Dream a Little Dream of Me

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Dream a Little Dream of Me Page 20

by Daniels, Cobie

  He shrugged, “It was nothing.”

  Roger let out a howl. “Nothing! Kelsey, don’t let him fool you. He made ten quid that day! Those ladies refused to leave without him taking money, so much so, they came and got his parents, gave them the money, and thanked them for raising such a fine young man.”

  Kelsey was laughing when she asked, “What did you ever do with that ten quid, Gareth?”

  When Gareth caught her gaze, she immediately started to feel her cheeks grow hot. Leaning in and putting his arms on the table and not taking his eyes off of her, he answered, “I did what any responsible English boy would do, and I bought a new football.”

  With that everyone laughed except Kelsey; she shot up from the table. “Excuse me…I need to go…I mean I need to gather my things…my brushes.”

  Looking on in concern Pam asked, “My dear girl are you okay? You look peaked.”

  Feeling her cheek with her hand, she noticed how warm it was. Why had Gareth made her feel so flushed? “No, I’m fine. Thank you for another lovely meal. I’m going to go get set up in the garden to paint.” Standing up with her and feeling concerned Gareth asked, “Can I come watch?” Kelsey desperately needed some space but dare not mention it. “I…I guess, yes, sure.” Smiling he answered back, “You’re sure?” Kelsey nodded her head yes and quickly disappeared back into the inn.

  In the past twenty-four hours something had changed between them. She couldn't put her finger on it. She desperately cared for Gareth; they’d had an amazing summer becoming friends. Kelsey felt tears starting to flood her eyes. Taking deep breaths, she calmed herself down and reminded herself that she was a grown woman and that she was going to have other male friends in her life that she cared for, but it didn’t mean that they were in love with her or that she was in love with them. She was a week away from being back in Jason’s arms, and the thought of that made the very core of what made her a woman ache. She simply adored and loved Jason.

  Then, as had become the norm, a wave of sadness washed over her at the thought of never seeing Gareth ever again. Kelsey closed her eyes as they’d filled with tears that she brushed away with the back of her hand. Why did he tuck my hair behind my ear this morning? It was so tender and sweet, and it didn't scare me or make want to run. Should I have been upset? Going into the bathroom she turned on the cool water in the sink and used a face towel to press against her eyes to help with the redness. Giving herself a few more minutes, she looked back in the mirror. Refreshing her light makeup, she made a deal with herself. Just trust the friend that Gareth has become. How lucky are you that he’s respected your boundaries and your relationship with Jason? Don’t mess this up because you feel like there is something more. Pull your shit together now, Kelsey.

  Standing back from the mirror, she blew out a breath and gathered her painting tools and headed back downstairs. Roger saw her and stopped, “Ahh, I was going to let you know that if you need a bit of a break from your masterpiece, I’ll have a fresh tea and scones on at three.”

  Not quite back to her normal voice after her crying session upstairs, she cleared her throat, “Thank you, Roger. That sounds perfect.”

  “Oh, and Gareth is out on the other side of the garden near the fountain. He said that you might prefer the natural light over there.”

  Smiling back her second thank you, she made her way over to Gareth. “There you are; I was getting worried.” Kelsey couldn’t help but brighten when she saw him.

  “Oh...I needed to make sure that I had everything.” She hated not being honest with him, but what good would it have done to tell him that she’d spent the last thirty minutes in confused tears? “I only have one shot to get this right as I want to surprise Pam and Roger with what will hopefully be a decent one-of-a-kind painting of their garden.”

  “That’s a lovely idea, Kelsey.” She noticed the text he had in his hand. “A little light reading?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I didn't want to be a distraction, so I brought one of my medical journals. I started to read these last year and use them to keep me up with all that’s going on with the latest in cardiology advancements. Dr. Frei, who was good friends with my father, lends them to me. I figured I could read this and quietly keep you company.” She smiled and relaxed as she realized that this is just who Gareth was. A kind and gentle soul. Her friend. All the stories she’d heard about him had a consistency. While he was certainly a charmer, and a bit of a rake with the ladies, he always had others’ best interest at heart. With so few days left together, she was going to honor what they had between them, a friendship she’d treasure for the rest of her life.

  At some point during their time in the garden together, Gareth had stretched out across the bench and fallen asleep. Kelsey continued to focus on the details she wanted to capture in the garden when Pam approached with a tray of tea and scones. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but I thought you might enjoy a little siesta.” Looking over at Gareth she chuckled, “It looks as if someone took serious advantage of his time in the relaxing garden.”

  Upon hearing them both laugh, Gareth startled awake and had four eyes staring at him as he tried to remember where he was. Finally realizing, he rubbed his eyes. “Having a good laugh, are you?” He stood up and gave a large and impressive stretch with his six foot two, muscular frame. Walking over to meet Kelsey at the tea tray, he endured her teasing, “Enjoy your nap, Sir Gareth?” Popping a scone into his mouth as if it were a piece of candy, he looked at her, still half awake. “Yes, I did. Thank you for asking.”

  Pam had zeroed in on the painting and was spellbound. “You did all of this in the past two hours? All this detail?”

  Kelsey nodded her head yes. “I’m not finished yet. I need another hour to get it just right.”

  “My dear girl, if you were to stop right now, I’d be elated; this is astonishing. Roger is going to absolutely love it and want to buy it from you!”

  “Buy what from her?” As Roger approached, his eyes grew wide. “You did all of this in two hours?” Kelsey nodded her head yes for what felt like the hundredth time. Gareth, now fully awake and admiring her beautiful work, came up behind Kelsey and placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “We are absolutely buying this from you, Kelsey. How much do you want for it?” Roger asked.

  Kelsey was both humbled and elated that they loved it. “My intention was to give this to you in appreciation for hosting us this weekend.” Pam brought her hand to her mouth.

  “Oh, Kelsey, it’ll feel like highway robbery if we don’t pay you. Don’t you agree, Roger?”

  “Absolutely, Kelsey, we insist.”

  “But it was my plan the whole time to make this for you and leave it with you…assuming it turned out okay. Please accept this as my thank you. If you want to repay me, just find a nice place to hang it so that people can see it and hopefully admire it.” Studying the painting in greater detail, Roger backed away, shaking his head in disbelief and excitement that someone had captured such a unique impression of his garden. “We graciously accept that offer,” he said. With a sigh of relief, she hugged them both.

  “Let me finish up the last details of the painting, and then I’ll bring it inside. We should place it in a room to dry for a few days.”

  “That will not be a problem!” they both said beaming. Pam and Roger went back inside to prepare for guests who would be arriving. After releasing her shoulders, Gareth sat back on the bench and watched Kelsey add the final embellishments. He was struck at how graceful and precise her strokes were. God, he was going to miss this so damn much. Just them together, no words having to be exchanged to enjoy each other’s presence. The late afternoon sun had fallen across her hair, turning it the sweet caramel he loved seeing on her, and was catching the green flecks of hazel in her eyes. It was taking every amount of control not to go and cradle her head between his hands and make her listen as he poured out his heart to her.

  He stood to change the direction of his mind. Kelsey got up and took two
steps back to look at the painting once more. As she did, she backed right into Gareth. Almost falling, she spun around, but he caught her. “Whoa there, miss. Where are you going?” he asked, laughing as he steadied her. Kelsey started to laugh as well. “I didn't know you were behind me; I’m so sorry.” “I’m not,” was his response. Kelsey’s laugh immediately halted as Gareth looked down at her. He gently grabbed her brushes from her hand, bringing heat to her fingers at the touch, and placed them on the easel. Her eyes followed his hands. He calmly said her name, “Kelsey.” She looked back up at him as he started to talk. “I thought tomorrow we could go walk the trail and spend some time at the beach. Would you be okay with that?” Taking in the tender moment, she finally responded, “Yes, I’d like that.”

  Smiling down at her, he replied, “That sounds grand. By the way, you know you really blew Pam and Roger away with your painting today, don’t you?”

  “I really didn't think they’d be so happy.”

  “You have such a marvelous talent. I know you made me proud.”

  Kelsey felt full from his words and smiled. “That means the world to me, Gareth. Thank you.” She interrupted the weight of the moment with a change in subject. “I need to get this all cleaned up.”

  “Can I help you carry anything inside?”

  “If you don’t mind grabbing my color palette and easel, I’ll carry the painting.” With that, they made their way back inside. As they got to the door, Gareth said, “Pam recommended a pub in town for dinner. Thought you might be interested in trying it. They have bangers and mash. Have you ever had that?”

  Cringing, she responded, “I haven’t; what exactly is it?”

  “Oh, I think we just added an element of surprise to the night. Can you be ready in an hour?”

  “Have you learned nothing of me in the past eleven weeks, Gareth?” she asked sarcastically and immediately regretted it as she saw his smile chased away from his face. This time Gareth changed the subject, “Do you mind walking? It would be a lovely night for a stroll; just bring a jacket.”

  “A walk sounds nice,” she responded, keeping it light as they headed up to their rooms. “See you in an hour.” Gareth smiled and acknowledged, “An hour.” In his room getting ready, Gareth decided that he needed to tell her everything. To finally be honest with her and himself. He was prepared for her reaction and that it might mean they leave first thing in the morning, but after dinner he’d see if they could take a walk through town so he could share his heart and then the letter he wrote her.

  The August evening in town was busy, even for a summer weekday. Turner’s Tavern was the hub of that activity. They made their way in and found a table that would seat the four of them. Gareth had been very quiet on their walk over. Kelsey could tell something was wrong and asked if he wanted to talk about it, but he shrugged it off. “Nothing that you can help with; I’ll manage.” Kelsey noticed his tone was flat and a little indifferent. He again used the tact of changing the subject, “Pam and Roger said that they’ll be up here in an hour to meet us for drinks but to go ahead and have dinner.”

  A handsome young waiter came bounding over and spoke directly to Kelsey, never even looking at Gareth. “What can I get you tonight?” Smiling back at him she responded, “Well, I’m not sure yet; do you have a menu?” Looking a bit sheepish, he reached into his back pocket and handed her a menu. “Oh, yes of course; here we are.” She reached for the menu when he dramatically asked her, “Are you from America?” “Christ Almighty,” Gareth murmured under his breath while listening to their banter. “My name is Andy. I’m sorry; I didn't catch yours.” Reaching her hand out she introduced herself. “Kelsey.”

  Gareth sat back and watched this all unfold in front of him like some bad movie. Watching someone hit on Kelsey wasn’t helping his mood, so he took matters into his own hands. “Andy?” Turning to see who called this name he met Gareth’s furious gaze. “Now that you’ve become well acquainted with Kelsey, we are going to need a few moments to discuss the menu. Do I make myself clear?” Kelsey sat back in the booth, completely caught off guard by Gareth’s reaction. Andy was a bit confused but carried on. “Right then…here is a menu for you too. I will…be back shortly.” The now-deflated waiter walked away as Gareth focused on and perused the menu. Kelsey could only stare at him. Finally looking up at her and making eye contact he let out a “what?” Kelsey continued to stare him down, which made him uncomfortable until he broke again. “Why are you giving me that look?”

  “Why in the world did you talk to our waiter like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “Okay, now you’re just being obstinate.”

  “Kelsey, he was being a typical guy towards you, and I didn’t appreciate it.”

  Confused and getting a little angry, she leaned into the table. “I’m not helpless, and you’re not always going to be there to protect me from those guys, so can you bring the testosterone down a notch and let me be an adult.” She may as well have just punched Gareth in the gut. He didn’t need to be reminded that she’d be gone in less than a week. Her leaving and the gaping wound it was going to create meant that he was just going to have to take matters into his own hands.

  Andy approached the table, and before Kelsey could even order, Gareth started barking out instructions. “Bring us two house specials of bangers and mash, an Ale, and water.” Grabbing her menu out of her hand he gave them both to Andy who’d caught on that he need not spend any extra time lingering at their table. Embarrassed, Kelsey demanded an answer, “Gareth, what is wrong with you? I mean who are you right now? I asked you earlier if you needed to talk, and you’ve acted ridiculous ever since.”

  Reacting strictly out of a place of desperation, he lashed out, “Well apparently you don’t appreciate me doing my best to protect you from the duffers who are just looking for a nice piece of ass to tap tonight.”

  He regretted his words immediately. Kelsey had her hand over her mouth, and tears started to fill her eyes. “Wait. Why...why would you say such an awful thing? Why are you acting this way?” Gareth was ashamed and was at a loss of words. Before he could respond, Kelsey’s eyes were large with what seemed to be surprise and a little fear. “Oh my gosh! Oh no?” she said, continuing to hold her hand over her mouth to help choke back a sob. “What?” he shot back in a snarky tone. She stared at him a half a beat longer. “I have to go.” Grabbing her purse, she slid out of the booth and ran out through the front door. She walked as quickly as she could, regretting that she didn’t bring a jacket, even though Gareth had insisted she needed one, as it was now ten degrees cooler. With a short sleeves and shorts and her emotions at an all time high, she was freezing.

  A minute later she heard his voice, “Kelsey, wait!” As his footsteps got closer, she turned to face him. “Why, Gareth? Why me?” He didn't pretend not to know what she was talking about.

  “Kelsey, I have so much that I want to say, so much I need to tell you…I just didn’t know how because, as much as I wanted you to know the truth, I was desperately trying to respect you and Jason.”

  In a fury Gareth didn’t even think she was capable of, she let started to yell. “You are not allowed to say his name—do you hear me! You leave him out of this. This is between me and you. Do you understand me?” Gareth took two steps back as the fire and anger raged out of her. “How could you do this me? To us? I truly thought after all that we’ve been through this summer, our friendship meant something to you. God, I am so naive. I need to grow the fuck up,” she said, storming off towards the inn. Gareth followed her.

  He listened to her sob and watched her use her arm to wipe the tears that were running down her face. She was shivering from the cold, and her feelings were running in overdrive. In an attempt to bring down their emotions, Gareth called out to her in an angry voice that made her stop dead in her tracks. He jumped in front of her, grabbing her shoulders. “Kelsey, stop, just stop it.” Without thinking, he pulled her close and let her shiver and weep into him.
He immediately took his jacket and wrapped it around her. She didn't fight him. She let him take care of her as he had done the entire summer. “Oh my god, Kelsey. I’m so sorry. I am so so sorry.” He could feel and hear his voice breaking as his eyes started to sting. They stood there until they both gained control of themselves. Unwrapping her from the coat, he took it off and put it on over her shoulders. “Are you ready to start walking again?” She nodded her head yes.

  They stepped in silence next to one another. Gareth was grateful her teeth had stopped chattering. Once they got to the inn, he went upstairs with her and stopped on the landing as they had done the night before. Her gaze cast down, he carefully used his finger to gently lift her chin. “I need to give you something. Can you give me a second?” Nodding her head yes, she waited while he brought back an envelope with her name on it. Handing it to her, he gave her instructions, “I want you to read this. Once you do, and it still doesn’t answer your questions, feel free to ask me whatever you need to ask me. Now I realize after tonight you may want to pack up and go home first thing in the morning. If that is what you want, Kelsey, then I’ll certainly honor those wishes. I just ask that you please read this first.”

  She studied the envelope and then, with red eyes and puffy nose, looked up at him. Gareth thought he was going to die. She looked so defeated, so sad—and he had done this to her. This was the last thing he wanted. In a shaky voice she spoke, “I’ll read it.” Taking off his jacket, she handed it to him. She turned and opened her door, walked in, and closed it behind her, never letting her gaze travel up to meet his. Gareth walked to her door and gently laid his head against it. He could feel the tears welling back up and the lump sitting heavy in his throat. His only prayer now was that she’d read his letter and give him their last day on the island together. He knew he was asking too much and offered a prayer to the God he never even acknowledged until Kelsey came into his life. Placing his hand on her door, he whispered, “Good night, Lady Kelsey.”


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