Blackwing: Rise of a New Empire (The Blackwing Trilogy Book 1)

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Blackwing: Rise of a New Empire (The Blackwing Trilogy Book 1) Page 16

by L. S. Mercer

  As they finally reached each other, their swords collided. Damon could feel the energy pushing out of the weapons as they touched, almost like it was charging the air around them with the tension of the battle.

  Neither felt as if they had an advantage over the other at this point. It seemed as though the powers within them had just up and decided to become equals.

  “What do you hope to gain?” Asked Draxis.

  Damon felt as if his brother was just begging him to surrender like he really didn’t want to fight him but had no choice if he didn’t.

  “I already got what I came for. You’re the one keeping me here.” Replied Damon.

  Draxis looked around, trying to see what Damon could have been looking for. There was nothing of value in the work camps, he had the entire place ingrained into his memory as if he’d been there the entire time.

  “I see that you’re confused.” Continued Damon, grinning as his brother pulled his sword away from his own. “I came to free the people. Something that doesn’t seem to occur to you.”

  Draxis ignored him, he continued to look around.

  “Something’s not right.” He whispered.

  Damon stopped breathing as if to listen for anything out of the ordinary. To his surprise, he actually heard something coming from outside of the camps. The two stepped closer to the entrance to see what was happening. Ghan troops surrounded the way out, carbines raised and ready to fire at anyone leaving the camp.

  “Looks like I won the war.” Muttered Draxis.

  Damon deactivated his sword and dropped it onto the ground. There was no way even with all of the powers that he had that he could take on an entire Ghan force; he was defeated.

  “You can have me, but I only ask that my friends in there go free.” He whispered.

  Draxis turned his head to Damon and stared for the longest time before nodding his head.

  “Your friend can go, but the Doctor is mine.” He said.

  “You know I can’t hand over an innocent man.” Argued Damon.

  Draxis pushed Damon by the shoulder and glared at him.

  “Then you all die!” He seethed.

  A laugh erupted from the medical bay entrance, one that Draxis knew all too well. They both turned to see Sam and Sebastian walking out of the facility, with Sylaris walking behind him. As the two stopped moving, Sylaris moved through them like a ghost and continued making his way over to the Blackwing brothers.

  “You have all done so well!” He yelled, filled with merriment as he skipped to their location.

  “What do you mean?” Asked Draxis, a low growl moving involuntarily through his speech.

  “Don’t be like that my apprentice.” Scolded Sylaris. “Everything is now in place.”

  “In place for what?” Interrupted Damon.

  “For my resurrection of course.” Hissed Sylaris.

  Draxis and Damon remained silent, not sure of what was about to happen.

  “You have brought all of the crystals to my burial mound.” Continued Sylaris. “Now for the ritual.”

  Sylaris raised his hands and conjured a loud screech powerful enough to bring everyone to their knees. As the Blackwing’s fell, so did Sam and Sebastian. A large, purple ring surrounded them all, a barrier too powerful for even the combined strength of both Damon and Draxis to break.

  “I must thank each and every one of you for this moment. I have been waiting a long time for it.” Whispered Sylaris into all of their minds. “Oh and don’t worry, by my calculations, at least one of you will survive.”

  Sylaris exploded into a fit of evil laughter as he increased the frequency of the sound. A red tendril of energy broke from Draxis’ head and trailed its way to Sylaris’ hands; a green one from Damon; and a black mass moved towards Sebastian. Sam seemed to be safe, but he still stared at the light show in horror, fearful of what was to come of it.

  Sylaris went eerily silent as Sebastian screamed in agony, the black mass enveloping him entirely. His screams echoed throughout the camp so loud that even the Ghan troops were exchanging horrified glances with each other. One by one, the tendrils of power cut off and Sylaris vanished completely with one last horrifying laugh. Sam watched as all three of the victims fell limply into the dirt as everything settled back to normal. Once the ring barriers had faded, Sam ran straight over to Damon’s body to check his pulse. As his fingers went over his neck, he could feel it beating slowly and very faint.

  “You are free to leave.” Said a woman’s voice from behind Sam.

  He turned his head to see a Ghan Admiral standing behind him, her weapon slung across her back. The Ghan troops had begun to clear the area, sweeping around with their guns in case anyone else needed to be neutralized. Since he didn’t really feel threatened, he nodded at her.

  “Your leader should still be alive.” He whispered to her.

  The Admiral’s eyes widened with hope and she knelt down over Draxis and opened his chest to check the Tracer’s vitals. Sam had been right, he was still operational, but on a minimal level.

  “Will you allow me to take my friends with me?” Asked Sam.

  Helen nodded at him.

  “Thank you.” He said.

  Sam stood up and turned to go check on Sebastian; he was surprised to see that the doctor had also vanished into thin air. Sam looked around, but Sebastian was nowhere to be seen. He would have sworn on his life that he’d watched him fall down to the ground, completely unconscious.

  “Where?” He began to ask.

  “I didn’t see him leave either.” Interrupted Helen. “But judging by what I did see, I wouldn’t go looking for him.”

  Sam nodded at Helen and turned back to Damon. He knelt down over the unconscious smuggler and ran his hand along his cheek.

  “You’re all I’ve got Damon. I’m going to get you out of here.” He whispered.

  Chapter 24

  Draxis stood in the window of the new Imperial Tower full of wicked glee. He stared out at what used to be the Kharan Royal District. It pleased him that it was now all his. With the Kharan out of the way, there was nothing to stop him from going after the Voore and that irritating Galactic Alliance.

  “My Lord.” Greeted Admiral Slater.

  He continued to stare out of the window at the builders working all over the district.

  “Yes, Admiral?” He asked.

  Helen walked up to the Draxis’ desk and pressed her hands into the cold metal.

  “I believe it’s time.” She said.

  Finally, Draxis turned to face her and took a few steps closer.

  “Good.” He replied. “Shall we?”

  He put out his arm, and she embraced it with her own.

  “We shall.”

  The two walked down the stairs of the command center, everyone watching as the two left together. Down the hall was the war room, and that was their destination. As they entered, Draxis immediately leaned over the invasion plans that were in place for Voore.

  “Soon.” He whispered, his voice seeping with malice. “Soon you will be mine.”

  Draxis giggled to himself like a madman, while the room’s other occupants remained fearfully silent.

  “Would you like to do the honors?” Asked Helen into his silicone ear.

  He studied the battle plans again, moving his fingers over the launch button.

  Hundreds of ships were at the ready, waiting for the press of that button. The entire fleet would soon be in Voore space, and Gorgoth would finally wish he’d never crossed him.

  “Gorgoth.” He whispered, seething with every syllable he spoke.

  Draxis pushed the launch button, sending all of his ships flying through space.

  “Vengeance will finally be mine!” He roared.

  Chapter 25

  Trumpets sounded on both sides of the walkway as Damon limped out of the Palace with his crutches, accompanied by Alloy and Copper, wobbling alongside him. Standing at the end was the Princess and her assistant holding Damon’s prize. He pro
udly inched down the aisle, nodding his head at the eye contact he’d make with people as everyone cheered for him.

  “Damon Blackwing!” Shouted the Princess so that everyone could hear her.

  Damon bowed as well as he could with both of his arms being a little preoccupied.

  “You have done the Alliance a great service.” She said.

  Alloy let out a tiny, forced cough, earning a few snickers from the crowd. Aela smiled down at the Eyres.

  “Don’t you worry, I haven’t forgotten about you two.” She said.

  The Eyres both smiled in unison and excitedly clapped their hands.

  Aela returned her attention to Damon.

  “So in honor of your service, I wanted to give you this medal.” She said, gesturing towards her assistant.

  The assistant pulled out three medals and put one of them over Damon’s head.

  Damon gave everyone a bow as he placed his hand on his reward.

  “And another thing.” Announced Aela. “Your new title.”

  Damon raised his eyebrow at her, not expecting anything else.

  “Let’s all give our new Commander the cheers that he deserves!” She shouted.

  “Great.” He thought as his mind shifted to the new Ostillion uprising. “I’m dead.”

  Damon bowed again and waved to the crowd of people. He tried to look as pleased as possible to avoid any awkward exchanges with Aela. Although it wasn’t a bad gig, he didn’t like the idea of commanding an army during the worst war that the galaxy had ever seen.

  “And to you little guys.” Said Aela.

  The assistant knelt down and placed the medals over the Eyre’s small heads. They squealed with glee at their new toys. What was an honorable medallion to a human, was just something to experiment on for an Eyre. They didn’t really even understand why they were being rewarded.

  “Well, Commander?” Asked Aela, expecting him to say something.

  “Hm?” He replied, confused.

  Damon and Aela quickly became locked into a very awkward staring contest of sorts, unsure of what she wanted from him.

  “Right, um.” He stuttered. “Thanks.”

  The crowd became a deafening roar of laughter as Damon finished speaking, he smiled at the princess, not sure of what to do next.

  “Inspiring.” She replied, rolling her eyes.

  “Thanks!” Shouted both the Eyres, causing the crowd to laugh again.

  Aela put up her hands to signal for everyone to be quiet.

  “With the new threat looming in space, we don’t have long to celebrate.” She said. “But for today, let’s put everything aside and be content with our minor victory!”

  The entire crowd erupted in cheers.

  “To the mess hall!” She shouted.




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