Viva Los Regalos: Double Down

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Viva Los Regalos: Double Down Page 6

by Renee George

  “What are you doing?” Maxine asked.

  “Turning off the security camera.”

  Eyes widening, Maxine smiled. “Leave it on.” Oh, yes, she felt naughty. And daring.

  “Turning into an exhibitionist, are we?”

  “I don’t know about we…” she felt herself flush, “but there’s just something about the idea of getting caught, being watched, well, you know what I mean. Do you mind?”

  “Hey, I’m game if you’re game.” He pulled her skirt up over her thighs, and ripped her panties off with a single tug.

  Maxine’s pussy pulsed with anticipation, her insides drawing tight, so tight she could hardly breathe. “I’m running out of underwear,” she panted.

  “Quit wearing them,” Nigel suggested, freeing his cock from his pants.

  Maxine’s hungry gaze took in the hard length of him. “Good idea.”

  He lifted her thighs over his hips, one arm around her back, his free hand slipping to the lips of her sex. “You are so hot, so wet.”

  She let her senses take over, feeling Nigel’s hand against her inner thigh as he manipulated her clit with the head of his cock. Maxine yanked his shirt up over his head, then pushed him backward, riding Nigel to the floor. She straddled his length and impaled herself on his solid shaft.

  She tilted her hips back. “Do the nubby thing again with your…” She pressed her fingertip against his pelvis. Under the touch, a ridge raised, thick and hard. Maxine swayed forward, pressing her clit against the bumpy crest, rocking over it as she pressed down harder onto his cock.

  “Fuck, woman,” Nigel said, his hoarse voice thick with lust.

  Maxine stared at his face as she moved her body over his. She fingered his light blue nipples, tweaking and tugging them both, while twisting the gold barbell in his right nipple. He grimaced, but didn’t tell her to stop. She leaned down, taking the piercing between her teeth, her tongue lavishing his tautly drawn nipple, her hips gyrating in circles.

  “So good, so goddamn good,” she whispered against his skin.

  Nigel moved beneath her, his hips moving in a circular motion to match her own. Maxine could feel the increased heaviness developing through her thighs, her pussy and her abdomen; like a wildfire it spread through her system, making her feel like one giant nerve ending. “Oh, oh. Jeezus, almighty.”

  Nigel’s eyes glazed over as his hips jutted forward, slamming the hard ridge roughly against her clit. The small pain triggered her waiting orgasm and they both moaned their pleasure in a cacophony of grunts and exclamations. Maxine collapsed on top of him where they stayed momentarily, Nigel allowing her time to recuperate.

  “I have to say,” she said, finally getting up. “I have seriously not been disappointed, not once by you. You are a fantastic lover.” Both the humes were great, and uniquely different. It completely amazed Maxine.

  Nigel got up and fixed his pants. He pulled her into a sweet kiss. “I can honestly say the same of you.” Maxine rewarded him with a beaming grin. He smiled back as he sagged against the wall. “Damn.” He looked at his watch. “Break’s over.”

  Straightening her skirt, Maxine sighed. “Way too short.”

  Nigel raised an eyebrow.

  “Don’t be silly.” She laughed. “I just meant the time.”

  “I know what you meant.” He dipped low and kissed her softly on the lips. “So…” He picked her underwear up off the floor and handed them to her, then pushed the resume button on the elevator. The doors opened to the lobby. “I’ll see you tonight, after work?”

  Maxine, still a bit sex-dazed, answered with an eager and satisfied, “Yes.”

  A short bald man in a brown seersucker suit stepped on, humming. “Nice evening.” He pushed the button for the twelfth floor. Maxine wadded her panties into her fist to hide them.

  “Yes.” Maxine smiled. As she exited to the ninth floor, her heel caught on the threshold of the elevator and the torn panties flew out of her hands as she threw them up to brace herself. She staggered out into the hallway, turning around in time to see the bald man, looking chagrined, and wearing her white underwear on the top of his head. “Oh! Oh! Sorry!” she yelled as the door slid closed between them.

  Chapter Seven

  The room smelled nice, rosemary and lavender. Maxine stretched in the bed. During her nap, she’d dreamt of a brigade of small balding men riding up and down the elevators wearing her underwear on their head while dancing to show tunes piped merrily through the intercom. Weird. Really weird.

  She pushed the disturbing dream aside. The clock read nearly midnight, and excitement pulsed in her veins thinking about Pacer coming after his blackjack shift. Or was it Nigel coming over after his driving shift? Or both?

  “No, no, no,” she mumbled. She’d told them both they could come by after their shifts. “Stupid, stupid!” Smacking her forehead, Maxine got up from the bed.

  Desperately searching for Pacer’s pager number, she dumped her purse, yanked clothing from her drawers, and completely trashed the room trying to find the card. Maxine said a quick prayer when she finally found it in the back pocket of the pants she’d worn on Friday. As she crossed the room to the phone, a knock came at the door. Panic drew tight in her stomach. Ignore the knock. Make the call, she told herself.

  It came again. “Maxine? Hello?” Oh, dear Lord. Pacer! He’d shown up early.

  “Uhm… Just a minute!” Her voice sounded shrill and she fought to calm herself, to formulate some kind of plan. What was she going to do? What could she do? “Pull yourself together, Maxine, and answer the damn door.”

  “Is everything all right in there?” Pacer sounded worried as he knocked again. Harder this time, as if tempted to break down the door.

  “It’s fine. I’m fine,” Maxine hollered. She needed to blank her mind or he’d know instantly why she was in such a state. White paper. Just think of white paper. Smoothing her hair, she crossed the room on shaky legs. She didn’t have a number for Nigel. White paper. Nothing to do now but ride it out and hope all hell didn’t break loose.

  She opened the door. Looking up into those magnificent light blue eyes, she melted. “Pacer. You’re early.”

  He grabbed her into a hug. “I couldn’t wait to see you.” He pushed her to arm’s length and looked her over.

  “I’m… well, I’m a mess, aren’t I.” Discounting her other problem -- white paper -- she hadn’t had time to put herself together. She hadn’t even thought about the fact she wore a bright yellow flannel nightshirt covered in little bumblebees and honey hives.

  “I like a woman who’s not too fussy about herself.” He smiled, his pearly whites brightening her mood.

  “Good thing for me, huh?” Maxine struggled to keep the other… problem… out of her head. “Let me go brush my teeth and comb my hair. I’ll be right back.”

  “Hurry back.” Pacer could tell Maxine was keeping something from him. The white paper had been a dead giveaway.

  She was so cute it was easy to forgive her though. Her blonde hair stuck out on the back of her head as she fled to the bathroom. He felt a little guilty about arriving early. She’d obviously just got up and he knew how women liked to pull themselves together before they were seen. But even in her disheveled state, she looked lovely.

  His ability to read her thoughts required proximity, so the only thing he heard while she was in the bathroom was the sink running. He crossed the hotel room, turned on some soft music, and sat in the loveseat by the window. Regalos really was spectacular at night. Near dusk, every day, the city would light up. After dark, it sparkled and shined like crown jewels.

  He remembered his first night in the city that never slept. An average man, who was now a senator, had been his first tourist. The up and coming politician had been competent and confident. Pacer had pleasured him in a room such as this while staring out over the city in wonder. He’d stayed friends with the senator, who kept in touch, even visited for a weekend every once in a while. He’d been one of the
few tourists who had not just looked at Pacer as a piece of meat. He hoped Maxine would keep in touch as well.

  He knew from her own thoughts she wasn’t rich. Probably why she wasn’t full of the usual tourist self-entitlement. She’d had a lot of pain in her life. He’d seen in her thoughts the care she’d given to her grandmother up until the elderly lady passed. In all likelihood, she was probably the most gentle soul he’d ever met. It made Pacer want to take care of her, to make her every desire and dream come true.

  Perhaps the most startling thing to him was how much he liked her even while sharing her with his ex-lover. He’d actually been touched by the vision of Nigel professing his guilt to Maxine. A person couldn’t fake that kind of remorse, and even if Nigel could, why would he fake it with someone he barely knew.

  Both times he’d been with Maxine since she arrived, her thoughts had gone to a threesome involving Nigel. The first time, Pacer had been shocked, a little dazed even, but the second time, he’d joined her thoughts with his own. Ashamedly, he missed Nigel. Maxine had forced him to see Nigel in a different way. Deep in his heart, in the place he’d thought he’d walled up forever, he still loved the blue-haired hume. But a little over eight years of feeling betrayed were hard to overcome.

  Clouded by his own thoughts, Pacer didn’t hear the door open and close behind him. “Hi,” a strong masculine voice said over the music.

  Pacer turned to see Nigel standing in the middle of the room. “What are you doing here?” He rose to his feet -- anger and confusion riddling his mind.

  “I could ask you the same thing. But I won’t. I know Maxine invited you. She invited me as well. Though in her defense, I sort of tricked her into it.” Nigel smoothed his hair back over his shoulders, exposing his neck -- a submissive gesture for humes. Pacer had done it often enough in the years he’d been the ricchi to Nigel’s arrabi.

  “Why?” Pacer shook his head. He’d blocked Nigel from his mind for so long, refusing to hear his words or his thoughts. He kept the wall in place. One human woman couldn’t erase the damage of a lifetime.

  “You still love me.” Nigel’s hands trembled as he held them out to Pacer. “I know you do.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I can’t forgive you.”

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Yes. One implies the impossible, while the other gives me hope.” Nigel closed the distance between himself and his ex-lover. “For once, Pacer, would you open your mind to mine? You’ll see how sorry I am. How much I regret the day in my parents’ chamber. I was a fool. I didn’t know, couldn’t know how much you meant to me until you were gone. It’s clichéd, I know. But clichés are clichés for a reason.”

  Nigel clenched his fists. “Even knowing you may never forgive me, the one thing I do not regret is giving up my birthright to be near you. I didn’t run away from home as you did, I was thrown out. Exiled. Living here, serving, never able to go home again, it’s no more than I deserve and I should have done it that evening so many years ago.”

  Stunned, Pacer sat back down on the loveseat. He’d always assumed Nigel had left their lands of his own free will. He never thought the hume would have confronted his parents with the truth of their relationship. Otherwise, why wait a year?

  “I’m ashamed it took me that long to gather the courage. I just couldn’t hold on to the lie anymore. Your sister told me where you’d gone and I was determined to follow you.” He knelt before Pacer. “If I could take away your hurt and add it to my own, I would. I’d take it all. Just being in the same city with you these past seven years has had to be enough.”

  Pacer’s resolve wavered. In a moment of weakness, he opened himself to Nigel. Images, words, emotions flooded his mind. He watched as Nigel professed his love for Pacer in a large forum of his parents, uncles and cousins. They’d all shunned him -- made him lower than even the ricchi. They’d banished him for his feelings. Nigel would never be able to return to their homeland. And surprisingly, the blue-haired hume didn’t care. He loved Pacer and that love kept him going, kept him sane.

  Now Pacer trembled. He reached out his fingers and stroked Nigel’s still exposed neck. The large pulse under his ex-lover’s skin jumped at his touch. “I just assumed…”

  “I understand. You thought I’d followed you without consequence. That I left as you had. Of my own free will. By the land, I would take the consequences ten-fold all over again just to be near you.” Nigel moved closer, extending his neck to Pacer in invitation.

  In hume custom, the invitation to bite showed trust, an act of faith. Pacer leaned forward and placed his lips in a gentle kiss over the soft pale skin. He slid down to the floor between the loveseat and Nigel, straddling the blue-haired hume’s thighs, the bulge of hard cock pressing against his ass. “I’ve missed you.”

  “If only I hadn’t been such an idiot.”

  Pacer nodded, his expression somber. “Yes, you were. But I’ve been one for much longer.” He met Nigel’s mouth with his own, lips gently pressing, parting as their tongues slid together in union.

  Nigel pressed the tip of his tongue to one of Pacer’s fangs, hard enough to puncture his flesh. Pacer mimicked the action against Nigel’s sharp fang. Their blood mingled in a renewal of their bond as they drank and fed from each other’s mouths. A small moan filled the room. It hadn’t come from either one of them. They turned their heads toward the sound. Maxine.

  She stood there, in the doorway of the bathroom. Her hands dipped between the folds of her pussy as she watched them. The intensity of their gazes sent her tripping backward onto her ass as she hit the linoleum floor. “I’m fine!” she managed.

  Both the humes chuckled. “She is adorable,” Nigel said.

  “Without a doubt,” Pacer agreed. They got up from the floor, stripping off their clothes as they made their way quickly toward Maxine. By the time they reached her, both humes were naked, hard, and ready to make her fantasies come true.

  Chapter Eight

  Flabbergasted, Maxine’s eyes widened as the unclothed shifters gathered her from the floor. Her pride hurt worse than her tailbone. “I guess you guys aren’t mad at me.” She grinned at the hungry look in their eyes. “I really didn’t mean to invite you both up here at the same time. It just happened.”

  Nigel pulled her bumblebee nightgown over her head. “We know.”

  She shimmied her underwear off, not needing to add another torn pair to her collection. A thought occurred to her. Pacer and Nigel had spent so long apart, she felt like she ought to give them some time alone to reconnect. They didn’t need her being there for their reunion. They especially didn’t need a klutzy third wheel.

  Pacer embraced Maxine, his hard length pressing against her stomach. Nigel wrapped his arms around her from behind, his cock pushing against her back. Tilting her face upward, Pacer kissed her forehead. “Do you really think we would consider you a third wheel?”

  Nigel pressed his lips to her ear. “You are wonderful, Maxine. I couldn’t think of anything better than sharing our rebonding with the incredible woman who brought us to this moment.” His teeth tugged against her lobe. “As a matter of fact, I insist.”

  Maxine felt like a pudding sandwich between the two fantastic bodies holding her upright. She felt light-headed, nervous, excited, and downright capricious. “If you’re sure…” Her words trailed off into a low moan as Pacer dropped down in front of her and sucked her nipple into his mouth, his tongue laving over the taut nub. Nigel’s hand slipped between her legs, his fingers stretching to rub over her swollen clit.

  “Always ready, so wet and hot,” Nigel murmured.

  Woo hoo, they were sure. She reached her arm around her back, her hand grasping the firm cock behind her. “I’m not the only one ready.” Her thoughts traveled back to watching the two men kiss.

  Their passion for each other sizzled through her. Pacer licked his way up her chest and neck, his teeth grazing her jaw before he swiped his tongue across her lowe
r lip. “I think our little Maxi-moon would like a show.” He looked at Maxine, but he directed the statement to Nigel.

  Nigel turned her head to the side, his lips joining with Pacer’s and hers in a three-way kiss. “I think you’re right.”

  Maxine’s pussy twitched in a spasm of ecstasy, the eroticism of the moment nearly driving her to the floor. She bit her upper lip, afraid to say or do the wrong thing. Turning sideways between them, she looked up, waiting, anticipating.

  Grinning, Nigel shook his head. “Uh-uh. Tell us what you want, Maxine. I want to hear it from your lips.”

  “Be bold,” Pacer added.

  “A kiss,” she said tentatively. “I want to see you kiss.”

  Nigel and Pacer obeyed, their lips hungrily meeting in front of her. In reaction, she grasped their cocks, one in each hand. Audible groans escaped the humes as she stroked their shafts. They moved closer, squeezing her tighter between them, their arms around each other, around her.

  The heads of their cocks butted as the shafts changed, the skin becoming looser, slipping easily along their turgid lengths. She stroked Pacer’s newly formed foreskin over the tip of Nigel’s cock. She repeated the movement, only using Nigel’s skin over Pacer’s. She moved slowly at first, picking up speed with her own exhilaration building. Their lips parted.

  This time Pacer asked, “What do you want us to do next?”

  They were playing a game, giving her control, letting Maxine decide the rules. She’d already seen Nigel with his lips wrapped around a cock, even if it had been his own. Now she wanted to see the confident, dominant Pacer similarly. Would he balk?

  “You have but to say so,” Pacer said, his blue eyes eager. Ready.

  Nigel’s rainbow-colored eyes swirled with mystery, anticipation. “Say so. Please, say.”


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