Chance's Rule

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Chance's Rule Page 3

by Reese Gabriel

  Did she hope to settle down one day? He assumed so, though the topic had never come up.

  Didn’t seem any point to it, not when raising a family was something destined to be forever out of his reach.

  Kinzie groaned with the erotic onslaught, though it didn’t stop her from wanting more. “I said fuck me!”

  This was a novelty, Kinzie asserting herself so much. More than content to see where things would go, Chance let the reins go, just a little.

  She was like a lioness ready to explode on her prey. Her teeth bit into his shoulder as she sought to ride the building explosion. He let out a deep, guttural roar in response. Using his cock like a piston, he pounded harder and harder as he sought out the center of her being. Their bodies were bathed in sweat, their limbs intertwined, muscles straining, lips and teeth seeking, fingers greedily clutching.

  At a certain point she grasped at him, wanting to be on top. He flipped them over, letting her climb astride his cock so she could ride him to climax. She dug her nails into his pectorals, her eyes wild with lust as she worked up and down, positioning her body just right to maximize the friction to her clitoris.

  He took hold of her breasts, squeezing, molding them in his hands. Lifting his ass, he pushed his cock up into her, challenging, encouraging. “Let it go, Kin, let it go.”

  She arched her neck, screaming up at the ceiling. Her body went tense just for a moment and then something passed through her like a bolt of lightning. Something was there, something hurting her, something brand new touching on something old.

  What had happened since the last time he’d seen her?

  How he hated the times he had to be away.

  If she only knew.

  “Oh Chance,” she moaned, the storm breaking inside her, the pleasure radiating through every pore. Fighting every urge, he held back, letting her have the moment.

  As the energy drained away, raging lioness to helpless kitten, he pulled her tight, wrapping her in his arms the way he always did. It was one of the things she needed, the feeling of constriction and security after the wildness of her release.

  He could feel her trembling, her body so small in comparison to his and yet her heart beating with all the strength it took to meet the sorrows and joys of Luzumbia on a daily basis.

  How could a man not be awed to have such a woman give herself to him, entrusting herself so completely, body and soul?

  “Let me pleasure you,” she murmured as she settled her head down on his chest.

  He wrapped her tightly in his arms, as if to make them one. “That can wait, angel.”

  She made little mewling sounds in reply. He could feel the heat of her, the raw female essence. “Pinch me, Chance.”

  He chuckled. “Why?”

  “I want to know if I’m dreaming.”

  Chance obliged, treating himself to the feel of her taut, shapely buttocks.

  Kinzie wriggled as he pinched her. “Oh yeah,” she said huskily. “Definitely not a dream.”

  She kept on moving, pushing her still hot pussy against his side.

  “Tease,” he growled.

  “What?” She looked up at him innocently. “I offered you a blowjob.”

  He gave a mock scowl. “I don’t need your charity, woman. Get up on all fours.”

  She was pure imp. “Gonna mount me, lion king?”

  “Damn straight.”

  Kinzie laughed, a borderline giggle.

  The sound warmed his heart more than words could say.

  “Now,” he said imperiously.

  “Yes, your Highness,” she cooed, crawling off him.

  Chance’s blood pounded as he watched her in motion. She was flawless—smooth flanks, flat belly, tear-drop-shaped breasts, not too large or too small, and that ass was born for a man’s attention, not to mention a little mischief.

  “Get that ass up in the air,” he commanded, giving her a love tap with the palm of his hand.

  The spank was light enough but he could feel the glow coming off his hand.

  “Ouch,” she protested far too loudly. “Did I say you could do that?”

  “You gave me permission the moment we laid eyes on each other, missy. You just didn’t know it.” He moved in behind her, positioning the head of his straining cock against her wet sex, the lips still swollen with desire.

  He spanked her again, a harder, crisper blow that made her soft flesh undulate enticingly. “Tell me you hate it.”

  “I hate it,” she teased. “In fact, I’m not in the mood for sex anymore.”

  He caught her by the hips as she tried to wriggle away on all fours. “Woman, you aren’t denying me, not now.”

  “Hard up, are you? I don’t hear you begging.”

  Chance plunged his cock in deep, his shaft hot against her throbbing sex walls. “That’s because I don’t beg.”

  “Ever?” She was breathing hard, her sex throbbing, pulsing, holding him inside her like a glove. It was a perfect fit, always had been.

  “Not so far.”

  It might be a different story if she really did try to leave. In that case there was no telling what he might say.

  “Good,” she said. “That gives me something to work toward.”

  “I want you to climax with me,” he declared.

  “Is that an order?”

  “What do you think?”

  Kinzie sighed as he began to fuck her in earnest. Pressing down on her smooth back, he reached around to seize her breasts. Holding them was paradise. Anything and everything was paradise where Kin was concerned. Greedily, he inhaled her smell—the light mix of sweat with a hint of her trademark scent.

  Who else would wear lilac perfume in Africa and still be a kickass doctor?

  “Kinzie?” He hadn’t intended it to come out as a question.


  “I…” The rest dissolved in the moment. His cock swelled to the point of bursting. “I’m coming,” he said a moment later though, veering away from his previous thought.

  She cried out as he released his cum, pumping jets of warm, thick semen into Kinzie’s waiting body—obedient, pliant, his. This was how it should be. The thought of another man coming inside her after all this damn near killed him.

  Nor could he imagine himself being with another woman.

  Kinzie bucked wildly underneath him, her own release timed to coincide perfectly. Her sweet moans matched his lion-like roar, their flesh clinging, fusing in the ecstasy. It went on and on, until they could sustain it no more. Physically and emotionally exhausted, they collapsed, fingers intertwined, his leg over hers, his body protecting her even in the wake of the irresistible, dreamless sleep that overtook them both.

  Chapter Two

  The moon was high when Chance awoke. Kinzie was sleeping deeply, which was a very good thing. She didn’t take care of herself and she was way too stubborn for her own good. Did she really think she could save a country singlehandedly?

  Moving very slowly from the bed, so as not to wake her, he left her sprawled, the sheet tangled about her lithe limbs. As usual she occupied far more than her half of the bed. He attributed it to restless dreaming, fueled by a lot of memories.

  Kinzie hadn’t had an easy life. She was just a little girl when she lost her brother to a tragic accident. Kinzie’s mother had blamed herself for not watching him but in Chance’s experience, the big things in life couldn’t be controlled.

  That’s why he had picked the name for himself. Chance. He had had lots of luck, good and bad, but finding Kinzie had been the biggest break of his life. Too bad he couldn’t have met her five years ago when he could still afford a personal life.

  In the back of his mind he had always known he would have to let her go, though he had assumed she would have another man by then, someone she could marry and settle down with and have kids.

  She was going to make a hell of a wife and mother. Pulling on his boots and pants, he walked outside to feel the clear night air. It was a different kind of country
at night. The lions and the leopards went on the prowl. Other creatures, smaller and more vulnerable, took advantage of the cover of darkness, going about the business of survival. Come morning the sun would be back and a new cycle of life and death would begin.

  Africa was a beautiful but unforgiving continent. In some ways a man could feel very strong, as if he held his fate entirely in his own hands. In other ways, he could feel utterly overwhelmed and nearly blinded.

  Such a splendid and noble blindness though, the tireless quest of justice, a better way of life for all. That was the purpose of the Agency. Country by country, they were dealing with the terrorists and their bloodthirsty state sponsors. For nearly two years Chance had been assigned in Luzumbia. Carefully, painstakingly, they had been laying down the groundwork for a revolution. Just a few more months and they would make their move.

  The target was anything but small. It was the brutal General Matubu they were after, along with his whole cutthroat regime.


  He felt the instant tug on his heartstrings at the sound of her voice.

  “Yeah, baby, I’m here.” He stood in the doorway, letting the moonlight flood the small hut.

  Kinzie was propped up on her elbows, getting her bearings. From the rising tension in her body she wasn’t happy. “You son of a bitch.”

  “What’s wrong, Kin?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Forget it. If you don’t understand by now, you never will. Don’t you have somewhere to be? Wouldn’t want to let the grass grow under your feet now, would you?”

  “I’m where I belong.” He moved to sit beside her.

  “The hell you are,” she said, pushing him away.

  “Where are you going, Kin?”

  “I need to clean the sex off me and get back to work. God knows what’s happened in the clinic all day.”

  He wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her close. “M’Benga would have come to get you if you were needed. He and the night nurse can handle things.”

  “Damn you,” she squirmed. “You are not seducing me again.”

  “I have no intention of seducing you, girl. It’s time for some answers.”

  “I have nothing to say.”

  Chance took her hand, muttering a mild epithet under his breath. “It’s always the hard way with you.”

  “No, Chance, absolutely not,” she cried as he brought her across his lap.

  Chance brought his hand down, all business, on her bare bottom. Kinzie whimpered, the fight all but evaporating.

  “Please,” she croaked.

  “You have this coming, Kinzie Leigh.”

  She moaned as he spanked her hard, establishing a rhythm.

  “It’s too hard,” she protested.

  He knew from experience that it wasn’t. Kin liked it vigorous. She liked to feel it afterward too, the stinging, the heat, long into the inevitable post-spanking sex.

  “It’s just right,” he proclaimed. “Just what we need to chill you out.”

  “I don’t need to chill,” she sputtered.

  Chance smacked her three times more, enjoying the quivering, hypnotic undulations of smooth ass flesh. Truly, her buttocks were perfection, all the more-so when their usual pale alabaster color was transformed into hot pink.

  “Maybe not, but you are agitated as hell and we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

  “I already told you, I’m sick of your one-night stands.”

  He paused to gauge the heat of her pussy. A single finger revealed she was on fire, dripping and ready for penetration. “I got that but there’s something else.”

  Kinzie groaned, lifting her ass for more. “Puh-please.”

  “Lie still.” He disciplined her hard, slapping her down with a punishing blow. The mix of pain and pleasure was all it took to push her over the edge.

  She was breathing hard, moving into that submissive space she loved so well. “Let me suck your cock, Chance, let me…”

  “Not until you tell me.”

  “It-it doesn’t matter.”

  “It does to me.” He peppered her with five fresh blows, crisp and efficient.

  “All right, I’ll tell you,” she exclaimed. “It’s Pierre.”

  His hand froze in midair. “What about him?”

  She was shaking all over.

  “Kin, what about Pierre?”

  Kinzie was sobbing but not from the spanking. He gathered her up in his arms, trying to make out what she was saying.

  “He…he never had a chance. The butchers…they…they…”

  Jeezus. Was Pierre dead?

  “What butchers?” He held her by the upper arms. “Tell me.”

  “How should I know? He was already gone from here, they never gave us details. It…it should have been me, don’t you understand?”

  “Why should it have been you, Kinzie? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I was supposed to take that transfer, Chance. Don’t you get it? I stayed because of you. What a fucking joke, right? Pierre traded places so I could have more time with you. What a waste. I’ll bet he laughed all the way to the grave.”

  Chance’s heart froze in his chest. She had done that for him? No wonder she was angry.

  “Don’t touch me.” Kinzie broke free of him.

  Chance felt paralyzed, unable to hold the woman he…

  The woman he what? Was he thinking of love? Up until now he had forbidden himself to go to that place. Kinzie was a lot of things—his occasional ally, his companion and certainly his submissive lover.

  But loving her…that was something else.

  “Kinzie, don’t torture yourself like this.”

  “Just get out.” She wiped her eyes. “I mean it.”

  Chance stood his ground. “I can’t.”

  “The fuck you say.”

  He frowned. There was only one solution. “Where is the toy box?”

  Her eyes widened. He could almost see her pulse rate increasing. “It’s under the bed. You can take it with you. Good riddance.”

  Chance went to retrieve the metal box. It was designed for medicine but they had been using it to hold the collection of BDSM items they used in their play. It was quite a wide assortment, thanks to his liberal donations over the past months.

  “You can’t be serious,” she said as he took out the riding crop, testing it in the air. “I tell you something tragic and you want to whip me?”

  “You didn’t want my comfort,” he pointed out.

  “That doesn’t mean I want BDSM.”

  “But you do need it.” Chance pulled out his favorites, the leather cuffs and chains, the nipple clamps and the paddle. “It’s the only way to relieve this goddamn tension between us.”

  Not to mention help her work through the guilt, he thought. As if she could be held responsible for the random death of a colleague in another country.

  “Getting you out of my life is the only relief I will get,” she defied.

  Chance had heard enough. “Kneel, Kinzie, now!”

  The tone of his voice combined with the snapping of his fingers triggered something in her that was deep and primal.

  Kinzie dropped, naked, to her knees on the Persian rug he had brought her from the capital, though she retained her petulant stare.

  He would take care of that soon enough. “Wrists,” he commanded.

  She thrust her hands behind her back, awaiting the cuffs. It was a reflex response, the result of careful training.

  Hopefully that training would pay off in a major way tonight.

  Damn it, Kinzie thought, what am I doing, kneeling for Chance like I’m his personal property? She couldn’t deny how good it felt though—the familiar itching between her thighs as she did his bidding. Her heart slammed in her chest. A part of her needed to know he was still man enough to do the things they both loved so well, no matter how much she tried to push him away.

  “I don’t want the whip,” she said, eying the black riding crop, her flesh reme
mbering the sting and tease, the searing heat. “Or the clamps.”

  He snorted. “You’ll beg for it all before I’m done with you, you insolent girl.”

  Kinzie felt the electricity whip through her body and down her spine. “Don’t call me that.”

  Chance moved behind her and wrapped her wrists, one by one, with the leather cuffs. She drew a ragged breath, trying her hardest to fight the familiar comfort and warmth that came from bondage.

  Unfortunately he read her body all too well. “I told you that you needed this.”

  She gasped as he bent down and linked the cuffs using the attached clips. Just like that she was deprived of the use of her hands and arms.

  Helping her to her feet, he stood her in front of him, her body in just the right position for teasing and tormenting. Studying her, his eyes locked on hers, he applied his hands very, very slowly, playing with her breasts, fingers manipulating, massaging. She began to moan, which only encouraged him to torture her further.

  Slapping her hip lightly, he ordered her to spread her legs. She obeyed instantly but he wanted more.

  Kinzie whimpered as he ran his fingers up her inner thigh. “Wider.”

  His voice was cool, demanding. He was in the mood to take what he wanted and she was in no position to refuse.

  They would go wherever his will took them tonight. He would have his fill and she would yield it all.

  “You’re as wet as you’ve ever been.” It was hardly a revelation but he wanted her confession.

  “Yes,” she whispered, feeling her body move to the rhythm he set, his fingers gently working over her swollen clit.

  “You said you didn’t want this,” he reminded, stroking her very softly.

  She looked away, her face reddening. He was going to strip her of every scrap of stubborn will, making her acknowledge each step of the way how much she needed him.

  “Have you changed your mind?”

  Kinzie shuddered, on the brink of orgasm. He knew exactly when to stop, leaving her hanging.

  “I…I…” She couldn’t get anything else out.

  “Taste,” he commanded, removing his hand from her pussy.

  Kinzie parted her lips, accepting the gift of his glistening fingers.


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