The Man Behind the Mask

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The Man Behind the Mask Page 16

by Barbara Wallace

  Simon’s thumb fanned her cheek. “I want you, Delilah.”

  “You—you do?” A lump rose in her throat making it hard to speak. How badly she wanted to believe him, but the words still sounded too good to be real.

  “Swear to God.” Still cupping her cheek, Simon took her hand and pressed it to his chest. “I want to be the man I was this weekend. Not the advertising superstar, not the winning son, but the guy who went shopping and ate pizza and let a woman get close to him for the first time in his life. I want to be a real man, Delilah, and I can’t do that without you.”

  Delilah couldn’t believe her ears. “What about everything you said about being too damaged for a relationship?”

  “I am damaged. I’ve got a ton of demons and anyone with half a brain would tell you that’s a red flag for any relationship. But...”

  He kissed her. A long slow kiss. “I love you, Delilah,” he whispered. “From the moment you walked out of my office, there’s been this giant hole in my chest where my heart should be. You’re the only woman who can fill it. Ever. As damaged as I am, I’d be far more damaged without you. You make me whole, Delilah St. Germain.

  “So please,” he continued, searching her face with anxious uncertainty, “please tell me it’s not too late.”

  His image blurred, and she had to squeeze her eyes tight before tears spilled free. The courage it took for Simon to speak from his humbled her to think he took that risk for her. This man, this sexy, charismatic, brave, broken man, loved her. What a wonderful gift.

  “Never,” she whispered. “It could never be too late. Because you make me whole, too.”

  “Thank God.” He crushed her to him, his kiss the perfect punctuation point of every emotion he’d shared. Her arms wrapping around him, Delilah kissed him with all the love she held in her heart, letting him know his risk had been rewarded.

  “I love you,” she told him when they broke apart. “There is no other man in this world I could ever want.”

  “You sure? I’ve still got demons to fight.”

  “Who doesn’t?” Frankly, she didn’t care how damaged he thought he might be. Nothing was so broken that it couldn’t be fixed. That they were in each other’s arms was proof of that.

  “Then, there’s one more thing I need to do.” Her whimper as he pulled out of her embrace quickly turned into a gasp when he knelt on the barroom floor. “This isn’t the most romantic place in the world, and I don’t have a ring, but if you’ll have me, I will spend the rest of our lives together making sure you know how special you are to me.”

  “I don’t need to be special,” Delilah said, sniffing back the tears. “I just need you.”

  Simon smiled. “That, sweetheart, you already have.”

  As he pulled her into his embrace, Delilah’s heart grew fuller than she could ever imagine. The completeness of finding the person you knew would be by your side for the rest of her life.

  Off in the distance, she swore she heard a click.

  “Did you hear that?” she asked, pulling back?

  “Hear what, sweetheart?”

  “Nothing.” Seeing the love shining in Simon’s eyes, Delilah already knew the answer.

  The final piece of the puzzle had just slipped into place.

  * * *

  “You made the paper again,” Chloe announced. The tabloid landed on her desk with a plop. “Do you have to look so freaking happy?”

  Delilah laughed. A photo of her and Simon sat just below the society page headline. “CMT Honcho Simon Cartwright and his fiancée, Delilah St. Germain...” she read. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of reading those words.

  Same as she’d never tire of seeing that smile light up Simon’s eyes.

  “We’ll try to look miserable at the next event just for you, okay?” she teased.

  “Don’t you dare,” Larissa said, handing over her cup of coffee. “We love seeing you so happy.”

  Deliriously happy, thought Delilah. Oh, sure, she and Simon still had their problems. Every couple did. But she wouldn’t trade the problems—or the man she shared them with—for the world.

  “La-Roo is right,” Chloe said. “It’s nice to know at least some people in this world have soul mates. Makes up for the rest of us.”

  “Just you wait, Chloe Abrams, your time is coming.” After all, if she and Simon found their happy ever after, then anyone could. Like her mother always said, everyone’s pot has a lid, every puzzle has its piece. She might not think so, but her cynical friend had a soul mate same as everyone else.

  She saluted her friend with her cup. “Something tells me your other half is right around the corner.”

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from ENGLISH GIRL IN NEW YORK by Scarlet Wilson.

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  THE SUBWAY RATTLED into the station, the doors opened and Carrie felt herself swept along with the huddled masses on the platform, barely even looking up from her hunched position in her woefully thin coat. It had looked better on the internet. Really. It had.

  She resisted the temptation to snuggle into the body in front of her as the carriage packed even tighter than normal. Just about every train in the city had ground to a halt after the quick deluge of snow.

  The streets had gone from tired, grey and bustling to a complete white-out with only vaguely recognisable shapes in a matter of hours.

  An unprecedented freak snowstorm, they were calling it.

  In October.

  In the middle of New York.

  The news reporters were having a field day—well, only the ones lucky enough to be in the studio. The ones out in the field? Not so much.

  And Carrie appreciated why. Her winter coat wasn’t due to be delivered for another two weeks. She could die before then. Her fingers had lost all colour and sensation ten minutes ago. Thank goodness she didn’t have a dripping nose because at these temperatures it would freeze midway.

  ‘They’ve stopped some of the buses,’ muttered the woman next to her. ‘I’m going to have to make about three changes to get home tonight.’

  An involuntary shiver stole down her spine. Please let the train get to the end of the line. This part of the subway didn’t stay underground the whole way; parts of it emerged into the elements and she could already see the thick white flakes of snow landing around them.

  A year in New York had sounded great at the time. Magical even.

  A chance to get away from her own annus horribilis.

  A chance to escape everyone she knew, her history and her demons.

  The only thing she’d taken with her was her exemplary work record.

  In the black fog that had been last year it had been her one consistently bright shining star.

  She should have known as soon as her boss had invited her into his office and asked her to sit down, giving her that half sympathetic, half cut-throat look. He’d cleared his throat. ‘Carrie, we need someone to go to New York and represent the London office, leading on the project team for the next year. I unders
tand this year has been difficult for you. But you were my first thought for the job. Of course, if it feels like too much—or the timing is wrong...’ His voice had tailed off. The implication was clear. There were already two interns snapping at her heels, anxious to trample her on the way past.

  She’d bit her lip. ‘No. The timing is perfect. A new place will be just what I need. A new challenge. A chance for some time away.’

  He’d nodded and extended his hand towards her. ‘Congratulations. Don’t worry about a thing. The firm has an apartment in Greenwich Village in the borough of Manhattan. It’s a nice, safe area—easily commutable. You’ll like it there.’

  She’d nodded numbly, trying not to run her tongue along her suddenly dry lips. ‘How long until I have to go?’

  He’d cleared his throat, as if a little tickle had appeared. ‘Three weeks.’ The words were followed by a hasty smile. ‘One of the partners will be leaving for business in Japan. He needs to brief you before he leaves.’

  She’d tried hard not to let the horror of the time frame appear on her face as she’d stood up and straightened her skirt. ‘Three weeks will be fine. Perfectly manageable.’ Her voice had wavered and she’d hoped he didn’t notice.

  He’d stood up quickly. ‘Perfect, Carrie. I’m sure you’ll do a wonderful job for us.’

  The train pulled into another station and Carrie felt the shuffle of bodies around her as the passengers edged even closer together to let the hordes of people on the platform board. It seemed as if the whole of New York City had been sent home early.

  A cold hand brushed against hers and a woman gave her a tired smile. ‘They’ve closed Central Park—one of the trees collapsed under the weight of the snow. I’ve never heard of that before.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘I’m just praying the school buses get home. Some of the roads are closed because they don’t have enough snow ploughs and the grit wasn’t due to be delivered for another two weeks.’ Her face was flushed as she continued to talk. ‘I’ve never seen it so bad, have you? I bet we’re all snowed in for the next few days.’

  Carrie gave a rueful shrug of her shoulders. ‘I’m not from around here. I’m from London. This is my first time in New York.’

  The woman gave a little sigh. ‘Poor you. Well, welcome to the madhouse.’

  Carrie watched as the train pulled out of the station. It didn’t seem to pick up speed at all, just crawled along slowly. Was there snow on the tracks, or was it the weight of too many passengers, desperate to get home before the transport system shut down completely? Please, just two more stops. Then she would be home.

  Home. Was it home?

  The apartment in West Village was gorgeous. Not quite a penthouse, but part of a brownstone and well out of her budget. West Village was perfect. It was like some tucked away part of London, full of gorgeous shops, coffee houses and restaurants. But it still wasn’t home.

  Today, in the midst of this snowstorm, she wanted to go home to the smell of soup bubbling on the stove. She wanted to go home to the sound of a bubble bath being run, with candles lit around the edges. She wanted to go home somewhere with the curtains pulled, a fire flickering and a warm glow.

  Anything other than her own footsteps echoing across the wooden floor in the empty apartment, and knowing that the next time she’d talk to another human being it would be with the man who ran the coffee stall across the street on the way to work the next morning.

  She wrinkled her nose. It might not even come to that. The sky was darkening quickly. Maybe the woman next to her was right. Maybe they would end up snowed in. She might not speak to another human being for days.

  She shifted the bag containing the laptop in her hands. She had enough work to last for days. The boss had been clear. Take enough to keep busy—don’t worry about getting into the office. If the snow continued she couldn’t count on seeing any of her workmates.

  The people in her apartment block nodded on the way past, but there had never been a conversation. Never a friendly greeting. Maybe they were just used to the apartment being used by business people, staying for a few weeks and then leaving again. It would hardly seem worthwhile to reach out and make friends.

  A shiver crept down her spine and her mind started to race.

  Did she have emergency supplies? Were there any already in the apartment? How would she feel being snowed in in New York, where it felt as if she didn’t know a single person?

  Sure, she had met people at work over the past two months. She’d even been out for a few after-work drinks. But the office she worked in wasn’t a friendly, sociable place. It was a fast-paced, frenetic, meet-the-deadline-before-you-die kind of place. She had colleagues, but she wasn’t too sure she had friends.

  The train shuddered to a halt at Fourteenth Street and the door opened. ‘Everybody out!’

  Her head jerked up and the carriage collectively groaned.


  ‘No way!’

  ‘What’s happening?’

  A guard was next to the door. ‘This is the last stop, folks. Snow on the tracks. All trains are stopping. Everybody out.’

  Carrie glanced at the sign. Fourteenth Street. One subway stop away from the apartment. She glanced down at her red suede ankle boots. She could kiss these babies goodbye. The ground outside was covered in thick, mucky slush. She didn’t even want to think about what they’d look like by the time she reached the apartment.

  The crowd spilled out onto the platform and up towards the mezzanine level of the station on Fourteenth Street. Carrie could hear panicked voices all around her trying to plan alternative routes home. At least she knew she could walk from here, no matter how bad it was outside.

  The sky had darkened rapidly, with thick grey clouds hanging overhead, continuing their deluge of snow.

  Snow. It was such a pretty thing. The kind of thing you spent hours cutting out of paper as a kid, trying to make a snowflake. Then sticking on a blue piece of card and putting on the classroom wall or attaching to a piece of string and hanging from the Christmas tree.

  It didn’t look like this in the storybooks. Thick wads of snow piled at the edges of the street, blanketing the road and stopping all traffic. The whiteness gone, leaving mounds of grey, icy sludge.

  There was a creaking noise behind her and across the street, followed by a flood of shouts. ‘Move! Quickly!’

  In slow motion she watched as a large pile of snow slowly slid from a roof four storeys above the street. The people beneath were hurrying past, blissfully unaware of what was happening above their heads.

  It was like a slow-moving action scene from a movie. All the inevitability of knowing what was about to happen without being able to intervene. Her breath caught in her throat. A woman in a red coat. A little boy. An elderly couple walking hand in hand. A few businessmen with their coat collars turned up, talking intently on their phones.

  There was a flash of navy blue. The woman in the red coat and little boy were flung rapidly from the sidewalk into the middle of the empty street. The elderly couple pressed up against a glass shop window as some frantic shouts alerted the businessmen.

  The snow fell with a thick, deafening thump. A cloud of powdered snow lifting into the air and a deluge of muddy splatters landing on her face.

  Then, for a few seconds, there was silence. Complete silence.

  It was broken first by the whimpers of a crying child—the little boy who had landed in the road. Seconds later chaos erupted. Onlookers dashed to the aid of the woman and small child, helping them to their feet and ushering them over to a nearby coffee shop. A few moments later someone guided the elderly couple from under the shelter of the shop’s awning where they had been protected from the worst of the deluge.

  ‘Where’s the cop?’

  ‘What happened to the cop?’

  A policeman. Was that
who had dived to the rescue? Her eyes caught the flicker of the blue lights of the NYPD car parked on the street. It was such a common sight in New York that she’d stopped registering them.

  Some frantic digging and a few choice expletives later and one of New York’s finest, along with one of the businessmen, emerged from the snow.

  Someone jolted her from behind and her feet started to automatically move along the sludgy sidewalk. There was nothing she could do here.

  Her own heart was pounding in her chest. Fat use she would be anyway. She didn’t have a single medical skill to offer, and the street was awash with people rushing to help. She could see the cop brushing snow angrily from his uniform. He looked vaguely familiar but she couldn’t place him. He was holding his wrist at a funny angle and looking frantically around, trying to account for all the people he had tried to save.

  A tissue appeared under her nose. ‘Better give your face a wipe,’ said another woman, gesturing towards her mud-splattered coat, shoes and face.

  Carrie turned towards the nearest shop window and did a double take. She looked like something the cat had dragged in. ‘Thanks,’ she muttered as she lifted the tissue to her face, smudging the mud further across her cheek. Her bright green coat was a write-off. The dry-clean-only label floated inside her mind. No dry-cleaning in the world could solve this mess.

  She stared up at the darkening sky. It was time to go home. Whether it felt like home or not.

  * * *

  Daniel Cooper coughed and spluttered. His New York skyline had just turned into a heavy mix of grey-white snow. Wasn’t snow supposed to be light and fluffy? Why did it feel as if someone were bench-pressing on top of him? A pain shot up his arm. He tried his best to ignore it. Mind over matter. Mind over matter.

  There was noise above him, and shuffling. He spluttered. Snow was getting up his nose. It was strange being under here. Almost surreal.


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