Passion & Lies

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Passion & Lies Page 4

by Michelle Iannarelli

  LACEY LISTENED TO DANE’S heart as it beat against her cheek. Aside from Dirk, she hadn’t ever been in another man’s arms. Suddenly she realized that she was with another man in Dirk’s bed. Tears started to fall from her eyes.

  “I never would have pegged you as a drooler.” Dane opened his eyes, took one look at Lacey and sat up. “Lacey, oh my God, I never should have stayed. I knew you’d been drinking.” Dane got up and started picking up his clothes from the floor. “I’m so sorry. I’ll leave.” Dane started to pull on his clothes.

  Lacey sat there quietly crying. She wanted to say something but she didn’t know what to say.

  After Dane finished dressing he leaned over and kissed Lacey on the top of her head. “I never meant to take advantage of you.”

  “No, Dane, I should have been able to control myself. I’m the one who’s sorry.”

  Dane stepped back. “I’ve never had a woman regret having sex with me.”

  Lacey wiped her eyes, stood up and grabbed Dane’s arm. “No, no regrets.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “Come sit down.”

  “Was I too rough? Did I hurt you?”

  “I’m fine. You were perfect.”

  “Then why are you crying?”

  “When I woke up this morning it suddenly hit me that…that after all this time—…I finally let Dirk go. You were in his bed and I had sex with someone other than Dirk.”

  Dane pulled Lacey into his arms and hugged her. “Hey, I didn’t know Dirk but I’m sure that he’d understand.”

  “I didn’t expect to feel this way. I’m sorry.” Lacey got up and ran into the bathroom.

  Dane dropped his head into his hands. He had no idea what to do or say.

  Faith sat waiting for the doctor to come into the office. She was so excited when the office called and said the doctor could see her today because someone canceled.

  “So how’s married life?”

  Faith immediately smiled up at the doctor. “It’s wonderful, Doctor, thank you.”

  “I took a look at your health records and I don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t be able to have a baby.”

  “Then why am I not pregnant?”

  “Let’s do a sonogram and I’ll draw some blood and then we’ll talk.”

  “Ok.” Faith laid back onto the table.

  The doctor squirted some gel onto Faith’s belly and started scanning. “Faith, do you see this dark circle over here?”

  Faith looked at the screen and then the doctor. She was horrified. “Is that a tumor?”

  “No, no, Faith, you’re perfectly fine.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “Your baby.” The doctor smiled.

  “MY BABY?”

  The doctor patted Faith on her shoulder. “I don’t know why you thought that you weren’t pregnant but you are quite pregnant. I’d say about fourteen weeks.”

  “But how? I’ve been taking test after test at home and they always have a dash and not a plus sign.”

  “I can’t really answer that but this sonogram is definite proof that you’re pregnant.”

  Faith placed her hands down onto her belly. “I can’t believe it.”

  “Believe it. You’re going to be a mommy.”

  “I can’t wait to tell Ryan.”

  The doctor hit print and printed two pictures out and handed them to Faith. “One for you and one for the baby daddy.”

  Faith looked down at the picture and smiled when she read ‘Hi, Daddy!’ that the doctor printed onto the picture.

  “Thank you.”

  “I love this part of my job.”

  Dane knocked on the bathroom door twice but Lacey didn’t respond. Finally, he turned the knob and the door opened. Lacey was sitting on the side of the tub crying. Dane sat down next to her and put his arm around her. “I don’t know how to help. I’m used to taking care of me and only me and half the time I don’t do such a great job of that. What I’m trying to say is that I don’t want to see you cry and I’m here if you want to talk.”

  Lacey sniffled a bit and then grabbed some toilet paper and wiped her eyes and blew her nose. “Dirk was the only man that I ever loved. He was also the only man that I’ve ever had sex with or shared a bed. I know that he’s gone and I thought that I had accepted that but suddenly these feelings came over me. It’s like I have to say goodbye to him all over again before I can move on.”

  “Maybe you weren’t ready to move on?” Dane ran his hand through his hair. He felt awful that he took advantage of Lacey while she was drunk.

  “Maybe not, but I also can’t live in the past.”

  “So now what?”

  “I shower, get dressed and make some pancakes.”

  “Did you say pancakes?” Dane smiled.

  “Dane, thank you for being my friend.”

  “So we’re back to being friends?”

  “I’d like that.”

  Dane pulled her close and kissed her cheek. “Me too.”

  “Good, then you go make the coffee while I shower.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Faith couldn’t wait to tell Ryan that she was pregnant but first she needed to tell her best friend. She pulled into Alex’s driveway and ran to the front door.

  Alex was changing Emmie so Miguel answered the door. “Faith, is everything alright? You rang the doorbell four times.”

  “Umm, yeah, where’s Alex?”

  “I’m right here.” Alex came walking down the stairs with Emmie.


  Miguel stepped back and watched Alex practically leap down the stairs. “OH MY GOD!” He put out his hands and grabbed Emmie as she flew by.

  Faith and Alex hugged and jumped up and down screaming while Miguel stood there staring and smiling.

  Alex pulled away and looked at Faith. “Ryan must be so excited.”

  “He will be when I tell him.” Faith smiled.

  “You didn’t tell him yet?”

  “No, you’re my best friend, I had to tell you first.”

  Miguel looked down at Emmie. “I bet Uncle Ryan won’t be happy when he finds out that Auntie Faith told your mommy before him.”

  “Faith, you better go tell Ryan. Then call me and we can go shopping for maternity clothes.”

  “Shopping! Good idea.”

  Faith kissed Alex goodbye and ran out the door.

  “Well, that was an interesting five minutes.”

  Alex looked at Miguel and laughed. “It certainly was.”

  Ryan was out for a run. He heard a car come up behind him as the horn began to continuously honk at him. He continued running thinking that it was just some jackass driver that didn’t want to share the road until the car was alongside of him and he realized that it was Faith.

  “Ryan! Ryan!”

  Ryan stopped and leaned in the car window. “Hey, Love!”

  “Get in.”

  “I’m kind of in the middle of running here.”

  “I need you to get in.”

  “Are you ok?”

  “I need to talk to you…NOW!”

  Ryan pulled the car door open and hopped in. “What’s wrong?”

  Faith pulled over to the side of the road, put the car in park, turned to Ryan and handed him the sonogram picture. “Here.”

  Ryan looked down and blinked a few times before he looked back up at Faith. “She’s beautiful.”


  “Or he. I don’t care as long as the baby is healthy.”

  “We’re going to be parents!” Faith grabbed Ryan and hugged him.

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Well you’re going to have to wait about twenty-six more weeks.”

  Ryan kissed Faith.

  “DANE, CAN YOU COME to my birthday party?”

  Dane knelt down next to Molly. “I’d love to if I’m not away on business.”

  Molly hugged Dane. “Thank you. Try not to be away, ok?”

  “I’ll do
my best.”

  “Molly, what are you up to?”

  “I asked Dane to come to my birthday party and he said yes as long as he doesn’t have to be away on business. Isn’t that great news, Mommy?”

  “It is, Molly.”

  “Can we bake some cookies?”


  “Mommy makes the bestest chocolate peanut butter cookies.”

  “Does she?”

  “I think they’re pretty good.” Lacey smiled.

  “I think that your mom should definitely make us some then.”

  “Mommy, please!”

  Dane gave Lacey a sad puppy face like Molly. “Please, Mommy.”

  “Who could say no to those faces.” Lacey smiled.

  “I’ll go get the recipe book.” Molly darted out of the room.

  Dane stood up. “She’s lucky to have you.”

  “I’m the one who’s lucky. I can’t imagine my life without her.”

  “I hope I can be here for her party.”

  “She’s gotten quite attached to you over the last few months.”

  “If you think it’s better for me to back off…”

  “I think we both know it’s already too late.”

  “And you, how do you feel?”

  “Me? I’m happy that we’re friends.”

  “Me too.”


  “I think we better get to the kitchen or she’s going to hit us with the wooden spoon.” Dane laughed.

  “I think you’re right.”

  Ryan looked around the house which was now busting at the seams with baby everything. “Faith, I think we need a bigger house.”

  “But I love my little house.”

  “I know you do, but where do you propose baby D plays or sleeps? There isn’t an inch of space.”

  Faith looked around. “I guess maybe you’re right. When I bought this place it was only me. I thought two bedrooms were going to be enough.”

  “I think we need to find a house with at least four bedrooms.” Ryan leaned over and kissed Faith.

  “So you can keep me barefoot and pregnant? Is that your plan, huh?” Faith giggled.

  “I wouldn’t want baby D to be an only child.”

  “Then four bedrooms it is. We better get looking then.”

  “I’ll call Alex; she always knows someone.”

  “She does, doesn’t she.”

  “Miles, I need you.”

  “What’s up?”

  “I can’t find my shoe. I know it’s down there but I can’t see it with this beach ball of a belly.”

  Miles knelt down onto the floor to look under the bed for Eden’s shoe. “Ahh, I found it.” Miles reached for Eden’s foot and slipped on her shoe. Then he ran his hand up her leg.


  “Oh, Baby. I want you so bad.” Miles slipped his finger inside Eden causing her to back up and lean against the wall.

  “Ohhh!” Eden reached down and grabbed a hold of Miles’ shoulder.

  Miles pushed down his sweats, stood up and then he bent Eden over toward the bed. “You ok?”

  “Yes, hurry, I need you.”

  “You’re so demanding.” Miles laughed.

  “You started this and you know that it doesn’t take much when I’m this pregnant.”

  Miles started pumping himself inside Eden.

  Eden let out a moan and Cruz let out a cry. “Maaaa!”

  “Faster, Miles, hurry!”

  Miles picked up his pace until he finally came.


  “Mommy’s coming, Cruz. Just a minute.”

  “Literally!” Miles laughed.

  Eden rolled onto her back. “Can you go grab him. I need a minute.”

  “Take two.” Miles winked before walking out the door.

  Dane was covered in peanut butter. “I don’t think I’ve ever worn so much food before.”

  Molly giggled. “My mommy and I had a food fight once with Daddy. He even tasted her and he said she was delicious.”

  Lacey looked up and Dane was smiling at her. “I bet she was.”

  “Molly, it’s getting late…”

  “But, Mom.” Molly pouted.

  “If you want to eat these cookies before you leave for your grandparent’s house then you had better go get cleaned up and pack your toys.”

  “Ok, Mommy.” Molly walked out of the kitchen and then ran right back in and hugged Dane. “Dane, thank you for helping. It was fun.”

  Dane suddenly felt an emotion he wasn’t quite sure he’d had before. “Oh, I had a really good time too. Thank you, Little Lady.”

  Molly took off leaving Dane standing there staring. “Dane, are you alright?”

  “Hmm. Yeah, I just got carried away for a minute inhaling that chocolate peanut buttery goodness.”

  Lacey dragged her finger across the bottom of the peanut butter bowl and then she ran her finger across Dane’s lower lip.

  Dane sucked Lacey’s finger into his mouth. Lacey gasped. Dane reached his hand up and placed it onto Lacey’s cheek. He gave her finger one final suck before allowing her to pull it free. “Does this mean that you’re ready to move on?”

  Lacey shrugged her shoulders. “All I know is that these last few months being with you as friends has been brutal. I want to kiss you, touch you and be in your arms again.”

  “But I could be called away at any time.”

  “I know but I also know that it wouldn’t hurt any less at this point.”

  “I can’t commit to a relationship.”

  “Is this you turning me down?”

  “No! No! Not at all. It’s just after last time I thought we should put it all out there before we move on.”

  “Ready, Mommy!” Molly came flying back into the kitchen with her little pink suitcase.

  Lacey took a huge step back from Dane. “Dane was just about to help me take the cookies out of the oven.”

  Dane smiled at Molly and then he took the potholders from Lacey and pulled the cookies from the oven.

  “They look yummy.” Molly smiled a huge smile.

  “Well, Faith, you really should consider moving into the same school district that we’re in so that our children can go to school together.”

  “Oh my God, our kids could go to school together. Oh, Alex, maybe they will be besties too!”

  Miguel handed Ryan a drink. “Is it me or are they way too excited about sending our children off to school?”

  “I don’t know. They are like two peas in a pod. I hope that Faith is carrying a baby girl because she’s already Emmie’s bestie.” Ryan laughed.

  “Come on, let’s go into the den and watch the game.” Miguel got up and Ryan followed. Alex and Faith never even noticed they left.

  “I can’t wait for your friend to show me those houses tomorrow. All of this is so exciting.”

  “I know; I can’t wait for you to have this little one.”

  “Alex, what if it’s a boy? Will they still be besties?”

  “Of course they will and no matter what they will be cousins.”

  “Did you ever think that night when you carried me home drunk that I’d end up becoming your sister-in-law?”

  “Hell no, because you promised to never ever do the nasty with my brother.” Alex laughed.

  “If I eat another cookie I think I’ll explode.”

  “I’d imagine that eight cookies could do that to a person.” Lacey laughed at Dane.

  Dane grabbed Lacey, pulled her down onto his lap and kissed her.

  Lacey’s lips never left Dane’s while she repositioned herself so that she was now straddling him.

  Dane moved to Lacey’s neck while he unbuttoned her blouse and then to her breasts.

  Lacey grabbed a handful of Dane’s hair and started grinding herself against him.

  Dane lifted Lacey up, laid her down onto the couch, removed her pants and then his.

  Lacey sat up, grabbed Dane by his ass and pulle
d him forward. She teased his cock with her tongue before sucking the head into her mouth.

  “Lacey, ohhh! Yeah…yeah…just like that, Baby.” Dane grabbed the back of Lacey’s head and pulled her hair while she bobbed up and down on his throbbing cock.

  Dane didn’t want to cum in Lacey’s mouth, he wanted to be inside her. “Come here, Baby.” Dane lifted her up by her ass. Lacey wrapped her legs around Dane and in seconds he was slamming himself inside her. After Dane came he sat back on the couch with Lacey still attached to him.

  Lacey rested her head on Dane’s chest. “Stay the night?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I am.”

  “Ok, but I expect pancakes for breakfast, Lady.”

  Lacey kissed Dane. “Deal.”

  “LACEY, HAVE YOU HEARD from Dane today?”

  Lacey looked up from her desk at Miguel. “No, not yet.”

  “Let me know if you do.”

  “Miguel, is everything alright?”

  “Yeah, I didn’t mean to worry you. He’s probably just on a job and can’t respond.”

  “A job. You think he left without saying goodbye?”

  “Lacey, sometimes there isn’t any time to say goodbye.”

  “I see.” Lacey looked down and continued working.

  Miguel could see that she was upset. He walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. “He’ll be ok.”

  “I know. I just got so used to him being here the last few months.”

  “Me too.”

  “I think I tried to fool myself into thinking that he was finished with that life.”

  “Don’t give up hope. Miles and I ditched it once we fell in love.”

  “Love? Miguel, I…”

  “It’s ok. He loves you too, he just doesn’t realize it. He’s a bit slow.” Miguel winked and then walked back into his office.

  Miles stepped off the elevator and Lacey practically attacked him. “Have you heard from Dane?”

  “Good morning, Lacey.”

  “I’m sorry. Good morning, Miles.”

  “I have not spoken to Dane today.”


  “If I hear anything I will let you know.”


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