Dream a Little Dream of Me

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Dream a Little Dream of Me Page 16

by Daniels, Cobie

  “Oh, Camilla, it was lovely, just beyond words, lovely.”

  “I’m so glad to hear this. Would you like some dinner?”

  “Oh, we had such a huge lunch, I’m not hungry myself but would love some tea.”

  Smiling back and touching her arm Camilla responded back, “Of course, dear.”

  “Would it be okay if I got in a quick shower?” Camilla nodded a yes with a smile as Kelsey took the stairs two at a time. Gareth walked through the door, taking off his jacket. Camilla took his jacket from him and folded it over her arm. She continued to stare, waiting for him to say something. As he walked into the kitchen, he looked back over his shoulder at his mother. “Are you going to follow me or not?”

  “Oh Gareth, don’t use that tone with me.”

  “And what tone would that be, Mum?”

  “We need to finish our conversation from this morning.” Gareth turned and walked into the kitchen, grabbing the tea kettle, filling it with water, dropping it on the burner, and snapping and twisting the dial in the on position. Camilla leaned against the doorframe and watched her son. Placing both his hands on the counter, he kept his eyes down. “I’m going to tell her, Mum. I have to let her know.”

  Camilla waited before speaking, “Gareth, darling, I just don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  Gareth jerked his head up in disbelief, “Why?”

  Cognizant that Kelsey would be back down, Camilla walked over to her son. “Have you made some memories with her? Memories that will live here and here,” she asked pointing to his mind and heart. Gareth could only answer with a head nod of yes. “Then let them stay there. You have four more weeks, create more, and let them be what gets you through until...” Camilla stopped mid-sentence.

  “Until when, Mum? Until I find someone else?”

  “I’m just trying to help you. Your sisters and I will be the ones here to pick up the pieces and help you get through this once she’s gone.”

  Gareth cut her off, “Dammit, Mum. I don't want to get through anything. I want her to know that I love her and I can make her happy too—no, I can make her happier than that Jason chap.”

  Another round of silence stood between them until Camilla spoke up, “Oh Gareth, how did I not see this from the beginning?” Camilla sighed.

  “You act as if my loving her is such an awful thing?” he replied defensively.

  Just then they heard Kelsey coming back down the stairs. The kettle started to whistle, and Gareth announced. “Perfect timing.”

  Camilla hung Gareth’s jacket on the hook by the back door and spoke up as if nothing was amiss, “So, Kelsey, tell me all about your adventure.”

  Kelsey went on non-stop. She talked about how surprised she was when she saw the sign, her horse Higgins, the amazing views, the spread of picnic lunch, and the jumping lesson on the way back to the stable. She smiled so big the whole time she spoke that Gareth seriously thought his heart was going to burst. He’d made Kelsey so happy with what in his mind was a simple visit to a farm but had turned out to be so much more. By the time Kelsey was done, she’d had two cups of tea and let out a huge yawn just as the clock in the hallway chimed that it was nine p.m.

  “Oh gosh, you guys. It’s late, and we all need sleep.” Kelsey got up and took her cup to the sink; rinsing it out, she placed it in the dish drainer to dry. As she crossed the floor to the doorway leading to the stairs, she said to them both, almost as if humming a song, “I shall sleep and dream so well tonight. Goodnight, Camilla, Goodnight…” and before she could finish, she stopped and turned on her heels to look at Gareth and, without so much as a second thought, took three big steps and threw her arms around him. No words exchanged, no rush to pull away, they hugged each other. When Kelsey finally pulled back, her eyes were full of tears and gratitude. She turned and walked upstairs and closed her bedroom door.

  Gareth looked at his mother, who was staring back with tears in her own eyes. He walked over. Placing a hand on either side of her arms, he kissed the top of her forehead and quietly said, “You’re right. I won’t tell her.” Putting his dish in the sink, he made his way upstairs and went to bed. That night, while he should have been angry at the universe and himself, he found himself at peace for the first time since Kelsey's arrival and slept soundly through the night.

  March 2015

  Girls’ Night Out


  At seven o’clock, Kelsey punched out and was off the clock; Zoe was right behind her. “Are you ready for a thrilling and fun girls’ night out, Kelsey?”

  “Oh, you have no idea! I trust that you have a plan for the evening?”

  “Who are you talking to lady? You know how I roll.” They both let out a laugh. With long, dark black hair, deep green eyes, a heart-shaped face, porcelain skin that was embellished perfectly with a nose piercing and a beautiful sleeve tattoo on her right arm, Zoe was the quintessential bad girl who would drop anything and everything to help a friend in need. In her early thirties, she was amazing with people and knew how to fix any computer she was given.

  She quickly laid out the plan for the night. “Let’s walk across the street to my apartment and get ready. We can head over to the Pub House for drinks and food and catch that handsome Irish Pub singer they have, then meet Mariah, Shannon, and Lori later over at Hells Kitchen. They have a live band starting at ten o’clock, so we can talk and see where the night takes us. Lori will be our designated driver if we need it, but since I live close, getting home shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Well, it sounds like you have it all figured out. I won’t drink at all, so if Lori wants to, she can go for it.”

  “Nice try, Kelsey, but this night is exclusively for you to let loose a little and have some fun.”

  “I appreciate that…but just being out is a big step in general.”

  Once they got to Zoe’s place, Kelsey grabbed a quick shower and was in the process of drying off when Zoe came into her room to find herself something to wear for the night. Kelsey marveled at how gorgeous Zoe was: tats, piercings, and toned muscle that were evidence of hours spent in the gym. She even found herself a tad bit envious. “Zoe, did getting all that artwork and getting your nose piercing hurt?”

  Zoe was used to those questions and didn't mind answering. “Well, it doesn’t tickle, but you just deal with it because you know how it’s going to look and how it’ll make you feel.”

  With a coy smile on her face, she looked at Kelsey. Kelsey had a puzzled look and asked, “What do you mean how it will make you feel?”

  Zoe let out a little snort. “Well…I guess if your mind is in the right place, then what would be painful could actually be pleasurable.”

  Kelsey’s mouth dropped open. “Oh, my Lord! Are you for real?”

  Becoming very serious in tone, Zoe responded, “Kelsey, I never joke about that. I take pain and pleasure very seriously.”

  Kelsey sat on Zoe’s bed, a bit dumb-founded but also intrigued. “What else do you have pierced, Zoe?”

  “Just my nose and a couple other places.” There was a beat of silence, and Kelsey’s eyes widened. “Oh, for Pete’s sake, Kelsey, my nipples are pierced.”

  “WHAT? No way! That had to hurt like hell?”

  “Oh, it hurt like a bitch, but after a few treatments of soaking my nipples in sea salt, I was fine. Plus, they make sex so much better…well when you have a man who knows what to do with them.” Kelsey just sat in stunned silence as Zoe threw her head back and laughed at her expression on her face. “Are you going to be okay, Kelsey, with that extra special glimpse into my life?”

  Clearing her throat, Kelsey responded, “Um, sure, yeah…I’m fine.” Kelsey decided to excuse herself. “I’m going to slip into the bathroom and finish getting ready.” Kelsey closed the bathroom door and leaned against it, taking a big breath as she looked in the full-length mirror. There were days she wished she could be more like Zoe. She let the towel she was wrapped in drop around her feet. Assessing herself, she was
thankful her breasts were still full and round; gravity had just started to creep in, but was doing nothing that would send her running to a plastic surgeon’s office. She had never considered getting an additional piercing outside of her earlobes, and since her tolerance for pain was pretty weak, she knew that a tattoo or a piercing was pretty much out of the question.

  Or was it? A tattoo was just too permanent; a piercing, however, now that was a consideration. If she didn't like it, she could take it out. Kelsey thought about it for a half a beat more when she rolled her eyes at herself. Who was she kidding? The days of living dangerously and carefree were far behind her—not that she ever really lived it up in her youth.

  She quickly got ready, applying her makeup and then dressing in a black, form-fitting skirt, red tank, denim jacket, and black heels. She put on simple, silver earrings and a black scarf to bring out the silver earrings and her hazel eyes. She wasn’t out to impress anyone anyway, but it did feel good to dress up and not deal with her reality. Even if it was just for the night.

  As she applied her lip-gloss, a thought quickly passed through her mind. What if she saw Gareth tonight? Looking at herself in the mirror she began to talk out loud, “Oh no no no, DO NOT go there, Kelsey. You pull it together. That is the absolute LAST thing you need to think right now.” There was a knock at the bathroom door. “Everything okay, Kelsey?” Kelsey flung the door open. “Yes, absolutely. Just having a moment. Shall we go?” Ten minutes later, both ladies hopped into Zoe’s car to make their way to their first stop at Pub House.

  * * *

  Later that Evening

  Gareth’s Office

  Gareth had decided to go and organize what he could in his new office. If he went back to his apartment, he knew that he’d only be able to think about Kelsey, so it just seemed logical to head to the office where he wouldn’t be interrupted. Some of his personal effects would not arrive for a few weeks, yet he was able to line his new bookshelves with his medical journals and other important resources that he packed in a separate suitcase when he came over. He rearranged his furniture to make it more inviting when he needed to consult with patients, students, and colleagues. He hated how sterile some offices were and wanted people to feel immediately welcomed in his. Just as he positioned the leather couch by the window-less wall there was an unexpected knock on the door. As Gareth opened it, he was greeted by Dr. Dylan Cameron. “Sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself. Dr. Blythe, I presume?” he asked, reaching out his hand. “I’m the attending pediatric cardiology doctor over at the children’s hospital and am also teaching my first course this semester.”

  “Ah, yes, great to meet you. What are you doing here on a Saturday?”

  “Grading papers, which takes up way more of my time than I ever imagined. Sometimes it’s just easier to do those things on the weekend when it’s quieter around here. I also had a patient to check on after a procedure yesterday. I heard a bunch of movement in here and saw a light on and thought I’d take a chance.” Meeting another colleague was exactly the distraction that Gareth needed. He offered Dylan a seat. “How are you getting settled in, not too much culture shock I hope?”

  Gareth laughed as he sat across from Dylan. “Not too much, mainly just trying to understand and obey the traffic laws.”

  “Do you have a family that’ll be joining you over here?”

  “No, I’ve been so focused on my career, that I never made time for anyone in my personal life. I do have a wonderful mum, stepdad, sisters, and nieces back in York, but nothing beyond that.” Gareth knew he was speaking in half-truths, but it was just easier that way.

  “I know exactly how you feel. I grew up in California in a close-knit family as well. I broke my mother’s heart when I told her I was moving across the country. Not only have I not given her any grandchildren, I practically moved to another planet.” They both got a good laugh when Dylan asked, “I know it’s kind of late, but do you want to grab a beer? I know a place with great beer and wings.”

  Gareth laughed, “Well that sounds positively American and perfect. Let me grab my keys.”

  * * *

  Pub House

  After spending a couple hours at Pub House, Zoe was slowly nursing her third margarita and a couple of appetizers. Kelsey stuck to the appetizers and water so she could drive to the second stop of the night. They took in the sounds coming from the Irish troubadour on the small stage in the corner. He was covering Irish pub classics from the motherland like “Whiskey in a Jar” but also played Dave Matthews and Jack Johnson for the young med students and faculty who frequented Pub House. Zoe glanced around and laughed. “Look at all these poor kids, they look like they’re barely hanging on. That one looks like he combed his hair with a brick today.”

  “Yeah, I was just noticing that table over there; they look as if they just rolled out of bed. But you know, that hair style could be all the rage—maybe we’re just old farts, Zoe.”

  “Speak for yourself. Thirty-three is the new twenty-three, and I have plenty left to offer.”

  Kelsey laughed, “Do you think you’ll ever settle down, maybe get married?”

  “I was married once.” Zoe’s eyes darted to her drink as she lifted it to her lips. Kelsey looked at her, unsure if she was allowed to pursue the conversation. She leaned into the table. “Really?” Knowing she needed to explain the situation a little more fully, Zoe continued, “I was twenty. We met in college. I loved him, and I thought he was it. Two years later, he left me for someone else.”

  Kelsey’s heart sank. “How did you handle it?”

  “I’ve had to work for everything I have in this life, and I wasn't about to lose it because he decided to walk out. From that moment I swore that ‘love’ was not what all the romance books set us up for, and I signed the divorce papers as fast as I legally could to get on with my life.”

  “That was so long ago; don’t you want to try again—I mean fall in love. Being older and wiser, you could ease into it a little slower this time.”

  “Yeah, maybe, I don’t know. I’m having too much fun, and, honestly, giving my heart away like that just isn’t in my cards. Sex, on the other hand, that is always on the table.” Kelsey stuck her fingers in her ears, “La la la la la la, I’m not hearing this.” Zoe laughed, and as she took another sip of her drink, she looked wide-eyed over Kelsey’s shoulder as she saw a tall male wearing a navy blue oxford button down shirt and khakis walk in. His blond hair was wavy, his eyes a startling deep blue, and he flashed a rakish smile. “Hold.the.phone.” Taking the look on her face in with concern Kelsey spoke up, “Zoe, what is it?” Zoe used her head to point in the direction she was looking. Kelsey turned to see what Zoe saw. Not only did she notice the handsome man Zoe had lost her words over, she also saw Gareth entering right behind him. Panic took over.

  “Oh my gosh!” Kelsey exclaimed bringing her hand to her mouth.

  “What Kelsey? Do you know him?”

  “No, not the first guy, but I do know the second one. Which one are you checking out?”

  “Well this night just got real interesting. I’d take either, but I was eyeing the first,” Zoe said with a raised eyebrow.

  “No. We need to leave and now. Where is our waitress?”

  “Wait, slow down. You said you didn’t know him, so I’m not stepping on your toes here, right? Why don’t you get your hot friend to introduce me to his hot friend, Kelsey?” Jumping up to expedite their exit, Kelsey caught her heal on the corner of the booth. The next thing Kelsey saw as she slowly blinked her eyes open were three faces peering over her. She had an instant headache, and her hand immediately reached for her the bump on her head and her lip that felt abnormally lumpy.

  Then she heard a voice, his voice, and she turned her head in the direction it was coming from. “Kelsey, can you hear me?” She could only nod her head yes. “Okay, good. That’s a start. I want to sit you up. Are you hurting anywhere?”

  Searching for her words, she fina
lly choked out, “Head and wip.”

  “Yeah, I imagine that you’ll have a nasty bruise on your head, and it looks like you bit your lip when you smacked your head.”

  “We need to take her to the ER to rule out a concussion” came from a male voice she didn’t know.

  “No, no, just sit me up swoly. Zwoe, can we just get back to your apartment?”

  “Yes, sure—but, Kelsey, I just finished my third margarita, so I shouldn’t be driving, and you certainly can't drive.”

  Kelsey started to feel nauseated and snapped, “Fine, it’s a ten minute dwive. I’ll just dwive.”

  “Oh no you won’t,” Gareth snapped back when he grabbed her. With his hands on her shoulders as he squared up to her, his voice was all too familiar. She could have sworn she was having Deja vu. “Kelsey, look at me. I’m concerned you have a concussion. I’m going to take you to the ER. Dylan is going to stay with your friend whose name escapes me at the moment.…”

  “ZOE! I am Zoe,” she exclaimed as she extended her hand to Dylan. He extended his hand back with a big, devastating smile. “Pleasure to meet you; unfortunate it is under these circumstances.” Zoe turned bright red and began to fan herself. “My, is it warm in here?” she mumbled.

  Gareth, smirking at what he’d just witnessed, turned his attention back to Kelsey, “I’m going to help you up now, but I want to take off your heels first.” Kelsey nodded her head yes. Once he removed her shoes, he looked at her again. “When you stand I want you to put all your weight on me. Are you ready?” In a low voice, she answered, “Yes.”

  “Okay then, here we go.” As Gareth gathered her in his arms and stood her up slowly, Kelsey’s world immediately started to spin, and she held on to him even tighter. “Whoa, you okay?” Gareth asked as he tried to steady her. Kelsey nodded her head yes but failed to mention that she was incredibly nauseated. Half the restaurant was still watching the scenario that played out. As they finally reached the exit, Kelsey leaned over to Gareth, “I’m going to be sick.”


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