Trade In (Odd Jobs Book 3)

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Trade In (Odd Jobs Book 3) Page 1

by AJ Alexander

  Trade In

  Odd Jobs #3

  AJ Alexander


  1. Rachael

  2. Liam

  3. Rachael

  4. Rachael

  5. Liam

  6. Rachael

  7. Liam

  8. Rachael

  9. Liam

  10. Rachael

  11. Liam

  12. Rachael

  13. Liam

  14. Rachael

  15. Liam

  16. Rachael

  17. Liam

  18. Rachael

  19. Liam

  20. Rachael

  21. Liam

  22. Rachael

  23. Liam

  24. Rachael

  25. Liam

  26. Rachael

  27. Liam

  28. Rachael

  29. Liam

  30. Rachael

  31. Liam

  32. Rachael

  33. Liam

  34. Rachael


  Excerpt from Stay

  Want to know more?

  Did you enjoy Trade In?

  Also by AJ Alexander

  About AJ Alexander

  Trade In

  Copyright © 2019 by AJ Alexander. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Sybil Wilson with Popkitty Designs

  Editing: Jenny Dillion with Prologue and Prose

  Proofreading: Jess Rousseau with Elemental Editing & Proofreading

  Emma Mack with Ultra Editing Co.

  To my Sparkling Unicorn British Arse!

  This book would be shite without you.



  Today is my twenty-first birthday, well the day before. Living in a small town has its perks. No one pays attention when you hit the bar a little early. Unfortunately for me, my boyfriend has an issue with being on time.

  “How can you be late for your own birthday party?” my best friend Morgan chirps into the phone.

  “If you consider everyone getting wasted down at the pub a party,” I mumble over the bobby pins stuck in my mouth, “Besides, it will only be you, Liam, Carter, Jeremiah, and I. Nothing special.”

  “Spending time with your brother is always something special.”

  “Your obsession with my brother is disgusting, Mo!” I try not to throw up in my mouth. Morgan has had the hots for my brother ever since we noticed boys existed, “As much as I would love for you to be my sister, I don’t want to think of the two of you bumping uglies.”

  “Speaking of your brother, he’s waiting for your arrival. You better get your ass here and soon or he may bounce.”

  I check my watch again, “We both know Liam can’t be on time if his life depended on it.”

  “Fair enough, I’m sure he overslept or is helping his mom. He always has a good reason for making you wait. Besides his brother Carter is already here.”

  Liam leaving me waiting on purpose is insane. Carter and Liam are attached at the hip. If Carter is already there, he isn’t too far behind him. I take one final glimpse around my room, before heading out the door and down the stairs.

  My phone chimes in my ear, “Speak of the devil. Mo I gotta go. It’s Liam, calling with some excuse for being late.”

  “Alright love, I’ll tell your brother to cool his jets. See both of you in twenty.”

  I end the call and switch lines to answer Liam’s call “You love me, but you are running late. You’re sorry, but you’ll make it up to me.” I giggle into the phone before continuing, “Lamb, why do you even make these calls anymore. It’s the same thing every time. I accept that you’re perpetually late, and I love you for it.”

  His deep chuckle comes from the other end of the line. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “I just love you, I guess. Lateness and all, now hurry and get here. Today is my birthday.”

  “No, tomorrow is your birthday. Growing up in a small town in the middle of nowhere Kansas has its perks. One being able to celebrate early since it is your twenty-first.”

  “Semantics,” I deadpan into the phone. If there is one thing that annoys me about Liam, it’s his need to be right all the time.

  Just as Liam is about to answer my phone chimes, signaling a text message. I assume it’s Jeremiah wondering where I’m at, but he can wait.

  “I’m sorry, Roo. I got a flat tire. I was in such a hurry to get to you I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “If it wasn’t for bad luck, you would have no luck at all.”

  “Don’t worry, I already called Carter to come pick me up. He should be here in a few minutes. I’ll just leave my car and take care of the tire in the morning. Today is your day.”

  “I thought my birthday was tomorrow,” I can’t help but get that last dig in.

  “See you soon, Roo. I love you,” he mutters into the phone before hanging up. He’s lucky that I love him so much.

  I head into the living room and flop down on the couch, it will be at least another twenty minutes before Carter and Liam get here. As I reach for the remote, my phone chimes again reminding me of the unanswered text. I open my messages and see a text from Jeremiah.

  Big Bro: You took too long, I’m out. Headed down the road to find some fun. Text me when you get here.

  He was always the impatient one in the family, never able to wait for anything. I’m surprised he waited this long for me to arrive, although we are only an hour late. I quickly type out my response.

  Me: Don’t get an STD. Are you driving? Mo said you were drinking.

  He’s the older brother, but I can’t help but worry.

  Big Bro: Do I look stupid? No. Love you.

  Me: Love you too xoxo

  Sliding my phone into my purse, I turn my attention back to the television and wait. After I’ve watched one complete re-run of Golden Girls, I begin to worry. They should’ve been here already. I’m startled by the house phone ringing. That’s odd, no one uses house phones anymore. I hop up off the couch and check the caller ID and notice my dad’s number on the screen.

  “He couldn’t be bothered to even meet me for a drink on my birthday, but at least he remembered to call.” I mumble before answering the phone, “Hey Dad.”

  “Rachael, it’s Dad.”

  I can’t help but laugh, he still hasn’t gotten used to modern technology, “I know it’s you, Dad. Caller ID remember. What do I owe this pleasure? Did you change your mind? Are you going to make it to the pub for that drink after all?” I try and fail to cover the hope in my voice.

  “Honey, I need you to listen. Jeremiah has been in an accident. Someone called me from the pub, he’s in bad shape. I’m on my way to the hospital. Can Liam or someone bring you here?”

  I take a deep breath, to keep the tears at bay. “I’ll give Liam a call. Him and Carter were just on their way to come and get me.”

  “Rachael. Be safe.”

  With shaking hands, I hang up the phone and head back toward the living room. Without a second thought, I reach into my purse and hit the redial button, calling Liam.

  No Answer.

  I open my contacts, maybe he can’t hear his phone. I’ll just call Carter. I find his number and hit the call button.

  Again, n
o answer.

  What the fuck is going on!

  As I’m trying to call Morgan, my cell rings. Her name flashes across the screen,

  “Mo,” I whisper into the phone as the tears travel down my cheeks.

  “Take a deep breath darlin’. Everything will be alright. I was still at the bar when someone came in to call your Dad. I’m on my way to come get you. We’ll head toward the hospital together.”

  I nod my head, unable to form words. Thank God Morgan has her shit together “I’ll be there in five minutes. Meet me at the end of the driveway. When I hang up try to call Liam and Carter. I can’t get a hold of either of them.” Without another word, Morgan ends the call.

  I immediately pick up the phone and dial both of their numbers again, no answer from either of them. I don’t have time to deal with their lack of response I need to get to my brother. I grab my purse off the couch, head out the front door and lock it behind me, and then head to the end of the driveway to wait for Morgan.

  I don’t even make it to the end before she comes to a screeching halt.

  “Breathe sweets.” Mo leans over to open the passenger door for me, I climb in without a word. She grabs my hand, “Did you get a hold of either of them?” I shake my head no as I shut the door. “I’m sure they are both fine, now let’s get to Jeremiah and your dad.”

  Morgan quickly turns around in my driveway before heading back toward town. It feels like I’ve been in the car for hours, but I soon see the lights from town. We are passing the pub; I should be inside celebrating my birthday. Instead I am praying my brother lives to wish me a happy birthday in the morning.

  Just as Morgan is turning the corner toward the hospital, my cell rings. Not bothering to check the caller ID, I answer.


  “Rachael …” I can hear my father choking back emotions. I don’t want to hear what he’s about to tell me. Morgan must see something in my eyes because she pulls over to the side of the road.

  “Dad, what’s wrong. I’m almost there, can’t it wait.”

  “Jeremiah. He didn’t …”

  I can barely breathe.

  The walls are closing in around me.

  “He didn’t what?” I shout into the phone.

  Today should have been a happy day, but it has turned out to be the worst day of my life. I’m still attempting to process what my dad said when Morgan wraps her arms around my shoulder, I can feel her own tears soaking my shirt.

  “Rachael, He didn’t make it.” My dad’s voice filters through the phone before I hang up.

  “Rach, say something.” Mo shakes my shoulder. Trying to get some response from me, but I’m numb. It’s at that moment I know it’s too late. I lost one of the most important men in my life, while I sat waiting for the love of my life.

  “Happy Fucking birthday to me.”



  “Hurry the fuck up Carter! It’s your fucking fault I’m missing Rachael’s birthday. The least you can do is make sure we don’t miss this damn flight.” I growl in my brother’s direction as we hurry toward our departing gate.

  I called my brother, hoping he would help me get to Rachael faster, but he’s taking me farther away — much farther away.

  “Chill out, bro. We got this shit covered. Just get me to Cali and you can come home to your precious Rachael.” Carter stumbles into a magazine rack in a nearby store. I’m surprised he can even still stand up.

  I should’ve known when I called my brother at the bar he would already be toasted. He showed up with a dent in the side of his car and smelling like alcohol. I immediately took him home hoping to turn around and heading back to Rachael.

  However, my plans were ruined when my dad was standing at the door with two bags packed for Carter and me.

  “Get in the car,” he growls. Shoving both of us back out the house toward his SUV, “I’ll drive you to the airport. Liam make sure your brother gets checked into the rehab listed on this paper.” He hands me a stack of papers.

  “Dad, I was just bringing his drunk ass home! It’s Rachael’s birthday and I’m already over an hour late as is because of the flat.”

  “I don’t give a shit about your little whore, Liam. What could be more important than making sure your brother gets better.”

  “You need to stop calling her a whore! What the fuck does this have to do with me. Cover the shit up like you always do, you’re good at making sure no one in this town knows how fucked up this family is.” I growl before turning to head toward Carter’s car. I’ve had enough of both their shit.

  “What will your little whore say when her daddy’s piece of shit shop finds itself in financial trouble? It’s easy to make tax issues come up, Liam.”

  “You’re a piece of work, you know that.”

  “I’ll do anything to protect this family, best remember that.” My dad shoves past me and heads toward his SUV.

  “Even ruin someone else’s life?”

  I turn and notice my brother leaning up against my dad’s Explorer. Dad has always had to get Carter out of trouble, being the Mayor’s son has its perks. I guess this time he did something Dad can’t get him out of.

  “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to protect the family name.”

  I notice how he said, family name and not family. He doesn’t give a shit about any of us. He makes that clear with the way he sleeps around on my mom.

  I shake my head. “You win, but I’ll get his ass checked in and then I’m coming home. This shit with threatening people has to stop, I can’t wait ‘til the people of Shawnee realize how crooked you are and kick you out of office.”

  My father gives me a sinister smile, “You understand that these people are too stupid to see the truth. They believe what I show them, a happy family. They wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked them in the face.”

  I stare at my father in disgust, wondering what my mother could see in a man like him. I hope that someday she realizes that she can do better than that piece of shit. Only a few more weeks and I’ll be free to do as I please, away from him and the bullshit that goes along with being his son.

  I take another look at my brother, barley standing against the Explorer, “I wonder whose building you destroyed with your car. Have any ideas?” I ask Carter as I walk over to him and open the passenger side door.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I hit nothing, just flew over a few speed bumps too fast is all.” Carter grumbles as he attempts to climb in but fails. Taking pity on my brother, I help him in before climbing into the passenger seat next to my dad.

  I reach into my pocket to call Rachael and tell her what’s going on when I notice my phone died, “Just fucking great,” I mumble before reaching down to grab the car charger to plug in my phone in.

  “You’ll see, Liam. This is all for the best. Everything I do is to protect this family from the people that want to bring us down.”

  A loud voice over the loudspeaker announcing our flight brings me back to the present. “Come on, drunkie. Time to get you to rehab.” I reach down and wrap Carter’s arm around my shoulder and help him continue the walk toward our gate.

  Once we arrive, I drop Carter into a seat. “Now don’t move. We should board soon. I will try and call Rachael again, the least I can do is wish her happy birthday before taking care of your ass for God knows how long.”

  As I’m reaching into my pocket, my cell rings. Morgan’s name lights up across the screen. “Fuck, if Morgan is calling me Roo must be beyond pissed,” I mumble to no one. I take a deep breath before answering, “Hey Mo! What’s up?” I try to sound as normal as possible.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Liam! Where are you? The world as we know it has imploded in the last three hours and you are nowhere to be found.”

  “Mo! Take a breath and please explain to me what the fuck is going on. I had to deal with some family shit before I can get to Rachael. Now I’m in the fucking airport on my way to Cali.”
r />   “The airport!” Morgan screeches so loud I pull the phone away from my ear, “last time anyone spoke to you, Carter was on his way to come get you. How the heck did that turn into a trip to Cali, Liam?”

  “Like I said a long story. Anyway, my phone died and I’m just now getting a chance to call anyone, where is Rachael? Is everything okay?”

  “No everything is not okay. I doubt everything will be okay for a long time, Liam. Whatever you are on your way to do in Cali, needs to be changed. Liam, Rachael needs you.” Morgan breaks down, I can hear her gut-wrenching sobs coming from the other end of the line.

  “Morgan, please! I need you to tell me what happened!” I shout into the phone, praying that everything is alright.

  “Jeremiah is dead. A hit-and-run driver killed him.” Morgan whispers into the phone.

  My entire world comes to a screeching halt. Everything that has happened in the past few hours makes sense. My dad’s urgency to get Carter out of town, his instance for me to go with him, the damage to Carter’s car – everything.

  “Liam, are you there? When are you coming back?”

  “Mo, can you do something for me?” I can’t go back now, never. This one act will change the course of my life forever. “Tell Rachael that I love her, always.”

  “Liam, what the heck are you talking about? Aren’t you coming back? Liam! Li …” I hang up, unable to listen to Morgan’s questions any longer.


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