Glass Secrets: Shattered Cove Series Book 2

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Glass Secrets: Shattered Cove Series Book 2 Page 14

by A. M. Kusi

  This game was becoming all too real. “I dare you to kiss me.” Help me feel not so alone for a little while.

  Andre grabbed her hand, pulling her onto his lap as she straddled him. His hands gently but firmly grasped her face. Her eyes fluttered closed. Anticipation wound thick between them as his breath tickled against her lips. She closed the distance, melding her mouth to his. Soft lips, hot tongues, and chemistry sparked like fireworks on the Fourth of July, lighting her up inside. Tears escaped the corner of her eyes. What was this man doing to her? Maybe it was the wine. Maybe she was drunk on Andre. Either way, this was too much and not enough all at once.

  One of his palms moved to the back of her neck, gripping and holding her closer while the other traced her spine.

  The way he held her was like he cherished her. Like he cared for her. She gripped his shirt, pulling him closer and holding him at a distance all at the same time. Breaking the kiss was harder than it should have been. “I should go.”

  “Stay?” he asked, chest heaving against hers.

  She glanced at the stairs, hesitating.

  “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” He nipped at her shoulder, as heady tingles shot through her.

  What could it hurt? As long as they had sex, it wouldn’t mean anything more, right? His touch blurred lines. Whatever this feeling was between them was more like controlled disorder. She was on the verge of combustion even though she’d just had him hours ago. Yet still, Mia wanted him. She couldn’t walk away from this.

  “Okay.” Her voice was just above a whisper.

  Andre dug his hands into her hips and stood, lifting her in his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist and giggled.

  The man was chaos and she couldn’t get enough. She’d hang on just a little longer, stealing what happiness she could and locking it away for the dark days to come. Because they would come. They always did.

  Chapter 24


  The cookout was in full swing. The scent of roasting meat and smoke from the grill wafted over Remy’s backyard. Three picnic tables had been moved together to form one long table filled with several delectable dishes.

  “You’ve really outdone yourself, Remy. I don’t know where you find the time or energy to do all this,” Mia complimented.

  Remy smiled and adjusted her baby boy on her hip. His little light brown fist grabbed one of her long braids. “I love doing this. Mikel helped me prep most of it last night after we got the kids in bed. Emma and I finished it up this morning. Have you met her yet?”

  Mia shook her head.

  Remy waved her hand for Mia to follow. “Come on over here. I’ll introduce you.”

  Mia glanced towards the grill where Andre stared at her, sipping on a beer with both Mikel and Bently at his sides. He offered her a secret smile as her belly flip-flopped. Darting her eyes back ahead, Remy stood by two pretty blond women she hadn’t seen around before.

  “Mia, this is Emma. We’ve been best friends forever.” Remy smiled at the woman closest to her. Emma stretched out one tattooed arm which Mia gladly shook. “Nice to meet you.”

  “I’ve heard a lot about you. Rem doesn’t shut up about your cookies. This is my girlfriend, Roxy.”

  The other woman waved before wrapping her arm around Emma’s waist protectively.

  “Hello. It’s great to meet new people.” Mia smiled.

  “Mia is going to run a new yoga studio in town,” Remy said to Emma.

  Roxy’s blue eyes looked her up and down as if sizing her up. “Yoga, huh?”


  “That’s really cool. Maybe we can check it out together once it opens,” Emma suggested, placing her arm around her girlfriend as well. Roxy seemed to relax a little.

  Mia’s skin tingled. She turned in time to catch Andre’s stare once again. He winked before angling back to Mikel and saying something. They both laughed.

  “Earth to Mia,” Remy said. Mia snapped her attention back to her friend. Emma and Roxy were now walking towards the coolers of beer. How long had she been ogling Andre? Remy’s grin told her it was long enough to be caught.

  “Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?” Remy asked as Lyra darted around them and then ran back to her swing set.

  “What do you mean?”

  Remy rolled her eyes. “I think he really likes you too. Just be patient with him. He’s had his fair share of heartbreak.”

  The concern that flashed in her friend’s eyes brought an ache to Mia’s chest. The thought of Andre, a man she’d once seen as her enemy, now her . . . friend, brought a surge of protective need in her. “We’re just friends.”

  “Oh, so you have nothing to do with the smile that’s been plastered on his face lately? My usually grumpy, ornery brother is just magically happy?” Remy gave her an incredulous look.

  “Why would you assume it’s because of me?” Mia shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. Knowing she might have something to do with the happiness returning to Andre’s life made her chest squeeze with pride.

  “Oh, nothing besides neither one of you can keep your eyes off each other.” Remy giggled. “I know my brother, and I know that look in his eye. He really likes you.” The last sentence sounded a bit like a warning.

  “We are just friends. Trust me when I say that’s all we can ever be. He’s not interested in me like that. He’s made that very clear.”

  “And you?” Remy asked.

  What about Mia? Did she want more with Andre? It didn’t matter, so there was no use entertaining the idea because it could never happen.

  “Come get your grub!” Bently bellowed.

  Mia hooked her hand around Remy’s free arm as baby Phoenix snuggled against her shoulder with drooping eyes. “Come on. Let’s go eat.”

  “Okay, but this conversation isn’t over.” Remy laughed.

  Mia sat as the group passed around each bowl of various salads, sides, and platters of grilled meat. She helped herself to a little of everything. A cold beer appeared in front of her, Andre’s muscular dark arm lingering just a beat longer as his other hand moved to her waist. Mia flushed from the contact, her body sparking alive. She searched the table, fearing all eyes would be on her. Only Remy gave a knowing smile, nodding her acknowledgement before she adjusted her shirt to nurse the baby.

  “You looked parched.” Andre’s deep voice vibrated through her body, stirring up another kind of thirst.

  “Thank you.” She fought the urge to turn and kiss him.

  His friends bantered back and forth, but she tuned them out as he sat beside her, his hand resting on her thigh. She’d woken in his bed this morning sore in all the right places. Wrapped against his warm chest with sunlight peeking through the blinds was how she’d want to wake up every day if she had the choice. But I don’t.

  “I still can’t believe you did that,” Andre said.

  Mia glanced around the table, coming back to the conversation. “Did what?”

  Bently leaned his elbows on the table as he smirked. “Your boy, Dre, here had just broken up with his high-school sweetheart. He was moping around, barely eating. So, as the good friend that I am, I set him up with a prom date.”

  The laughter that burst out of Mikel signaled there was much more to this story than he was letting on.

  “That’s putting it lightly.” Andre shook his head.

  Bently shrugged. “Ruby Wentworth. She had the biggest crush on Dre.”

  “She had pictures from my yearbook plastered all over her locker and taped together with her face to make it look like we were a couple,” Andre added dryly.

  “I set up the most romantic scene in the cafeteria. Rose petals—the whole shebang. Every girl that wandered in hoped this display was for them,” Bently continued, his face shining with pride. “I even got the kitchen staff in on it.”
br />   “So, what happened?” Mia asked, before taking another bite of her food.

  “I had Mikel distract Dre outside until I gave the signal,” Bently answered.

  Mikel wiped a tear from his eye as he kept laughing. “You should have seen your face when you realized what was happening. Wish we had camera phones back then.”

  Dre just shook his head.

  “I professed the most beautiful sonnet. Made a big show of all the mushy cheesy lines I could think of. At the very end, just as Mikel ushered Andre inside—thrusting a bouquet of roses in his hand—I announced that Andre wanted Ruby to be his date to prom.” Bently beamed.

  “Did you embarrass the poor girl?” Was she a casualty in their prank?

  “Nah, she was beaming,” Mikel answered.

  “What happened after that?” Mia looked at Andre.

  “I took Ruby to prom,” Dre said dryly. Her respect for the man grew.

  “My man would never let a woman down. Ruby was good people.” Bently shoveled a big bite of macaroni salad into his mouth.

  “Then why didn’t you take her to prom?” Mikel asked.

  Bently rolled his eyes. “Because I’d already promised Stacy, Victoria, and Jenna that I’d take them.”

  “You had three prom dates?” Mia asked, bewildered.

  “The more the merrier.” Bently grinned.

  Mia shook her head.

  “Yeah, he probably came home with three dates too—herpes, chlamydia, and HPV,” Emma added.

  Everyone laughed as Bently scowled.

  “What’s her-piss, Mama?” Lyra asked.

  Remy shot Emma a look of disapproval. “It’s a disease, honey.”

  Lyra’s face grew worried. “Is Uncle Bently gonna get sick again?”

  Bently got up from the table and walked around to Lyra, taking her in his arms. “No, baby. Aunty Emma was making a joke. I’m not sick anymore. I’m all better, remember?”


  “That’s not a funny joke,” Lyra said.

  “I agree. How about this one? How do you get a tissue to dance?” Bently asked holding the growing girl in his arms.

  “How?” she asked.

  “You put a little boogie in it.”

  Lyra giggled. “Your jokes are funny, Uncle Bently.”

  “I know. Not everyone can be as awesome as me.” He set her back down between her parents before he stuck his tongue out at Emma, who slipped him the middle finger discreetly.

  The table began their chatter as if nothing had happened. Everyone laughed and joked, seeming to be more aware of the little ears listening.

  After lunch, Lyra convinced Mia to join the game of freeze tag. Mia squealed as Remy chased her, darting behind a tree. Two big arms grabbed her, pinning her to Andre’s chest.

  “Let me go before she gets here!” Mia yelped.

  “No way. I’m using you as my human shield,” Andre said, not loosening his grasp as she struggled.


  He growled in her ear, “I believe you started the cheating that first day we raced. I told you I’d get you back.”

  Remy ran around the tree, her arms outstretched. The moment Remy’s hand touched her was the same instant Andre let go.

  “I got you both!” Remy yelled, pumping her fist in the air before running off.

  Andre gave an exaggerated pout.

  Mia smirked, out of breath. “That’s what you get for trying to break the rules.”

  Andre wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his body. He dragged her behind a large maple tree, his arousal poking her backside. “Maybe this is exactly what I wanted. It’s been fucking torture seeing you floating around this backyard wearing these tiny red shorts.” His hand squeezed her ass. “And don’t even get me started on this white tank top. All I want to do is—” He dipped his head and licked along her neck to between her breasts. She pressed against his chest as her own arousal seeped onto her panties.

  “Stop. Someone is going to see us.” She turned her head to search the area for any witnesses—just foliage and green grass.

  “Isn’t that what you wanted?” His voice deepened.

  My fantasy. She squeezed her thighs together, sure that her panties were wet. “You’re insatiable.”

  “If you hadn’t left my house in such a hurry this morning, maybe I’d be a little less needy now.” He traced her lips with his thumb.

  “I see. So, it’s my fault?”

  He shrugged. “Hey, you said it. Not me.”

  She chuckled before leaning in and brushing her lips softly over his.

  “Game over! I got everyone,” Remy announced, breaking their moment.

  Mia backed away from Andre, the lust in his eyes only adding fuel to the fire now raging inside her. She ran away from him, from the feelings that had awoken in his presence. His heavy footfalls were just behind her as they returned to the rest of the group. Mikel handed them each a water bottle before Andre slumped to the ground.

  Mia continued until she was across from him in the circle of friends. She needed to put some distance between them. His eyes continued to focus on only her as if she was all he saw. The more time she spent with him, the more she could see herself falling for someone like Dre.

  He really likes you. Remy’s words repeated in her mind. Even if he wanted more, once he found out she’d lied by omission, it would be over. He’d made it clear he hated liars. She’d be better off making the most of the time they had now. She closed her eyes as the sunshine warmed her skin. Mia would enjoy it while it lasted until the clouds came.

  A tumble of mixed emotions clamored around inside her. Happiness and fear. Contentment and anxiety. Guilt weighed heavily on her shoulders as she opened her eyes and surveyed the group.

  Bently sat next to her. “I’ll accept your gratitude in the form of a party where you are the cook.”

  She turned to him. “What?”

  He nodded towards Andre. “Your boy just needed a little push in the right direction. Sometimes a man needs some competition to spur him into action. Like this.” He draped his arm around her.

  A throat clearing made her glance up. Andre stood in front of her, reaching out his hand. “Let’s go get a cold beer, Mia.”

  Mia glanced back to Bently who had the same smirk that was damn near permanently plastered on his face.

  “I expect authentic Mexican cuisine.” Bently dropped his arm as she grasped Andre’s hand.

  She got to her feet, the need radiating off Andre singeing her skin. Andre didn’t let go of her hand as he led her into the house. This was too much. Bently and Remy were right. Andre was getting too attached. She was getting too attached. Her heart and mind were screaming two very different things. This is all just sex. And she’d prove it.

  She pulled Andre into the bathroom and closed the door, flicking the lock.


  Mia cut off his question as she popped his pants button and tugged the zipper down. She needed him to fuck her—hard. Remind her what this was all about. No feelings other than lust. No time to think, just experience. She shoved the ball of emotion welling up inside her down as she freed his cock from his boxers.

  “Condom. Now.” She pulled off her shorts and panties as he sheathed himself in latex.

  His hands dipped into her sex, the contact making her knees wobble as she tried to regain control. She pushed his hand away.

  “No. I just need you to fuck me.” She spun so that her back was turned to him as she gripped the marble sink.

  He nudged between her folds and slid inside slowly. Too gentle.

  “Fuck me hard and fast,” she whimpered in frustration, fighting the war inside her chest. He pounded into her as she struggled to breathe. She bent, allowing him deeper access. Mia needed the pain today. She wanted the
raw animalistic mating, not anything close to making love.

  “Like this? Is this how you imagined it in your fantasy?” he asked.


  “I’m gonna come if I keep going,” he warned.

  “Then come.” This was just sex.

  “Ladies first.” He was flirting with her. Trying to give her everything he thought she wanted. No, this was just sex. He was using her and she was using him. She needed a good reminder of that.

  “I will. Just don’t stop,” she lied.

  He thrust, faster and harder as Mia bit back the tears. She forced herself to ignore the building pleasure and focus on the carnage of her past. The blood on her hands. He could never know. No one could. And because of that, she’d punish herself until she remembered her place.

  “I’m coming.” His body tensed.

  “Yes,” she commanded.

  Andre pulled out, kissing her shoulder.

  She shook her head. “Why did you stop?”

  “Because you haven’t come yet.” His hand reached to cup her breast and pinch her nipple as his other found her clit.

  “No. I just want you to fuck me.”

  “Baby, it’s no fun if you don’t come. That’s my favorite part.”

  Baby. The endearment snapped something inside her. Her orgasm was his favorite part? Not his own? What had she gotten herself into?

  She struggled to suck in a breath. The room grew dim. No. She couldn’t do this here. Her heartbeat raced in her chest as she grabbed her clothes and redressed hurriedly.

  She needed to get out of there. She needed air. She needed to run.


  “I need to go. Tell Remy something came up.” Mia pulled the bathroom door open and darted out, not willing to wait another second. She had to escape before the panic attack hit her in full force. She never should have started anything with Andre. This had to end now.

  Chapter 25


  Walking across the grass of her front lawn in the fading light, Andre’s stomach knotted. Concern for Mia squeezed his chest as he knocked on the door.

  Would she answer? What had he done to upset her?


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