The Hunger Games Tribute Guide

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The Hunger Games Tribute Guide Page 2

by Emily Seife

  From the technology district, District 3, emerge two tributes in silver mesh. They wear sculpted silver headdresses that resemble the intricate inner workings of electronics.

  Next comes another beautifully dressed duo. With starfish pins on their shoulders and luminous pearls in their hair, it is clearly the chariot from District 4, our fishing district. This male tribute is a young one. He looks to be straight from his first reaping; can’t be more than twelve years old there.

  From District 5 we have two young contestants in glittering silver from head to toe — it’s clear they are power-plant workers. Their costumes reflect and refract the light every time they move. Very striking! But the female tribute from this district has something a little sly in her eyes. Don’t turn your back on her in the arena!

  District 6, transportation, always keeps our country moving. Let’s wish those two tributes the best of luck as they go by.

  The folded fan headdresses, the carefully curled and pleated sleeves . . . In all white, clean and pure as a new sheet of paper, our tributes from lumber and paper-producing District 7! We wonder what stories will be written on these blank slates.

  Now please turn your attention — and your applause — to the next chariot. The tributes wear serious expressions, framed by such playful costumes! With a variety of colors, textures, and materials in their outfits, they must be the tributes from District 8, textiles!

  The District 9 tributes look elegant and determined. We love the gold and silver outfits they’re wearing. Could the decorative rows on his costume symbolize rows of grain? Or are their stylists simply using those reflective materials to catch the audience’s attention?

  From District 10, livestock, we have a modern take on the classic cowboy outfit — hats and plaid and all. Gold is a popular color this year! Take note, Capitol fashionistas.

  And nearing the end, District 11 is a study in contrasts! The female tribute, Rue, looks to be just twelve years old, and well under five feet; the male tribute, Thresh, must be at least six feet tall and solid muscle! The two do make a nice pair, though, in their agriculture-themed overalls and leafy crowns.

  But what’s that back there? Ladies and gentleman, there’s something brand-new and exciting this year — the tributes from District 12 are . . . on fire!

  Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark stand tall and proud, hand in hand, trailing fire as their chariot moves down the avenue. Two coal-black horses lead them forward. Flames flicker off their bodies and reflect in their sparkling eyes. When Katniss picks up a rose, she wins a lot of hearts — and maybe even some sponsors. Katniss Everdeen captured the nation’s attention when she volunteered to take her sister’s place, and she’s certainly doing a good job of keeping it. Though they’ve been on a long losing streak, District 12 might just have a fighting chance in this year’s Games.

  * * *

  Behind the scenes with stylist Cinna!

  “Portia and I think that coal miner thing’s very overdone. No one will remember you in that. And we both see it as our job to make the District Twelve tributes unforgettable,” says Cinna. . . . “So rather than focus on the coal mining itself, we’re going to focus on the coal. . . . And what do we do with coal? We burn it.”

  * * *

  Once all the tributes have reached the street, attention turns to President Snow. He stands at the podium at the head of the avenue and delivers his address.


  His voice is greeted with enormous cheers from the masses in attendance.

  “Tributes! We welcome you. We salute your courage and your sacrifice and we wish you all . . . Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.”

  The crowd roars in appreciation. They are standing now, stomping and clapping — and as the sound swells to a fever pitch, the tributes disappear into the Training Center. The doors shut behind them with a resounding clang.

  Now the people of the Capitol will have some time to mull over what they’ve seen. Who looked strong, and who looked clever? Whose entrance seemed a little dull — and whose was fiery? The next the audience will see of the tributes will be the interviews with Caesar Flickerman. But before that, we’re pleased to be able to take you on an exclusive backstage tour of the Training Center, where we’ll show you what the tributes themselves are experiencing.

  * * *

  Behind the scenes with stylist Cinna!

  After the procession, everyone was buzzing about the Girl on Fire. How was it that the two tributes, Katniss and Peeta, were in flames, but never burned? Cinna divulges that he and partner, Portia, dressed the tributes in black leather from neck to ankle, and used a synthetic fire to create the striking effect. He tells us that he used very little makeup on the two (naturally attractive) tributes, just adding a little highlighting here and there.

  * * *

  Here’s the heart of the complex — the Training Center itself. We’re happy to offer our readers an exclusive look at the stations of the Training Center and the weapons the tributes train with.

  The Training Center is a massive, open gym. Bright lights illuminate the area from above. The cavernous space echoes with the sound of grunts and clashing weapons. In the corner, a few tributes engage in hand-to-hand combat with a trainer in body armor. They roar as they hurtle their bodies toward each other. In another corner there’s the flash of metal, as blades fly through the air. Knives stab . . . spears are hurled . . . an ax lodges itself in a soft target. A closer look reveals that the targets are life-sized human shapes.

  The Careers, the tributes from Districts 1 and 2, are eager to show off. They project an aura of arrogance in order to intimidate their competition. Once in the gym, they head straight for the sharpest weapons.

  To keep everyone safe, Peacekeepers with stun guns are placed around the room. They stay out of the training, but are quick to step in if a fight breaks out.

  In a special area, perched above the gym, is the Gamemakers’ balcony. From the balcony, the Gamemakers have a clear view of all the tributes in the room. Sometimes they take notes, sometimes they help themselves to a lavish buffet, but they are always paying close attention to the action below them. They are studying the tributes: how they move, how they interact, how they jump, and how they fall. All this knowledge will come into play once the Games begin.

  Meet Atala, the head trainer. She can whip even the weakest tribute into shape. When they first enter the Center, she gathers them in a circle in the center of the space so that she can explain the rules. “No fighting with other tributes,” she says. “You’ll have plenty of time for that in the arena.” Atala starts to point out the various training stations. “My advice is don’t ignore the survival skills. Twenty-three of you will die. One will not. Who that is depends on your ability to anticipate. Everyone wants to grab a sword but lots of you will die of natural causes. Ten percent from infection. Twenty percent from dehydration. One year the arena was a frozen tundra. Five years ago it was a burning desert. Exposure can kill you as easily as a knife.”

  She blows her whistle. The training has begun.

  The Gauntlet

  The gauntlet is a daunting obstacle course. It consists of ascending platforms that rise up to a landing. The tributes must jump from platform to platform to reach the finish in the fastest time possible. To make it even more challenging, they must do it while trainers swing at them with padded clubs. What skills will help with the gauntlet? Speed, of course. Agility. You want to be able to duck and dodge your way around those swinging clubs. But strength and balance help, too. If you do get hit, can you keep yourself steady?

  Ropes Course

  A large net stretches to the ceiling of the gym. Again, a test of many things, including strength and balance and agility. Be warned: This climbing net is harder than it looks.

  Ropes stretch across the ceiling, too. But only the very nimble can leap around up there.

  Could you pull yourself up a hanging rope using sheer muscle? We suspect this tribute can. />

  If you’re in the arena, you want to be able to catch your own food. You could gather it . . . shoot it . . . fish for it . . . or catch it with a snare. Katniss Everdeen seems quite at home in this station. It’s hard to see through the tall grass, but it looks like she’s figured out an intricate rope snare.


  You may think this station looks more “arts and crafts” than arena, but there is some benefit to knowing how to camouflage yourself. Look here at Peeta’s arm pressed up against the tree trunk. The arm is painted with a bark pattern, with light green moss.


  Here you can find regular weights . . . and also iron balls with studs and spikes. Can you throw one like a shot put? Can you even pick one up?

  Let’s follow the tributes into their quarters in the Training Center for a special glimpse into their lives before the Games.

  Sometimes the tributes just need to grab some private time together. Maybe they’re discussing strategy. Or maybe they’re relaxing, taking a break from the lights and cameras and ardent fans that constantly follow them.

  This is the stylish and modern bedroom of the District 12 female tribute, Katniss Everdeen. All the conveniences of the Capitol are provided here: high-tech shower, full-body blow-drying when you are done bathing, and a closet full of outfits designed to fit any taste.

  The tributes usually dine with their mentors and stylists. Here, Katniss is joined by Effie Trinket, Cinna, and Portia. The Capitol treats them to all-you-can-eat banquets with the finest food Panem has to offer. Exotic sushi, mashed potatoes, wine, puffy bread, slices of pale purple melon, cheese and sweet blue grapes, hot chocolate . . . waited on hand and foot by Avox servers, the tributes live the high life in the days leading up to the Games.

  The Gamemakers usually get a good sense of the tributes from the general training, but the most important part of training comes at the very end: the private sessions. Each tribute has a brief period alone in the gym to show the Gamemakers what they can do. Sometimes a good strategy is to intimidate the other players during training. But sometimes a clever strategy is to keep your talent hidden from the other tributes until you reach the arena, so you can take them by surprise. The private session is the perfect time to show the Gamemakers if you have any skills you’ve been keeping secret so far. Based on your session and your performance over the past few days, the Gamemakers will give a score from one to twelve. A higher score means they think you have a better chance of winning the Hunger Games.

  Tributes sit on a long bench in the waiting area until they are called. Atala is there to usher them in. Katniss and Peeta from District 12 are the last two to be summoned. Their footsteps echo in the long hallway. Let’s hope they’re not too nervous to do a good job.

  What happens in these private sessions is confidential, known to no one but the tribute and the Gamemakers. The rest of us have to wait for the scores to come out. Even then, we can only guess at what the tributes did to earn their rankings.

  After all the private sessions with the Gamemakers have been conducted, the tributes return to their separate quarters and grab a quick dinner. Then they assemble in the viewing rooms to watch the results come in. Here, the District 12 team — Cinna, Effie, Haymitch, Katniss, Peeta, and Portia — gathers in their viewing room. As ever, an Avox waits in the background, ready to serve, but the team’s attention is fixed on the television. You can see in their postures how tense of a moment this is for them, as their scores are announced live to the nation.

  “The tributes were rated on a scale of one to twelve, after three days of careful evaluation,” Caesar Flickerman announces. “The Gamekeepers want to acknowledge that it was an exceptional group of tributes, as the scores in a moment will indicate.”

  One by one, the scores trickle in. The Careers get scores in the eight-to-ten range. Very respectable, but hardly a shock. The other players’ scores vary, but most are around a five. One surprise in the bunch is Rue, the tiny little tribute from District 11, who somehow manages to get a seven.

  Last to be announced are the District 12 scores.

  Caesar Flickerman: “And finally from District Twelve. Peeta Mellark. A score of eight.”

  The group exchanges words of relief and encouragement. This is a solid score that could help Peeta in the arena. Cinna claps briefly, but Caesar’s still talking. . . .

  “And our last tribute . . . Katniss Everdeen: a score of . . . ”

  At this point, Caesar Flickerman pauses and double-checks his sheet. Did he read it right? Is this an error?

  “. . . eleven.”

  Our host for the evening, as always, is the inimitable Caesar Flickerman. With his trademark colored hair and sparkling suit, Caesar is skilled at coaxing shy tributes out of their shells. He really knows how to work an audience.

  Now, Caesar opens up the Hunger Games pregame gala with a broad smile. Bright spotlights shine onstage. His jacket — and the whole stage in fact — glitters in the light. Soon, all of the tributes will come out onstage for interviews with Caesar. This is the moment when the tributes will open up to the audience. They’ve had a chance to win sponsors with their looks and their physical skills, but here’s a chance for them to show how smart or personable or funny they are. Maybe they share a little story from back home. Maybe they give Caesar a hint of what their strategy will be in the Games. Maybe they just smile and flirt. We’ll see what reveals we have this year. . . .

  Katniss Everdeen has been all the buzz in the Capitol. She’s even known as the Girl on Fire since making such a bright showing at the tribute parade. The audience is eager to hear what she has to say for herself. But there’s a long roster of interviews before the District 12 tributes will take the hot seat.

  The tributes get dolled up in a backstage dressing room, then line up in anticipation of their interviews. You really remember how young they are when you see how impatient they get waiting!

  As always, the interviews start with the lowest numbered district. First on the list is Glimmer. The beautiful blonde bombshell from District 1 looks pretty thrilled to be here. A Career, Glimmer has been training for the Games her whole life. Caesar compliments her outfit, and the crowd goes wild. Glimmer clearly knows how to work the crowd.

  Other highlights from the interviews include Marvel, the male tribute from District 1, who has a happy, positive presence onstage, but doesn’t seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed.

  Cato, the male tribute from District 2, wins over the audience with his charming, slightly cocky persona.

  Clove, from District 2, looks absolutely stunning in a frilly, orange dress with ribbon trim, and her hair piled in elegant twists atop her head. A bit of sarcasm mixed in with the sweetness keeps her interview interesting.

  The fox-faced girl from District 5 comes across as sly and elusive.

  Another highlight from the interviews is little Rue from District 11. This lovely twelve-year-old has captivated the audience. But does she have a chance in the arena?

  Finally, the Girl on Fire makes her appearance onstage. She’s in a gorgeous, fire-red, off-the-shoulder gown.

  “That was quite an entrance you made at the tribute parade. Can you tell us about it?” Caesar asks.

  “Oh, well . . . I just hoped I wouldn’t get burned to death.”

  Mild laughter greets Katniss’s statement, and it’s clear that the nervous tribute starts to relax. As Caesar and Katniss continue to chat, she warms up to the audience even more. Finally, Katniss surprises and delights the audience when she stands up and twirls. In motion, her dress reveals itself to be flickering and bright — she’s still on fire, all right!

  Katniss ends her interview by declaring that she will be trying to win the Hunger Games — for her little sister, Prim. A huge ovation greets her touching statement.

  But it’s Peeta who throws the real shocker this evening. He’s funny and warm onstage, immediately likeable. He jokes back and forth with Caesar, keeping him on his
toes with sharp repartee. Caesar asks Peeta if he has a girl back home — a special someone.

  “There is one girl I’ve had a crush on forever — but I don’t think she even noticed me till the reaping.”

  “Well, I tell you what you do. You go out there and you win this thing and when you get home, she’ll have to go out with you.”

  “I don’t think that’s going to help. Winning won’t matter in my case.”

  “Why not?” Caesar asks.

  “Because — she came here with me.”

  Mentors give their tributes a last few pieces of advice before they are taken to the arena. Then the tributes step into a hovercraft, to be flown to a staging ground beneath the arena.

  They sit in two long rows of seats. Peacekeepers watch over them, strong and silent. The tributes are all very aware of one another, of where they are going, but no one makes eye contact. A woman in a white lab coat goes down the row, inserting a tracker into each tribute’s arm so the Gamemakers can follow everyone’s vital statistics and positions in the arena. She pushes a thin syringe into their arms, and the small device is in place.


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