Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 21

by Bella Juarez

  “I’m sure there is. Let’s go back and take a look at a few things,” the agent said.

  As they walked the short distance to the lab, Alex thought about the call he needed to make telling Rock the pathogen had been stolen. He also thought about how losing that pathogen would implicate Isabel in anything shady. When they opened the container door and looked inside, they found something really strange.

  “You said something was missing?” the MI-6 agent asked.

  “Yes,” Isabel answered.

  “What and where?” the man asked.

  Isabel looked irritated. “Right there—”

  Alex looked inside when he heard Isabel stop suddenly. Fuck me! It’s back.

  “Are you sure about this?” the MI-6 agent asked.

  “Yes! She came and got me when she saw it was missing. And it was missing when I got here,” Alex said.

  “Right, mate.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Isabel demanded.

  The MI-6 agent glanced at Alex and smiled. “Kashi warned me about this. I’ll start snooping around,” the man said, looking around the lab. “Let me know if anything else comes up missing, eh?”

  “I will,” Alex said.

  The MI-6 agent left and Alex looked at Isabel for a moment.

  “We weren’t both crazy,” Isabel said.

  “No, angel, and I don’t think that’s what he meant. Let’s go back to the embassy for a few. I need to make another call,” Alex said.

  * * * *

  “Ah shit! Are you serious, Rock?” Cobra exclaimed.

  “Yes, I am. Get to Stockholm and take a small team with you,” Rock ordered. “JJ’s scheduled to be in Europe next week. Sit down with him and plan how to take that lab down and find out who’s fucking with Alex. He’s alone over there and we all know what happens when these cocksuckers get you alone.”

  “Yeah and Alex helped take them down before. They could be making him a target,” Cobra said.

  “Rock, we’ve got something we’re chasing down. My bloke in Stockholm got someone on the surveillance video of the lab, last night and today. They’re trying to understand what they’re looking at. Apparently this is the work of a pro, avoided the cameras,” Kashi said.

  “What about access keys? Did they get anything on access logs?” Cobra asked Kashi.

  “Yes, but it’s a ghost. No known person with that access card works at either the BSL-4 lab at SMI or the ECDC,” Kashi said.

  “Get out there and leave JC in charge of the camp while you’re there. He needs the experience,” Rock said.

  The meeting broke and Cobra started looking at assembling his team. Of course there were the usual suspects, Dan Gamez and Shaq Harman. Alex would make four. That was a small enough team to get by and stay under the radar. Once JJ got to Stockholm, it would be fine unless someone started a small war. Depending on the type of war, those five SEALs could hold their own and probably win said war. He notified Dan and Shaq they’d be getting an all-expense-paid vacation to Sweden for a few weeks and Alex would be notified by MI-6 help was on the way.

  Cobra filled in Shaq and Dan on what was happening in Sweden. It was a familiar story and one they all knew too well. It always started like this, something small leading to something huge and ugly. Shaq expressed concerns about the ramifications of the pathogen going missing even if it was for a little while. Dan was worried something nasty was waiting when they got there and they were all worried about Alex and Isabel and thinking the same thing. What the fuck kind of game are we playing now?

  * * * *

  Alex and Isabel waited for the team to arrive at Arlanda Airport in Stockholm, and he was relieved that Rock had decided to send a team after all. The team’s connecting flight from Turkey had been delayed so Izzy and Alex looked through some of the shops that were contained in the airport’s famous duty-free cathedral. The designer shops lined the cavernous space under the high ceilings and the wide-open space made the place seem like a huge open shopping mall.

  They had been cleared by security to enter the secure area of the airport because of their status in Sweden. Isabel was looking through the World of Chocolate section while Alex drifted across the aisle. He looked over some of the promotional merchandise that a local artisan was handcrafting. Alex picked up his business card and decided to call on the man later away from the airport. While he was watching the man create a beautiful delicate bracelet, Isabel returned and slid her arm around his waist.

  “I got you something,” Izzy said, holding up a small bag.

  Alex took the bag and peeked inside. “Oh, that looks bad.”

  Isabel giggled and pulled him close. “It’s your favorite.”

  “Is it?”

  “What did you tell me while you were laid up in bed? Didn’t you say that dark-chocolate-covered almonds were your favorite?”

  “Yes, I did. You remembered, angel,” he said, pulling her close and kissing her.

  Izzy took one of the candied almonds out of the bag and fed it to Alex. They had spent a lot of time getting to know one another while he was immobile in a hospital bed. Izzy had spent hours interrogating him on his likes and dislikes, favorite color, and everything he would tell her about himself. Shaq was even helpful enough to tell her a few things, much to Alex’s dismay. Alex had learned how to play backgammon while they talked, apparently Izzy’s favorite evening pastime. He glanced at his watch and saw the plane carrying his team should be in shortly. They waited where they could be seen by the crew scheduled to arrive. Alex instantly saw Shaq in a sea of pale faces. Shaq ran to Isabel and scooped her up in a big bear hug.

  “Baby girl! It’s good to see you,” Shaq said, holding Isabel close.

  “It’s good to see you, too, Shaq,” Isabel said with a giggle.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were going straight, Shaq.” Commander Corbin winked at her when Shaq put her down.

  “Na, this is my baby sister,” Shaq said, squeezing Isabel around her shoulders.

  “Yeah, he’d have a hell of a problem with Doc.” Friday grunted.

  “He been good to you, baby girl?” Shaq asked Isabel, nodding over at Alex.

  “You know he has,” Isabel said.

  “I’m starving! Let’s get out of here,” Dan said.

  “Doc, did you get some rack space arranged for us?” Commander Corbin asked.

  “Yes, I did. It’s the floor above my flat,” Alex said.

  “At least two places?” Dan asked as they walked.

  “Yes, right across the hall from each other,” Alex said.

  “Good, because these guys give me the creeps the way they stare at me sometimes,” Shaq said.

  “Fuck you, Shaq!” Friday blurted. “Sorry, Doc,” he said to Isabel.

  Isabel started laughing with the rest of the guys and waved her hand dismissively at Friday. Alex slipped his hand into Isabel’s as they walked. He was pleased to see she was losing her inhibitions about him touching her in front of his teammates because she didn’t pull back this time. Everyone knew what was going on and it was silly to try and pretend nothing was happening.

  They made it to the quiet neighborhood that was home for now. Izzy begged out and decided to go home for the rest of the evening while Alex took the guys to a nearby restaurant and pub. After a couple of shots of good Swedish liquor, Commander Corbin sat back and looked at Alex.

  “Yes?” Alex asked.

  “Can you please tell me what she sees in you?” Cobra asked.

  “Please,” Friday agreed.

  “You motherfuckers didn’t save her life. Twice,” Shaq said.

  “Is that all?” Friday asked in disgust.

  “Mostly,” Dan said with a shrug.

  “Are you here to investigate my private life? Or are you here to help me figure out who’s fucking with me?” Alex asked.

  “Did you find out anything else?” Shaq asked.

  “Nothing other than what I told you. Kashi didn’t come up with a
nything before you left?” Alex asked.

  “Oh, he had some news, but that’s for later,” Cobra said as he swallowed some of his whiskey.

  Alex looked down into his glass and he noticed Shaq and Dan were looking at him.

  “Is this something I need to worry about right now?” Alex asked.

  “No. It’s nothing personal,” Cobra said.

  Alex breathed a little easier because this game they were playing was complicated and the enemy hid in the shadows or worse in plain sight, sitting right next to you. He’d learned that lesson dealing with the last shit storm. That enemy turned out to be one of their own. They went back to their bantering as their food was served. Alex and Izzy had eaten before they had gone to the airport so Alex was along for the company of his friends. While they ate, Alex and Friday discussed how he would be assisting in the lab and how the others would be working directly with MI-6.

  “By the way, JJ will be in Europe next week. Rock told me to call him if we needed some help,” Cobra said.

  “How is he? I understand he got pretty screwed up in Paris,” Alex asked.

  “How did you know that?” Shaq asked.

  “Isaac told me. He was the one who treated him on the way to the airport,” Alex said.

  “That’s right,” Shaq said.

  “He’s good, back at work. I understand he’s getting married or already married,” Cobra said.

  “No! Irene wouldn’t. She’s got better sense than that!” Dan exclaimed.

  “Married? JJ’s got better sense. He said he’d never get married again,” Alex said.

  “Rock and Mac say it’s a safe bet,” Friday said.

  “I’ll bet you fifty bucks he’s married before he gets here,” Cobra said.

  “I’ll take it. He was so adamant about never getting married again. And Irene would never put up with his shit,” Alex said.

  “Shit! I’ll take that bet and raise you another fifty. You’re right, Alex. Irene would never tolerate JJ’s bullshit,” Dan said.

  “You know what, put your fucking Grant and Benjamin on the table. I’m telling you, he’s getting married or he’s already married and it’s to Irene,” Cobra said.

  “I don’t think so. First off, Badass would kill him. Secondly, Irene hasn’t been a widow that long and I don’t think she’s ready for that. Running with him? Yeah. Marrying him? No,” Alex said.

  “I don’t know. Badass is pretty wrapped up with his own wife. I’m in with Cobra. Here’s my Grant,” Friday said, reaching for his wallet and throwing a fifty-dollar bill on the table.

  “I don’t think so,” Alex said, throwing his money on the table.

  Dan reached into his pocket and threw two fifty-dollar bills on the table and demanded, “Come on, Cobra, put your fucking cash up.”

  Cobra reached into his pocket and threw his money down as well.

  “I’ll hold it,” Shaq said, reaching for the pile.

  “Count it,” Friday demanded.

  “Friday, you keep riding me like this, I’m gonna get irritated with your fucking ass and I’ll kick it off this planet,” Shaq warned.

  “You can try,” Friday shot back.

  “Listen, you little cripple—” Shaq started.

  “Oh no you didn’t!” Dan exclaimed to Shaq.

  “I’ll show you how crippled I am, cocksucker. Anytime,” Friday snapped.

  “Didn’t I tell you? He’s your rack mate, Shaq,” Cobra said.

  “Aw hell no! Let him stay with Alex,” Shaq said.

  “I’ve got a rack mate, thank you very much, and there ain’t no room for you,” Alex said.

  “He makes a pass at me I’m filing charges,” Shaq warned.

  “Fuck you! I wouldn’t touch your ugly ass! I’m the one who needs to be scared,” Friday exclaimed.

  They returned to the apartment building just around the corner from the pub. Alex showed the men to their new space. He let himself into the flat he was sharing with Izzy and found her curled up on the couch asleep. He knelt down and watched her sleep for a moment and marveled at how she looked like an angel. He almost expected wings to stretch out from behind her when he touched her. He kissed her softly and lightly rubbed her arm. She dragged her eyes open and smiled.

  “You’re back,” she whispered.

  “Yes, angel. Let’s go to bed.”

  * * * *

  Izzy stretched and yawned as she turned over. She reached out and felt for Alex before she opened her eyes and found he was gone. She could hear Alex in the kitchen grinding coffee and she saw that the bedroom door was closed. She lay still and heard another, unfamiliar voice talking to Alex. Izzy got up and listened for a moment. The voices were hushed and she couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. She threw on some yoga pants, socks, and a hoodie. She tentatively walked out of the bedroom and saw someone familiar talking to Alex.

  “Good morning, angel,” Alex said, looking up.

  The man turned around and Izzy recognized him as Petty Officer Montgomery. Alex and all the men called him Friday. She smiled at him.

  “Good morning, Doctor Vasquez.”

  “Good morning. I’ll get my coffee and get dressed while you’re talking,” Izzy said.

  “Come here, angel. Some of this involves you,” Alex said.

  Isabel took tentative steps toward Alex because she was very self-conscious about their relationship around the men he worked with. Even though they all seemed to take what was going on between them in stride and accept it without question, she was still nervous about any display of affection between the two of them in front of these men.

  When Isabel stood beside Alex, he put his arm around her and kissed her lightly. It was hard not to push Alex away, but she promised herself she wouldn’t do that to him anymore. She quickly glanced at Friday who was drinking his coffee and studying some papers in front of him.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, reaching for a cup.

  “We’re getting organized before we go back to the lab,” Alex said.

  “I’ll be your personal assistant,” Friday said, winking at her.

  Izzy smiled and turned around to reach for the coffee. Alex was making something in the oven that smelled delicious.

  “What’s the plan?” she asked, taking a drink.

  “That’s what we’re working on,” Alex said.

  For the next couple of hours Alex, Friday, and Isabel went over new security procedures that they’d be using while they were in the lab. Friday would be keeping watch near Isabel and Alex while he was doing administrative work for the two of them. Isabel needed to be a little more observant about the people working in the area. All this talk of people watching them was making Isabel paranoid all over again and now she didn’t want to go back to the lab.

  “Are you okay, angel?” Alex asked as he closed the door behind Friday.

  “I’m fine,” Isabel said, sitting back in her chair.

  In reality her head was spinning from all the new information she needed to remember, none of it medical. Alex took his seat across from her and looked at her for a long time before saying anything.

  “Angel, what’s wrong? We can’t have a solid relationship if you can’t be honest with me. Something’s really bothering you. Please talk to me,” Alex said.

  Isabel sighed and looked at him. How does he always know!

  “Alex all this spy stuff makes me very anxious. I’m a doctor. I don’t know how I’m supposed to do my job and still be on the lookout for bad guys,” she said.

  “I understand, angel. I know this has to be hard for you and I know we just went through a lot of stuff with you. All I need you to do is let us know if there’s someone in the area you’ve never seen before,” Alex said.

  “Alex, I see people I’ve never seen every day. I can’t focus like this,” Izzy said, frustrated.

  “What do you want to do, Isabel? Do you want me to send you home?” Alex asked.

  Isabel stopped and looked at him. She couldn’t beli
eve he’d just suggested he would send her away.

  “You want to send me home?” Izzy asked.

  “No, but if you feel you can’t do what I’m asking of you, it would be better if you went home. Isabel, this is for your own safety, and if someone is in the area that doesn’t belong there, you could be in danger,” Alex said.

  Isabel stood and left the room without another word. She hadn’t listened to the rest of what Alex had said about her safety because in her mind Alex had just said he was done with her. She closed the bedroom door and sat on the bed. She knew he would eventually dump her, but she wasn’t expecting it so soon, and it hurt her to think he could turn his back on her so easily.

  “Izzy?” Alex said as he opened the door.

  “We’ve got to get to work. We’ll talk later,” she said coolly as she stood.

  Chapter 18

  Undisclosed Location

  British Intelligence Base

  Stockholm County, Sweden

  June 19, 2009/0611 Zulu

  Shaq, Dan, and Cobra sat with their MI-6 counterparts at a secret base that the Brits had in Sweden. They were looking over some of the intelligence that had been gathered thus far from the incident at the lab. They were in the middle of discussing some of the preliminary findings, their plan, and how they would delve a little deeper to find the mysterious ghost.

  “Well, at least the sample was returned,” the MI-6 agent said.

  “We don’t know what they did with it and this kind of shit was exactly what I was worried about. You don’t know how these bastards operate. They fuck with you like a cat with a mouse until they finally get around to killing you,” Cobra said.

  “You said you had surveillance video?” Dan asked.


  “Can I see it?” Dan asked.

  “Of course,” the MI-6 agent said.

  “What’s up Dan?” Cobra asked.

  “We had video of an incident in the hangar at Randolph. I just want to see what you have and I need to see it frame by frame. I’ve got the software I need on my laptop. Do you have redundant backups?” Dan asked.


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