His Lady Brat

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His Lady Brat Page 15

by Melinda Barron

  The three ladies climbed the stairs. Once in the room, Belinda had trouble concentrating on the artifacts. Everywhere she turned she thought that people were staring at her and talking about her. She bit back retorts each time. Twice, Charlotte, put her hand on her arm to steer her away from the ladies, who made sure they were close by so they could listen to every word the three ladies said.

  By the time she returned to her house, she was drained of emotion. She sat down on the sofa and started to cry. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been home when she felt Jonathan’s arms wrap around her shoulders.

  “They know. Everyone knows.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard. And there’s only one way to combat it.”

  She lifted her head and gave him a questioning look.

  “We throw a party. Friday night. We’ll call it the ‘come and hear the real news’ party.”

  “That’s not funny,” Belinda said, pushing him away from her.

  “Belinda. We’ve discussed this. It is necessary for people to know. Once they get over the initial shock, no one will care.”

  “I’ll care. This is all your fault!”

  “Is it? Is it my fault we’re being married, also? I think you’ve forgotten one major thing. We love each other. Don’t we?”


  “Then you have to learn to trust me. Now, go upstairs and get dressed for dinner at the McIntyre house, just our core group. Forget about everything. We’ll send out invitations in the morning to the party, and it will be a real crush.”

  She nodded and headed for the door.

  “Belinda? I want you in the proper frame of mind for our outing tonight, and I know something that will change your attitude very quickly. Do I need to come upstairs with you?”

  She considered the option. She’d become so accustomed to having Jonathan in her house, at all times, and the idea of being dressed in front of him was titillating. But she wasn’t exactly sure it would be for the best.

  “We’ll end up having sex,” she said.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” he said. “Are you going to turn frigid on me after we’re married?”

  “When I’m an official part of the Rake’s Club? I doubt it very seriously.”

  He chuckled. “Then go get dressed, because I have a surprise for you tonight.”

  “Do I need to wear clothing that can be easily removed?” she asked.

  “Not tonight, but I like that idea,” he said. “We’ll remember it for your initial meeting with the Rakes.”

  That thought was a little intimidating, but she was ready for whatever tonight, or the first meeting with the Rakes, would bring. Charlotte had been right when she’d said Belinda needed to remember that Jonathan would be with her through everything. But it was hard, truthfully. She’d had no one but herself to rely on for so long.

  She started to go upstairs. She turned to where Jonathan sat, a glass of scotch in his hands.

  “I love you,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  “I love you, too,” he said. “Now, go and get dressed before I change my mind about revealing my secret and make you read about it in the paper in the morning.”

  Surely the Rakes would not make the newspapers. She dressed quickly, putting on a blue dress because she knew that was Jonathan’s favorite color. He noted it when they were in the carriage.

  “I did it with you in mind,” she said.

  “I look forward to taking it off you later.”

  She giggled and snuggled into him. As the carriage made its way through town, she realized they were going in the wrong direction than they would to make it to the McIntyre’s house.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “I told you it was a surprise,” he said.

  As they made their way into the central part of London, she realized they were not going to a home. The carriage soon stopped in front of the police force offices.

  “Scotland Yard they’re calling it,” she said. “Are Caine and Gregory meeting us here?”

  “And a few others,” Jonathan said.

  He alighted and helped her out. Once inside they were shown to a room where Gabby, Fergus, Parker Mills, and the police officers were all gathered. She didn’t even have a chance to greet everyone before Victor Strauss was led into the room in shackles.

  The look he gave Belinda could have melted ice. She wasn’t sure what to say, so she just stared at him.

  “Your former husband is being charged with faking his death, and with blackmail against your father,” Caine said. “We found him after your father came in this afternoon to tell us where he was staying.”

  Belinda grabbed Jonathan’s hand, and he squeezed it.

  “I won’t be in prison long,” Victor said. He glared at Belinda. “The worst day of my life was when I married you.”

  “And the best day of mine was when I got the divorce papers, even if they were forged,” she said.

  “That will be easily modified,” Jonathan said. “I spoke with a barrister today, and this time the divorce will be legal.”

  “I won’t sign,” Victor said, and then he laughed. “You’re stuck with me.”

  “You’ll sign,” Jonathan said. “The young lady you live with in Paris? Well, Parker here is a reporter and he found her. She told him you killed a man in a fight a year ago. She’s willing to testify to keep from being implicated.”

  Victor stiffened. Then he looked at the officers. “You’re going to let them blackmail me?”

  “All I hear is a woman wanting a divorce from a husband that has supposedly been dead for ten years,” Caine said. “I have no need to investigate a murder that happened in France, but I can keep you here, and behind bars, for what you did in faking your death, and your part in the blackmail against Lucas.”

  For a moment, Belinda thought Strauss was going to scream and through a fit. She’d seen him do it before. Instead he nodded and said, “I’ll sign, and I’ll be out soon, Belinda. You can count on it.”

  “By that time Belinda will be my wife,” Jonathan said. “If you touch her, I will make sure your legs don’t work for the rest of your life.”

  Victor didn’t answer. Instead he said, “I’m done here.”

  Belinda noticed Gabby and Parker were both scribbling notes on pieces of paper. It was more bad news that would be in the newspaper, more things that would cause the gossips of London to talk about her behind her back.

  The officers led Victor from the room, and Gabby put her notes in her reticule.

  “Dinner at our house,” she said. “It will be delicious. Parker, find Fiona and you can attend, also. In fact I’ve already asked that places be set for you. We will have a wonderful time celebrating victory, and the upcoming marriage of Jonathan and Belinda. It will be fabulous.”

  * * *

  On the night of the party, Belinda stood at the door to Jonathan’s house, greeting her guests. The newspaper articles had been frank and to the point. They had included information about the fake divorce, and about the one that was now in progress. It had also included a quote from Jonathan’s father saying their family was aware of Belinda’s past, and they were ready to welcome her into their family with open arms.

  The party was a huge success, with many people turning out, and Jonathan stood by her side and welcomed everyone. No one dared mention Strauss. Part way into the greetings, she was surprised to see her parents arrive.

  She looked at Jonathan, who smiled. Her father greeted her with a smile, but her mother, who was always a mousy person, took Belinda’s hand and kissed it gently.

  “You look beautiful, my dear.”

  “Thank you, mother.”

  “Your father is up to something, I’m not sure what. For years he wouldn’t even allow me to speak yours, or Gloria’s name. And now he has talked of nothing else for the last two weeks.”

  Belinda stared at her in astonishment. Gloria? Her father refused to talk about Gloria? He had always loved her sister.
Something told her that he blamed Belinda for her younger sister’s death.

  “I see,” she said, turning toward Jonathan, who was talking in a low voice to the man in question.

  When her parents had gone into the main room, Belinda leaned into Jonathan as if to give him a hug.

  “Have you been talking with my father?”

  “Yes, I have.”


  “Our marriage. I let him know that, although I would like his blessing, I didn’t require it.”

  “Thank you, Jonathan.”

  “Don’t thank me, Brat. He’s going to make a speech tonight, but he won’t tell me what to he’s going to say. We both may be in for a rude shock.”

  Jonathan started to walk off and Belinda pulled him back.

  “You can’t let him do that. What if he blames me for the entire affair? The newspaper articles are bad enough, but if he throws shade on me…”

  “You still doubt that I can defend you?”

  “No, but Jonathan!”

  “Relax, little one. Things will be fine. If nothing else this party will be the talk of London for ages to come.”

  She followed him into the main room, where people were pinned shoulder to shoulder. Everyone, it seemed, wanted the chance to see what would be happening tonight.

  She was nervous, but she knew she could get through it with Jonathan by her side. They visited with various people, and then had dinner. When nothing disastrous happened, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  Then, moments before the dancing was scheduled to begin, her father stood on the platform and asked for everyone’s attention.

  “Stop him!” she hissed in Jonathan’s ear.

  “Let’s just see what he has to say.”

  When the crowd had quieted down, Lucas cleared his throat.

  “As many of you know, in a short period of time my daughter, Belinda, will take a new husband. Many of you know the story from what you’ve read in the newspapers, but there is more that needs to be said. It’s hard for a father to admit that he’s wronged his child. But I want to tell you that today.”

  He took a fortifying breath and Belinda felt as if the breath had left her body. Jonathan put his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

  “You knew,” she whispered.

  “I had hoped,” he replied.

  “Several years ago, more than several, I allowed Lord Victor Strauss to marry my daughter. My judgment was in error, and Strauss used his wiles to seduce my second daughter.”

  The buzz around the room picked up. Lucas took several more breaths.

  “In order to keep people from finding out, I went along with his plan to fake his death, so that he could live with my other daughter in peace. Then, I saw to a quiet divorce for Belinda, one she did not know about until it had been secured in a Parisian court.”

  The buzz grew louder.

  Belinda’s cheeks burned. She wanted to run from the room, but Jonathan held her in place.

  “The worst part,” Lucas whispered, “is that I blamed her. I allowed him to cloud my judgment and now, I know better. I cut her off and this month is the first time I have seen Belinda in ten years. I hope that my daughter knows now that I heartily approve of her choice for husband, and I pray she’ll forgive me for the years of torment that she went through because of my cowardice.”

  People turned toward her. Belinda focused on her father, who looked as if he might cry at any moment. When Jonathan gently kissed her cheek and pushed her toward the dais, she faltered somewhat. Then she walked to her father, who enveloped her in a large hug.

  She cried into his shoulder and he patted her back.

  “I’m so sorry,” he whispered over the murmurs and applause from the crowd.

  Belinda nodded.

  “All right, let’s start the dancing,” Jonathan said. “After all, this is a party.”

  He moved toward Belinda and gathered her in his arms.

  “Well?” He raised his eyebrows at Lucas.

  “I saw Victor at the prison.” Lucas looked as if he were trying not to fall over. “He told me that if I did not have him exonerated he would tell them it was entirely my fault, that the whole thing was my idea. I went to Caine and made a confession. You have nothing to fear anymore, Belinda.”

  “If you made a confession about your part you will go to prison,” she said.

  “That is up to the court,” her father said. “Truthfully I deserve nothing more. He is a coward, but then again so am I. I’m sorry that it’s taken me this long to figure it out.”

  “What you just did took great courage,” Belinda said. “Thank you, Father.”

  “You mother and I would like to attend the wedding, if possible.”

  “I’d love it,” Belinda replied. She wiped tears from her eyes and leaned into Jonathan.

  “We both would,” he said.

  “And, might we hope there would be a grandchild somewhere in the future?” Her father grinned and Belinda gave him a startled look.

  “I think I’m a little old for that,” Belinda said.

  “Nonsense,” her father replied. “What does age matter when you’ve found the right husband?”

  Jonathan gave Belinda a full-mouthed kiss. The people standing around them giggled and cheered.

  “You’re right, Lord Lucas. We have both found the right person.”

  * * *

  Very early the next morning, all the guests were gone except for Jonathan’s circle of friends that Belinda knew were all members of The Rakes of Mayfair Club. They sat in the drawing room, with wives cuddled on their husband’s laps.

  Belinda sat next to Jonathan, curled into his chest.

  “So,” Ellington said. “How soon after the wedding can we have an initiation into the Club?”

  Belinda looked away and Jonathan laughed.

  “My Lady Brat is not so sure about the Club,” he said. “We’re working on bringing her around to my way of thinking.”

  “Don’t call me that!” She playfully slapped his chest.

  “Why not? As the saying goes, if the shoe fits…”

  She pushed away from him and frowned.

  The room broke into laughter and she crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at him.

  “See? A brat.”

  She narrowed her eyes, then turned to Charlotte, who controlled her laughter long enough to say her name.

  “Belinda, don’t worry. We were all very unsure about our husband’s activities when we started.”

  “I wasn’t,” Amelia said with a laugh. “I always loved it! Didn’t I, Edward darling!”

  Her husband laughed and tickled her side.

  “Oh yes,” Charlotte said. “If I remember correctly, it was your fault, Amelia, that I got pulled into the entire thing. When my darling husband, before he was my husband, your husband and you, dear Lord Beaton now Duke of Melbourne, spanked you at one of Essex’s parties when you knew I was in the room. You set the whole thing up.”

  She poked Essex in the chest.

  “Yes, I did, my darling. I wanted my own little virgin widow, and I got her. By the way, are you complaining?” Essex gave his wife a mock look of anger.

  “Will it get me spanked?”

  “Yes, it will.”

  Charlotte laughed. “Then yes, I am.”

  She cuddled down further on his lap and he sighed.

  “Charlotte started the whole thing,” Carin said, snuggling into Ellington. “We all fell into place after her. Every last single member of the Rakes is now a married man, or almost a married man.”

  “Speaking of starting the whole thing, who told Belinda about the Club?” Jonathan asked.

  Gabby cleared her throat. “I did, and I told her to tell me what you said, and then forgot all about it because of everything that happened.” Gabby looked around. “I knew if you truly loved her you’d tell her the truth, and you did.”

  “But doesn’t it bother you when your husbands watch sexual activity?” Bel
inda looked at each woman, who shook her head.

  “It’s not about sex,” Gabby said. “We just enjoy the activity. There is no jealousy because we are all content in our relationships, and very, very secure.”

  “I see,” Belinda murmured, even though she wasn’t sure that she did.

  The room grew quiet, and Essex laughed.

  “I guess it’s time to take my wife home and give her what she wants, a good sound spanking. Barton, Belinda, we thank you for your hospitality.”

  The Essexes stood, as did the other guests, who murmured that it was time for them to leave as well.

  When they’d all been escorted to the door and seen into their carriages, Belinda leaned into Jonathan.

  “A strange Club, I’m sure.”

  “One that you’ll grow to enjoy.”

  “I’m not so certain of that,” Belinda replied.

  Jonathan moved back and slapped her behind.

  “Upstairs with you. Strip down to your corset and stockings.”

  Belinda felt a thrill run through her.

  “And if I say no?”

  “If you act like a brat, you’ll be treated like one.”

  “Then, no. This brat thinks she needs to be convinced that she should have sex with her future husband.” She knew as well as he did that it was a lie. All the talk about the Club had made her want to be very naughty tonight, although she wouldn’t tell Barton that. She wondered if he knew it.

  “Upstairs, Belinda.”

  “If you’re going to call me a brat, then I’m going to act like one. I will never join your silly little Club, either.”


  He advanced on her and she took a few steps back. The gleam in his eyes lit her blood on fire.

  They advanced up the stairs, with her going backwards and carefully raising her skirts to make sure she didn’t trip. When they got to the top she took off for the bedroom door at a run. Jonathan bracketed her in his arms as she opened the door.

  He walked them inside and kicked it shut.


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