her hips lightly within her khaki skirt and pushed her hair over her shoulders.

  Gabe and Brock followed her to her station and glanced at each other, shaking their heads. Gabe explained that he wanted to just get the same phone and transfer his pictures and files to his new phone. The girl left to the back room with Gabe’s broken phone and came back a few minutes later.

  “Do you want to read the text messages from your wife before I erase everything from the phone?” the girl asked as she came out of the back room.

  “She’s not my wife,” Gabe sighed heavily.

  The girl’s eyebrows raised in surprise at Gabe as she looked down at the lack of ring on his hand as it rested on the counter, then back up to his muscular chest and back up to his green eyes. “Alrighty then. I’ll be right back,” she purred and sauntered back into the back room.


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