Bad Boy Confessions - 3 Book Bundle

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Bad Boy Confessions - 3 Book Bundle Page 11

by Amber Burns

  It seemed like forever before the dinner dishes had been cleared away. As always, dessert would follow by about half an hour and my parents suggested we go to the den. I reluctantly complied, deciding that the den would be a better place to pop the question than the empty dinner table. As we sat down, my brother rambling about something he had done at school I suddenly entertained the notion that she would say no. That thought was quickly silenced and thrown out of my head.

  She would say yes because she loved me and that was that. With that thought I cleared my throat, my hand reaching into my coat pocket. The room went silent. I ignored my family’s quizzical looks and turned to Allie who looked as attentive as ever. She smiled at me as if thinking I was going to say something, apologize to my family maybe. But that was unnecessary. Everyone was forgiven and now I had bigger things to think about.

  I slid down onto one knee, pulling out the ring. “Allie, I’ve loved you since the moment I met you. There is no one else that has ever made me feel the way you do. I’d walk around the earth for you and all you have to do is say the word. So if you’ll say yes, I’d like to call you mine for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?”

  Allie stood stock still, staring at me with wide eyes. Daniel had his mouth open in shock, obviously not expecting this. Emma had her hand over her mouth, waiting for a response. My dad looked reserved but proud, definitely not expecting it to be so soon. My mom just smiled knowingly. As the silence stretched out, I started to get worried. What if she was taking so long to decide how to say no? I looked her in the eye, trying to show all my love in my gaze. Allie took a deep breath, getting ready to either break my heart or accept my love.

  “When I first saw you in the diner, I was scared. Not because you looked scary but because I was drawn to you. I didn’t know how to react. Over the time we’ve spent together I’ve come to accept how I feel for you, mostly because I know you feel the same way. If you had asked me earlier that day when I imagined getting engaged, I’d tell you something bizarre like my mid-thirties. I never thought I’d meet the one so soon. I’m glad I did and I’m glad it was you. Yes, I will marry you.”

  My heart sung as I slipped the ring onto her finger. My sister’s squeals, my brother and dad’s cheers and my mom’s laughter all faded as I looked into the eyes of the one and only girl I could ever loved and kissed her with everything I had. In that moment, despite not being married yet, we exchanged souls. And she left her mark on my heart and I hope I left mine on hers.


  “Chase, I’m bored. Can we stop the car for a little while? Stretch our legs?”

  I sighed, glancing over with a smile, “Anything for you my love.”

  Allie had her head against the window and her eyes on me. She grinned back, spinning the ring on her finger.

  “Where’d you get the ring?” she asked.

  I pulled off the interstate and onto a back road, finding an empty field far enough from the highway that we wouldn’t be seen by any nosy state troopers or anything.

  “My dad gave it to me.”

  My love nodded as if this was no surprise. “Family heirloom?”

  I slowed the car to a stop, unlocking the doors.

  “Yeah. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  Allie nodded with a smile, “It is.”

  She stepped out into the sunlight, her dress ruffling in the slight breeze. Allie went running off into the field, kicking her flats off as she went.

  “You’re going to lose your clothes!” I yelled warningly, grabbing the shoes and chucking them into the car.

  Allie just grinned mischievously, as if she had a secret that only she knew. She spun around, her dress flying over her head as she bared it all in the sunlight.

  “I am a horrible influence.” I muttered, pulling my shirt off.

  “You’re amazing and don’t you forget it!” Allie yelled, giggling as her bra went flying somewhere off to her left.

  “So we’re really doing this?” I asked as I came up to her, my jeans still on my hips.

  Allie nodded, kissing me hard and pulling at the button on my jeans. She was practiced at it by then and managed to get my pants off quickly. Good thing too as she was quite impatient. Obviously she was more bored than she’d let on. Allie pushed against my chest firmly. I took this and direction to lie down and eagerly complied. Allie completely skipped any foreplay, settling herself onto me immediately. She was soaking wet and I slipped in easily.

  My love threw her head back and moaned loudly. I smirked.

  “Not too worried about being heard now, are you?”

  She sent me a glare, or as much as she could muster in her state of passion. She started bouncing up and down, her pert breasts jumping up and down with her. I reached up to tweak one of her nipples and was rewarded with a fully body shudder. For a second I thought that she’d came but apparently not as she continued riding me like a cowgirl.

  I grinned, pulling her upper body down so I could kiss her as she continued rocking back and forth. In this position her clit was rocking against my body and I knew it was only a matter of time before she came. She surprised me however, by rolling us over so I was on top. She put her legs over my shoulders with flexibility I had so far been ignorant of. I moaned at the mere sight of her so stretch out, the cute look of pleasure nearly pushing me over the edge.

  At that point I was barely holding back so I pulled out the ace up my sleeve. I pinched Allie’s clit gently and came as she came around me. It took quite a while for both of us to recover. When I glanced over, Allie had replaced her panties and there was a wet spot beginning to form due to the cum leaking out of her.

  Allie grinned, “I like having the reminder of how much you love me.”

  I chuckled, shaking my head, “If you want a reminder all you have to do is ask.”

  I kissed her lips gently, pulling her head onto my chest. “So what happens now? Don’t we have to plan the wedding or something?”

  I grinned, “Now, we relax. Tomorrow will bring something new but that can be dealt with tomorrow. Today is a gift and I’m not wasting a second with you.”

  Allie shook her head, “You’re so cheesy. I miss the tough guy. The biker bad boy.”

  I shrugged, “That’s because now I’m a man and like I said, I may have been a real bad boy, but I’m a real good man.”

  I thought for a second before shaking my head. “Correction, I’m your real good man.”

  Bad Boy Confessions –

  The Biker and the Ballerina

  By Amber Burns

  Copyright © 2016 by Amber Burns and Scarlet Lantern Publishing.

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language.

  All characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  Chapter 1

  “A fucking ballerina? Man, what’s wrong with you?” Dave ‘Rage’ Carter said as he slid out from under the car he was repairing. He couldn’t believe his ears and he looked at his best friend’s face, expecting a smile. Maybe this whole ballerina thing was a joke, in which case Stalk would be now laughing his ass off. No such laughter came, though.

  “Oh, don’t be such a looser. Just one night for the sake of old friendship,” Stalk pleaded and even kicked Rage in the side to make his point. Yeah, Rage could absolutely put his friend’s sanity at question in this moment.

  “A ballerina…” Rage muttered again, and the word already tasted quite bitter on his tongue.

  “In fact – two. She’s bringing a friend, that’s why I need your backup.”

  “Great,” Rage though to himself. “So now I’d have to deal with two of those creatures.”

  “You know, those pretty balle
rinas break quite easily. You cause her to pull a muscle and you’ll have to sell your horse to pay the charges.”

  Yes, Rage totally meant to scare his friend, and probably it worked. Stalk turned and glanced at his ‘horse’ – the black shiny Harley parked in line with all the other bikes. Thomas ‘Stalker’ Williams was no different from any other biker in the world – just threaten him that his actions might cause loss of his bike, and he’ll back away. Immediately. Well, most of the time. This was not one such time.

  “Dude, I’m serious. This chick is absolutely gorgeous. And she was so desperate to get a wild ride. You know that irresistible pleasure when a good girl opens her mouth and begs you to do all the bad things to her…”

  Rage smirked at his friend. Stalk had a thing for good girls, and ballerinas were the epitome of goodness. Rage, however, did not share that fascination. He had several unbreakable rules in his life. Staying clear of good girls was one of those. Bad girls were a totally different matter – easy to get and easy to forget. What else would a true biker need for complete happiness?

  “Help your bro, man. I’ll owe you big time.” Stalk was practically begging. Which rage found quite amusing. “What am I gonna do with the two of them on my own?”

  “Bang them raw?” Rage cocked his brow and regarded his friend as if it was the most natural solution in the given situation.

  “A threesome!” Stalk’s face lit with home, but he quickly discarded the idea. “Nah, can’t fit both on the back of my bike… despite how tiny as ballerinas are…”

  Rage sighed. His friend had not gotten his name without a good reason. The guy could annoy someone to death with only his pleas. Rage figured it was easier to give him his wish. He would charge him double next time. He sighed loudly.

  “Fine! I’ll come with you and show you what to do with two chicks.”

  Chapter 2

  Rage parked his bike in front of the bar, where they were supposed to meet the ballerinas at 7:58 sharp. He enjoyed letting the motor roar like a raging beast one last time before killing it and heading inside. He was quite sure the rest of the evening was going to be very civilized and polite. It was not something Rage was looking forward to.

  To make sure the pretty good girls were not confused about what they had gotten themselves into, he had decided to wear his club leather vest with “Sworn Demons” logo on the back over a sleeveless shirt. The lack of sleeves also showed off the tribal tattoos decorating both arms and his two identical dragons blazing with fire on his forearms. Rage scanned the bar for his friend; Stalk was nowhere to be found.

  Stalk arrived at 7:59. It was a habit both of them developed during their military years. Neither of them was surprised, though, when the ladies let them wait for good 15 minutes until they showed up.

  “There,” Stalk elbowed his friend to tear Rage’s attention off the pretty bartender, who had been sending him tempting smiles from the moment they had gotten in. “The redhead is Nastia. The brunette is all yours.”

  Rage sighed and turned his head, mentally preparing himself to be a wingman and nothing more. However, Rage found something he wasn’t expecting. His eyes landed on the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. Rage never believed in cupid’s fucking hearts and unicorns. Right now, though, he was quite sure those were sparkling in the air around him and he was staring at the most angelic face that was ever born to walk on this damned planet.

  “Dude, you will scare them away if you keep on staring like that,” he heard Stalk’s voice and reigned in his lingering stare.

  Nastia – the so desperate redhead hungry for adventures - was already launching herself on Stalk. Dave wondered what had happened to her to trigger that need. She looked nothing like a girl who would get involved with ex-military bikers. Rage shrugged, it was none of his business. He instead turned and focused his attention to the other ballerina.

  “Adel,” she said in such a soft voice, that Rage had to repeat it to make sure he had heard it correctly.

  “Adel… Beautiful name you have,” he said and he knew he was grinning like a lunatic.

  “Lame,” he almost heard Stalk’s mocking voice in his head.

  Rage shook his head, realizing the greeting had lingered on awkwardly long. “Oh.. um. I am Dave,” he finally said.

  “Oh,” a tiny surprised sound that escaped her mouth caused him another smile. “I thought all of you were supposed to have scary names.”

  “He does,” Stalk said, breaking away from his kiss to stick his nose into the conversation that was absolutely none of his concern. “He’s just jumping out his fucking skin to make an impression the pretty ballerina.”

  Stalk laughed and returned his attention to Nastia. Rage wanted to kick Stalk in the square in the crotch, but instead tried to place nice; or at least as much as he could. His goal for the night had just changed – he was going to do everything he could not to scare his new love away.

  “Rage, it’s Rage - if you like it more,” he looked into her dark green eyes. She had shimmering gold rings around the iris. It seemed that everything about his woman was so unique, and it simply took his breath away.

  As they ordered drinks and the first awkward moments of tension were gone, Rage decided he would try once again to start a conversation with his date. Stalk and Nastia were quite busy ogling one another right next to them, yet somehow completely ignoring the company they brought. Adel looked uncomfortable, fidgeting with her purse and glancing from corner to corner of the bar.

  “So, what brings you here?” He noticed her gaze on his tattoos as he spoke, and was not sure whether to be describe them or hide them in fear of scaring her away.

  “Nothing, except to make sure she doesn’t get into much more trouble than she is in already.” Adel looking into Rage’s eyes and he found a stubborn daring stare. Rage’s thoughts were clouded with emotion. He wanted to stare into those eyes forever; and her pink lips that looked soft and inviting. Rage pushed the thought away. She was not a woman to appreciate such sudden assault. If he was interested in her, Dave had to play carefully and win her over. It was not his usual MO, but Rage was up for the challenge.

  “Stalk is a good guy. He will not hurt her,” he said, and his own words made him worry as well.

  “A man, whose name is Stalker? I’m sure our ideas of ‘not getting hurt’ are quite different,” she said. And there it was again – her eyes – deep and meaningful. He wanted, needed, to understand them.

  Rage glanced over to Nastia and Stalk before bringing his gaze back to Adel. “She looks like a big girl and knows what she wants.”

  Sometimes Rage thought that pretty women just used men like him and Stalk. They needed a tough toy to play for a night and then discard as a little wild adventure. Their “bad boy” lovers were never to be spoken about, never to be repeated. There was something about their tattoos and beards and wild hair. None of them would even care to ask what those permanent marks on the body symbolized, what memories stood behind them. Why they allowed the ink to be etched into their skins. Rage sighed at the though. While Nastia certainly seemed like one of those girls, Adel seemed to be the opposite; completely disinterested in the biker sitting across from her.

  “Does she? She’s just been though a painful breakup and is still stupid enough that this one is going to be her ‘one-night-stand turn into miracle’ fairy tale. So tell again why I don’t have to worry.”

  Those words haunted Dave as they finished their drinks and headed towards their bikes for a ride. Nastia cheerfully hopped on Stalk’s bike and wrapped her arms around his waist. Rage saw her place a playful kiss on his friend’s neck. Yeh, no doubt she was going to end up hurt, if she expected anything other than one hot-as-hell night from this guy.

  Adel hesitated for a moment looking at her date’s bike with huge eyes.

  “You’re perfectly safe, I promise,” he whispered into her ear. Rage’s heart raced when he saw how her body trembled at his invasion into her personal space.

>   As wind played on his chest and her delicate arms hugging his waste, Rage could think about nothing else but his desire to have this woman. And not just have her as a one night stand. He wanted to become a part of her life, to one day earn her trust and hopefully even her hear. He almost barked at his own pathetic thoughts. He never wanted to be a fucking knight, but right now, all he wanted was to be worth her time.

  After almost an hour of riding around the town, they parked at a campsite, which was one of their favorite hangout spots. They lay on the grass and talked for another hour or maybe two. Rage felt Adel feeling more and more comfortable around him. He loved the way his name sounded on her lips. He loved to hear her tell about the ballet company she danced in, about her dream to be a prima in one of New York based ballet companies. These were never topics Rage dreamed he’d be interested in, but from Adel’s lips they were the most enthralling words he had ever heard.


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