Trade In (Odd Jobs Book 3)

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Trade In (Odd Jobs Book 3) Page 5

by AJ Alexander

  I open my mouth to respond, but Michael places a finger on my lips, “Dorothy, before your answer just think for a minute. If you’re this shook up after seeing him two times…”

  “And sleeping with him,” Paul chimes in.

  “And sleeping with him,” Michael smiles before continuing, “Then there has to be something more there. You might want to figure out what is going on in your heart before you answer with your head.”

  I take a moment to think about what he just said, but I can’t come up with an answer. “I don’t know,” I whisper.

  “That is the million-dollar question here, Dorothy,” Paul says, “Now it’s time for you to figure out how to make this all up to us.”

  I knew this was coming, “Hmm, let me see. How about mani pedis and then shopping? I even texted Heather to see if she wanted to come with us.”

  The breath-taking smiles on Michael and Paul’s faces are priceless, “Thank you, Dorothy. Good thing we texted her and told her not to worry. We were spending the day with our girl. Oh, and we are going to Noble for lunch.” Before I can rebut, “No stress, Heather already checked to make sure lover boy isn’t working.”

  “Oh, I may need to be nicer to her now.” I smile before waving down the waitress for the check.

  “No, you need to be nicer period. Being a bitch all the time has to be tiring,” Michael says as he pulls out his credit card to pay. I’m not planning on arguing, I’m sure they will give my credit card a good work out at the mall this afternoon.

  “I’m an equal opportunity bitch. I’m the same bitch to everyone.”

  “And that, Dorothy, is why we love you so much.”

  Now with my three best friends on board, maybe I’ll be able to make it through having Liam Murphy in my life again with my heart intact.



  “Hey, man. What can I get for you?” I ask Cole as he takes a seat at the bar. Ever since our impromptu guys night, Cole and Wyatt have been trying to stop by regularly for a drink or just to hang out and chat. Now that Wyatt has moved on to greener pastures, I’ve been working the day shift more. I can’t say I’m a fan of working this shift, the tips are hit or miss, but more hours mean more money for me. I’m not one to turn down money.

  “Just give me something good on tap. I got to head into the office in a little while to audit the books. I may be looking at expanding into the Bay Area.”

  “That’s awesome, man. The dog walking business is doing that well?” I ask as I turn to get his beer from the draft.

  “Yeah. Ever since Addison started working with me over the summer when school was out, business is booming! The girl I hired for the summer to help with walks is going to college in LA and wants to open a small business to work during school. I figured I may be able to help her out, like Heather did for me.”

  “I hope it all works out for you,” I respond as I place Cole’s beer on the bar top, “Can I get you anything to eat? How about today’s special?” I point at the sign above my shoulder.

  “That sounds awesome. I’ll take that.”

  “Let me put that order in for you. I need to head into the back and check some things, if you need anything just holler. You can also ask Casey, she’s new, but she has a good head on her shoulders.”

  “Thanks.” Cole nods in response before pulling out his phone.

  After placing the order, I check on the few other customers seated in the bar area and head to the back room. I need to make sure everything is stocked for tonight. I may not be working, but I always hated it when someone would leave me short before the dinner rush.

  I’m just finishing up counting bottles from a local microbrew when my cell rings in my pocket. I pull it out, checking the caller ID to find Cole is calling. “This can’t be good,” I mumble before picking up the phone

  “Are you that lazy you can’t ask Casey for some help?” I state in a bored tone.

  “Are you still in the back?” His tone seems on edge, putting me on guard.

  “Of course, I haven’t walked past you or anything. Did you need something, or did you miss me that much?” I chuckle but quickly make my way toward the front.

  “No worries, I was worried you left. I need to head out man. I’ll just find Casey and get checked out. Keep doing whatever it is you do back there.”

  I don’t know what’s going on but this entire conversation just took a weird turn, “You already interrupted me, I’ll be right out in a minute.”

  “Any chance I can convince you to stay in the backroom until the end of your shift?” Now I know something is up.

  “Not a chance.” I rush up the stairs taking two at a time. Just as I turn the corner, I hear a delighted squeal and see a man spinning a girl around in a circle with a bright smile on her face.

  “Shit,” Cole mumbles into the phone. Just as I’m hanging up the phone, something knock the wind from my lungs. The happy couple is none other than Paul and the woman I plan to spend the rest of my life with, Rachael.

  The man drops Rachael down to her feet, a bright smile is on her face until she sees me approaching. I don’t even break stride; I just pull back my arm and hit him square in the nose.

  “You seem like a decent man, but there is no way I will sit here and let you take the love of my life away from me.” I do nothing but stand over the man crumpled on the floor. He just sits there saying nothing with a smug look on his face. Before any of us can respond, my cheek stings.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Liam?”

  “I just saw this ass…”

  “Who gives a fuck what you saw! I don’t belong to you. Fuck, I don’t belong to anyone. I can do what I want, with whom ever I want, whenever the fuck I want to. There isn’t a God damn thing you can do about it.”

  The blood boils in my veins, “The fuck you can! You’re mine!” I growl as I step closer toward her, “That piece of shit better keeps his fucking hands off you or I’ll do a lot more than break his fucking nose next time.”

  “I’m yours! You think because you got your dick wet, that I became your property? Newsflash asshole, it was just sex. Mediocre sex at that, so move along and get a fucking clue.”

  Cole steps in between the two of us and I take a moment to look around, realizing where I am. Everyone in Noble is starring at us, luckily, it’s the lunch rush.

  “What is this? Some way to get back at me for my mistakes?”

  “Oh yes because every fucking thing I do is about you Liam. No, I just came here for a nice lunch. I didn’t know you were working, or I never would have come.” Rachael bends down to help the douchebag off the ground.

  “Calm down man. I know you want your girl, but things aren’t always what they seem.” Cole whispers in my ear.

  “What it looks like is this piece of shit is about to walk out of here with my girl,” I growl.

  “Your damn right he is,” Rachael says before she plants a big kiss on his lips. I watch as he wraps his arms around her, pulling her body flush against him. I lunge for him again, luckily Cole is there to stop me.

  “I think you two need to get the hell out of here. I don’t know if I can stop him from killing you man.”

  “We were leaving anyway, I’ve lost my appetite.” Rachael slides her fingers through his before heading out the door.

  “Get your shit together Liam before you lose your girl and your job.” Cole grabs my arm, pulling me toward the back room.

  Once I get into the back, I let all my anger go, “Mother fucker!” I shout, throwing empty boxes and crates everywhere.

  “You know you will clean those up later right?”

  “I don’t give a fuck about any of that right now.” I pace back and forth like a caged animal, unable to make sense of what I just saw out there. “What the fuck am I supposed to do now? She has someone else, Cole.”

  “A woman who is in love with another man does not react like that. She still wants you. You just need to calm that temper down and think with the brain
between your ears and not the one between your legs for once.”

  “Easier said than done my friend,” I grumble. Cole is right, but just seeing another man touching her drives me insane. I don’t even want to imagine all the men she has been with over the last three years.

  “I never said it was easy, but if you want to get your girl back, you’ll get it done.” With that he turns on his heels and leave the stock room.

  Time to man up. Get my guilt and anger about the past under control and come up with a plan to win back my girl, but first I need to clean up this damn mess.



  “I don’t want to hear a damn word,” I pull Paul after me as we head toward my dad’s truck. “I thought Heather said Liam wasn’t going to fucking be there, some help she is. I take back all the good things I said about her today.”

  “Dorothy don’t take this out on her. We may have told a little white lie.” Michael chimes in from behind us.

  “No one asked you! Both of you are on my list.” I can’t believe they did this to me. I wasn’t ready to deal with Liam and all this shit, and they threw me to the wolves. “Get in the truck, I don’t want to hear a single word,” I shout as I walk around to the driver’s side, open the door, and climb into the cab.

  “Are we going to discuss how you attempted to kiss the gay out of me?” Paul asks as he slides across the bench seat followed by Michael.

  “Shut. Up.” I growl, as I turn on the ignition hoping the rumble of the engine can drown out anything else he has to say.

  “Baby, you’ve been gay your entire life. It’ll take more than a kiss for Dorothy to make you straight.”

  “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” I clench my teeth together, “I need to figure a way out of the shit show you two put me in.”

  “We put you in? You’re the one that decided to sexual assault me in the middle of the damn restaurant,” Paul scoffed. “It’s not my fault I decided to sell it and make sure your boy got a show.”

  “Whatever! If he would just have left it alone, none of this would have happened. Who the fuck does he think he is, anyway, claiming I belong to him!”

  “Dorothy, calm down. Obviously, this man is still in love with you, now you need to figure out what the hell it is you want.”

  I take a moment to process what Michael just said. Liam just claimed me as the love of his life in front of an entire restaurant and almost broke a man’s nose. He was never an impulsive person, he thought things through but, he acted on impulse. “You do not understand what you’re talking about. He just wants another chance to fuck me, which he isn’t getting. His male ego is bruised after I brushed him aside in the shop.”

  “Rachael, there is no way in hell that man just risked his job to get his dick wet.” Michael comments as we pull into the parking lot of their condo.

  “Although from the way you described it, no wonder you don’t want to go back for round two.”

  “Shut up, Paul. You’ve caused enough trouble today.” I pull the truck into the visitor parking spot. “Now get the fuck out, I have to figure out how to fix this mess you caused.”

  “Nope. Dorothy that’s not how this works. Cut the engine, Margarita time!” Michael says as he opens the passenger door and slides out, Paul following right after him.

  “Haven’t you two done enough already? I can handle this on my own, thanks.”

  Paul comes around to the driver’s side, “Get the fuck out the car. I rarely like to man handle ladies, but I’ll make an exception in this case. Stop being stubborn and let your friends help you.”

  I sigh, “Fine but there better be food along with these Margaritas.”

  “We know how much of a light weight you are. Addison is bringing enchiladas.” Paul throws his arm over my shoulder as I shut the door.

  “Hey now, I’m getting a little worried here. I’m all about trying new things, but I prefer monogamous relationships.” Paul and I burst out laughing as we all head toward the elevator.

  I don’t have any idea what to do about this mess with Liam, but between the five of us and a few margaritas it will be interesting trying to come up with a plan.

  “Our little girl is all grown up,” Michael proclaims to the room.

  “Dear, sit down. I’m cutting you off.” Paul places a kiss on his cheek before taking his glass and heading for the kitchen.

  Shortly after we got back to the condo, Heather and Addison arrived with food and alcohol in hand. The girls being here is a welcome distraction from everything going on with Liam and me. At least that’s what I thought, until the Margaritas flowed.

  “How in the hell did Liam mistake Paul for someone you were interested in?” Addison questions.

  “It didn’t help matt that Dorothy here lay one on Paul in front of the entire restaurant.”

  “That’s the way to do it,” Heather comments as she is takes a sip of her drink.

  “So helpful, Princess.” I roll my eyes at Heather before continuing, “The point is, what the hell am I going to do about it now?”

  “Why not just leave it? I mean he thinks you have someone else in your life,” Addison comments. Got to love her innocence, but I doubt it will be that simple.

  “Honey, that man would kill for her. I doubt even a man putting a ring on her finger will change that,” Michael chirps from beside me as he places a kiss on Paul’s cheek.

  Thinking about Liam going caveman in the middle of the restaurant sends a shiver down my spine.

  “Remembering being bent over that vintage Harley again, aren’t you?” Paul gives me a wink; my cheeks turn pink.

  “Say what?!?” Heather and Addison shout in unison.

  “Oh, our flower here has a wild side,” Paul chuckles, “Apparently even with all that manly goodness, Liam isn’t superb in bed either.”

  “Yeah, you are lucky Cole was there to stop you from ending up in a jail cell. He said it was a sight to see.” Addison finishes the last bit of her Margarita.

  “He fucking told you why he left me?” I screech, attempting to sink lower into my chair, hiding in embarrassment from my outburst.

  “How do you think we got here so fast? Those men are worse than us most of the time. Besides, he thought you might need someone to talk to. He does not understand who Paul and Michael are.”

  I’m pissed, but Cole and I have never been close. It was nice of him to call the girls for me.

  “Let’s get back to the matter at hand. I don’t want to rub anything in Liam’s face, especially if it’s a lie. I’m happy without him and I don’t need another man to do it.”

  “What do you want?” Heather asks.

  I just stare at her in silence, “I don’t want him to be jealous, I just want him to go away.” I throw back my shot, the burn down my throat does nothing to calm my nerves.

  “That isn’t an answer, Dorothy. Either you tell this man there’s no chance of you ever being together again or you give him a chance at your heart again. It’s that simple.” Paul refills all our empty glasses, accept Michael’s much to his dismay.

  “That isn’t simple at all. You are asking me to forgive the man that broke my heart.”

  “Rachael, you need to at least hear him out for both your sakes. There has to be more to the story than just the fact he bolted,” Heather comments.

  “Yeah, we haven’t gotten close with Liam, but I doubt the guys would befriend someone like that.” Addison chimes in.

  “There has been a unanimous vote. You should at least give Liam a chance to explain what happened,” Paul announces, “Do you trust us?”

  “When have we ever lead you wrong?” Michael asks

  “All the damn time,” I respond before we all bust out laughing, “Enough with the heavy. Let’s fucking drink and forget the cluster fuck that is my life at the moment.”

  “But what are you doing to do about Liam?” Addison asks

  “I don’t have a fucking clue, but if you leave me alone about it when I sober up tomorrow, we
’ll go shopping.”

  “Deal.” Everyone shouts in unison.




  It’s been a few days since I saw Rachael and Captain Douchebag at Noble. Luckily, I still have a job. But I got a suspension for a few days to ‘think’ about my actions.

  I have nothing left to do but think of all the things Rachael could be doing with that asshat. Better yet, focusing on all the things I’m missing out on because of the stupid accident. If you can call it that. There was no malicious intent behind it, but that one mistake ruined the lives of so many people. If one thing could have gone differently that night if I wasn’t late. If her brother wasn’t crossing the street at that exact moment, all our lives would be different right now.

  I shake my head, rolling off the side of the couch. If I sit here and think about all the what-ifs for too long, I will drive myself insane. I thought I’d accepted my fate. That I’d prepared myself for a life without Rachael in it, a life of solitude. However, now her she is.

  A sudden banging on my door breaks my thoughts, “Open the hell up you ass. We know you’re in there.” Cole’s muffled voice comes through the door.

  What the fuck?

  I head toward the door and swing it open, “What the hell are you two doing here?”

  “You look like shit. Get dressed, we are going to go play some pool.” Cole pushes his way through the door and plops down onto my couch.

  “Sure come in. Make yourself at home,” I grumble as I shut the door.

  “Oh, Wyatt is coming too. I wouldn’t lock that,” Cole says as he turns on the television and starts flipping channels.

  I don’t even bother to say anything as I head toward the bathroom to take a shower.

  “Why are we having this impromptu middle of the week get together?” I ask as we enter the local pool hall. The place is nothing special, just your run of the mill pool hall. Wyatt showed up about five minutes after I got out of the shower, also with no explanation.


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