His Lady Brat

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His Lady Brat Page 4

by Melinda Barron

  Belinda let out a loud oomph as Jonathan’s hand came down on her behind. She cried out in frustration over and over as he slapped her bottom again and again and again. It wasn’t that the pain was bad; it was the fact that it was humiliating. It seemed as if every person in her social circle was in the other room, and here she was bent over a table, with a man she barely knew slapping her behind.

  Jonathan’s hand was falling harder, and the sensations were becoming uncomfortable.

  “You’ve proven your point.” Her voice was angry.

  “I haven’t begun to prove my point,” he replied. “This spanking lets you know what is to come. Each time you think about opening your mouth to insert yourself where you shouldn’t be, I want you to think about this.”

  He brought his hand down rapidly, hitting swat after swat against her bottom. She squealed and twisted, but was unable to get away from Jonathan, who held her down with his free hand while his other hand continued to spank her.

  She stomped her foot in frustration and finally, after what seemed an eternity, he stopped. He pulled his hand from her body and pushed her skirts back over her hips. She turned and fled toward the door, but before she could open it, his voice rang out.

  “Think before you act, Belinda. Your hair is a bit disheveled, and your skirts need to be smoothed. If you go out there like that, people will think we were in here having a tumble.” His voice was full of humor.

  “I hate you. I truly do.”

  “I don’t expect you to like me. I do expect you to learn a few lessons, though. What have you learned today, Belinda?”

  “That you’re a brute.” She crossed to a mirror and tucked away stray strands of hair. She fought to get her breathing back under control as she smoothed down her skirts.

  “Perhaps we need to continue the lesson, then.” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the table.

  Belinda stared at him. She had no doubt that he would do it again.

  “I will watch my mouth tonight.”

  “You will? I’m happy to hear that. I would like you to apologize to Clarissa, and to Andrew, before the evening is over. And I want you to do it so that several of society’s greatest gossips hear.”

  “Do you know how awkward that will be for me?” Even to her the words were empty. She would be ridiculed, true, but Clarissa would have faced as much ridicule at the garden party, where Belinda had done her worst.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Not to me, to them,” he said. “Do you know how your words have distressed them? Tit for tat, my dear. Maybe, just maybe, while you’re doing so you will remember the discomfort you are feeling, and think on it before you open your mouth again.”

  “And if I apologize to them? Will you promise not to spank me again?”

  Jonathan laughed. “I’m sorry, my dear, but tomorrow’s bare-assed spanking is non-negotiable.”

  “Well then, I don’t see what I get out of apologizing.”

  “You will get the satisfaction of doing something right. Can’t you do something for once without thinking of gain for yourself?”

  His words hit Belinda full in the stomach. Just this afternoon she’d lamented how she’d treated Clarissa. Tonight, she’d opened her mouth to continue the lie, just to get back at Jonathan. She lowered her eyes. It wouldn’t do for Jonathan to see that his words had an effect on her.

  “I’ll consider it.”

  “Very generous of you, milady.”

  She cleared her face of emotion, lifted her head and glared at him.

  “If you ever touch me again…”

  “Shall we go out now, or shall we continue to give the gossips something to talk about? The more time we spend in here, the more they’ll think I’m availing myself of your charms.”

  Belinda turned toward the door and yanked it open. She wanted to run for the carriages but she knew that if she did, it would only add more fuel to the fire. She stood in the hallway and waited for Jonathan to come up behind her. Before he could take her arm, she started to walk. She was going to have to eat crow tonight, and she hated the idea.

  But worse than that was the thought of riding home in a carriage with Jonathan, knowing that he planned to spank her again. She had to find some way out of it. And fast.

  * * *

  In a room set up for eating, Belinda sat across from Jonathan, who was paying lavish attention to the Duchess of Stratforth. The older woman laughed gaily at something he’d said.

  Her husband, the duke, who sat beside, Belinda, was not as entertaining as his wife.

  “Horrid weather we’ve been having, wouldn’t you say?” He nodded, then swallowed a bite of his dessert.

  “Yes, it is,” Belinda replied. She took a sip of wine and looked across the room where Clarissa sat with a group of people. She was talking with Lord Buxton, and they seemed to be enjoying whatever they were talking about. Everyone around them was laughing. In fact, Belinda felt as if she were the only person in the room who wasn’t laughing.

  She’d hardly touched her food, her mind on nothing else but how humiliated she’d be when she apologized to Clarissa. She had to do it, she knew that. Even if the cretin sitting across from her hadn’t forced her into it, she knew it was the right thing to do. But, Belinda generally had problems doing the right thing.

  She’d decided to make the apologies here, after they’d enjoyed the buffet, when just enough people were left in the room to make it effective. The problem was trying to decide what to say. Next to her, the Duke droned on about a horse that he’d just purchased. She could care less about his horses.

  She closed her eyes and tried to think of the right words.

  I’m sorry for sleeping with your first husband. I’ll keep my hands off your second.

  No, that wouldn’t work.

  I’m sorry for making it seem that I’d been to bed with your new husband. For some reason you make me see red.

  No, that wouldn’t work, either. She took another sip of wine. Maybe if she drank enough she would say something that was close to correct and Jonathan would forgive her and forget about this horrible situation.

  I’m sorry for my words, it won’t happen again. And could you please put a leash on your friend, Barton? He really is a horrible man.

  Ellington announced that dancing would start within the hour. People continued to eat. Belinda found that her hands were shaking as she once again reached for her glass of wine. She drained it in one quick gulp. A footman appeared and refilled it, and she did the same with it. When he made to refill it she waved him away. Her head was swimming enough now that she could follow through on Jonathan’s demands.

  She rose and took a deep breath. Her eyes drifted to Barton, who stared at her with a look that told her she’d better get herself into gear and get her apologies done.

  The duke offered her his arm and she politely demurred.

  “If you’ll excuse me for just a moment,” she said. She walked toward Clarissa, who now stood with her husband. There were plenty of people standing nearby, and Belinda was sure they were there just to see what would happen next. One of them was Lady Haine. She was the most notorious gossip in all of London, and Belinda was sure she would spread the word about what was about to happen. That meant she was doing as Jonathan had instructed; she had an audience.

  The duchess’ eyes widened as Belinda drew near.

  “Your graces, I’m sorry if my words offended you. There is no truth to them, of course. Please forgive me.”

  There. It was over.

  Belinda nodded and turned back to the duke whom she’d been forced to converse with during the buffet. He waited for her by her chair. She had a sickly feeling that he was going to ask her if she would meet him in private sometime. She prayed Jonathan would save her from having to tell him no.

  “Lady Strauss?”

  Clarissa’s words stopped Belinda in her tracks. She turned back toward her and took a fortifying breath.

  “Perhaps you could take tea with us tomorrow and we could discuss this further.”

  Oh hell’s bells. Why?

  “I’m not sure there is any more to say, your grace,” she cleared her throat. “Besides, Lord Barton has already directed me to buy new clothing tomorrow. He has set up a shopping expedition with Lady Essex.”

  “What a fun time,” Clarissa said. “But I think there is much still to say. I appreciate your kind words, but I would like to discuss it tomorrow. Tea at our home. Please, bring Charlotte with you. She is one of my closest friends.”

  Clarissa took her husband’s arm and they moved around Belinda. Belinda turned back to the table. The duke was gone, and Jonathan stood there. He nodded, but Belinda noticed he also glanced at the Melbournes and nodded. Something was afoot, Belinda was sure of it, and she didn’t think she was going to like it.

  * * *

  Belinda put another pin in her hair and stared at her reflection. After his promise of spanking her on her bare behind, Barton had done nothing more last night than to see her inside her house, kiss her hand and leave with the promise that he’d see her after the promised shopping trip with Lady Essex.

  Her apology last night had stirred the waters. People had talked about it all night long, and she’d fought back retorts at women who had let her know that they’d heard of her discomfort, and reveled in it. When they’d finally left, she’d been relieved.

  She’d gone through a whirlwind of emotions since she’d found him sitting in her drawing room yesterday afternoon. She wanted to throw a temper tantrum, but she knew what that would bring. She wanted to continue to embarrass him in public, but she’d seen the consequences of that action, also. She had to find a way to get the upper hand with him, so that she was in control of the situation.

  A knock at the front door pulled her from her thoughts. Lady Essex was early. She wasn’t expecting her until one. They would have four hours to shop, and then take tea at the Melbourne house, something she was not looking forward to, not in the least.

  She was pinching her cheeks to add color when the door to her bedroom opened. She turned to find Jonathan standing in the doorway.

  “Have you no manners? Most gentlemen wait downstairs and do not invite themselves into a ladies’ bedroom.” She turned toward him. “In addition, you were not invited this afternoon. I was expecting Lady Essex.”

  “Good day to you, too, Belinda.” He crossed to the bed and sat down in the same spot he’d been in last night. She will be here in half an hour’s time. I understand you are going to shop, as I directed.”

  “We are,” she said. “But I’m afraid your suggestion is not good enough. If we’re to attend parties and teas every day, I need more than ten dresses. I’m thinking around seventeen, or more.”

  She waited for him to explode. If he planned to pass her off as his mistress, she intended to see that he paid for it.

  “Mostly in greens and blues, I hope. A few red maybe, for when we are alone together. Don’t forget to order matching shoes and reticules, oh, and hats, of course. Make sure a few of them are suitable for afternoon outings, also.”

  That wasn’t the reaction she’d expected, so she nodded and said, “Of course.”

  “Excellent. I can’t wait to see them.”

  Good heavens, did nothing make this man angry? She had thought he would be furious with her about the idea of spending so much blunt. Something had to give here. Even last night, when he’d spanked her, he’d seemed almost calm. It was frightening how in control he’d been. She’d never allowed one of her lovers to have that much control over her. She didn’t intend to start now.

  “Can we talk about last night?” Belinda moved across the room quickly, and stilled him by putting her hand on his arm. She hated being that close to him when he was on her bed, but there was nothing for it, really, since he seemed to think the bed was his personal domain.

  “What about it?”

  Keep calm, she repeated to herself. This is your house, and you are in control. “I did as you asked. Is that why you didn’t spank me any more?”

  “No, although you did well. I was proud of you.” He took her hand off his arm and kissed it gently.

  “So you don’t always follow through on your threats. That’s nice to know.”

  Barton laughed at her.

  “Is that what you think? Tell me, Belinda, exactly what I said.”

  “That I would be spanked on my bare behind today.”

  “Today’s not over, little one.”

  Her stomach plummeted. “I suppose you expect me to go to the party at the Smeaton’s with you tonight?”

  “I do.”

  Belinda nodded. She knew it would be futile to fight him. Perhaps if she just gave in to him, he would tire of the game.

  “Very well.”

  “Excellent again. I must say, Belinda, last night’s spanking put you in a compliant mood. I’m happy to see that. I’ll have to spank you more often.”

  “Next time I won’t give in so easily.” She turned away from him. “I had no choice last night. Next time it won’t be so easy for you.”

  “Really? I love a challenge.”

  “I would tell you what I thought about you, but you already know,” she said.

  “Indeed.” And, to her horror, he winked at her.

  Rather than repeat the words that came to mind when she thought of him, she decided to change the subject.

  “What does your friend, the duchess, want to discuss with me?”

  Barton’s smile set her on edge.

  “What makes you think she’s going to be doing the talking?”

  “She said there was more to discuss.”

  An edgy feeling of fear crept inside her belly.

  “You’ve been very bad to her, Belinda. Taking a lover is sometimes expected among society widows. She doesn’t fault you for that. What she does fault you for is flaunting it in her face. And, your continued actions against her current husband irritate her, to say the least.”

  Belinda fought off the fear and laughed.

  “You proved your point last night.”

  “Did I? Today will allow Clarissa to see that you’ve been properly punished. I told her that I spanked you, but I’m afraid that it’s not quite enough. She wants to see it for herself.”

  The fear returned. “You told her? And she wants to see what for herself?”

  “It will only be the four of us, we will take tea, and then I will take you over my knee. The duchess has a beautiful hairbrush that I’m going to use on your behind. Your bare behind.”

  Belinda’s mouth dropped open.

  Jonathan grabbed her in his arms and pulled her close.

  “Come, Belinda, you had to suspect something like this.”

  She struggled against his arms, her mind trying to wrap itself around his words.

  The duchess has a beautiful hairbrush… your bare behind.

  “It’s only fair, don’t you think, that she witnesses your punishment.”

  “But you punished me last night! And, and, and… Lady Essex is going to tea with me, so you can’t do it there. You just can’t!”

  “I can, and I will,” he said. “Lady Essex is not invited for tea. But Clarissa deserves to see your behind reddened for all your past transgressions.”

  “You cannot treat me this way!” She fought against his arms, but he held her tight.

  “What makes what I’m doing to you any different than what you’ve done to Clarissa over the years? You targeted her with untruths and angry words at every turn. You took her property and wouldn’t give it back, even when you knew it was family heirlooms. It was only when you heard from Taylor from beyond the grave that you did as you were supposed to do. Did you ever once stop and think that you didn’t have the right to those things? You knew they were family heirlooms. Yet you kept them.”

  “They were gifts!” Oh, she hated him, hated him with every fiber of her being. Of course what he was saying was r
ight, but she didn’t want to admit it. She didn’t want him to see that his words affected her.

  “You knew they were not his to give. Why didn’t you offer to return them?”

  “Why should I?” She burst into tears and she fought against his touch. Finally, she stopped fighting and slumped against his chest, her tears coating her cheeks as she sobbed.

  Chapter 4

  Jonathan held her close, his heart torn between what he knew he had to do, and what he wanted to do. He knew that he had to follow through on the punishment threat, or Belinda would never believe him again.

  Still, unlike last night, this afternoon her tears were real. There was real anger inside this woman that made her act so hateful to others, especially Clarissa. He wondered what had happened to bring it about. He wondered if she knew. Was it just that Belinda had been in love with Taylor, and Taylor had been married to Clarissa? Or was there something else that stirred the emotions within her.

  He tightened his hold as her tears continued to fall. Her shoulders were not shaking this time, which reconfirmed that last night’s tears had been an act, and the shoulder movement had been done to reinforce her fake tears.

  When her crying seemed like it was close to the end, he gently stroked her hair.

  “Feel better?” he asked, trying to keep his voice soft and gentle, so she would, hopefully, know that he cared.

  “Don’t touch me!” She pushed away and stalked across the room. “I’ve just been told that I have to suffer a humiliating punishment in front of others. How do you think I feel? Why did you tell me now?”

  “Because, it would be more humiliating for you to break down in front of the others. I wanted you to be somewhat prepared for what is to happen. I don’t want to humiliate you, Belinda. I want to teach you a lesson.”

  “A humiliating lesson.” She shook her finger at him. “I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again. You have no right to treat me like this. I will tell you right now, if you follow through with this farce I will… I will…”


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