Best of 2017

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Best of 2017 Page 30

by Alexa Riley

I wrapped my hands around his wrists. “No.”

  He massaged his long fingers along my thigh while keeping my neck in his large palm. Control. He had every bit of it.

  “I had an affair with the dean’s wife. But that wasn’t what led to my dismissal.” He smoothed his hand up my thigh and under the hem of my shorts. He leaned closer, his warm breath tickling my ear.

  My grip on his wrists faltered; I couldn’t decide if I was afraid or turned on. Maybe a bit of both, and wasn’t that all kinds of fucked up? When his fingertips brushed my panties, I jolted.

  “Are you wet, Red?” His lips brushed the shell of my ear, and I shivered.

  “Don’t.” The quaver in my voice gave me away. I wanted him to touch me, wanted it more than I should have.

  He laughed, low and sinister. He pushed my panties to the side and ran his fingers along my wet flesh. “You are.”

  I whimpered and closed my eyes.

  “Fuck.” He bit my ear, and I grabbed his shoulders.

  Desire overwhelmed me and drowned out any logic. I wanted him, his wildness, and his veiled passion. If only for this single moment, maybe I could feel something other than loneliness and the burning need to know the truth.

  When he pressed a finger inside me, I moaned. I tried to press my thighs together, but his palm kept enough room between them so he could ease farther inside me. God, it felt good.

  “So wet and tight.” His voice was a growl as he fastened his lips right below my ear.

  Heat seethed inside me, and when he squeezed my throat, I moaned.

  “You couldn’t leave it alone, could you?” His voice shook, anger coating the words as he added another finger and slowly stroked me. “Couldn’t leave me alone.”

  I forced my breathy voice past his palm. “I just wanted to know—”

  “Some things are better left in the dark, Red.”

  “No.” I didn’t believe that. “It’s better to know.”

  “You want to know why I was fired and ordered to stay off all campus property?” He nipped at my jaw.

  Every nerve ending in my body focused on his touch, but I had to hear the truth. “Yes, tell me what happened.”

  “Fucking the dean’s wife wouldn’t have been such a problem. But things didn’t go so well when he walked in on me raping her.”


  RAPE? MY BLOOD TURNED to ice, and I struggled to escape Garrett’s harsh grip. He was bigger, stronger, and I was still weak from the boar attack.

  “Let me go.” I dug my nails into his wrists.

  He kept his grip on my neck, but pulled his fingers from between my legs. Licking them clean, he kept his eyes locked on mine as my heart banged against my ribs. He groaned as his tongue snaked along his fingers, and I fought down the heat his erotic show created inside me. He’d said rape. I couldn’t trust him. Had to get away.

  “You’re a rapist.” I wrapped both my hands around his forearm, but he still kept a solid grip on my throat.

  “No. I’ve never taken a woman against her will.”

  My mind spun. “But you just said—”

  “I know what I said.” He finally released me, but didn’t rise, just sat and held my gaze.

  I swallowed, my skin missing the heat from his palm.

  “This.” He glanced to my throat. “Is just a sample, Red. My appetites would disgust you. Fuck.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Sometimes they disgust me, but I can’t escape them.”

  I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. “Like what?”

  “Haven’t you seen enough to know you should leave me alone?” He clasped his hands in his lap. “And get out of here as soon as you can?”

  “I need an explanation.” I’d never been able to let anything go. My career and the burning need to know what happened to my father weren’t choices. They were part of my makeup. Mysteries were meant to be solved, truths brought to light. “Did you rape the dean’s wife?”

  He shook his head. “No, but it certainly looked that way.” His expression soured. “And she preferred me leaving under a cloud of suspicion to giving up her position as the dean’s wife.”

  “What happened?”

  He stared at me, worry wrinkling the skin around his eyes, then rose and walked to the door. “I’ve fucked up enough people. You don’t deserve it.”

  For reasons I didn’t understand, I ached for him. He seemed so lonely, lost. Maybe even lonelier than I was. “You can talk to me.”

  “It would ruin you, and I don’t want that.”

  “I’m not some virgin in an antebellum flick.” I cocked my head at him. “You can’t ruin me, Garrett.”

  He growled with frustration and slammed his palm against the doorframe. “Don’t you get it? I’m the wolf. That day you showed up on my front porch in your red coat, if you’d known the thoughts I’d had, the things I’d wanted to do to you—you would never have come back here.” His muscles were drawn taut, as if he were straining to remain still.

  I swallowed hard. “I’m a grown woman, not a child in a red cloak. You’re a grown man, not a wolf. I’m not afraid of you.” Was that true? “Why can’t you just talk to me?”

  “Because if I did, then you would be afraid of me. And for once, I don’t want that. You being here is the first time in a long time that I’ve felt…” He sighed, as if the word he was searching for was floating just out of his reach. “Not so alone. I know you can’t stay. I won’t let you for a million different reasons. But what we have right now is the most I’ve had since—” He stopped himself and turned to face me again, his eyes sad. “Look, I just don’t want to ruin it.”

  “How is you telling me about your past ruining it?” I absentmindedly ran my fingertips along my ear where his lips had been, the sparks gone but the memory still singeing my skin.

  His tone was almost pleading. “Don’t push me, because if you do”—His expressive eyes pinned me with a look so hot I tensed—“I’ll take you somewhere you’ve never been, and I doubt you’ll enjoy it. Not a girl like you.”

  “Garrett, please…”

  He closed his eyes at my words, as if my begging was a delicious treat. “I said no. Don’t bring this up again.”

  Before I could resume my entreaty, he stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him. His steps retreated down the hall, and I heard another door slam.

  I sat in shell-shocked silence and tried to digest everything he’d said, every emotion that had flitted across my mind. Something twisted lurked beneath his dark exterior. I should have been scared. Instead, I found myself more worried over the fact that every harsh word he uttered seemed to speak to a secret part of myself. One that wanted to revel in his darkness and sample every bitter promise in his words.

  OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS, Garrett only visited to drop off my meals. No small talk or flirtation, just a quick hello and a heavenly meal from Bonnie or a hellish one he’d made. Two weeks after the boar attack, he sat at the end of my bed and removed my stitches with painstaking precision. My left leg sat in his lap, my right behind his back. I tried to ignore the buzz his hands on my legs created.

  Instead of imagining his hands roving higher, I focused on my new plan to survey his property. If he still wouldn’t give me permission, I’d decided I was going to do it anyway. He could call the sheriff on me all he wanted. I had a feeling, based on Sheriff Crow’s dislike of bad publicity, that all I’d get was a slap on the wrist for my trespassing ways.

  “Ow!” I tried to keep still.

  “Sorry. That one was probably the worst.” He pulled the thin wire from my skin and discarded it in a shallow dish on the bed. “I only have a few more to go.”

  I fisted the blanket as he snipped another one and then another. By the time he was done, I’d left ugly wrinkles in the flowery quilt.

  “All done.” He smoothed his hand over my calf. “Almost as good as new.”

  I stretched my leg slowly and smiled when I realized the tight pulling sensa
tion was gone. “Feels so much better.”

  “I guess you’ll be taking off soon, then.” He rested his hand on my knee.

  “Yes. Lots of surveying to do.” And finding my father.

  He arched a brow at me. “On Blackwood property?”

  “Well, I do have a signed permission form and all.” I smiled.

  “I thought you might say that.” He sighed. “What happens when you run into another wild boar?”

  “I’ll shoot it.”

  “With what gun? I’ve been through your pack.”

  “Shit.” Sheriff Crow hadn’t gotten back to me about my car, which happened to have a gun in the glove box, and Garrett had a point. I frowned. “Don’t go through my stuff.”

  “I figured it was only fair since you did that walkabout downstairs.” He gripped my knee tighter and pegged me with a knowing look. “And I know you’ve been trying to get into my room while I’m working in the library.”

  How did he know? “I was just, um…”

  “Right.” He placed my foot flat on the bed and stood. “So I think I’m entitled to check your pack. You need more water, obviously, and a weapon.” The top few buttons of his shirt were open, the dark hair showing through.

  “I had a knife.”

  “Yeah, a lot of good that did you.”

  “I’ll pick up something else in town.” I shrugged and inspected his worn jeans, appreciating the way they sat on his lean hips. Even the way he stood seemed masculine somehow.

  “You don’t have to. I have a .45 you can borrow.”

  “Really?” That would speed along my surveying. One less thing to worry about.

  “Yeah, just don’t lose it. I’ll get it out of the safe once you’re ready to go back out there.”


  “Don’t mention it.” He shifted from one foot to another, clearly uncomfortable with my gratitude.

  “I think tomorrow I can do a little walking.”

  “Not yet.” He furrowed his brow. “You aren’t recovered enough.”

  “I won’t go far.” I grinned. “And what’s this newfound love of my company?”

  He scowled. “Get over yourself. I just don’t want you getting hurt worse and then spending yet another two weeks here.”

  “Neither do I.” I wrinkled my nose. “I’d probably die of starvation from your cooking.”

  His smirk appeared, and my heart warmed at our not-so-friendly banter.

  “I’m glad we’re on the same page.” He turned to leave, then paused, as if unsure. “Red?”

  “Yeah?” I swung my legs over the side of the bed and tested my calf.

  “I just…”

  I stared at his back. “Yeah?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing. I’ll see you at dinner.” He strode away, his steps thundering down the stairs.

  I spent the rest of the day walking around the house and feeling pleased with my leg’s recovery. It was weaker, but having the stitches removed made every movement easier. Pausing in front of Garrett’s door, I stared at it, wondering what he kept inside. I wasn’t much of a lock pick, especially given that the door had an antique handle that took an actual key.

  Jiggling the handle, I found it locked yet again and sighed. This time, though, I noticed light through the keyhole. His room faced west, the afternoon sun pouring through. If the light could get out, maybe I could see in.

  I stopped and held my breath, listening for Garrett. Nothing moved in the house. I imagined him locked in his library, bent over a book, his dark locks tucked behind his ears as he concentrated on each precise stroke of ink. Kneeling, I hunched forward and looked through the keyhole. The light blinded me, so I had to sit back.

  “Shit,” I whispered to myself and decided to sit and wait until the sun’s angle was bearable. Every moment risked me being discovered, but I would hear Garrett coming. I listened intently and waited for the light to fade. After what felt like an eternity, the glare died enough for me to peek through. My eye adjusted after a short moment, and I got a glimpse of a large bed, the wide window, and something hanging on the wall. I squinted and leaned forward, my forehead pressing into the door handle. What was that?

  Angling to the side, I got a better view of the wall. Rope. He had various coils of rope hanging on some sort of rack. I couldn’t see the rest of it, just the edge. I sat back on my haunches. What the fuck?

  A knocking sound had me on my feet and trudging back to my room at a fast clip. If he caught me, I wasn’t sure what he’d do, but I had an idea based on what he kept handy in his bedroom. The thought of being tied to his bed sent a thrill through me when I should be disgusted or scared. What is wrong with you?

  The fleshy knock grew louder as I passed the stairs. I paused. The sound was familiar—someone was knocking at the front door. I hurried down the stairs, my left leg aching in protest. With no Garrett in sight, I got on my tiptoes and peered out of the peephole.

  “Fuck.” I plopped back down on my heels.

  “I know she’s in there. Open up!” Dr. Stallings pounded on the heavy door, but it only rattled a little.

  The library door stood open, and I didn’t see any hint of Garrett. After a calming breath, I turned the bolt on the door and pulled it open.

  Dr. Stallings rushed in and took me in his arms, picking me up in a dramatic fashion.

  “What happened? Are you okay? The sheriff wasn’t giving me any information. I was worried sick. Did they hurt you?” He rattled off the questions, then pressed hot kisses to my neck.

  I cringed and pushed him back. “I’m fine. Promise. They’ve been taking good care of me.”

  He lowered me to my feet and looked around the foyer. “They kept you locked up in this ghastly house?”

  I frowned. The house had grown on me over the past couple of weeks. But, I followed his gaze to the tatty rug and dusty chandelier, I could see his point. “I’ve been recovering here. It made sense. The boar attack happened nearby.”

  “Who’s here with you?”

  “The property owner. He’s around somewhere.”

  “Has he touched you?” He ran a possessive hand through my hair.

  “What? No. He’s the one who saved me in the woods and stitched me up.” I pointed to my leg.

  He knelt and ran his hands over the healing wounds. “You poor thing.” When his lips met my skin, I had to fight the impulse to knee him in the face.

  His clean-shaven jaw brushed against my skin as he dropped kisses up to my knee and then higher. I took a step back. “I’m okay. I promise.”

  He rose to his feet. “I think you should come back with me.”

  “No.” I responded more vehemently than I intended.

  His look of concern turned to a glower, and he took a step toward me. “I think this has been too much for you. You can always get back to the survey during summer term.”

  “But I’m so close.” I forced myself to move closer to him. “My leg is nearly healed, and I’ve already found a promising dig site.” Running my hands down the front of his wool coat, I stared up into his eyes and tried to look beguiling.

  He grabbed my waist and pressed me to him, his cock hardening against my stomach. “Maybe come back for just a week, so the two of us can get caught up.”

  I let him kiss me, his mouth clumsy and demanding. Closing my eyes, I imagined it was Garrett’s skillful tongue pressing inside me, his hands roving my ass. Instead of Dr. Stallings’ smooth skin, it was Garrett’s rough beard against me.

  Someone cleared their throat. Dr. Stallings released me and backed away. I wiped his saliva off my lips with the back of my hand.

  “Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house?” Garrett’s glacial tone sent prickles along my skin.

  “I’m Elise’s professor.” He puffed out his chest. “I’ve come to check up on her.”

  “I saw how you were checking up.” Garrett walked up beside me, his jaw set in a furious line. “Teaching methods have certainly changed since I
was a student.”

  “I, ah, that’s none of your business.” He tried to stare down his nose at Garrett, but Dr. Stallings was a good three inches shorter, so it didn’t quite work.

  “In my house, everything’s my business.” Garrett put his hand at the small of my back, his touch sending warmth licking along my skin.

  Professor Stallings eyed Garrett’s arm as it snaked behind me. “Elise, you’re coming back with me.”

  “I’m not finished. I only got one site scouted before the accident. I need more time.”

  He shook his head, mock sadness drawing his mouth down in a frown. “I’m afraid it’s just too dangerous for you to be out here alone. I can’t promise funding for such a perilous expedition.”

  My heart sank.

  “You threaten her funding to keep her in line?” Garrett laughed. “That’s your power play?”

  “I’ve done no such thing.” Dr. Stallings narrowed his eyes. “She was almost killed trying to survey this area. I think it only makes sense for her to wait until the summer when she can survey in safety.”

  “And, let me guess, you intend to accompany her in the summer?”

  “I’ll be free to help then, yes.”

  “Help, huh?” Garrett tsked. “I hope you don’t intend to kiss her the same as you did a minute ago. Watching that shit was painful. So I can’t even imagine what a bumbling fool you’d be when trying to find her clit.”

  Dr. Stallings’ face turned an angry shade of red as I wished for the floorboards to open up and swallow me.

  I needed to defuse the situation. “Everyone just calm down, okay? We’re all adults here. No need for ugliness.”

  Garrett scowled at Professor Stallings, and I could almost feel the vicious take down building in his lungs.

  I edged closer to him. “Garrett, please.”

  His fingers dug into my waist as he pulled me into his side. “Don’t say that.” His voice hissed through his teeth.

  “Elise, come with me.” Dr. Stallings held his hand out toward me. “We can have that dinner and discuss your future like we should have done before you left. The land will still be here in the summer. I’ll come with you and help you get it all done. As your faculty advisor, I need you to trust me.”


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