Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 17

by Bella Juarez

  Alex was visibly taken aback. “Okay…” he said slowly.

  “I am a professional. What happens between us in private will not bleed over into our work. Don’t you dare act like a jealous boyfriend while we’re supposed to be working. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I’ve survived for thirty years without you. Believe me when I say I can survive another thirty!” Isabel snapped lowly.

  “All right, Doctor Vasquez,” Alex said.

  “Thank you, now I need to show you something here,” Isabel said, turning back to the table.

  Isabel led Alex to one of the lab reports she was reading. The report was a follow-up done on the baby they had delivered at Camp Echo. The child was showing no signs of the pathogen now and neither were five of the other children tested. They had managed to develop immunity to the bacteria. Alex sat for a long time looking at the reports without saying anything.

  “What? I know you’ve figured something out,” Isabel said.

  “I need to look at the chemistries of medication we use to fight this thing,” Alex said.

  “You never really did explain why that medication worked when others don’t. The chemistries in moxifloxacin-n are basically the same in any number of medications. Why did that one work and the others don’t?” Isabel asked.

  “The n at the end stands for the nanobots added to detect diseases and make a decision. It automatically fights any unknown bacteria or pathogen that it assumes doesn’t belong in the body.”

  “Nanobots? I’ve heard of the concept. I didn’t know they had actually been put into widespread use,” Isabel said.

  “What are the ages of those kids?” he asked, turning to the papers. “Look at this, Izzy. They’re all under the age of one. They’re all babies.” Alex logged into a nearby computer and found his documents were still available. “That’s it,” he whispered.

  “What?” Isabel demanded, looking at the screen, failing to see what connection he’d made.

  “It’s a combination of things. A few of them are still unknown. But one thing is for sure. This pathogen is weak in the young. Which could mean stem cell therapy is a viable option for destroying this thing. Why? How?” Alex whispered.

  “I don’t understand. The entire tribe had been exposed and was showing no signs of outbreak and most of them aren’t babies. Environmental factors have to be playing into this. The pathogen has to be something in the water, in the animals, the plants they eat, it’s something more than just age,” Isabel said.

  “Oh, most definitely, that’s the how. It’s like when the Native Americans were first exposed to Europeans. They were exposed to diseases they’d never known and it killed them. After a generation or so they developed immunities. I think these herdsmen have been exposed to a mutated form of this pathogen or were experimented on and have developed immunities. The children being born after so long can just kill it off, like a mild cold. We’ve got some work to do, Doctor. We’ve got to prove all this theory,” Alex said with a smile.

  “Alex, I don’t know if I’m the right person to help you. This isn’t my specialty,” Isabel said.

  “You’re good at chemistry, Izzy. We need that,” Alex reassured her.

  “You need a doctor who specializes in diseases,” Isabel said.

  “I’ve asked for one. They’re working on it. Until then, it’s you and me,” Alex said.

  Isabel wasn’t convinced. At this point she needed to go back to Kush and let Alex do his job. She decided to give it a few days and see how she did and how she could contribute.

  “We’ve got a big day tomorrow, Izzy. Go rest up,” Alex said.

  * * * *

  Alex stared at the ceiling in his quarters. He was thinking about what Isabel had told him earlier when he walked in on her talking to Steve. He got to his feet and decided they needed to have a conversation. He was convincing himself she didn’t want him anymore, and if that was the case, he needed to know now because he sure as hell wasn’t standing for that. He walked down the passageway that led to her quarters, telling himself to ask open-ended questions and not demand from her how things would be. He quietly knocked on Isabel’s door. He heard shuffling inside the room and waited as the door opened. She cocked her head in suspicion when she saw him.

  “Can we talk for a minute?” Alex asked.

  “Is this business or personal?” she asked.

  “It’s personal, angel.”

  Alex watched as doubt crossed her features. To his surprise, Isabel opened the door and let him inside. He sat down stiffly in a chair at a small desk inside her quarters. She sat on the bed facing him.

  “Did I do something wrong earlier?” he asked as neutrally as he could.

  “You need to respect some boundaries, Alex. You do not dictate what I do or who I talk to, especially at work. I know you’re a control freak, but don’t you assume that I can’t handle myself and that I’m doing something wrong,” Isabel said.

  Alex sat back in the chair. He was stunned by her observation and how dead-on she was about him. She’d gotten to know him so well in such a short time.

  “Okay, I admit I can be that way sometimes. I’m sorry I stepped over the line,” Alex said.

  “Alex, you’ll drive me away with that jealousy crap. I don’t need to worry about every move I make and every word I say and how it’s pissing you off,” Isabel said.

  “Isabel, I am a very jealous and possessive man. I know that. I can’t help it, angel.” Isabel started to argue when Alex stopped her by raising his hand. “I’m trying to keep it in check. I promise you, I’ll talk to you. Just like this, when I’m feeling insecure,” Alex said.

  “You have no reason to feel that way.”

  “I’m not doubting you, angel. Just remember that it’s me.”

  “Alex, you keep telling me to trust you. I don’t know what else I can do to prove to you I trust you. I’ve done things with you that I’ve never done and may never do with anyone else. But, that thing called trust, it goes both ways. You have to trust me, too,” Isabel said.

  This was the most honest conversation Alex recalled ever having with someone he was having sex with. It was scaring the hell out of him to admit some of the things he was telling Isabel right now. It was going a long way to prove this relationship with this woman really was different. She was right. He was withholding his trust from her and couldn’t ask any more from her than what she was being right now, honest and open. He needed to let go. He got down on his knees before her and took her in his arms. Her arms wrapped around him and he relaxed at the comfort her embrace offered.

  “All right, angel. I promise I’m not controlling you and I promise I’ll keep this in check. Will you promise me you won’t use it against me?” Alex asked.

  Alex waited for her response. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her and wasn’t angry at her. It was all the other assholes he didn’t trust. Isabel tightened her hold and kissed his cheek.

  “I wouldn’t do that to you. I know it would hurt you,” Isabel said, running her hands down his back.

  Alex melted at her light and easy touch that seemed to calm him in an instant.

  “I miss you so much, angel,” Alex said as he buried his head into the hollow of her shoulder.

  “Let’s get this done. At least in Stockholm, we can be together,” Isabel said.

  Alex closed his eyes and took a deep breath. She’s looking forward to being with you. Don’t fuck this up. Isabel’s scent was so mild and light, he committed it to memory. He pulled back slightly and looked up at her as she cupped his face and kissed him. He pulled her to her feet as he stood and embraced her again as he kissed her slowly. She pushed against him slightly.

  “Alex, stop,” Isabel said gently.

  He bent and kissed her again.

  “Good night, angel,” Alex said as he released her and walked out the door.

  As Alex closed the door to Isabel’s room, he looked down the passageway and saw Shaq standing against the wall. Shaq lo
oked up and smiled at him as he approached.

  “I’d buy you a beer, but the best I can do is lemonade.”

  “What’s up?” Alex asked with a smile.

  “We need to talk about a few things. Mainly I want to know what happened in Istanbul with the sister,” Shaq said.

  “None of your fucking business, Shaq,” Alex said.

  “Uh, huh. That’s what I thought,” Shaq said as he and Alex fell into step together and walked out of the hospital.

  * * * *

  Isabel found herself wrapped in body armor, or an outer tactical vest, and sitting next to Shaq heading toward the herders she hadn’t seen in some time. She would take water and plant samples near the abandoned laboratory that was discovered shortly before they got back to Camp Echo from Turkey. She shifted uncomfortably. The damn jacket Alex had wrapped her in must’ve weighed a hundred pounds. Alex had scoffed at her when she complained about how heavy it was, telling her it weight only thirty pounds. Thirty pounds my sweet ass. How the hell do they move in these things?

  Alex and a team had gone to check out the lab that had been discovered. The area was well guarded by the Marines and SEALs, but they were taking no chances with her. She was being escorted by convoy of eight SEALs and eight Marines. They stopped for a moment and took shelter as a contingent of Marines and SEALs went ahead to check something out. Shaq handed Isabel a bottle of water and resumed his seat next to her.

  “How you doing, Doc?” Shaq asked.

  “I’m good, Shaq. How much further?” she asked.

  Isabel smiled at Shaq as he looked at his watch because he reminded her of a big teddy bear. He was one of the few men at the camp she didn’t get vibes from. The rest were always flirting with her, which she knew made Alex crazy. She never gave any of those men the idea that she was even remotely interested in them. Much to their credit, once she made that known, they backed off. She was proud of Alex. Since their little talk three nights ago, he’d really been keeping himself in line.

  “We should be there in about thirty to forty minutes. Depends on how many times we stop.” Shaq took a long drink. “So what part of Miami are you from?”

  “Little Havana, I’m Cuban. Why do you ask?” Isabel answered.

  “I’m from Miami, too,” Shaq said.

  “Seriously? What part?”


  “Weston? Damn, Shaq, what are you doing here?”

  Weston was a very nice upper-middle-class neighborhood in Miami. Isabel was a little shocked at the revelation. Surely he didn’t need the military either.

  “I want to be here. I’ve wanted to be a SEAL since I was in eighth grade when one of them came to career day,” Shaq said.

  “Did you go college?” Isabel asked.

  “Yeah, went to the University of Florida on a football scholarship. I was almost drafted into the pros until I told them I wouldn’t play. I’d already signed my commitment papers for the Navy. I have a degree in structural engineering,” Shaq said.

  “I don’t understand what you’re doing here. You and Alex don’t have to be here,” Isabel said, shaking her head.

  “Doc, none of us have to be here. We want to be here,” Shaq said.

  Isabel was making every effort to try and understand these men. She wanted to understand Alex’s obsession with the military and the SEALs. She was having such a hard time accepting what it was that was so alluring about this life. As if reading her mind, Shaq continued.

  “We’re here for the same reason you are. It’s important and the decent people here need our help. They can’t help themselves against these bullies that come through here and raid their villages, stealing their women and children, breaking up their families. It’s just like they can’t help themselves when they get sick and need a doctor with advanced medical training,” Shaq said.

  Isabel took a long drink of her water. She’d never looked at it from that perspective. How many times had she seen these men do exactly what Shaq was describing?

  “He’s a good man. You need to take care of him, Isabel,” Shaq added quietly.

  “What are you talking about, Shaq?” Isabel asked, a little startled at his overt statement.

  “Alex. Did he ever tell you what happened when we first brought you to Camp Echo?” Shaq asked.

  “No,” Isabel said.

  Shaq smiled slightly. “I don’t suppose he would. He thought you had been assaulted because you looked like you had been beaten up. After he stormed out of the hospital, he walked inside the holding area and almost killed one of the detainees. He was really scared when he found out those men were holding you hostage in the clinic. There was no doubt he was going in after you. He’s been in love with you since he laid eyes on you.”

  Isabel shivered, recalling that night in the clinic.

  “I don’t know about that,” she said, looking away.

  “I do. Don’t play with him, Isabel. You’ll hurt him if you’re just playing,” he said, meeting her gaze when she looked back. “I always knew when Doc fell it would be a hard fall. I just never expected a sister to take him down,” Shaq said with a wide smile.

  Isabel giggled. “So, what about you, my brother? What kind of lady do you have waiting for you back at home?”

  Shaq chuckled. “A very special guy.”

  Isabel’s jaw dropped open at the revelation. This huge mountain of testosterone sitting next to her was…gay? If she had to pick one gay man out of the group she’d met so far, it would not have been Lieutenant Junior Grade Shaquille Harman. She was convinced that none of these men would ever accept something like that in one of their own. They had to all be homophobes, right? Yet Shaq seemed so comfortable revealing to her what he was. He didn’t follow it up by saying don’t tell anyone. Her head was spinning. She wondered if Alex knew about it because she just couldn’t picture him tolerating something like that.

  “Say what! Does Alex know?” Isabel asked, stunned.

  “Yeah, everyone knows. As a matter of fact, Alex was one of the first people I told when I came into the teams. We were stationed at Little Creek together. I’ve never hidden who I am. I did that for way too long and I was miserable. I’m not doing it again,” Shaq said with a shrug.

  “And no one harasses you or gets ugly with you?”

  “A few of them have, but for the most part everyone’s cool with it. I don’t harass them for being straight.”

  Isabel looked off into the distance. Her entire paradigm about the US military, Special Forces, and the men that made it up had just been turned upside down with this conversation.

  “Not what you thought, huh?” Shaq asked with a smile.

  “Damn, boy! I swear you can read minds!” Isabel blurted out.

  “No. I know that people have a lot of strange ideas about us. There are bunch of preconceived notions that come from out of left field. We’re people, Isabel. We’re men with feelings. We get hurt and we bleed. We want to fall in love, to make a life with someone, and raise families. We get scared and lonely. We’re no different than you,” Shaq said.

  Isabel watched as the convoy was given the all-clear to move forward. She was having second thoughts about all she knew to be true about the military. Alex was indeed a rare and special man and she suddenly felt very blessed at having him in her life, no matter how brief it might be. She felt guilty about all the harassment she’d dished out to him and all of the downright bitchiness she’d made him endure. Isabel needed to make a decision because Shaq was right about one thing. She didn’t need to lead Alex on. Shaq started to move and Izzy reached over and took his hand.

  “Thanks, Shaq. I’m glad we had this talk,” Isabel said.

  It was an uneventful day after they reached the valley where the herders had now moved in the Kush Valley. Isabel gathered her samples and checked out a few requests for medical attention. They returned to Camp Echo a little before dark. Alex was back in the work room talking to one of the doctors at the hospital when Isabel found him. She didn’t
interrupt the conversation as she went to an empty computer and documented her work for the day. She also checked on a couple of patients that needed her attention. Alex found her at a dictation desk when she was done with rounds.

  “Can I buy you dinner, Dr. Vasquez?” Alex asked.

  Isabel smiled as she recalled the conversation she and Shaq had earlier. Alex was genuinely happy to see her and it warmed her to see the way he was looking at her. She wanted to run to him and hold him, breathe in that woodsy scent that made her a little weak when she stood close enough to him to inhale it. He was trying so hard to respect her requests. They were alone, so it wouldn’t have mattered what he called her. Suddenly, she didn’t give a damn who knew about them. She wanted him to call her his angel. She wanted him just as happy as he tried to make her. You don’t like him…All her doubts disappeared at the sound of Alex’s voice and the comforting warmth that came from him. The hell I don’t!

  “I’d love to have dinner with you,” Isabel said.

  * * * *

  Something had subtly changed in Isabel, Alex noticed. She actually seemed happy to see him. She eventually got there when they were together, but he always seemed to drag her along a little. But not tonight, she was chatty and asked him about his day. Unfortunately there wasn’t much he could share, but he participated in the conversation as best he could. She mentioned a few times that she couldn’t wait to finish here and move on to Stockholm. They finished dinner and walked around the compound for a while. She didn’t seem to mind that either today.

  “Izzy, what really happened out there today?” Alex asked.

  “I told you. Why you don’t believe me?” Isabel asked.

  “I believe you, angel. You just seem a lot happier. I was just wondering what went so right for you today.”

  “Alex, how long have you known Shaq was gay?”

  “’I’ve known since I met him a few years ago. Why?”

  “Isn’t it illegal to be openly gay and in the military?”


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