The Untold

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by Rory Michaels

  A Macon Valley Ménage Story

  The Untold


  Rory Michaels

  The Untold © Copyright 2011, Rory Michaels

  First Electronic Printing February 2011, The Raven Books

  Cover art by Natalie Winters, © Copyright 2011


  Published by The Raven Books

  All books copyrighted to the author and may not be resold or given away without written permission from the author, Rory Michaels.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any and all characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or events or places is merely coincidence.

  Published by The Raven Books ~

  Raven Books and all affiliate sites and projects are © Copyrighted 2004-2011

  A Macon Valley Ménage Story

  The Untold


  Rory Michaels

  Chapter One

  Nicole Gainer fidgeted in the front seat of her husband’s Ford 150 pickup. They’d been stuck in what could only be termed gridlock in the small country town of Macon Valley for nearly an hour and there didn’t seem to be much prospect of moving anytime soon. As it stood their pickup was wedged in nicely between two huge grain trucks, waiting to unload at the grain elevator. It was that time of the year again, when the trucks all lined up to get weighed and then deposit their grain at the elevators—then they had to be reweighed once empty. That equaled a huge mess on the main, two lane road running through Macon Valley.

  Cody had tried to take another route to get them to the feed factory in time for his meeting with a supplier but that way had been blocked by a stopped train. Often, even though it was against the law, the trains would block the tracks for hours. He’d assumed this way would be better even with the grain trucks. He’d been wrong but Nicole would never say as much to him. It would hurt his pride.

  Cody put his large hand on her thigh and her hand automatically went to his. “Sorry, baby,” he said, his Southern accent thick.

  She smiled up at him. “Think Everett will understand why you’re late?”

  At the mention of his best friend and business partner, Cody shifted in his seat a bit. He pulled his cell out—it was rarely put away. “I already texted him,” said Cody, one hand on the wheel as he stared out at the mess before them. “He’s gone ahead and handled the supplier without me.”

  She stared at her husband’s profile, soaking in how handsome a man he was. They’d not been married long. Less than a month and their courting time had been short. Shorter than her mother had thought was right. Something about Cody had swept her off her feet and she’d not looked back once since coming to Macon Valley and meeting him. She’d been living in town with him just under a month and already she was starting to notice people watching them whenever they were out and about. They seemed surprised Cody had settled down. She’d overheard talk about him being quite the ladies’ man before she came along. She’d not had the courage to outright question anyone about his past let alone Cody. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know just how many women he’d romanced especially since her number of conquests was limited to just him.

  She’d heard other things too. Things she didn’t like to think too hard upon. Things involving Cody and Everett.

  Cody lifted their hands and kissed the back of hers. “You look lost in thought, baby.”

  “Sorry,” she said as she unbuckled and slid closer to him. They hadn’t budged once in nearly an hour so she felt safe in doing so. She snuggled against his powerful frame and kissed his upper arm, just under his t-shirt sleeve, on one of his many tattoos. “I was thinking about you.”

  “You were, huh?” His mouth twisted into a bad boy grin that said he was thinking dirty thoughts. “Did it involve you, me, here, now with your head buried in my lap, sucking my cock?”

  He had the dirtiest mouth but she was fast getting used to it. It turned her on. She laughed, loving how much he always seemed to want her. “With all these people around? No.”

  He brought their joined hands to her jaw and then traced his finger over her lower lip. “They can’t see in here. They’re in big ole trucks, blockin’ us from view. And the other side is all blocked too. See. It’s fine.”

  She tipped her head wondering if he was serious. The expression on his face said he was. The idea excited her. Everything about Cody did. It had been four months since she’d given him her virginity and four months of seemingly endless sex. The man was insatiable and she loved every second of it. He talked about having sex in public a lot, but they’d never actually done it. Well, once they’d had sex in his office at work, after hours, only for her to learn his business partner and best friend, Everett Bates, was in his office right next door. Everett had heard every whisper, every demand Cody had placed upon her and he’d heard her as she’d screamed out, her orgasm near blinding—he’d seen her exposed.

  She’d caught a glimpse of Everett that night but she’d never told Cody. Everett had been in the hallway, watching them as they made love and he’d taken his cock out and masturbated right there where she could see. Nicole, in return, had watched Everett as Cody fucked her. She’d seen Everett jacking off, pulling at his long cock and coming all over in his hand as she reached her peak.

  It was still hard to be around Everett and keep from blushing. Cody seemed to think nothing of it. If she didn’t know better she’d have said Cody was well aware his friend had been at work still and that Cody had left the office door open on purpose. But that couldn’t be.

  Cody tugged at her hand, putting it over his lap. His erection was evident through his jeans. “Baby, he wants those hot lips of yours wrapped around him. Now.”

  She shifted uncomfortably. “But, Cody.”

  “Now,” he repeated, this time firmer.

  She obeyed, as she always did. Nodding, she bent and inhaled his manly scent through his jeans. She loved his smell. She unzipped his jeans, freeing his ruddy cock. It sprang to life, bobbing in her face. It was long, thick, hot and hard and it made her ache between her legs.

  Cody released her hand and took hold of the back of her head, guiding her over his cockhead. “Take him in your mouth, baby. I need release. Give it to me.”

  The mushroom shaped head slipped into her mouth and she went down half his shaft before adding her hands for more stimulation to his cock. Cody jerked and thrust up, going deeper in her mouth, his cock head touching the back of her throat. She relaxed and bobbed her head up and down on him, feeling very liberated for doing such a naughty thing in such a public place.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said, holding tight to her hair. “Like that. Suck it. Suck it harder.”

  She did and he hit at the steering wheel. “Fuck, baby. I wanna come all over that sexy mouth of yours.”

  She wanted it too. She loved it when he came in her mouth. She kept going, doing what she knew her husband liked. His cell buzzed and he began texting over her head. She’d have taken offense but he kept moaning and moving his hips, enjoying the fact her mouth was on his dick. He stopped texting and went back to holding her head as she sucked him off.

  “Dammit, Nicole. There. Like that.” He pushed up hard, going deep and exploding in her mouth.

  There was a rapping on the window and Nicole came up fast, Cody’s cum dripping down her chin. She wiped it away, wide-eyed as she stared up at the black haired man standing there, grinning.

  Everett Bates.

  “Cody,” she said with a gasp and wiped her husband’s cum from her chin. She was mortified to be caught in the act—yet again—by Everett.

  Shrugging, Cody hit the button
for the electric window, not bothering to put himself back in his jeans. He acted like it was no big deal that his best friend was standing there as his wet cock hung out for all to see. To Nicole’s shock, Cody reached down and tugged at his cock, stroking it. He looked over at her. “I’m hard again, baby. Come here and do more.”

  She yelped and stared at Everett, too embarrassed to move.

  Everett simply smiled at her, making her chest flutter. He was as sexy as Cody and had a certain charm about him that said he could romance the pants off anything that moved if given a chance. He inclined his head. “He is hard again, Nicky.”

  Her jaw dropped.

  Cody laughed, continuing to stroke his cock. “Everett doesn’t think a thing of it, baby. Come here and finish me off. He’ll just watch.”

  “He’ll what?” she asked, her voice coming out so small she wasn’t sure she’d actually spoken at all. Her flush deepened. She knew without looking she was crimson.

  “Watch, baby,” said Cody. “He’ll tell me what he needs to tell me and watch as you suck me off. It’s not a big deal. We used to do stuff like this all the time.”

  Not a big deal? All the time?

  Hurt, ashamed and embarrassed, Nicole grabbed for the passenger side door and thrust it open. She was out of the truck in seconds, tears stinging as she walked fast, nearing a jog. She wanted space. She wanted away from her husband and his friend.

  “Fuck,” Cody snapped as he pushed his cock back into his jeans. “Double fuck.”

  Everett stepped back, allowing him to open the door. “She didn’t take the idea of that well at all, Cody.”

  Cody shot his friend a knowing look and then glanced back to see his sexy as sin wife practically running in the other direction. He bent his head and knew he’d fucked up. He’d thought she was ready for that next step—for what he needed and wanted out of their relationship. When Everett had told him, in detail, of Nicole watching him as Cody had fucked her in his office, he’d thought she’d was open to the idea of more. Hell, from the way Everett had described it, Nicole had watched, enthralled as he masturbated to the sight of Cody fucking the living hell out of her. He’d been wrong. She wasn’t prepared. Hell, from the looks of it she might never be.

  Everett nudged him. “I see the question in your eyes, Cods. She’s the one. I know it deep down. Knew it the minute you showed up with her on your arm. You knew it too. It’s why you asked her to be your wife within a week of meetin’ her and its why it’s killing you right now knowing she’s upset. Go on after her. I’ll handle your truck. Though, I don’t think it’s moving anytime soon.”

  Cody raced after his wife, mentally kicking himself for not warning her when he’d seen Everett’s truck parking on the opposite side of the road and Everett hopping out to come towards him. He and Everett had shared more woman than he could remember and none had taken exception with it. Hell, most begged to be fucked by both men. Nicole was different. When he’d met her he’d not instantly thought of her in terms of the two of them doing their thing with her and sending her on her merry way. He’d thought of her in the long term—for keeps. And he’d done fucked that eight ways from Sunday.

  “Baby, wait!” yelled Cody, unconcerned with the looks he was drawing from the grain truck drivers. He flipped one off and kept running after his surprisingly fast wife. At six four he made her seem downright small, even at her five foot seven inches. He caught up with her and spun her around. He could see the protest in her blue eyes and he wasn’t having any of it. He loved this woman and he’d be damned if he let her run off on him.

  Grabbing both sides of her face, Cody yanked her to him and captured her mouth with his. He thrust his tongue in and kissed her until she stopped resisting him and then he kissed her some more. Soon, she melted against him and he stepped back enough to look into her eyes with ease. “I love you, baby.”

  “But you just made me feel like a cheap whore,” said Nicole, lancing him in the gut.

  “No, baby,” he protested. “I don’t think that of you. I think you are the most amazin’ woman ever.”

  “So amazing that you want to what, show the town how well I suck your dick?”

  Cody couldn’t believe his ears. His new bride wasn’t known for sassing back to him. From her expression she wasn’t made so much as embarrassed. Heck, there wasn’t anything to get worked up about. It wasn’t as if it was Everett’s first time watching Cody get his dick sucked. In fact, Everett had done the sucking a few times, not that he’d go braggin’ about that point to her anytime soon. Cody often forgot that despite all he’d taught Nicole sexually, in their short time together, she was still a novice—still nervous and embarrassed by what he deemed little things. He had to admit he enjoyed this side of her. He liked the spark in her eyes. He grinned. “Not the whole town, baby. I’ve got limits. Just Everett.”

  Her hand went to her hip. “You want me to do that to you with just Everett watching?”

  “Yes, but it’s plain to see that’s a no for you so I won’t push it,” he said. He would push. Just not now. He’d give her time to adjust to the idea. “I won’t lie, baby. It’s something I want a hell of lot but I want you more. If it means I can’t have Everett be a part of it then it a sacrifice I’m willin’ to make.”

  “Everett be a part of it?” repeated Nicole. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “The rumors about you two—they’re true?”

  “Rumors?” he asked, already guessing what she’d heard about him. He couldn’t stand to see disappointment in her eyes so he looked away, expecting it.

  She touched his cheek. “I love you. Even if you are a total bad boy and a giant heap of no good.”

  Cody put his hand over hers. “Nicole?”

  She winked up at him. “Your eyes get you out of so much trouble with me.”

  Smiling, he grabbed hold of her waist and lifted her, giving him better access to her mouth.

  She tapped on his chest. “I’m glad you’re opening up and being honest with me about this. I want you to tell me everything—everything you’ve been keeping from me. I also want to talk more about this whole you, me and Everett thing but not here. Not in the open.”

  “We’ll go to our house, baby. Right now.” Cody couldn’t have gotten her back to the truck and Everett faster if he tried.

  Chapter Two

  Everett Bares sat at the dining room table, stealing glances at his best friend’s wife. The woman defined what a woman should be—soft, subtle, gorgeous and seemingly unaware of her impact on the male species. When Cody had first come into the local bar with her on his arm it had been all Everett could do to keep from touching her. He wanted to touch her hair most of all. It looked so silky, so smooth. He wanted to know if it was. Then, he wanted to explore his way down her curvy body to see if the hair between her legs matched. It had been the first time in his life that he’d been jealous of his best friend.

  She caught him stealing peeks at her and her cheeks blushed over. Cody often commented on how innocent she was in the ways of men. Everett was starting to believe him. Though how she could go as long as she had with her virginity intact was a mystery to him. He didn’t know much about her past but he knew she was a fox. A woman who would naturally be sought after by men. Lots of men. Knowing she had only been with Cody caused his already interested cock to stir.

  Nicole pushed her long hair back behind her ears and bent her head as Cody continued talking about the newest feed shipments. Everett lifted a hand, silencing his partner and friend.

  “Nicole,” said Everett. She looked up at him, her eyes wide. He offered his best calming smile. “I make you nervous, don’t I?”

  For a moment he thought she might panic and run off again. Rather, she shook her head. “No. Not really. It’s just that the last few times I’ve seen you it’s been humiliating. I mean, there was the office incident, the pickup truck today…” She sat up straight. “I’m not a whore.”

  “Never thought for a second you were,” he offered. “In f
act, I think you’re the opposite.”

  She pushed at Cody’s arm. “You told him I was a virgin when you got me?”

  “Got you?” repeated Cody, in a teasing manner. When she didn’t laugh, Cody cleared his throat. “Yeah. I told him. He asked and I told him.”

  “He asked?” She blinked.

  Everett rapped lightly on the oak table. “Yes, I asked but not in the way you’re thinking. I was curious.”

  “If I was a virgin?”

  He smiled. “I was curious about what it was like being in you, Nicky. I wanted to know if you felt as good as you look like you’d feel. Cody and I don’t keep secrets from each other. It’s how our friendship works. Sorry to have upset you. I’ll go.” He stood. He didn’t really want to leave. What he wanted to do would never happen. He wanted to put Nicole on the table, strip her clothing from her slowly and then lick every fucking inch of her while Cody watched him sampling his wife. Then, he wanted to cram his dick in her pussy. Cody had told him it was tight and wet. He wanted to watch her face as she came by his touch and then he wanted to watch as he and Cody gave her pleasure. “Cody, I’ll call you later.”

  Nicole stood as well. “Everett, wait.”

  He paused.

  Cody rose to his feet too. He appeared at a loss.

  Nicole’s hand went to her husband’s forearm. “You two, you’ve shared women before, right?”

  Everett inclined his head. He wasn’t sure what to say and didn’t want to go sticking his foot in his mouth.

  “Have you talked about sharing me?” asked Nicole.

  There it was. The make or break question.

  Everett looked to Cody for guidance. He knew Nicole better than him. Knew what might set her off or send her running. Cody laced his fingers through hers. “Yes, baby. We’ve discussed it.”

  “But not with me,” she stated, her voice wavering slightly.


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