Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 25

by Bella Juarez

  “So tell me be about you and Alex. I’m so glad he found someone. He seems so serious and almost lost sometimes. Around you he seems to be much more at ease and happy,” Irene said.

  “I remember when I first got to know him. He really intimidated me,” Isabel said.

  “Really? How so?” Irene asked.

  “It’s hard to describe. He reminded me of one of the doctors I studied under during my internship,” Isabel started.

  “He expects more than average? He expects your best? He won’t settle for anything less?” Irene offered.

  “Yes. That’s it,” Isabel said with sudden realization.

  That was exactly it. Alex always demanded everything from her and he seemed to draw it from her effortlessly. Even when she fought that demand, she would end up giving him what he commanded of her willingly, always wanting to please him. She hadn’t understood the crux of her passionate and sometimes dark attraction to him until now. She wanted someone to draw perfection from her and it was the lack of that sort of strength that left her cold with other men. She was a perfectionist and no man but her father, and now Alex, understood what it meant to her hear her work being appreciated and praised. She needed to hear it every day. It was what made her adore her father the way she did and why she wanted to be perfect for her father and now for Alex. She didn’t understand until now how well Alex understood her and gave her exactly what she needed.

  “They’re all like that. No ordinary woman can be with these men. Alex chose you, Isabel, because you complete something in him,” Irene said, taking another drink of her coffee. “James seems to manage to get me to do things I never imagined doing in my lifetime. It’s always an adventure. It’s also very liberating.”

  Liberating…Yes that was it. That was exactly what sharing herself with Alex was—freedom of her spirit and soul. She told him things she hadn’t even told her best friend of almost thirty years and gave into carnal desires she didn’t think she could ever express with anyone else. She shared her fears with him, her worries and her pain at times. He was the only one she’d ever told how she really felt about what her mother had done to her. He listened to her. He held her. He always seemed to understand and know what to say or do next.

  “You two seem like you were made for each other. Was it love at first sight?” Isabel asked, not quite sure where her sudden romantic side had come from.

  Irene smiled. “Sort of, we’ve had a few bumps along the way. Just like you and Alex will. Hang on to him. He’s worth it.”

  Isabel smiled and took a drink of her hot chocolate. She twitched when two hands gripped her shoulders. She knew who it was by the touch. She watched as JJ came into view and how he leaned over and kissed his wife. He respected her. He took an empty seat next to her and Alex pulled up an extra chair, sitting slightly behind Izzy.

  “You two having a good time, sugar?” JJ asked, winking at Isabel.

  “I think so. But I’d really like to get some rest,” Irene said.

  “Let me see if I can get a cab back to the hotel,” JJ said, standing and walking inside the café.

  “Alex, how long will you be staying in Stockholm?” Irene asked.

  “I don’t know. I hope it’s not too much longer,” Alex said.

  * * * *

  Alex made sure the door to the flat was locked before he walked inside. Isabel was in the kitchen getting some water. She seemed pensive and a little sullen this evening. He wasn’t sure if it was her discomfort of being around people she didn’t know or something she and Irene discussed. After they were in bed, he snuggled up behind her and pulled her close.

  “Are you okay, angel?”

  Isabel turned around and buried herself into his chest.

  “Hold me,” she whispered.

  Alex wrapped his arms around Izzy and lightly ran his hands over her back. “Do you want to talk, angel?”

  “No. Just hold me,” she said.

  Alex held her and caressed her adoringly as they lay in the dark. He waited. Izzy would start talking as soon as she worked through whatever was bothering her. After a few minutes, she cupped his face and kissed him. They exchanged loving, passionate kisses and he tasted Isabel, sensing she needed him to take his time. She needed slow and affectionate passion and for some reason she had an unspoken need to be close to him, to feel his body and touch his soul. Alex relaxed and let Izzy inside and allowed her to touch him deeper than anyone ever had before. He also reached inside her and felt the pain the she had at being abandoned by her mother and being too young to understand why. He recognized her self-imposed loneliness because of her lack of trust and he felt her distress about the uncertainty of their future.

  Alex soothed away the hurt by running his hands over her now-bare skin. He wanted the ease of his touch to convey his reassurance. Mostly he wanted his touch to carry his love and affection for her. Isabel responded by pressing her body gently into his hands. He nuzzled Isabel’s throat and kissed her softly.

  “I love you, Izzy,” he whispered as he kissed her collar bone.

  “I love you, too, Alex.”

  Alex smiled slightly. He wasn’t sure if it was a slip or she really meant to say what she had. He decided it didn’t matter. She’d say it again over and over from now on. He slowly pushed her onto her back, not breaking his kiss. Alex held Isabel tenderly as she started tugging at his shirt and clothes. He quickly pulled his shirt off for her and lost the rest of his clothing. She relaxed at the natural skin-to-skin contact they now had. Her touch went even deeper into his being. What Alex felt from her was pain and anguish because she was such a tortured soul.

  Isabel ran her fingers through his hair and gently guided his head to her breasts. Giving into her silent and gentle request, Alex nuzzled her nipples. She moaned and clutched him closer. She shifted slightly to feed him the other nipple. He swirled his tongue around and lapped her nipple to a hard point. Alex couldn’t resist the little bite he took. His fingers were teasing the other nipple much the way his mouth was. Isabel was writhing and moaning in pleasure. Her soft hands were running over his arms and back, encouraging him to get even closer.

  “Love me…” Isabel whispered gutturally.

  They met slowly, naturally coming into contact in the most intimate way possible. His cock instinctively met the entrance of her pussy in the timeless ritual of lovemaking. Neither of them giving thought to or calculating what the next move would be, they simply let their bodies lead them. Alex had never experienced the passion of touching or being touched so deeply on an emotional level. He let himself slide into the deep recesses of Isabel’s being and body. He heard Isabel’s carnal sigh as he started easing in and out of her slick pussy. The sweet friction of her pussy and the emotions running through him were powerful and overwhelming. He loved this woman and nothing would ever take her from him, including her own fears and anxieties. Isabel hooked her feet around his legs and moved in time with him.

  Alex groaned in ecstasy at the intensity of sliding in and out of Isabel’s creamy cunt. He leaned down and kissed Isabel. They blended their thrusts, their mouths moving in time with their fucking. He continued his lunges and kisses as she met him just as strongly as he gave. The velvet glove of her pussy that encased his cock was almost too much to resist and Alex knew he was coming to a peak. Isabel cried out as her pussy clenched.

  The emotional and the physical closeness were too much to hold back any longer. Alex’s body tightened as Isabel ripped the control he maintained so effortlessly at times. He pulled her closer and ground his hips into hers as he came, blinded by the force that shook his core, and they erupted together. She was squirming and her pussy was milking his cock, encouraging his own release. He jerked his hips and gave her what she demanded of him. This time there was something distinctly different about their lovemaking and Alex could feel it in his soul. They had made the connection of a lifetime and he would never experience this kind of touch again.

  This encounter seared them together and the he
at from it shot through his body, binding him to Isabel for the rest of his life. No words they could utter would seal their fate to one another the way this moment had. He knew instinctively Isabel felt it, too, because she was running from it. He grabbed her and kissed her deeply, determined not to allow her to run anymore. She responded by grabbing his face and kissing him just as desperately. Izzy held onto him, as if her life depended on him just as much as his depended on her. Alex slowed and finally rested on top of Isabel for a few long minutes. She shuddered and he pulled him close. He wanted to melt into her.

  “I love you so much, angel,” Alex managed to say.

  “I know that now,” Isabel said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Alex slid off Isabel. She shifted and snuggled into his body as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead. He was searching for a logical explanation of what had happened to his life just now. He knew it had changed in a big way. By the way Isabel was clinging to him, she knew it, too. He gripped her tighter, not knowing how he would let her go when the time came. Cobra had just told him while they were drinking that her replacement was on the way. Isabel would be going back to Miami soon, way too soon for either of them. He looked at her sleeping face and wondered how the hell he would break the news to her now.

  Chapter 20

  Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran

  Baharestan, Tehran, Iran

  June 26, 2009/1048 Zulu

  Azad waited in the office as instructed to give the president and the Speaker of the Iranian Parliament an update on the latest in Russia. Since the discovery of the lab, the president had become a little more cautious with his Russian mentors. Azad could hear the Speaker talk adamantly and then drop his voice. It was hard to make out that they were saying.

  The door open suddenly and Azad looked up as the Speaker and president walked out and greeted him warmly. He was led into the office. The president smiled and made small talk, inquiring about his health and his family. Azad returned the pleasantries to both men. The president looked at him for a long while and studied him.

  “How is your work in Russia progressing?” the president asked.

  “Slowly,” Azad answered.

  “When you were in Afghanistan, did the Russians say anything to you about withholding information from us?” the Speaker asked.

  “They never implied that directly, Mr. Speaker,” Azad answered.

  The president smiled slightly. If anyone would pick up on his nuances, the president would.

  “You were in Afghanistan. Do you think America wants war with Iran?” the Speaker asked.

  “I don’t know, Mr. Speaker. I’m a scientist,” Azad said.

  “Azad, do you feel threatened or uncomfortable in Russia? Especially in light of the recent setbacks?” the president asked.

  “Mr. President, the Russians are very suspicious and nervous people. Working in the environment I do is already stressful, but working with someone constantly watching over my shoulder is difficult at best. I understand the need to do so and I know Iran needs me to do whatever I can to protect her.”

  The president smiled. The Speaker looked nervous and concerned. They were scheduled for a meeting of the Parliament and Azad suspected there was some sort of power play happening here.

  “Azad, do you trust the Russians?” the Speaker asked.

  “I think they have ulterior motives. I do not believe they are doing this to help Iran as a strong ally,” Azad answered.

  “Thank you, Azad. Would you have tea with me in my private quarters? We can catch up on all the latest news,” the president said.

  Azad wanted to laugh out loud. Like I have a bloody choice? He needed to get to the bottom of what was happening with Bakri and he was sure the president knew and might even send him to meet with Bakri which was what Azad needed, otherwise he’d need to have an excuse to be in Turkey.

  “Of course, Mr. President,” Azad said as he stood.

  * * * *

  Alex and Isabel were finishing up their evening run. It had been a long day at work. All the test results had been completed and they had a better understanding of what they were dealing with. The pathogen had indeed mutated. The good news was it was weaker. The bad news was it had been artificially mutated, meaning the Russians were still playing with it. He still needed to make the connection between the pathogen they had and the one that was in the cells of the herdsmen in the Kush valley. The SEALs had gathered at the secure MI-6 base to have a teleconference with Rock. There was good news and bad news for Alex on that front as well.

  The good news was he would be going home as soon as they could pack up their pathogen and get it out of the country. The Swedish government had estimated it would take three weeks to do the paperwork. The bad news was that Isabel’s replacement was on the way and she was being sent back to Miami next week. He’d broken the news to her over lunch and she seemed to take it relatively well. They got back to the flat and went through their nightly routine.

  Alex put the finishing touches on dinner as Isabel showered. He took his shower after she was done and she set the table. They sat down together and dug in. Alex observed Izzy as she ate. She seemed at peace and happier.

  “Alex, how will I know when you’re back?” Isabel asked.

  “I’ll call you, angel.”

  “How are you supposed to do that?” Isabel asked.

  “What do you mean?” Alex asked.

  “You don’t have my phone number,” Isabel said.

  Alex wanted to laugh and tell her he could get her phone number and any other information he wanted with no problem. He chuckled.

  “You’re right, angel. Will you give me your phone number so that I can call you just as soon as I get back?” Alex said.

  She pushed her chair away from the table and reached for his cell phone sitting on the counter next to his keys. She sat at the table and fumbled with his phone until she found his address book.

  “Hum, what kind of little black book do you have, Dr. Richards?” Isabel asked with a wicked grin.

  “I’ve told you I lead a boring life,” Alex said, sitting back taking a drink.

  “Uh-huh, so did Clark Kent.”

  “I’m just a lowly Navy medic.”

  “Yeah, and he was a just a mild-mannered reporter,” Isabel quipped.

  “I’m not bulletproof, angel.”

  “He had a weakness, too.” Alex laughed. “Okay who are Amy and Anna. Damn, Alex, I can’t even get past the A’s,” Izzy said, looking slyly at him.

  “Amy is Irene’s niece and she’s married to Senior Chief Walsh. Anna is married to Captain O’Malley, my boss. Those two women don’t even know I exist when their husbands are around.”

  “Do their husbands know you have their wives’ numbers?”

  “Yes, they do, angel. If you keep looking you’ll find Irene’s number in there, too,” Alex said.

  Isabel started hitting keys and she handed the phone to Alex after she was done. He looked down and saw her name, address, phone number, and e-mail. He stood and started clearing the dishes from the table. She put his phone back in its place because he’d informed her without mincing words long ago how particular he was about his stuff and its placement. Izzy finished clearing the table, and as they did their chores, Alex teased Isabel by telling her he’d just renewed his subscription to Rush Limbaugh’s newsletter. She howled in protest.

  “How can you stand to listen to that guy? He’s crazy!” Isabel demanded as she pounded on his chest.

  Alex picked up the spray nozzle and shot a stream of water at her.

  “Down!” he said.

  “Damn you! You got me all wet!”

  “That’s not acceptable. Take it off!” Alex said as he lifted Isabel’s T-shirt.

  Isabel tugged her shirt down and started giggling as Alex lifted her up. He carried her over his shoulder and into the living room where he dumped her on the couch. He planted himself on top of her and started tickling her, making Isabel
break out into peals of laughter as he attacked her ribs.

  “Say you’re sorry for being so damn liberal,” he demanded.


  “Say it!”

  “No!” Isabel said, grabbing his hands.

  Alex easily broke her grip and cupped her face. “I still love you, even if you’re on the wrong side of everything.”

  “Go to hell!” Isabel laughed as she poked his chest.

  They laughed together and he leaned forward and kissed her.

  “Are we watching a movie? Or do you want to go out for a few?” Alex asked.

  “I’d like to watch a movie,” Isabel said.

  * * * *

  The SEALs sat around evaluating the latest information. They had discovered more than one hack into the computer systems at the ECDC. Dan was working day and night to try and discover where the hell it had originated. They were also reviewing the surveillance tapes from the recovered systems. Alex noticed JJ narrow his eyes.

  “Stop it, rewind a few frames,” JJ ordered. He looked closer and his jaw dropped. “What the fuck?”

  “You see something, Master Chief?” Friday asked.

  “I don’t know…” JJ trailed off.

  “What is it, Master Chief?” Shaq asked.

  “Dan, can you enhance this? Look at the frame in the corner. There’s two people,” JJ said.

  “Sure, JJ, let me see,” Dan said as he clicked his mouse and banged on the keys.

  Dan refreshed the screen. JJ squinted his eyes at the image. All of the men in the room were looking closer.

  “What’s going there?” Friday asked.

  “It looks like they’re exchanging something,” Alex said, looking closer.

  “Didn’t you say the pathogen was put back?” Shaq asked Alex.

  “Yes, it was put back. That doesn’t mean shit. It’s a pathogen. They could’ve taken a swab and gotten a sample,” Alex said.

  “Dan, focus a little sharper on the two people. You can make out features,” JJ said.


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