Mine to Save

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Mine to Save Page 19

by Diana Gardin

  “Settle, brother,” he mutters.

  That’s all he says, but it’s all I need to inhale. I need to fucking breathe in and breathe out before I fuck this up for Sayward.

  “Viper.” Conners’ voice lifts so that Sayward can hear him. “Status.”

  My eyes don’t leave her, but I assess the situation around her. We’re in a bedroom. There’s a queen bed pushed against the wall at my right, and a closed closet or bathroom door to the left. Suarez has Sayward backed up as far as he can go, his back to a large window.

  Window. That’s not good.

  I need them to move away from the fucking window.

  Sayward frowns, little wrinkles forming in her forehead as she tries to focus on Dare and me. “Fine…head hurts. Dizzy.”

  Fuck! He definitely hit her…her words are slurred and it sounds like her tongue is thick. She’s only minutes from passing out. I don’t know how she’s still conscious now.

  She works her mouth a couple of times and tries again. “Bennett?”

  “I’m right here, beautiful.” My words are low, calm.

  Steady. That’s what she needs right now. Steady.

  Then Suarez opens his mouth, and I’m right back to the rage. Burning through me like napalm, threatening to take me over completely.

  “Shut up, bitch.” He presses the muzzle tighter against her head and then looks at me. “You want me to use this on her? I don’t want to, but I’ll kill her, just like my father killed her cunt mama. Sayward Diaz hid from me for years. But my father told me, all those years ago…he told me she was mine. And I’ve come to collect. The Diaz family owes me. This bitch belongs to me.”

  A small cry of fury escapes Sayward, and I see red. “Let her walk. You want to talk about how you’re gonna save your own ass right now? We can do that. But let go of the girl.”

  His face twists even further into an ugly sneer. “You walked into my house uninvited. Bet your government doesn’t know you’re here, do they? You’re on my turf, cowboy. I’m not letting go of shit.”

  He tugs Sayward even closer to his chest. Her eyes roll back in her head.

  “Time’s up.” Teague’s voice travels through our coms just as the wail of sirens rises outside. “Get her out, now.”

  Beside me, I feel Dare tense and know what’s coming. I open my mouth, barking an order for Sayward.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Her eyes drift open, focusing on me for one clear second. “Drop.”

  Her eyes immediately comprehending, her entire body goes limp in Suarez’s arms. He doesn’t have time to clutch her tighter and he loses his grip. In the half second it takes for him to glance down to see what’s happened, Dare squeezes his trigger.

  The window behind them bursts out, and I see Sayward staggering backward from the force of the gunshot that hits Suarez in the shoulder.

  I surge forward, everything around me fading to black as my whole world shifts, tilts.

  This is fear.

  Fear like I’ve never known it before.



  I’m dropping toward the ground when Suarez’s body knocks me off course. He’s been hit by Dare’s shot, and he’s flying backward toward the blown-out window.

  Then I’m hurtling backward right along with him.

  For one strange moment that seems like it’s frozen in time, my eyes lock with Bennett’s. God, if this is the last thing I get to see before I go crashing through that window…it’s a wonderful last sight.

  “Sayward!” He shouts my name as he hurtles forward, his arm outstretched. I can feel his fingertips graze mine as my back touches open air, but then his hand is gripping my fingers and pulling me sharply against him.

  The pain in my head ignites; feeling like my brain is on fire. My eyes flutter closed, and all I see is blackness.

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  The steady noise breaks into my consciousness before I’m really awake, and I want to frown in annoyance. I want to keep sleeping.

  But my eyes peel open against their will. There’s a harsh, bright light above me, and I wince against it. Closing my eyes again, I moan softly.

  Pressure lands against my hand, and then Bennett’s voice pulls my eyes open again. His face, so achingly handsome, looks down at me. There are dark circles beneath his eyes; they look like bruises. But his lips curve into a smile, a real, genuine smile.

  “There you are, beautiful.”

  I blink, refusing to glance away from his tawny eyes to look around me. “Where am I?”

  “Hospital.” He brings my fingers to his lips and kisses them. “Do you remember what happened?”

  Closing my eyes again, I think back. I remember everything that happened, every single horrible detail. “Suarez.” My voice is scratchy.

  Bennett nods. “Dead.”

  Then my body begins to tremble, and my eyes widen as I look to Bennett to confirm my worst fears. “Marcos? Suarez didn’t—is Marcos and his family—” I can’t finish the question, can’t make myself say the words.

  Bennett’s words soothe me like nothing else could. His hand brushes against my forehead. “Shhh. They’re safe, beautiful.”

  My tongue darts out to lick my dry lips as relief floods me, and Bennett reaches for the call button. When a nurse answers, he doesn’t take his eyes from me as he speaks. “She’s awake. Can you bring some water, please?”

  Bennett holds my small hand in both of his large ones now, rubbing softly. It’s like he’s afraid to let go of me. When the nurse bustles in, he doesn’t move an inch and he doesn’t glance at her.

  He has eyes only for me, and that thought sends butterflies swarming around in my belly.

  It’s not the first time I’ve ever experienced butterflies around Bennett. I kind of like the feeling.

  “Ice chips,” says the nurse brightly. “You’re on some pretty strong painkillers, so we want to see how those affect your stomach before you can have anything else. Would you like me to help you eat these?”

  I shake my head at the same time Bennett says, “I got it.”

  The nurse gives a knowing smile. “Okay. I’m going to send your doctor in shortly. He can explain your condition.”

  She leaves, and I take a bite of the ice Bennett holds out with a spoon. Swallowing it, I eye him with curiosity. “Do you know my condition?”

  H clears his throat, his expression looking pained. “You were hit…with the gun. The fucker almost hit you hard enough to crack your skull, but as it is you have a severe concussion. It’s been scary, baby. You might…not have woken up.” He swallows, the sound audible among the beeping. “We’ve been waiting for you to wake up so we could ask you if he…hurt you in any other way.”

  Real pain shadows his eyes. Squeezing his hand, I shake my head quickly. Too quickly.

  It hurts.

  “No.” The word is forceful. I can’t imagine how he’s been handling sitting here thinking about all the things Suarez could have done to me. “He didn’t touch me, Bennett.”

  All the air leaves him on a heavy sigh, and he sags a little in his chair. “Thank fuck for that. God, baby…I’m so goddamned sorry.”

  My eyes leave his face for the first time, glancing down at the blanket covering my legs. “Bennett—”

  My hospital room door opens, and Jacob walks in. He doesn’t bother to knock, just strides in like he owns the place. Bennett’s eyes close for a second too long, but I smile over at Jacob.


  Jacob’s voice is more gruff than usual, and his eyes are actually shining. I’m so taken aback, I can’t even say anything else. “You’re a sight for this old man, Sayward. Jesus…you scared the shit out of all of us.”

  I glance behind him, but the door stays closed.

  Rolling my eyes at the “old man” comment, because Jacob is only fifty, I lean back against my mound of pillows.

  Jacob’s lips twitch. “They’re all here, sweetheart. Waiting until they can see you. But I gotta tell you…coffee in
Colombian hospitals? Really excellent.”

  I burst into laughter. Bennett doesn’t take his eyes off me, but he grins, and I know that everything will be okay.

  “Tell me more about Marcos,” I say softly, pleading with Jacob and Bennett both.

  Bennett growls, and Jacob drops a hand onto his shoulder. “We sent Abbott and Conners to question Marcos. Did Suarez really have his wife and kid?”

  I nod.

  “Jesus,” mutters Bennett. “It doesn’t fucking matter to me, Boss. The fucker is her blood. He brought the cartel to Wilmington. He allowed them near her. He threw her under the bus. We can’t let it go.” His voice is full of venom and fire.

  I reach for Bennett’s hand again, pulling his attention back to me. Tugging him closer, I place my palm on his cheek. “He’s my brother. He loves me, but he had an impossible choice.”

  Bennett’s eyes soften as he stares into mine, but then his gaze flicks toward what must be a pretty sizable bandage on my head, and the fury in his eyes glows bright. He shoves back from the bed and paces away, his hands raking agitatedly through his hair.

  “I can’t forgive him for this.” His words are broken, empty.

  I look at Jacob. “His family needs him. I want to let it go, Jacob.”

  Jacob seems torn. He glances at Bennett, and the expression on his face says he’s inclined to agree with his feelings. But when he looks at me, I know he’s going to do as I ask.

  “I want to see him,” I whisper.

  Bennett turns toward me, disbelief and anger scrawled across his face. “You’re serious right now?”

  I’m suddenly so filled with anger and exhaustion, it all comes tumbling out through my mouth.

  My eyes defiant, my head throbbing, I snap, “Where’s Valarie right now?”

  I want to take the words back as soon as I say them. Hurt, pure and unhidden, flashes in Bennett’s eyes. He holds my gaze for only a moment before he strides out of my room without looking back.

  Jacob sighs and drops into the chair beside my bed. Big, fat tears roll down my cheeks, and I marvel at how different I am since this whole roller-coaster ride began. I’ve never cried in front of Jacob before.

  With a sad smile, he reaches out and wipes away a tear with his thumb. I suck in a breath, trying not to sob.

  “You fell in love with him.” It’s not a question. “What happened?”

  The story tumbles out, about arriving back to Bennett’s house that night to see Valarie waiting for him. I recall the way it felt, seeing her there, and thinking that there was a possibility of everything I’d just begun building with Bennett.

  “You were jealous when you saw her.” Jacob’s eyes are kind, but his expression doesn’t give an inch. “But did he give you reason to be?”

  I open my mouth and then close it again. Jealousy? Now that he’d put a name on the sickening emotion I felt that night, and every time I’ve thought of it since, it makes me feel petty and small. “He let go of me.”

  Jacob nods. “So he’d just been ambushed by his ex, the woman whose cheating was the very thing that sent him over the edge and straight into prison after he returned from deployment. Do you really think he’d want to be with her again?”

  Jacob’s voice is kind and patient, not accusatory, but I’m still filled with shame.

  Silence stretches around us, and I drop my eyes to study the white blanket once again.

  “You need to consider the answer to that, sweetheart. I saw the way he looked at you, acted around you, protected you with everything in him. Hell, every man at NES saw it. His feelings for you weren’t hidden. Not at all.”

  My stomach bottoms out. “I never should have run from him that night. I know that, Jacob. I realized it during that plane ride with Suarez. I should have stayed, talked it out. Maybe if I had, none of this would have happened. Marcos never could have made the trade. But then…would my nephew be alive?”

  It’s a rabbit hole I could get lost in if I go too far.

  Jacob nods. “I’m going to do what you asked and get Marcos here. But I have a feeling there’s someone you want with you when that happens.”

  I nod, feeling exhaustion seeping into my bones. “Can you find him for me?”

  But the door opens and Bennett is already there, darkening the doorway with his hulking frame, his arms folded across his chest.

  Jacob leans down and kisses my forehead. I don’t even flinch.

  “Talk to him. And then get some rest. Marcos will be here when you wake up.”

  I nod, offering him a grateful smile. Before he leaves the room, he glances back.

  “You know Suarez is dead. The bullet that Dare shot killed him before he hit the ground. But I want you to know that every single cartel member in that house is in Colombian police custody, and our government has their hands in it to make sure justice is served.

  “We saw those computer files you sent from Suarez’s computer. Not only will they put every member of the cartel away but they’re also going to save hundreds of lives. The CIA is already looking into finding and rescuing those women. You’re a hero Sayward.” He smiles at me before he leaves the room and I’m left alone with Bennett.

  My eyes remain trained on the door that Jacob just closed, mulling over the fact that he just declared me a hero. Me, Sayward Diaz. The hacker with no family and no social skills.

  A hero?

  When I finally glance toward Bennett, he stands there, staring at me, waves of emotion rolling off of him. I don’t look away, because at this point no matter how much I want to crawl out of my skin I need him to know that I’m not running away.

  Not this time.

  “I’m sorry.” He finally says, voice rough and laced with remorse. “I shouldn’t have walked out. Marcos is your family, I have no right to tell you not to see him.”

  I’m already shaking my head before he finishes his sentence. “I understand your concern, Bennett. Of course I do. It’s just…I have a nephew. All Marcos wanted to do was save his wife and child…the same way you saved me. ” My voice breaks. “I want my family back.”

  He nods, and with just two long strides, he eats up the distance between us and drops into the chair. Folding his hands on top of my blanket, he rests his chin on them, eyes holding mine.

  “You have to know that I don’t want Valarie. I want you.” His words are simple; his eyes are sincere.

  Everything about Bennett is honest. It always has been. I have no reason to doubt him. And now that I know the emotion fueling my behavior that night was jealousy, my cheeks heat with flame.

  “I’m so sorry, Bennett. I never should have left you. I should have trusted that what we had was real.”

  He lifts a brow, his mouth pulling into a taut line. He takes my hand. “You need to trust that what we have is real. I’m not going anywhere. Not now…not ever.”

  My eyelids droop. I try to force them to stay open, but it’s a battle I’m just not strong enough to fight. Bennett’s warm, probing eyes are the last thing I see before mine close.

  “Promise?” I whisper.

  “I promise. Sleep, beautiful. I’ll be here when you wake up.”



  The last six hours have been hell.

  The worst hours of my fucking life, and I’ve been to war.

  When Sayward collapsed in my arms at the mansion, I found out what pure desperation feels like. All I wanted was for her to open her big, beautiful hazels and tell me she was okay. I’d scooped her into my arms and carried her out, head cradled gently against my chest. Jacob and Abbott had cleared the house, but Conners walked behind us, covering our every move as a precaution.

  The entire time Sayward was in my arms she was limp and lifeless, and the fear inside me grew into a panic like I’ve never known. Teague and Lockman pulled up out front with a van, and we loaded Sayward in and got the hell out of there before law enforcement showed. Taking her to a secure hospital in Bogotá was the first priority, and once she
was checked in I didn’t leave her side unless they took her out for tests.

  The first time she opened her eyes and spoke to me, all the fear, anxiety, and dread that’d been sitting inside me since she collapsed grew into one huge lump in my throat and I thought I’d fucking come apart at the seams.

  Now, I keep her hand held captive in my vise grip as I watch her sleep. The steady rhythm of beeping machines keeps me company and the vision of her beautiful face keeps me sane.

  She belongs to me. Sayward is mine.

  After the conversation we just had, I know I’m going to spend every day making sure she knows it, never doubts it. There’s no other woman I want, no other person in the entire world I’d rather have by my side day in and day out. We’ve been together for no time at all in the grand scheme of things, but in my world? I’ve learned that time is irrelevant, and that I need to grab opportunities by the balls when they swing my way.

  I’m not letting Sayward go.

  That means letting her make her own decisions, even when they threaten to drive me insane. Letting her see Marcos is one of those decisions.

  Right on fucking cue, the hospital room door opens and Jacob pokes his head in. He takes one look at the sleeping form of my girl and inclines his head to one side. He wants me to come out into the hallway, and I know why.

  Standing, I drop a kiss onto Sayward’s forehead. She doesn’t even stir, and I glance over my shoulder at her before I exit the room.

  Pacing the hallway, his arms clasped behind his head as his nervous steps eat up the white tile floors, is Marcos Diaz.

  I blow out a deep breath even as fury builds inside me. It’s a fucking steam train, barreling down the tracks and there might not be any stopping the blowup about to happen. Trying to combat it with reason and thoughts of Sayward, I grind out my most important question through gritted teeth.

  “Why should I let you anywhere near her?”

  Marcos stops pacing, whirling to face me. He looks like shit. Like a man being hunted down by his own demons, and I can relate. But no sympathy finds its way into my heart for him.


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