Saving the Preacher's Daughter (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter #1)

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Saving the Preacher's Daughter (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter #1) Page 21

by Piper Davenport

  Booker pushed into Mack’s office. “You met Kim’s friends, I take it.”

  Mack turned to scowl at his closest friend who stood in his doorway with a shit-eating grin. “Did you need something, Book?”

  “No, just wanted to see how you handled the introductions,” he observed.

  “Fine. Why?” Mack challenged, not liking his friend’s ability to read him.

  “Nothin’.” Booker laughed as he folded himself into the chair facing Mack. “But, I do see you got a couple of problems.”


  Booker nodded. “One, you’re gonna get razzed for breaking the rule, especially considering you let Kimmie pull one over on you.”

  “Fuck you, Booker.”

  “Two...” Booker trailed off. “Nah.”

  “Two?” Mack prodded, but Booker just shrugged. Mack narrowed his eyes. “What’s two?”

  “Nothin’,” Booker said, and rose to his feet. “That one I’m gonna let play out.”

  Mack flipped him off.

  Booker laughed. “I’m gonna enjoy this. I’m gonna go talk to your woman, comin’?”

  “She’s not my woman.”

  “Sure ’bout that?” Booker retorted, and walked out the door before Mack had a chance to respond.

  The ping of Mack’s email gave him something else to focus on, which meant a full background check on his pixie. He’d given his bouncers a heads up to scan the IDs of Kim’s friends. He didn’t do it for everyone, but he was glad he did tonight.

  * * *

  I stood by the railing sipping my margarita, which was amazing, and very, very strong, when a tall, dark-headed man crested the stairs and made his way directly to Dani. I assumed it must be Booker.

  She was facing me, laughing at something Kim was saying when he wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her neck.

  “Ohmigod, Mack, not here!” she retorted.

  I felt my stomach roil. She was obviously giving her husband a hard time, but it did something to me that I didn’t like. Stupid, considering I’d only met Mack tonight, but there was something about him.

  Booker smacked her butt and frowned. “Not funny, Dani.”

  “It’s a little funny.” She slid her hand to his neck. “Will you behave so I can introduce you to Darien and Millie?”


  Dani giggled and waved me and Millie closer. “This is my husband, Austin.”

  I smiled and shook his hand. He shook Millie’s as well with a nod. “Booker.”

  Dani rolled her eyes. “Okay, to me he’s Austin, to the rest of the world, he’s Booker.”

  “I’m gonna steal my woman for a minute,” he said.

  “We’re going to dance,” Kim declared.

  “I’ll be there in a bit,” Dani promised, and Kim gathered the rest of us up and led us downstairs.

  I followed the ladies onto the dance floor and lost myself in the music. I loved to dance and I’d had just enough alcohol to let myself go. I felt strong hands on my hips and startled, craning my head to find a gorgeous man with longish blond hair smiling at me. He moved his hips against my rear and I went with it. He wasn’t there for long and I turned to see him being escorted from the dance floor by one of the bouncers who let us in. I glanced at Millie who shrugged, so I did as well and moved closer to her again.

  Admittedly, I was a little bummed. He was cute. This thought brought to mind Mack and I realized pretty quickly I wished he was here grinding his body against mine. I shook off the thought and tried to focus on the music again.

  As we danced our asses off, I noticed an alarming trend. One that was starting to piss me off. I let it happen three times before I decided I’d had enough and followed the bouncer off the floor. He left my newest dance partner at the mouth of a hallway and walked away. I followed him through a door and into another hallway.


  The man turned, appearing a little surprised to see me, but then a slow smile crossed his face. “You need somethin’, babe?”

  “Yeah. I want to know why you’re dragging guys off the dance floor.”

  He chuckled, raising his hands as though to ward off a fight. “Not my call.”

  “Then whose call is it?”

  He closed the distance between us and crossed his arms over his gigantic chest. “Babe, I suggest you go back to your friends and enjoy the rest of your night.”

  I leaned back (way back, because he was tall) and snorted. “Oh yeah? And why’s that?”

  “’Cause there ain’t no way in hell you’re ever comin’ back here.”

  I gasped, stomping my foot in irritation. “Excuse me?”

  A low voice rumbled above the noise of the music. “Train.”

  I peeked around the giant and saw Mack walking towards us and he looked irritated. Train raised his hands again, gave me a slow smile, and walked away.

  “You’re the manager, right?” I asked, annoyed that my voice quivered like a love-struck teen.

  Mack raised one side of his mouth in what I think was a smile. “Sure, babe, we’ll go with that.”

  “I’d like to lodge a complaint.”

  The other side of his mouth tipped up. “A complaint.”

  “Yes. That man who just walked away has been very rude.”

  “How so?”

  “Every time I’d start dancing with someone, he’d yank him off the dance floor!”

  “Train did that?” he inquired.

  “Yes he did.” I huffed. “It’s unacceptable and I think you should talk to him about it. I mean, this is a dance club, right? We’re here to dance and drink and have a good time, right? If your sole purpose is to sell booze, then you can’t have one of your employees dragging away the customers! Those guys weren’t bugging me and they were good dancers. Do you know how hard it is to find guys who are willing to dance with you who can actually dance?”

  “Enlighten me.”

  “It’s hard!”

  “Anything else, sweetheart?”

  “Yes!” I was on a roll, so I didn’t process the endearment right away. “He told me I should have a good time because I was never going to be let back in! I don’t know what I could have possibly done to be banned, but I’ll tell you something, mister, I haven’t done anything to warrant being kicked out.” His face went from somewhat amused, to cold and lethal so quickly I shivered. Actually shivered, raising my hands to my arms in a protective stance. I instantly realized I may have gone too far. “Sorry. I don’t mean to be rude. Alcohol lowers my inhibitions and my polite meter.”

  “Fuck me,” he breathed out, but I could tell he was trying not to smile. “Polite meter?”

  I bit my lip. God, I was an idiot! “I’ll just go back to my friends.”

  I turned and made it about three steps before I heard, “Babe, wait.”

  His voice was so low, I thought I’d misheard him, but I turned and he hadn’t moved, his expression conflicted and his eyes on my leg. “What the fuck is that?”

  I followed his gaze and frowned. The bruise from my fight with my patient peeked out from the bottom of my skirt. “Um... ”

  Mack closed the distance between us and raised my skirt a little. “Did that happen here?”

  “No,” I answered immediately.

  He glanced at me. “Did someone fuckin’ hurt you, Darien?”

  He remembered my name? I couldn’t focus, considering his fingers were gently touching my leg.


  I licked my lips. “Huh?”

  “Did someone hurt you?”

  “Oh.” I shook my head. “No. It happened at work.”

  He frowned. “Someone hurt you at work?”

  “No!” I said a little more forcefully. “I whacked it on a piece of furniture.”

  “Babe, you need to fuckin’ tell me what happened.”

  Because I’m Dork Darien, and because he smelled so delicious, all I could think about was licking him (no joke), and I told him everything that happened at

  Mack stood with his arms crossed as I filled him in, but when I was done he sighed. “Fuck me.”

  “Now? ’Cause I don’t really know you,” I retorted.

  He stared at me for a second or two and then laughed. The sound made me shiver... in a really good way, and I couldn’t stop a smile.

  “Go back to your friends, sweetheart.”

  I nodded and high-tailed it out of the hallway and back into the club. I nearly slammed into Millie who grabbed my arm with a frown. “Where did you go?”

  “Nowhere, it’s fine,” I said.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yep, fine. Just went through the wrong door.” She studied me, but I was glad she let it go. “Are we dancing?”

  Millie shook her head. “Huh-uh, we’re back upstairs. Booker bought us drinks.”

  “Okay, cool.”

  I followed Millie back upstairs and tried to put my weird interaction with the sexiest man on the planet out of my head. Admittedly, I failed, but I fell back into my comfortable belief that a man like Mack would never want a woman like me. I was safe there.

  * * *

  If you liked the sneak peek of Road to Passion, you can order it HERE:

  2016 Piper Davenport

  Copyright © 2016 Trixie Publishing, Inc.

  Widowed young, Maisie Mann was left to raise her daughter alone. Now, nine years later, she thinks she might have life as a single mom mastered... until her car breaks down on the wrong side of town. All she requires is a little roadside assistance and she’ll be on her way. But when her help comes in the form of a gruff but alluring biker, it sparks emotions she hasn’t experienced since her husband died.

  Connor ‘Hatch’ Wallace is nobody’s hero. The Sergeant-at-Arms for the Dogs of Fire MC has a bitter past and has sworn off anyone threatening his independence. But fate has other ideas.

  Maisie has no intention of getting involved with a man like Hatch and, despite her overwhelming attraction to him, pushes him away... until her life, and that of her child, are threatened.

  Is Maisie’s only chance of survival in the hands of a badass biker?

  Will Hatch be able to put aside his past and protect a woman and her daughter at the risk of losing everything?



  I WALKED OUT of Lonnie’s salon and into the blaring heat of an unusually hot Pacific Northwest April. Squinting against the brightness, I slid my sunglasses on and headed to the Chinese restaurant next door for some takeout. Ten minutes later, order in hand, I was ready to go home and soak in the tub. It had been a long day and I needed a little down time. Only, when I climbed into my car, slid the key in the ignition, and turned... nothing happened.

  “What the—?” I tried again, but still nothing, so I climbed out and looked around. Lonnie’s lights were off, the closed sign hung on the door, and the parking lot was all but empty. “Just great,” I said, and groaned.

  I considered going back into the Chinese restaurant for help, but I’d had to repeat my order three times, so I had little faith they’d be able to understand my request for a jump. I grabbed my cell and called Triple A.

  “Roadside Assistance, how may I help you?”

  “Well, I’m in Orchards and I have a dead battery,” I said.

  “No problem, we can send someone out. What’s the address?”

  I rattled off my location, gave her my card number and other pertinent information.

  “We can have someone out to you in about an hour.”

  “Really? Nothing sooner?”

  “No, sorry. We’re really busy today.”

  “Okay,” I said. “Thanks.”

  I sighed and hung up, turning to find Lonnie walking out of her shop. “Hey, Maisie. You’re still here?”

  “I have a dead battery. I called Triple A, but if you have a minute, would you mind giving me a jump, please?”

  “No, sorry, I actually have to be somewhere.”

  I stared at her, so shocked by her unwillingness to help me I couldn’t even form a response. It would take maybe five minutes to jump my battery. I’d been loyal to her for more than ten years, even following her to this crappy part of town, and she couldn’t take five minutes to help me? I think my mouth was still slightly agape as I watched her climb into her car and drive off, smiling (and waving) at me as she passed.

  God! I’d just given her a thirty-percent tip. Not to mention, I always sent her a Christmas card (even though she never reciprocated) and even sent her a gift on her birthday. Not cool!

  I sighed and leaned against my car, scanning the area. I lived and worked in downtown Portland and only ever came up here for my hair needs. But there had to be someone around who could help me so I wouldn’t be stuck here for another hour.

  I walked a few feet away from my car and looked around. Bingo. A little hole-in-the wall mechanic’s garage was across the busy street and three doors down. Concerned they wouldn’t be open, or would be manned by grease monkeys who liked to take advantage of women in need of automotive services, I shuddered, but trudged toward the shop anyway. If they were open, I figured they’d probably be able to help me, but if they weren’t willing, then I’d give them a nasty Yelp review. I should probably do that to Lonnie, but wasn’t entirely sure I was quite that brave. It took me years to find her.

  * * *


  Connor ‘Hatch’ Wallace dumped an armload of parts onto the front counter of Bruce’s Specialty Auto Services, and pulled out his clipboard to check them off. His buddy’s shop was one of several he’d made deliveries to today, but luckily it was the last and the least amount... it meant he’d been able to carry everything in his saddlebags of his Harley Fat Boy. The day was too nice to be locked in a cage. He’d needed to ride. And now he wanted beer and pussy, not necessarily in that order, but he had to wait ’til he got back to the compound to enjoy either.


  “Yeah?” he called back, still scribbling on the order sheet.

  “Hot one comin’.”

  Hatch glanced up to see a woman navigating the intersection and heading toward them. She wore a fitted light-blue blouse, tight, white jeans that hugged her shapely legs, and heels that looked like they cost more than his bike. Her long, blonde hair hung in straight sheets, but as a gust of wind caught her locks, she had to fight to keep the strands out of her face. She slid her sunglasses on top of her head, pulling her hair away from her face and Hatch’s breath left his body. She was like the first ray of sunshine after the rain. Damn, she was a knockout.

  She walked into the tiny customer area and gave him a tentative smile. “Hi,” she breathed out. “My battery’s dead and Triple A’s going to be a while. Is there someone here who’d be willing to give me a jump?”

  Hatch’s dick took notice of her sweet, British accent.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, I’ll jump you. Anytime, anyplace,” Bruce said, and Hatch watched her step back slightly, her face a little paler than before. For whatever reason, Bruce’s dirty innuendo made Hatch want to beat the shit out of his old friend.

  “Piss off, Bruce,” Hatch ordered quietly, then turned to face her. He was shocked by a sudden need to protect her, but he planned to help her and get her the hell out of his space. He needed a woman to protect as much as he needed a hole in the head, but he did have a sister and he’d never leave a woman stranded. “I’ll get you goin’ again. Where are you parked?”

  She pointed to the parking lot across the street. “Just over there.”

  “Bruce, where’s your portable jump pack?”

  Bruce grabbed it from the back room and handed it to Hatch.

  Hatch smiled at the woman and nodded. “I’ll follow you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Be back, Bruce.” Hatch nodded to the clipboard on the desk. “Sign off on the delivery so I can get out of here, yeah?”

  “No problem, Hatch.”

  Hatch followed the woman to her car and she popped the
hood, sliding inside the car to start it. After hooking up the jumper cables, he called out, “Okay, turn the key.”

  After several tries, they were still unable to get the Lexus going. She joined him at the front of the car with a sigh. “It’s not the battery, is it?”

  “Nope.” He dipped his head further inside and checked all the cables before facing her. “Do you mind if I check your fuse?”

  “I don’t know where that is, but sure.”

  He opened the front door, pried open the fuse panel and pulled out the troublesome little buggar. “Your ignition fuse is blown.”

  “Crap,” she said. “Please tell me you have one in the shop.”

  “It’s my buddy’s shop, so I’m not sure, but give me a minute and I’ll find out.”

  She nodded and Hatch called Bruce. “Hey man, you bang her yet?”

  Hatch turned away from the woman with a scowl. “Shut the fuck up, asshole. She’s got a blown fuse. You got one over there or not?”

  “Depends on what car.”

  “Ma’am?” Hatch asked. “Your car’s a 2015, right?”



  She smiled. “My name’s Maisie. I’d rather that than ‘ma’am,’ and yes, my car is a 2015.”

  Hatch forced himself not to react to the fuckin’ sexy ass name attached to the fuckin’ sexy ass woman as he rattled off the information to Bruce. But hell if he wouldn’t be conjurin’ up her image as he fucked some other pussy later on that night, wishin’ her sexy-ass voice was callin’ his name as she came.

  “Yeah, I think I got one,” Bruce said. “Let me find it and I’ll bring it by.”

  Hatch hung up and slid his phone in his pocket. He closed the hood of the car and turned to Maisie. “Bruce is lookin’ for your part and then we’ll get you on your way.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Despite her obvious politeness and confidence, there was a sadness about her. “You’ve kind of been my knight in shining armor today, I must say. I’ll just give Triple A a ring and cancel.”

  Hatch nodded and she pulled out her cell phone, canceling the truck just as Bruce jogged over, part in hand. Hatch replaced the fuse and Maisie’s car started without issue.


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