The Last Betrayal

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The Last Betrayal Page 14

by L. Grubb

  Blade laughs while strapping himself in and getting comfy. “A few weeks a year we get heatwaves. The weather is never right here. Today isn’t actually that cold. You’re just not used to it being from LA and all.”

  “I guess you’re right,” I reply, zipping my jacket up before pulling the seatbelt over me.

  We’ve been sat outside Trick’s brownstone for over two hours, nothing major has happened, unless you count the postman falling up the stairs. Even Blade cracked a damn smile at that.

  I sit here, watching the beige front door, thinking about Lauren. Her tight pussy wrapped around my cock is exactly what I need right now. Just thinking this and my dick twitched in my pants. Now is not the fucking time.

  Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I turn my attention back on the door, just in time to see Trick emerging from his house…without his cut. Motherfucker.

  In our world, not wearing your cut is a dishonor to the club. Another betrayal to add to his growing list. This fucker is really starting to make my blood boil. If I had my way, I’d fucking kill him right now.

  Trick climbs into his beat up Land Rover and drives off. Waiting ‘til he’s further down the road, I start the car and follow at a safe distance.

  After winding through back roads for about ten minutes, he stops his SUV outside a run-down church. Why the fuck would he be here?

  No sooner does that question pop into my head, a man with a Hell Riders cut comes out the door. The guy is fucking massive with wide shoulders that fill the doorway and muscles that would rival the Hulk. His shaven head and stubbly jaw make him look even scarier. We’re not too close, but I can see the Nazi symbol on the side of his neck…This dude is definitely not a nice dude.

  Rolling my window down slowly to hear what’s being said, Blade grabs my arm saying, “Not too much. It’s noisy.”

  “I’m not an idiot, Blade, I’ve done this enough times in my years with the Crusaders,” I whisper back, shrugging him off my arm.

  He holds his hands up in a surrendering pose, shaking his at the same time. “Sorry, mate. Didn’t mean anything by it.”

  I nod my head at him and return my attention to Trick and baldylocks. Listening carefully, I hear Trick mention something to do with the Crusaders and again my blood boils, I can feel the heat in my cheeks as rage surges through my body.

  We continue to watch and listen in silence at the two men, catching Trick in the act of his betrayal to the Crusaders. He’ll fucking pay for this.

  After baldy disappears back inside the decrepit church, Trick looks around at his surroundings, a bit fucking late to see if he’s alone. For a snitch, he’s either too confident, cocky or he’s not very careful which is exactly why we caught him betraying us.

  I’ll have to keep my distance from him at the British chapter’s clubhouse. I’m known to act out in anger. Before I met Lauren, I was forever throwing my weight around, but for her sake, I’ve reined it in, keeping it under wraps as not to scare her away.

  “Ring Prez, he needs to know about this,” Blade says to me, keeping his eyes on Trick.

  I slowly wind my window up before pulling my phone from my jean pocket. I have the Prez on speed dial, which is handy in situations such at this.

  “Champ, what do you have?” Prez says as soon as he answers the phone.

  “We just trailed Trick to a run-down church. He spoke to a Hell Riders man with a Nazi symbol on the side of his neck. We heard what Trick was saying…” I trail off and clear my throat. “We heard what Trick was telling the Hell Riders dude.”

  “What did he say?” Prez replies through gritted teeth. I can feel his fury coming through the phone. I think he has an idea of what Trick has said.

  “He told him about the drop off that Mack has ordered. Hell Riders are going to be there to fuck it up and take the shipment.” The words flow out my mouth, full of anger and hate toward a man I have hardly spoken to.

  “Shit! Get your asses to the clubhouse. Now!” He hangs up on me after shouting out our orders.

  We bide our time, waiting for Trick to leave the area before starting the car for the drive back to the clubhouse.

  Sitting around the Church room table, again, I explain to Mack and everyone else what we heard and saw. Mack is unusually calm, making him seem like a scary fucker. The man always has something to say and to see him so calm after what I’ve just revealed has me squirming in my seat.

  Biting my lip, I get lost in thoughts of how this is going to play out, how we’re going to put an end to Trick’s games, betrayal, deceit and lies.

  “Hey, pretty boy! Focus!” Mack says, his face now a worrying shade of red.

  I raise a brow at him. Fuckin pretty boy? Only Cobra gets to call me that, and Lauren. “Don’t call me that, you don’t hold that right. What are we doing about this motherfucker because I’m sick of being in this country. It’s too cold,” I say, folding my hands on the table in front of me.

  “That’s what we’re discussing. Keep your fucking head in the game, mate!” he shouts back at me.

  “You need to lay the fuck off. I know you’re pissed, but don’t take it out on me, especially when it was me and Blade that got this information for you.” I stand and point my finger in his face. Heat floods my veins as the anger pushes forward, surging me forward. “Do not get fucking pissed at me. This isn’t my fault.”

  “Sit down, Champ,” Prez warns, glaring at me from his position to my right. “Everybody needs to calm it down.”

  I sit back in my seat, biting my tongue before I say something I seriously regret. Crossing my arms over my chest, I make myself look menacing. No one fucks with me. Ever.

  “Plan?” Mack says, sighing and rubbing his hands down his gritty face. He looks tired, haggard and a little old. This lifestyle is taking its toll on him and it shows badly.

  “We arm ourselves to the teeth when we go to the drop off. Expect the unexpected, so to speak. Take Trick with you and keep him close. He will be executed along with those pricks, Hell Riders,” Prez says, taking a long drag on his fourth smoke in the last fifteen minutes. “The drop off is in two days and we’ll be ready.”

  Mack hangs his head and a deep, low growl emanates from his chest. “This is fucked up. That tosser with fucking pay for betraying us.”

  “Damn right he will,” Cobra speaks up. Since we’ve been here, he’s been unusually quiet, and it’s unnerving to say the least.

  “That concludes Church for today then. Blade, keep tail of Trick. Cobra and Champ? Spend some damn time with your women before they start feeling neglected and nose into our shit.”

  We laugh as we push our chairs back. I wait for Cobra to come around the table so we can walk out together. I need to find out what’s up with him. He needs his head in the right place for what’s going to go down in just two short days. We can’t afford to have him distracted.

  “Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?” I ask him when we’re out of earshot from the others.

  “Nothing,” he replies quietly.

  “Don’t give me that bullshit. You’ve been quiet. I can practically see the wheels turning in that dumbass brain of yours.” I snicker. I love riling him up, most of the time it gives me the answers that he won’t tell me.

  “Hey, I’m no dumbass, brother,” he snarls at me.

  “Fuck. Just tell me what the hell is on your mind then!” I raise my voice an octave, getting frustrated at his pain in the ass stubbornness.

  “Alexis is pregnant,” he says in a low, quiet voice.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” My eyes widen in surprise. Fuck me. That’s not what I expected to come out of his mouth. I can’t imagine him being a father.

  “You heard. Alexis is pregnant. We found out this morning.” He looks everywhere but at my face.

  I’m standing stock still in utter shock. “How do you feel about it? You don’t look too happy,” I ask him, concern lacing my words.

  “I’m not too sure. Remember when she had that water
infection back home a few weeks back? She was placed on antibiotics and apparently that can cancel out the pill. Plus, we stopped using protection without a talk, which was damn stupid of us. ”

  “Shit. I didn’t expect that to come out of your mouth at all. Have you even spoken together about it?” I ask, curious at how he took the news this morning.

  “No. I walked out on her without saying another word. I can’t imagine the state she’s in right now.” Cobra’s face wrinkles into a grimace, guilt written on his face.

  “You complete and utter asshole,” I mutter at him before walking out of the clubhouse to my rental.

  A: Need 2 talk x

  L: U ok? X

  A: Not really x

  L: Come on down x

  Alexis is obviously down in the dumps about something. Usually her texts are witty and longer. This time they’re short, blunt and not giving off the happy vibe she usually has.

  A knock on the suite door has me jumping up and running for it. Opening the door, Alexis stands there with tear streaks straining her cheeks, her bottom lip trembles when she sees me. I pull her into the room, slamming the door shut behind me.

  “Babe, what the hell?” I ask, wrapping her in my arms. “What’s happened to get you into this state?”

  “I’m…” she trails off, shaking uncontrollably. “I’m pregnant.”

  “Oh my God! Congratulations, chick!” I shout, squeezing her harder. “You don’t seem very happy about it though.”

  “When I told Cobra this morning, he walked out on me without a single word. His face paled, and he didn’t seem too happy at all,” she tells me, more tears falling down her face.

  This should be a happy time for her. A shock maybe, but happy nonetheless. Cobra acting like a prick is uncalled for, and I’m sat here picking up the pieces of his stupidity.

  He may be shocked, but fuck me, there’s no need to walk out on his Old Lady after finding out she’s pregnant. Do men not have brains? Me? I would never forgive Champ if this was reversed and it was happening to me.

  Fuck Cobra. At the end of the day, it’s his loss, not Alexis’.

  Instead of sitting here and telling her what an idiot Cobra is, I reassure her, knowing this is what she is needing. “He’ll come around, babe. He’s just shocked.”

  “Will he? He didn’t even speak to me after I told him; the look on his face shattered my heart. What if he leaves me, Lauren? What will I do? I can’t be a single mother, I just can’t.” She sobs on my shoulder, my shirt becoming wet instantly.

  I rub soothing strokes over her back and grit my teeth through what I really want to say to her about prick face. “No doubt he’ll speak to Champ and he’ll either punch him in the jaw, or give him a stern lecture on how to treat a woman. They’ll be back together and you’ll talk. Like I said, he’ll come around,” I reassure her. He fucking better too. I’m pissed, and I’m ready to give him a piece of my mind myself.

  “I would say let’s crack open a bottle of wine, but we can’t,” I say, smiling at her.

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” she screeched at me.

  “Shit, no, sorry. Me and my fat mouth.” I pull away from our embrace and hang my head. Guilt crashes through me. That’s not the sort of thing to say to someone who just shockingly found out she’s pregnant.

  “No, don’t be. My hormones must be flying, I didn’t mean to shout at you, Lauren,” she tells me, taking my hands in hers. “I’m just being a sensitive bitch at the moment.”

  I chuckle despite the situation and soon we’re back to our normal selves, laughing over nothing and pretending real life didn’t just crash around Alexis.

  My phone beeps and I remove myself from the comfort of the couch and walk toward my purse sitting on the breakfast bar.

  C: Will be back in half hour. Is Alexis with u? x

  L: Yeah, she’s here. I swear to God, if he shouts at her, I’ll kill him myself!!!!! X

  C: He’s ready 2 talk 2 her. C u soon x

  I place my phone back in my purse and grab a couple of sodas from the mini-fridge. Walking back to the den, I see Alexis sitting there staring at her phone with a worried expression on her face.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask her, sitting myself down next to her. I lean over her shoulder to see what’s on her phone and sigh in resignation. A text from Cobra, brief and to the point telling her he’ll see her in their room in half hour. “Go get yourself cleaned up and have a shower before he’s back. You’ll feel better.”

  She nods her head in agreement before retrieving her bag from the floor by her feet. Standing up, she turns to me to say, “Thank you for the last hour. For your support. Whenever I need someone you’re always there, Lauren. I can’t show you how grateful I really am. Just know that I love you to pieces.”

  Tears blur my vision and I sniff them away, not letting them fall. Her words hit a spot deep inside me, etching themselves onto my heart. This girl is my best friend and sister by choice, and I’ll never take her for granted. “I love you too, chick.” My voice wavers but I stay strong. Enough tears have been shed for one day, and I refuse to add to them.

  I walk her to the door before giving her another tight hug, saying goodbye and watching as she walks to the elevators. My heartstrings pull at seeing her so resigned, so drawn into herself. Hopefully, Cobra can pull his head out of his ass long enough to see what he’s done to her today.

  Walking back into the suite and closing the door behind me, I debate on whether to have a shower or lather up in a nice hot bubble bath. Bubble bath wins out, and I head to the en-suite bathroom and turn on the taps. I sprinkle in some lavender essence and sit on the toilet lid, waiting for the bath to fill to the brim.

  Not long after submerging myself into bubble covered, hot water, I hear Champ.


  “In here!” I close my eyes and breath in the relaxing lavender scent.

  “Enjoying yourself there, sweetheart?” he asks, leaning against the door with his ankles crossed and arms crossed, smiling at me lovingly.

  “I’m more relaxing than enjoying, thank you. Give me ten minute and I’ll be out,” I reply, shooing him out of the bathroom.

  “Can I join?” I hear the amusement in his voice, at what, I don’t know.

  “Not enough room for you, baby, the water is too full and the bubbles like their room.” I smile, with my eyes still closed. This is fucking heaven.

  “Damn, you suck, sweetheart. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” His voice is closer than before, and his lips brush swiftly against mine. He moves away, taking his heat and scent away. I shiver from the brief contact and sink further into the bubbles.

  I grab a beer from the bar area of the kitchen and sit on one of the steel stools, waiting patiently for Lauren to come out from having her bath.

  I sit here, thinking over everything from Church, the plan we have in place, and I swallow around the lump of dread in my throat. Anything can happen once we’re there. We could get ambushed, taken out before seeing them. Even though the drop off is in a secluded area, it still has many places where people can hide, anything is possible.

  The thought of getting shot and Lauren losing me is too much to bear. I swig back the rest of my beer and place the empty bottle on the countertop. I scrub my hands down my weary face, the stubble on my chin tickling my palms.

  “You okay?” I hear from behind me. I swing around on my stool and face Lauren, wrapped in a towel, her cheeks tinted pink from the hot bath.

  “I am now,” I reply, eyeing her from head to toe. My love for her blooms every day, and every time I look at her my heart swells that little bit more. But thoughts of the days to come have my heart plummeting to my feet.

  “You don’t look too happy to me, babe,” she says, making her way toward me.

  Once she’s in reaching distance, I grab her hips and pull her between my legs. I stroke my fingertips down the side of her smooth skin, and she purrs at the contact. My dick stiffens in my pants
, and I groan at the pain of being confined.

  “Fuck. I’m hard for you, sweetheart,” I whisper into her chest. Her breasts are in perfect alignment with my eyes, and I push my face into her cleavage. I shake my head from side to side making her boobs bounce. With one hand, I pull the towel down, freeing her tits. I take one of her nipples into my mouth and suck hard.

  She moans, clawing at my hair, pulling at the roots. The pain mixes with the pleasure as her groin grinds against me.

  Fuck! I’ll never get used to this gnawing pull towards Lauren.

  My arm snakes around her waist, palming her ass and squeezing gently. Imagining my cock buried deep inside her has it pulsing behind the zipper of my pants. If I don’t let my dick free now, I’m worried it will break off.

  Standing abruptly, I hold her against me so she doesn’t fall back. “I need to be inside your tight pussy, I want you pulsing around me.”

  I feel the shiver running through her body, and my dick throbs in anticipation. I lift her, and her legs wrap around my hips, connecting at the ankles behind my back. Carrying her to the bedroom, I deposit her on the soft bed. “I think you’ve been wearing that towel long enough, sweetheart.”

  Her labored breathing is loud in the silent room as she lies there and stares up at me with her lust-filled eyes.

  I strip off my clothes, throwing them on the chair in the corner of the room. I sigh in relief, my dick swinging free. “Get rid of that damn towel, woman.”

  She’s soon laying there, naked in all her glory. Her pussy glistens with the juices, begging for me to lap them up. I don’t waste time, and soon enough, my face is buried between her succulent thighs, licking, sucking and nibbling.

  Her moans fill the room and she bears down, trying to get closer to my wet mouth. I slide two fingers inside her, curling to find her sweet spot. Her screams of pleasure spurs me on, thrusting my fingers deeper and harder ‘til I can feel her insides start to quiver.


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