Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians

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Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians Page 20

by Lawrence, S

  "I'd like for you to come with me, Emma. I'd like to ask you some questions." Jason tenses beside me. Neither he nor his beast like that idea. I place my hand on his chest and look up at him, drawing his gaze.

  "It'll be fine. I'll be fine," I whisper.

  "Of course, she will." Hades looks confused at Jason's concern. He waves his hand toward the door. "We'll be in my office."

  "You mean your throne room," Jason calls out.

  I look back at him and smirk; he sounds a bit like a little boy in that moment, mad at his dad.



  We walk down a long corridor, and it changes from shining hospital to dark and very hell-like. It suddenly opens up into a large cavernous room, all reds and blacks. Torches and candles light the room, and I stand at the edge of the room, staring. Two huge hellhounds lay on either side of a throne that looks like it could be in Game of Thrones. The hounds rise up, stalking toward me. They circle me, and I stand frozen, waiting. One licks my hand, and Hades raises an eyebrow. I reach for it and touch the fur on the side of its massive jaw. Just like my beastie.

  They pace at my side as I walk toward the throne and Hades. A man runs into the room carrying a chair and sits it in front of Hades, who motions for me to sit. The hound that licked me and let me touch it lies on my feet once I sit. The other moves back to Hades’ side. His gaze darkens for a moment, and then he focuses on me.

  We sit in silence as each of us studies the other. I'm looking for a weakness. I suppose he is doing the same. After what seems like hours, he speaks.

  "Did you learn anything?" His lip quirks.

  "Only that you try very hard to hide your emotions." I watch for his reaction, his tell. Everyone has one, and he doesn't disappoint. The muscle at the corner of his left eye twitches the tiniest amount. You'd miss it if you weren't looking, but I was.

  "Do you wish to know what I learned?" I sit silent, afraid of what I might give away. "Today, since you arrived, I have watched you. I watched those around you also." I school my face, hiding my sudden fear.

  "Arias loves you. In his own way, he feels what he calls love. I call it obsession. Jason doesn't know it but he is falling for you also. The hellhound claims you. Mate."

  I can feel my heart pounding; it is deafening in my ears. His eyes stay on me, waiting for me to break, to ask. I tell myself I'm not going to, but as the minutes tick by, I begin to squirm. He has the patience of a creature that knows no limit to his life, a being who doesn't count the years or days. I have no such luxury. I sigh.

  "SO?" One defiant word is all I say.

  "So, what would you be willing to do for those who love you? What would you be willing to do for those you care for?"

  "Anything." I don't even think, the word flies from my mouth. He smiles.

  "Arias earned his place here, his eternal torture. He earned part of it with what he did to you. The rest was earned throughout the years among your people. His final damnation was trying to kill Jason." He pauses, drawing a breath. I wait for the shoe to drop, knowing I have given him exactly what he wanted with my answer. "What would you do to save him from this eternity?"

  I suck in a quick breath, floored at his question. Was I willing to do anything to save the man who raped me, killed for me, and had plans to keep me for my own form of eternal torture? My rage is instant, not at Arias, burning hotly. I try to calm myself before I give him more power. The hound at my feet raises it head and looks between us before laying it on my knees. I run my hand over its head, staring into its red eyes and trying to calm myself.

  "You are a monster! You feel things; I know you do. So why do you get so much joy out of hurting people?" I yell and the hounds both rise.

  "Oh, I'm a monster? You should speak to me softly then, because monsters are dangerous. Although you appear to have a way with the monsters." His gaze wanders to the hounds. "It is a question, my dear. I only wish to know if your willingness to do anything extends to the one who hurt you."

  I stare at him. I want to say I wouldn't do anything, let him rot here. But even now some part of me, the part that was beginning to care for him at the beginning, thinks he doesn't deserve it. He deserves to be locked away, but I can't help imagining him if he had had someone that loved him when he was a boy. He could have been a good man like Jason. Hades’ eyes are curious, and I'm sure my emotions are leaking from me.

  "I see you are conflicted. What if I added Jason to the equation? What if I said to free one, you had to damn the other? Or maybe by freeing Arias, you also freed Jason."

  I gasp, "Jason is free. He was in Scotland with Aislin. He's done nothing wrong."

  My voice is a whisper, but it echoes in the great hall. He smiles, and I realize I gave him everything he wanted. What will I do to free Jason? What wouldn't I do? He had said my beastie claimed me, and I can't deny the instant connection I felt. I told Aislin to give Kai a chance when he said destiny. If Jason is my destiny, can I damn him to this place? Tears begin to well in my eyes, equally from anger and sadness. The hounds’ heads turn, and they look beyond my right shoulder. I glance back as the first tear slides down my cheek. Perséphone is gliding toward me. Her face serene as she looks to first her husband and then back to me. Her hand reaches out and squeezes mine tight for a moment as she passes.

  "How long have you been standing there?" His voice sounds tight even to me.

  "Longer than you'd like, for sure." She stops before him. I watch fascinated. A sigh slips from her pink lips before she moves closer. He stands and looks down at her, and I see his emotions break free from him. The love that is shining from him is beautiful, but I'm surprised at the trepidation that is stamped across his face. Interesting.

  He opens his arms, waiting, and she moves into them. His head lowers, and their kiss has me wanting to turn away, but I don't. I can't. The raw lust that pours from them is amazing. I feel like I'm at a peepshow down in the Quarter. Finally, they break apart.

  "I love you, but you aren't going to distract me," Perséphone chuckles, but it has a sadness behind it. "You will not barter with Jason's freedom."

  Her voice is strong, and the tone says she means business. I watch fascinated as he draws a breath, his mouth opening to argue.

  "If you do try to keep him here, then our bargain is null and void." I glance between them. Wondering at what their bargain was. His face darkens anger, and hurt fills his eyes. She just looks sad, so sad.

  "After all this time? Do you only stay for him?"

  "No, my love, but I will leave for him." Tears streak silently down her face, and I suddenly remember their story or at least the part where she agreed to stay half the year with him. I understand now that the myths are only partially true. "Our bargain was for his freedom. You know I love you, but he is the only son I will ever have, and I won't let you use him anymore."

  She turns to me, her hands pulling his arms around her, forcing him to stay close.

  "Long ago, I gave up some of my freedom to give Jason his. I gained the love of this man, and it is a rare and beautiful love, one many people don't understand, but it is my treasure. You will not have to give anything up for Jason's love, you only have to claim it. The Fates told me of you long ago. I can't do anything for Arias. That is up to you. I'm not asking you to save him. I'm not even saying he deserves saving. I made the Elysian Fields to those that were thrown away. The last thing I will say to you is I can make a place for him. A place that will keep everyone safe from him but will also give him some sense of peace." She turns in her husband's arms and her hand caresses his cheek. He can't stop his love from shining through. I'm sure others are confused by them, but I've grown up with a woman who loves a man that is hard to love, so I understand them completely.

  She steps away, but her hands linger on him before she leaves. We are once more alone, and he looks at me as I look back. Our silent conversation makes me smile for a second. He opens his mouth, and I raise my hand, stopping him.

  'Your secret is sa
fe with me. Tell me what you want."

  "I will offer you the bargain your people say I gave my love. Six months a year you stay here, six months you are free to go. If you agree, I will let her make a prison for Arias. The six months you are here, you will be part of the experiment you are taking part in now."

  I hide my surprise. I knew he had been watching us but not that I was already considered an experiment. I'm such an idiot. Of course I am; we are all. I hear Aislin's aunt Joy's voice in my head. She had always been a force in our lives and she is a carpe diem type of woman. She believes in going big or going home. Conall had always taught us to ask for what we wanted or you'd never get it. I pace away thinking. I want Jason; I want to be his and I want him to be mine. I look around this place. Could I give up half my life to save Arias? Half of my life is less than the lifetimes of abuse he suffered. It is a blink of the eye in his eternity.

  "I have a question before I decide. How many more like Arias are there?" I lock eyes with him.

  He shrugs before he speaks, "More. I'm not sure how many or if they had the same fate." There isn't a hint of remorse and it makes me angry. So many lives damaged not just those thrown away but also the ones they have taken their pain out on.

  Ask for what you want. "I will agree but only if I can save them all. Jason can find them and bring them here, and Perséphone and I will decide where they go depending, on their actions." I wait, expecting a counter offer. Feeling sick that I'm giving away my freedom, my dancing, Aislin, and my parents, I clench my fist. It's stupid. I want to take it back already. I feel my body trembling, adrenaline flooding my system. I lock my knees, forcing myself not to run for my life... Literally.


  Oh fuck! What have I done. I crumple to the floor as a howl rings out. The hellhound at my feet howls again, and it sounds just like my heart breaking. I feel the heat of it as it curls its body around me.

  "She is the one who carried him." His voice is curious.

  "What?" I can barely process what he said.

  "The one at your side, she is the hound that carried Jason. She gave birth to him. It is how we fixed what was wrong with Arias." So matter of fact, so clinical.

  I look into her eyes, and I see anger and sorrow. She turns, placing herself between the God of the Underworld and me, ready to go to war for Jason. I bury my hand in her fur and lean my face into her neck. I whisper as quietly as I can. "Don't. Don't let him take you from us."

  I am about to speak when another howl rings out, echoing through the Underworld. It is filled with rage and hurt. It is a call to action and I hear answering howls chorus throughout. In seconds, my beastie is standing over me, growling at the god who is watching with a smirk.

  "Jason," I whisper, and the next instant he is standing over me. I push to my feet and pull his hand, turning him toward me. "Please. Don't. It's my decision. I did this not just to save Arias. I did it to save you also. No more hunting and killing them, we get to save them. Save all of them. And she will be with me while I'm here." I look down at the hound, who growls softly, and Jason’s hand rubs over her head.

  "Why would you agree to this, Emma? Why?" His voice cracks, and my heart pounds.

  How do I explain when I don't understand myself this driving need I have to protect those that are broken? Did it grow from my wanting to save daddy? Did I feed it when I recognized Aislin's broken parts and vowed to stand between her and anything else that could destroy her guarded heart? I don't know, maybe it is my way of trying to fix my own broken pieces. Maybe it is my way of helping the hurt girl that I was. I don't know so I say nothing. Instead, I move into his arms and pull him near, holding him close as I breath deeply, trying to settle my nerves.

  "The deal is done. You can let Perséphone know. We will work out the details after she creates his prison. Think of what season you wish to spend in hell." Hades calls out as he walks away. Can a person's walk be satisfied? I'm pretty sure that is exactly what his strut is screaming. Jason's body is tense, and I smooth my hands down his back.

  "So… Your, ummm, dad said Beastie claims me as a mate. What does that mean to you?" I ask, changing the subject. I hold my breath waiting for his answer, hoping but afraid at the same time. What would it be like to be loved by someone like him? Excitement courses through me at the thought. I imagine it would be a fierce type of love that consumes you. His red eyes shift to me, and he turns, a slow stalking turn, as my heart pounds.

  "He shouldn't have told you that." He growls. I feel my heart shatter. When did I begin to love this man? If I'm honest, I fell headlong into his eyes that first night and never even tried to climb out. The hound won me over quickly too. I don't understand this draw, this need I have. I've always been the one to walk away, protecting myself from hurt. His eyes flare brighter and then change to deep brown. I step back, needing to put distance between us, trying to save myself.

  "Wait." His hand comes out latching onto my arm, and I glare down at it before turning the look on him. "You misunderstand. I meant it wasn't his right. He shouldn't have used it as a weapon. I wanted..."

  "Yes?" I hate the hope that rings in my voice. Hope does nothing but hurt us.

  He sighs and runs his hand through his hair before he responds, "I wanted to save you from all this. I wanted to protect you from this world. I needed to. Instead, it is my fault you are here."

  "No, it isn't. That stupid group of mad men took me and gave me to an even crazier asshole. As far as I can tell, you have done nothing but try to find and save me." I look in his eyes and I see his own hope. "Maybe we can save each other."

  Surprise fills his face and I wonder just how long he has been alone. A huge smile lights up his face, and I freeze. Holy shit, he is gorgeous.

  "I'd like that." He whispers as he moves in front of me. My hands run up his chest, winding around his neck pulling him down to me. His lips are gentle on mine as he kisses me. Can a single kiss be a promise? Can that promise be forever? It sure feels like it. I now understand Aislin's words about Kai, that he filled a hole in her very soul. The sound of a throat being cleared forces us apart. Looking around his side, I see Perséphone, her face filled with sadness.

  "I was told of your bargain. It is very brave of you. I'm sorry Hades did this. I wanted for both of you to get as far from here as you could." Tears fill her eyes, and I feel my own eyes filling. I step around Jason, my hand sliding over his heat, and walk to her. I grasp her hands.

  Leaning in, I whisper, "I had to save them both." My tears begin to fall,silently streaking down my cheeks. "Besides, you found love here. I can too."

  She smiles, and I stare, transfixed. Jason moves up to us and puts his arms around us. The surprise on her face tells me he hasn't ever done that to her.

  She swallows a couple of times before she can speak, "I'm sorry, my son, I tried to prevent this. But it is done, and only Hades can break the bargain. I guess I need to build Arias a prison." She looks at me and adds, "It will be as comfortable as possible, but it will be a prison."

  I feel moderately reassured that it won't be a bare cell. I can tell she blames him for both Jason and I being stuck in our situation. Jason nods his head in agreement before moving to my side, tucking me to his. His heat seeps into me, his scent fills my nose, and my body responds and heat floods my core. His gaze turns to me, his chocolate eyes filled with heat. My cheeks flame as I realize he can smell my arousal.

  "I'm taking her to our room. Let me know when the prison is ready." He strides from the hall and I have to jog to keep up. Her tinkling chuckle follows us down the hall. My excitement grows as he growls low in his chest. My beast is impatient. "Emma."

  It is a warning but it only flames my fire. He jerks the door open and pushes me inside, slamming it behind him. I turn and throw myself into his arms, my legs wrapping around his narrow waist. My momentum causes him to fall back into the door, and his growl becomes deeper. I feel it vibrate through my body. His hand grabs my ass and he lifts me higher against him. Pushing
off the wall, he crosses to the bathroom, once again slamming the door behind us. Pulling my head back, I try to catch my breath, but he won't let me. His mouth is on my neck, biting at it, and I shiver with pleasure. I marvel at his strength when he lowers us to the floor while holding me in his arms. In seconds, I am laying on a soft fur rug that I hadn't noticed before. It's nowhere near as soft as beastie’s fur but it will do.



  I love the shiver that runs through her body as I suck at her skin; her neck is sensitive. I want to take my time with her, but after earlier, I can't wait. Her heart is pounding, and the scent of her arousal is beating at me.

  "I love the way you smell, all exotic and sweet." My voice is ragged with need. A soft moan slips from her open lips, and my body hardens even more. I can't think with her under me. All I want is to be inside her, to lose myself within her body. Her lips move along my jaw, her hands steering my head, and I smile at her forcefulness. Her teeth nip at my lips and my desire soars. It is so potent, it overrides all thought. Pushing her blue sweater up over her breasts, I stare for a moment before lowering my head. Ever since she’d dressed, I've been thinking about her lack of undergarments. It tormented me. I see the benefit now. Her small breasts are just waiting for my attention. She arches her back, showing her impatience, and I glance up at her flushed face. I watch her eyes as I lower my head, her pupils dilating with need. I flick my tongue out and watch as her nipple peaks, my breath whispering over it. With one last look at her face, the hunger I see there drives me on. I pull her nipple into my mouth and tug on it with my teeth, pushing her toward the edge of pain. Her fingers tunnel into my hair and pull me closer as her back arches more.

  My beast is riding me, pushing me to make her mine. Releasing her nipple with a slight pop, I shift back onto my knees. She pulls the sweater over her head, and her hair fans out across the rug. She's a goddess. I pull my shirt over my head, and her eyes fill with more heat. Her hands reach for my pants, sliding the button open so she can reach inside. My head falls forward at the first touch of her fingers on my cock. Her thumb slides over the leaking tip, and she brings it to her mouth, licking the drop off it. It is my undoing. I grab the waist of her leather pants and peel them down her legs, jerking them free. I pause for a second, savoring the sight of her laid bare for me. I want to taste her, but she cries out my name, and I know I can't wait. I push my pants down, kick them away, and then fall on her like the beast I am.


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