Dream a Little Dream of Me

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Dream a Little Dream of Me Page 11

by Daniels, Cobie

  With an earnest smile on her face, Kelsey encouraged, “I’d love the company, but what about your vehicle?”

  “I parked by my apartment and plan on coming back to campus for a party tonight with some of my teammates.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “Oh I see what?” Gareth asked with a confused expression.

  “If you’re leaving your Defender on campus for the purpose of returning for a party, that will no doubt be filled with thumping music and plenty of alcohol, you probably won't be returning home tonight, right? Should I come along and chaperone you like I used to for Jasper and Courtney?”

  Gareth let out a deep laugh. “No, no need to chaperone, but you are invited to come along. It’ll be loud and rowdy, and there will be lots of drinking and…other kinds of activities occurring, but if you stick close, I can look out for you.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, sir; I can handle myself. But I have plenty of work to do and…” before she could finish Gareth stepped right in front of her, causing them both to stop.

  “Kelsey, do you realize that besides the evening dinners you’ve had with me and mum and the one visit to the Gray Horse Pub two weeks ago, you’ve not even thought about heading to a party, taking a weekend adventure to another part of the country, or just exploring this town? I mean, seriously, what gives?”

  He could see Kelsey’s brow furrow and shoulders stiffen. “I’m sorry that I’m not living up to your expectations, Gareth, but I’m not like the other girls here who can just freely get by with average grades for the sake of partying. That’s not who I am.”

  “Kelsey, I would never dream of asking you to be someone you aren’t. I just hate for you not to take one day during the week where you just relax and live a little.”

  As the awkwardness of the moment grew, Kelsey finally spoke, “Will you please move to the side so that I can continue to walk home? Jason is expecting my call.” Gareth moved over and had to work to keep up with Kelsey's pace. As soon as they got to the front door, Kelsey breezed up the stairs and into her room, shutting the door. Gareth stood at the foot of the staircase leaning against the rail, completely confused. “Well, that escalated quickly,” he muttered.

  Just then, Camilla came into the dining room to set the table. “Hello, darling, is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything is fine. I’m going to head up and shower.”

  “Okay. Dinner should be ready early as I need to step out. Would you mind letting Kelsey know?” He nodded his head yes and then dreaded the idea of knocking on her bedroom door when she’d just all but sprinted from him two minutes prior. As he got closer, he could hear Kelsey’s voice, and it sounded like she was crying. Jesus! Was she crying because of him? He pressed his ear to the door and was finally able to hear her on the phone.

  “Jason, I’m fine. I just had a long day, and I have a lot of work to deal with this weekend. Of course I miss you—how could you even ask that? I’m the one who should be asking you, considering I’m walking around thinking we’re getting married, and I have no ring to show for it…I know that we agreed to wait for the ‘formalities,’ but I’m starting to regret that decision…NO! I didn't say I was regretting saying I want to marry you! Are you not listening to a word I’m saying?!!...Look, I have to go. I’ll call you later…Yes, of course, I love you too.” With that Kelsey all but slammed the phone to the receiver. Gareth felt awful for listening to her conversation, but his heart and mind were racing. If she wasn’t “formally” engaged, then why should he not try and convince her he was the one that she was meant for?

  As he turned back to head to his room, Kelsey came barreling out of hers and met him in the hallway. Red face and watery eyes greeted Gareth. “Oh, I didn't realize you were there,” Kelsey sputtered.

  Gareth quickly changed the subject; “Mother said that dinner would be early as she needs to step out.” Kelsey stood there looking as if she was going to burst into tears or a ball of fire from being angry. It was all Gareth could do not to wrap his arms around her and hold her and let her know that everything was going to be okay. “Gareth?” Kelsey said with a catch in her breath from the crying. Her voice snapped him out of his dream. “Can I go with you to the party tonight?” A bit stunned but thrilled, Gareth walked over to her and rested his hand on her shoulder. “I think that is a fantastic idea.” With sad eyes, Kelsey looked up in gratitude. “What time do we leave?”

  * * *

  Later that Evening

  They walked back toward campus together in silence. The whole time Gareth was trying to figure out if he had just made a huge mistake taking Kelsey to what was sure to be one of the rowdiest parties of the summer. It’s not that he didn't think that Kelsey could handle herself. She was a non-drinker, so he knew that alcohol wasn’t going to be a problem. However, the college party scene was way different from a traditional American high school. Yes, there would be drinking, enormous amounts of that. There was going to be recreational drug use, and it was not uncommon for sex to be taking place in random rooms. It was definitely a mistake agreeing to bring her.

  It was eleven p.m., and the party was just getting going. The students who stayed on campus for the summer term were flooding in. The music was thumping and could be heard half a block away. As they got closer, Gareth asked one more time, “Are you sure you’re up for this? I know you had an argument with Jason tonight over the phone. You also didn't say a word on the walk here.”

  “How do you know I fought with Jason?” Kelsey asked with a raised eyebrow. There was an awkward silence, and just as Gareth went to explain himself, Kelsey held up her hand and stopped him. “Never mind, I don't even care that you know. I’m not here to think about him. Do you understand, Gareth?” Gareth stared back, nodding his head yes. They both walked down the sidewalk where they were greeted by scores of people. Several of Gareth's mates from the football team were there. One whistled through his teeth, “Who is that delicious dish you brought with you?”

  “Don’t worry about it, Harry; she’s not available.”

  “Well, did you use your clever wit and devastating smile to captivate that sweet piece of ass?”

  Before he could blink, Gareth was in Harry’s face. “First of all she is more than a piece of ass, second she has a fiancé, and thirdly keep your hands off of her and bugger off.”

  “For someone who isn’t available and not dating you, you seem awful protective of her.” Harry asked with a raised eyebrow, “Wait, is she that American girl staying with you? The one that doesn't drink or go to parties?” Harry was almost giddy when he asked the question.

  “I am not fucking around, Harry. You leave her alone.”

  “Oh, all right, captain—whatever you say, but I will at the very least make her acquaintance before the end of the night.” Harry walked off, playfully slapping Gareth’s cheek. “Stand down old man, and get yourself something stronger than the beer.”

  As Gareth calmed himself down, he realized he’d lost track of Kelsey. The music thumped louder and harder as he got closer to the room with the stereo. He could barely hear himself think. As he scanned the room, he found her: holding a beer in one hand and downing a vodka shot after licking salt off her wrist and then sucking a lemon. “What the hell is she doing?”

  Getting across the room to Kelsey was no small feat. Using his body to push through, he kept his eyes on her the whole time as she guzzled her beer. Just as she pulled the empty cup from her lips, he snatched the beer out of her hand and grabbed her arm, yanking her from the room and into an oversized closet in the hallway. As he slammed the door behind them and turned on the light, Kelsey screamed and slurred, “What the HELL do you think you’re doing Gareth?”

  “What am I doing!? What the hell are you doing drinking alcohol at neck-breaking speed when you’ve never had a sip in your entire goddamned life. You’re going to be so ill, Kelsey.”

  “Oh yeah, well fuck that and fuck you.” Gareth couldn’t believe her language or the amount of alcohol
pouring from her breath. “Let me tell you something, Gareth.” Kelsey used her arm to wipe her nose as tears welled up in her eyes. “I’m tired of being the nice girl. The one who does exactly what everyone expects. I HAVE HAD IT!” she screamed! “Tonight Kelsey Chapman is going to live a little, and if you or anyone else can’t handle it, then get out of my fucking way.” Gareth stood there and looked at her as she swayed back and forth. “Kelsey, I want you to have a good time, but you’ve been here for thirty minutes, and you’re already so drunk. There are people here who will want to take advantage of that—that is unless you don’t die from alcohol poisoning first.”

  Kelsey was now dealing with the hiccups as she tried to respond. “Well, then I guess you’ll just have to keep an eye on me and make sure nothing bad happens to me. Now it’s fucking hot in here, so get out of my way.” She shoved Gareth, struggled to open the door, and stumbled back into the room with the thumping music and alcohol.

  For the next hour, he never let her leave his sight. She hammered down more beers and at least two more shots of vodka. She was dancing with anyone and everyone in the middle of the room. After more than an hour of her dancing and drinking, he saw Harry approach her. “Son of a bitch.” Gareth clinched his teeth and tightened his jaw. He watched as Harry, who towered over Kelsey, jumped into the middle of the room and begin to dance with her. He pushed a strand of loose ponytail hairs behind her ear. Harry leaned over and started to whisper in her ear. Gareth watched as Kelsey let out an over-the-top drunk laugh.

  After ten minutes of watching them carry on, he saw Harry grab Kelsey’s hand and push past the hoards of people into the hallway. Gareth immediately pushed through the crowd and tried to keep up. Like a salmon swimming up stream, Gareth shoved anyone and everyone out of his way, not caring whom he hurt—he had to get to them.

  When he got to the hallway, they weren’t there. He pushed through to the kitchen, not there. He pushed his way back down the other side of the hallway where he found two people making out in the bathroom. He then threw open the door to the closet they’d been in earlier, but it was empty. There were two doors left. He threw the next one open where he found Kelsey on her back passed out and Harry methodically unbuttoning her shirt.

  “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Gareth was on top of his teammate in no time, throwing him to the floor, punching him, and screaming obscenities. After the third blow, he realized he’d knocked Harry out cold and didn't care if he broke the asshole’s nose or not. He dropped to his knees beside the bed and immediately started to re-button Kelsey’s shirt. She began to stir, and as she did, she made the kind of halted gag that occurs before one vomits. “Gareth?” He leaned up over her, brushing her hair, which was now completely out of its ponytail, away from her face. “Gareth, I don't feel so good; can you get me home?”

  She looked and sounded so pitiful that he scooped her up, praying that she could at least make it back to his on-campus apartment before the inevitable happened. Gareth realized in that moment, this would be the only time he’d get to care for her this way. He would make sure he did it with the utmost affection. It would be a memory; a very messy memory he could hold close to his heart when she went back to her real life in the states.

  As he carried her, Kelsey remained quiet and kept her eyes closed, doing everything possible not to vomit all over him. Kelsey whispered into his neck, “How much farther?”

  “I’m taking you to my apartment; we’re very close, and my roommates are away for the summer. It’ll be quiet, and you’re going to need that while you recover.”

  Kelsey raised her hand to his face, “You’re so kind, Gareth. You’re going to make an amazing doctor one of these days.” Gareth’s heart constricted, but he didn't respond. They were steps from the apartment when Kelsey’s head shot up in a panic, and she let out, “Gareth! Put me down right now!” Gareth did as she asked and stayed right next to her while Kelsey wobbled down the sidewalk into a set of bushes where she immediately projectile vomited. It splattered all over the bushes, her shirt, and black-sandaled feet. She fell to her knees and began to weep. Gareth was on his knees right by her side. “Ah, Kels, it’ll be okay. Let me get you inside.”

  He coaxed her to her feet and then lifted her into his arms where she lay limp, cried, and apologized. “I’m so sorry, Gareth. I know I smell and….” She fought to put a sentence together when he stopped her; “Hey, just lay your head down. It’ll be okay.” Kelsey let the tears roll as they made their way into the apartment. Gareth opened the door and carefully put Kelsey on her feet. “Gareth? Where’s your bathroom?!” Grabbing her hand, he quickly raced her down the small hallway where he lifted the toilet seat and Kelsey promptly heaved the contents of her stomach. She dropped to her knees and continued. Gareth sat on the edge of the tub and carefully held her hair and soothingly rubbed her back.

  Once she was done, Gareth helped her lean against the now closed bathroom door while he took a facecloth, ran it under cold water, and brought it to her forehead. Tipping her head back just slightly so she wouldn't have to hold the cloth up, he used a second damp cloth to wipe her face. He then removed her sandals and placed them in the corner. “Kelsey, I need to get you in the shower. I know I’m asking a lot, but I’ll start the water and leave to you to undress. Once you’re done, hop in and close the curtain; I can come in and retrieve your clothes and get them in the wash.”

  Kelsey couldn't even open her eyes when she responded with a cry, “But I didn't bring any clothes with me.”

  Gareth stifled a laugh, reached over, and put his hand on her knee. “I know that, Kelsey. It’s all right; I have a football jumper and sweats you can use to sleep in until your clothes are washed and dried.” She sat there for another moment moaning. Gareth wasn’t sure if she was about to vomit again, but in that moment she reached for his hand. “Can you please slowly help me up?” Gareth did, and once he knew she was stable enough, he started the water for the shower and, when the temperature was right, removed himself to just outside the door. Five long minutes later, Kelsey murmured, “Okay.” The steam coming from the hot water billowed out the door. As he stepped in he kept his eyes fixated on the floor and scooped up all her clothes. “Kelsey, I have all your garments; will you be okay if I go and get these on in the wash?”

  “Gareth, I think I’m going to be sick again.”

  “Okay, well, it’s okay if you do, better in there anyway.”

  Just as he said that, she reached her hand through the curtain for his and began to vomit again. Dropping the clothes to the ground, he held her hand, all while letting her know that she was okay. Once she was done and had rinsed off, Kelsey went to her knees in the shower and bawled louder and harder than the two previous times. Gareth dropped his head and, without looking at her, shut the water off reached for one of his nicest towels and draped it over her.

  “Make sure you’re covered, Kelsey. I need to pull the curtain back.” As he waited for her to give the all clear, Gareth pushed the curtain back and dropped to his knees where he pulled her long hair out from behind the towel. “Did you get a chance to wash your hair?” he asked softly as he rubbed her back. She nodded yes, and Gareth grabbed his hairbrush and carefully combed it so it wouldn’t dry tangled. “Kelsey, can you stay here long enough for me to go and put this on in the wash, and I’ll be right back with some fresh clothes?” Kelsey nodded her head yes. “Right, be back in a moment!”

  By the time Gareth started the load and came back with the fresh clothes, Kelsey had leaned against the tub wall and fallen asleep. He looked at the clothes in his hand then the towel she was wrapped in. The towel had flipped up on her side, and he saw an enormous scar. It wasn't a very old scar as the skin was still very pink and looked as if it were still healing. It dawned on him it must have been from the branch that had impaled her in the accident back home. Seeing that scar made him want her even more. To protect her and never let anything like that happen ever again. “Christ Almighty, why me?” he muttered under his breath. />
  He bent over from the hips and tried not to wake Kelsey as he carefully picked up her limp, damp body from the tub. She began to stir as they stood. “Wha...what are you doing?” Kelsey whispered. Gareth quietly responded, “Let me get you to a warm bed.”

  He took her to his room where thankfully he had washed and cleaned his sheets and comforter before the end of the semester. Pulling them back, he laid Kelsey down and covered her up. Kelsey was passed out cold by the time her head hit the pillow. Gareth put his clothes intended for her on the trunk that was at the end of the bed. He walked over to check on her one more time and decided to remove the damp towel from around her; he did so carefully without exposing or waking her, though she was so out of it she didn’t notice the movement anyway. Gareth couldn't help but smile as he stared at her. Even in the midst of throwing up and now lying in his bed with a wet mop of hair, she was the prettiest girl he’d ever laid his eyes on. He leaned over her, and, using his fingers to tuck her hair behind her ears, he kissed her forehead. “Try and rest, darling.”

  As he turned to walk away, he stopped and leaned back against the door and just stared, wishing with every fiber in his being he could lay next to and comfort her, but she wasn't his to do that with. So he took a deep breath and closed the door. He looked at his watch, and it was three in the morning. He went into the bathroom where he cleaned and disinfected, grabbed a quick shower himself, then found a pillow and comforter from his roommate’s room, and proceeded to the couch. There he could hear the timer go off when the wash was done and then move her clothes into the dryer. Gareth adjusted the pillow, laid his body down, and pulled the comforter up.

  With one arm over his head, staring up at the ceiling, he knew officially for the first time in his twenty-two years on the planet he was beyond in love as he remembered the jealousy of seeing other men ogle her and Harry trying to have his way with her. Giving Harry the beat down of his life was completely worth it so that he would never treat Kelsey or hopefully any woman that way again. The only thing he wanted to do was to make all the bad stop for her. For once he wanted to be the knight in shining armor, to hold her and tell her it was going to be okay. That they were going to be okay, and that she should stay here in England and let him prove to her that he was the one she should be with.


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