
Home > Other > You_Only_Love_Twice_ARE > Page 25
You_Only_Love_Twice_ARE Page 25

by Lexi Blake

  She clenched the minute his fingers touched her there.

  He wasn’t about to have that. Five more quick smacks. “That’s what I’m saving them for. Don’t try to keep me out. It belongs to me.”

  “Couldn’t you pick another part of my body to own?”

  “Oh, I own the whole damn thing. Every sweet pink part and ripe little morsel is mine. I claim every inch of you, Phoebe.”

  “When we’re playing.” She said the words in a hesitant whisper, as though she was just trying to remind herself of her version of the truth.

  “If that makes you feel better, you can say it.” He wasn’t going to push her into forever. He couldn’t or he might lose her. “But for now, there’s no question that this belongs to me.”

  She groaned as he pressed his fingers to her asshole. He didn’t need to ask the question if she’d done this before. It was obvious. She’d had one lover and they’d been very young. They’d thought sex was sacred and it was, but they obviously hadn’t learned that it could be dirty and nasty and fun, too. Phoebe needed to see that.

  Play. He bet there hadn’t been much of it in Phoebe’s life. She was so serious and always in control. He was going to strip that control away from her and show her it was safe to play with him.

  He slowly worked his finger inside, rolling over and over her flesh, teasing and playing until he finally slipped inside.

  And that was when he used his free hand to continue the punishment.


  She squealed beautifully and her asshole clenched hard around his finger. “Oh my, god.”

  “Tell me how it feels.” If she hated it, he would stop. He didn’t need to take her there if she couldn’t enjoy it.

  She whimpered a little and then seemed to relax. “Pressure. There’s pressure, but it doesn’t hurt. I don’t know how I feel.”

  He rimmed her and her pelvis moved, not to get away, but to keep him inside.

  At least her body knew what she wanted. He rimmed her again, opening her wider before giving her another five smacks that cracked through the shower.

  She shivered. “Is that all you have, Sir?”

  Oh, she was so getting more. He grabbed the prepped plug and replaced his finger with something much closer to his own size. She whimpered and wriggled as he lubed her again and then pressed the plastic against her flesh. She moved her hips, aiding in the insertion. The tip slipped inside, and Jesse watched the way she moved against it. He fucked her gently with the plug, giving her more and more with every pass. Every time he fucked, she opened a little more, accepting another inch until she was finally moving against the toy actively.

  Jesse’s cock was fully erect and damn straight jealous of that stupid plug.

  He pressed the plug in, seating it. He stepped away and grabbed the condom he’d placed on the bench before he’d escorted her to the shower. He watched her as he rolled the condom on. He adored every curve of her and the way her hair hung around her, making her look like the sweetest, sexiest drenched kitty he’d ever seen. And a naughty one since she hadn’t fulfilled her punishment yet. His cock would have to wait.

  “Hold on to that plug. If you don’t keep it, I’ll make you wear it to dinner, and you won’t like the way I lube it up. You’ll squirm all night because your little asshole burns.”

  Her breath hitched. “Burns?”

  “Because I’ll put ginger lube on the plug and then make you wear it all night. And when it starts to feel all right again, I’ll find a private place and I’ll switch the plugs so you won’t have a minute’s relief. You’ll be squirming all night and everyone will be watching you. They won’t know why, but they’ll see the way your skin flushes and how you can’t quite sit still and they’ll know. They’ll know you need something, but they won’t be able to give it to you. Who can give you relief?”

  “Only you. I’ll be good. I’ll keep it.”

  He loved how husky her voice got when she was really aroused. He washed his hands off before paying attention to her backside again. He spanked her with purpose, ready to move on. He kept the count, speaking each number aloud before bringing his hand down again. He spread out the discipline, giving every inch of her ass attention until it was finally through and he was able to run his fingers over her pussy, to feel just how wet she’d gotten.

  Perfection. Her pussy was pure perfection. It was wet and soft and waiting for a cock. “Tell me you want me.”

  “I want you.”

  “Say my name, Phoebe.” He had to know she was thinking about him. He could share her in a lot of ways. He wouldn’t demand that she pretend her husband hadn’t existed or that she’d never cared about anyone but Jesse, but he had a sudden need to know she was thinking of him when he fucked her. “Say my name.”


  He cupped the curves of her hips from behind, his cock touching her pussy. “Tell me you want me, you want this.”

  There was only a tiny moment’s hesitation. “I do want this. I want you, Jesse.”

  That was all he needed. He lined his cock up and sank in, his vision shrinking down to only her. She was all he could see or feel or think of. His world focused in on how soft she was, the way she moaned and how she clenched around his dick.

  He forced his cock in as far as he could, holding himself hard against her. “I want you, too, Phoebe. I’ve never wanted anything the way I want you.”

  He let his right hand move around her waist, skimming down to find the pearl of her clit. He wasn’t going to last. He had to make it good for her. She was too tight, too hot and wet, and he could feel that plug dragging on his cock with every hard thrust.

  “Oh, Jesse, it feels so good.” She moved back against him. She fought to keep his cock and then slammed against him when he thrust back in. They found a perfect rhythm, his cock thrusting hard and his finger pressing down in time.

  She shuddered and her pussy clamped down around him. She called out his name as he rode the mini wave of her orgasm. He kept up the pace until he couldn’t do it one second more because his cock exploded inside her, giving her everything he had and lighting his body up like a firecracker splitting the night air.

  He ground against her, milking every second he could before he caught her in his arms and brought her up against his body.

  He wouldn’t make the mistake of leaving her alone for a second. Though his body was humming with satisfaction, his hands roamed all over her skin. He held her close, his front to her back. He kissed her neck and cupped her breasts and let her sag into him.

  “Are you all right?” He had zero intentions of ignoring what had happened the time before. He was going to face it, get her through it.

  Her head fell back against his shoulder. “I think so. I don’t know.”

  It was better than listening to her cry through a closed door. He would have to thank Kai and Tag for giving him the kick in the ass he needed.

  He turned her toward the showerhead and grabbed the soap. She was quiet, but he wasn’t going to force her to talk. She just needed to know that she could and that he wouldn’t leave her alone. They were silent as he started to soap her body and finally washed her hair, his fingers moving over her scalp.

  He turned her around to help wash the shampoo from her hair and saw the tears in her eyes. Damn, but they kicked him in the gut.

  “It’s not about him,” she said quietly.

  He wasn’t sure she was being honest, but he simply brushed them away and kissed her softly. “It doesn’t matter, Phoebe. I don’t want to push him out. I just want a place in your life.”

  “You won’t.”

  “Because of this horrible thing you have to tell me?”

  “Because sometimes we make mistakes in the past that cost us our futures,” she explained.

  He kissed her nose. “All right, princess. Well, if I’m going to be so deeply disturbed, we should enjoy the time we have.”

  “Jesse, this isn’t a joke.”

  “I’m not treating it like one. I just know something you don’t.”

  “No, you don’t and that’s the problem.”

  “I wasn’t talking about your little secret.” He moved her under the water, gently tilting her head back. She seemed determined to be dramatic so he had to be the sensible one. He was all right with the role. “I was talking about the fact that I happen to know there’s nothing you can say that will make me turn away from you.”

  “You’re wrong.” Her head was back, the water sliding down her body. When she opened her eyes, her hands came up, cupping his face. “Promise me you won’t hate me. I can’t live with you hating me.”

  “Never.” He found it hard to hate anyone. He couldn’t imagine hating the woman he loved.

  “I’ll hold you to those words, Murdoch.” She went on her toes and kissed him before hugging her body to his. Her head went to his chest and he could have sworn she was listening to his heartbeat. He let his hands find her head and held her there, warmth surrounding him.

  They stayed that way for the longest time.


  He was going to make her crazy. Phoebe watched Jesse as he moved through the ballroom. He was dressed in a tux and looked so predatory she almost didn’t recognize him. She’d only seen him in the building when they were working before. This was Jesse in the field, and he was a gorgeous beast.

  “Ms. Graham, is it?” A man in an expensive tux approached her, his silver hair slicked back. He was at least six foot two and lean, obviously a man who cared about his appearance.

  She glanced at his nametag. Dale Albertson, assistant to US Senator McDonald. Now she was intrigued. She put on her game face. In this place, she wasn’t a woman trying to figure out how to let go of the best man she’d ever met. God, she included Jamie in that list. Jesse Murdoch was the best person she’d met. But here she wasn’t Jesse’s or Jamie’s. She belonged to the Agency, to the United States of America, and she was deeply interested in why a senator was here without the backing of the Agency.

  She smiled at Mr. Dale Albertson and gave him her best British accent. She’d traveled on a British passport, and according to all of her security paperwork was a marketing consultant from London specializing in the energy industry. “Yes. Phoebe Graham. It’s so nice to meet you.”

  Her British accent was perfect, of course.

  Dale held out a hand and she took it, fighting to hide her distaste when he moved past professional. He covered her hand with both of his, holding it just a moment too long to be anything but a come-on. “You’re with the crazy king, aren’t you? I have to say, we’re all curious about Kamdar.”

  Which meant her cover was holding and her brother had been the paranoid son of a bitch she loved him for being. She was proud to be his sister, but for now she was another woman entirely. “The king is a brilliant man. He’s put his whole country to work with his initiatives. If he’s correct about his potential output, he could fundamentally change the way people use energy in his part of the world.”

  “If he’s correct. I seem to remember he claimed he was close once and then there was that terrible explosion. I guess that kind of thing is really better left to the First World.”

  She studied him for a moment. His lips had curled up slightly as though he knew something he thought she didn’t. “I’m not concerned about a repeat of that particular incident. The king learned a lot from it. It hasn’t taken him long at all to get his lab working again.”

  The explosion in Loa Mali hadn’t been about worker error. It had been an act of corporate sabotage perpetrated by an ex-CIA operative. Eli Nelson had been turned years before by the shadowy group known as The Collective. They were the elite of the elite, the wealthiest men in the world, and they hadn’t taken kindly to the king of Loa Mali potentially killing their oil revenues.

  Eli Nelson was dead thanks to the Taggarts, but someone would quickly take his place.

  The thing they’d been missing was the government tie. Phoebe had been able to tie The Collective to various criminal organizations and foreign countries, but she knew they would also have a group of US politicians under their sway. She had to wonder if she wasn’t looking at one. Well, at his assistant anyway.

  “We’ll see about that. Why is a man who is determined to change the world over to solar and wind power here at an oil conference?” He leaned in, just a little flirty. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “Sure.” A little flirtation might help. She wanted information, too. “I’d love some champagne.”

  He held up a hand and immediately a tuxedoed waiter turned to bring them glasses of champagne. She took hers and held it to her chest. She wore a designer black dress that Jesse had claimed should be illegal, but then he was the gorgeous pervert who had promised to fig her if she didn’t behave. Yes, she knew what that was. She read. A lot, lately. And every damn hero turned into a blond hottie with a Western accent. She pretended she was looking at Dale and let her chest thrust out. Jesse watched her from across the room, and the minute she turned his way, his eyes flared. Because Jesse liked her boobs. A lot. “This is an energy conference, Mr. Albertson. The king has every right to be here.”

  “Energy in this part of the world means oil.”

  “It doesn’t have to. Not if my boss has his way.”

  He tipped back his champagne, swallowing the whole glass in quick order and grabbing another before the waiter could move away. “There are a few people who think he shouldn’t be here.”

  There had been more than a subtle hint of threat in those words. “Really? Do you think he’s in danger?”

  Albertson glanced around the room, his eyes shifting until they found Kamdar. The king was holding court, his bevy of gorgeous ladies surrounding him and laughing at his very horrible jokes. She was a little surprised to see Erin was hovering around the king. “I think Kamdar needs to play ball if he wants to keep his position.”

  “His position is hereditary and they don’t play ball there. Cricket is really more popular in Loa Mali.” She was starting to feel the slightest bit uncomfortable. He was more inebriated than she’d counted on, and she couldn’t take him out with a quick uppercut. She was supposed to be a marketing consultant, and women in this part of the world weren’t exactly smiled on for kicking ass.

  Albertson nodded. “Funny girl. What do you say we go back to my room? I would do just about anything to get out of this hotel, but apparently it’s the only place where we can get a damn drink in this country.”

  She was tempted to lead him out into the city anyway. Even slight inebriation in public could get a citizen arrested in Dubai. It might be fun to watch this dipshit rot in a Middle Eastern prison for a while.

  Unfortunately, she wasn’t dressed for the streets of Dubai since a woman could get arrested for showing her knees, so that little pleasure would have to wait. “I’m afraid I’m supposed to stay here at the conference. My boss was very insistent we all stay and do our jobs.”

  “Which is what?” He was openly looking at her breasts now and Jesse had noticed.

  He started across the ballroom, but luckily Simon was there to stop him from doing something stupid. She breathed a sigh of relief as the big Brit put a hand on Jesse’s shoulder and started talking to him.

  “Phoebe, that’s the senior assistant to Senator McDonald you’ve ensnared with your far too on-display bosom.” Ten’s voice came over the tiny communications device in her ear. Ten and Hutch were watching from the suite, having cut into the security feeds. She could hear them, but she couldn’t directly respond since she wasn’t alone. The small bug planted in the broach on her left side allowed them to hear everything going on. She simply looked to her left, acknowledging the camera there to let him know she’d heard.

  “I’m here to help the king with packaging and marketing his product to the outside world. As an alternative energy source, I’ve got to convince the big oil boys that we’re not really a threat. After all, they control the world when
you think about it. We just want a tiny part of the market.”

  “To begin with,” Albertson shot back. “You know Kamdar isn’t the first person to try this. His crap will go the same way the electric car went. He’s a dreamer if he thinks the cartels will allow him to have any kind of a foothold.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing that they don’t get to have a say in it. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed but hybrid vehicles are very popular these days.”

  “Because we allowed it,” he said, his voice taking on a nasty edge.

  “Oh, I like that ‘we.’ That’s a very interesting statement,” Ten said.

  “I always love the personal pronouns, too, boss.” Hutch put in his two cents.

  She needed to bring the testosterone level down a bit. She smiled up at the senator’s aide. “I wouldn’t know anything about that. I did work on a few of the hybrid marketing plans in Europe. We did spectacularly well with women in Southern Europe. I’ve found the key is to give them a choice of pretty colors and have a proper celebrity endorsement. You have to get Clooney for Italy. He could sell anything there. They love him.”

  The man stared at her for a second and then laughed, that menace in him gone and the drunken playboy back. “It’s good to know American star power is still at work.”

  “Get him talking about the senator, sister,” Ten said into her ear.

  She really wished she could flip him off. She knew how to do her damn job. “So you work for a real senator?”

  He leaned in, giving her what he probably thought were sexy eyes, but they mostly made him look sleepy. “As real as they come. I don’t know how closely you Brits follow American politics, but my boss is going to make a real run at the White House in a few years. Senator McDonald from the great state of Texas.”

  That was what all the news stations believed. Hank McDonald was eyeing the presidency. He was an older man with all the charm of Clinton and the backing and power base of a Bush. “What is the US government doing here?”


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