Carry Me Home (The Home Series: Book Three)

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Carry Me Home (The Home Series: Book Three) Page 17

by Megan Nugen Isbell

  “I love you, Mom,” I said, letting her go as I opened the door, leading her outside. We were silent as we made the walk from the house to my grandparents’ old garden where we’d set up the trellis and tables. In the daylight, it looked just as great as I thought it would. The small group of friends and the little family we had in Carver, my Uncle Mike and Aunt Debbie, sitting on either side of my grandmother, who was healthy enough to spend the afternoon with us, were seated at the tables I’d covered with simple white lace table cloths and the centerpieces.

  The violinist began to play and everyone turned to look at my mom. I held her hand as we walked towards Jack, who looked handsome in his crisp, black suit. He was smiling at my mom in a way that showed me he would take care of her and I wouldn’t have to worry about her. I felt my eyes growing warm as we got closer to Jack and once we were beside him, I hugged her again and stood for a moment as I watched her walk over to his side, before turning and finding my seat next to Evan.


  The ceremony had been simple just like my mom wanted, but it was also beautiful and I couldn’t have been happier when Jack and my mom kissed, sealing their relationship for the rest of their lives. I’d been so engrossed in the wedding, I hadn’t thought about Jesse or Evan, but now that it was over and everyone was busy eating and mingling, my mind kept drifting to the way Jesse and I had said goodbye the night before. I hadn’t slept well as I kept mulling over the different scenarios in my mind. But, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t make sense of my feelings. Evan was a better guy than I deserved. I knew he loved me and he wanted to marry me, which was evident by the ring on my finger that seemed to weigh a thousand pounds lately. It was always there, reminding me of his intentions, reminding me of his expectations for our relationship, reminding me that I’d said yes and that I shouldn’t need any reminders.

  I’d barely said anything to Jesse when he arrived with Brandon and Mandy to help me finish up before the wedding. Evan had shown up before them, looking as dapper as ever in his gray suit and tie, but he was overshadowed when I saw Jesse step out of Mandy’s car in his dress uniform. I sometimes forgot Jesse was still in the Marines. Since he’d returned to Carver, I hadn’t thought of him as Jesse the Marine because that guy had never been a part of my life, but once he stood before me in the red trimmed black coat with the shiny gold buttons and blue pants, I couldn’t help but take notice of Jesse the Marine. I knew I was staring so I quickly said hello and took Evan’s hand, leading him inside.

  I’d managed not to pay attention to him during the actual wedding, but now it was nearly impossible. He stood out like a sore thumb and I couldn’t stop looking at him.

  Evan and I got a plate and sat down at one of the tables, piecing at our food. He excused himself to the bathroom a few minutes later and I sat alone, taking in the whole scene. My mom was talking with her friends and I never saw the smile leave her or Jack’s face and I was certain those smiles would still be there when they returned from their Alaskan honeymoon.

  “You pulled it off.” I turned my head towards the deep voice beside me and I saw an imposing looking Jesse standing above me.

  “Yeah, I guess I did,” I said and he hesitated before sitting down where Evan had been only a few moments before.

  “Your mom and Jack look really happy.”

  “They are happy,” I said as my eyes danced around the front of his uniform, taking in the ribbons and patches before focusing on his name tag. For some reason, my eyes rested on BAYLOR for a few moments before finally looking up to him again. “You, uh…I meant to tell you…you look kinda awesome in your uniform.”

  “I felt kinda stupid wearing it,” he said with a grin.

  “Why would you feel stupid?”

  “I didn’t want to stick out.”

  “Well, I can tell you if your goal was subtlety, it was an epic failure,” I said with a laugh and his mouth turned up into a lopsided grin.

  “I didn’t have a suit or anything with me, so I figured this would do.”

  “And it did nicely. I’m glad you wore it. I always wondered what you looked like in it.”

  “And you finally got your chance and just in the nick of time. Pretty soon this thing will be retired to the back of my closet.”

  “So you’ll be heading back to North Carolina then soon?”

  “I’m not sure exactly when, but I need to get back there. I’ve been dragging my feet long enough as it is.”

  “Why haven’t you gone yet?” I asked quietly.

  “I guess I’ve been having too much fun getting reacquainted with things back here at home that I’ve missed.” I expected a smile to cross his face, but it didn’t and it was quiet for a moment as I felt my heart beat quicken, the way it had the night before as we’d said goodbye. “Anyway…I just wanted to tell you what a great job you did on the wedding. I know your mom appreciated it,” he said. “I should get back to Brandon and Mandy before Evan gets back.” He stood up and I did the same.

  “You don’t have to go.”

  “Yes, I do, Riley,” he said. “I see the way he looks at me and he doesn’t like me being around you.”

  I didn’t say anything to defend his statement because there was nothing I could say. Maybe Evan hadn’t minded at first, but it was obvious he did now.

  “Thank you for coming,” I decided on instead.

  “I wouldn’t have missed it.”

  He turned around and walked back to our friends just in time because when I looked back to the house, I saw Evan walking towards me. I hadn’t worried about talking to Jesse in front of him before, but I did now after Evan told me his concerns and while I continued to watch Jesse with my peripheral vision, I knew it was better he stay where he was. I didn’t want to argue with Evan or give him any reasons to doubt me. I was already doing enough of that for myself.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I couldn’t pinpoint exactly when it got strange between Evan and me, but I felt a tension and I knew it stemmed from our conversation the night before. It was obvious now that Evan didn’t like it when Jesse was around and I didn’t think anything I said would make him feel any better about it.

  I’d gone back to his hotel room after the yard was back in order, but we didn’t talk much. I was tired and after changing out of the yellow dress I’d worn for the wedding and into a pair of lounge pants and a t-shirt, I’d curled up on the bed with Evan where we watched a movie until we both fell asleep.

  He woke up early the next morning and after we had a quick breakfast, it was time to say good-bye.

  “Thanks for making the trip down here,” I said to him once he’d pulled up in front of my house.

  “No need to thank me. I wanted to be here.”

  “And now that everything’s settled, we can start focusing on our wedding.”

  “I’m kinda surprised to hear you say that,” he said, concern washing over his face.

  “What does that mean?” I asked, but I already knew his implication.

  “You just haven’t seemed that into it.”

  I was quiet as I thought how to respond, but I knew nothing would be the right thing to say.

  “I’m sorry, but please believe me when I say I am excited. It’s just been kind of a weird summer. I still can’t believe you proposed to me.”

  “Why do you find it so hard to believe?” he asked, finally showing that kind smile I was waiting for.

  “I don’t know. I guess I find it hard to believe anyone would want to be stuck with me for the rest of their life.” I looked away shyly as I laughed quietly.

  “I can’t wait to be stuck with you for the rest of my life.” I turned back to him and the tension I’d been feeling didn’t seem as thick.

  “We’ll see each other soon, right?” I said, praying the answer would be yes. I knew nothing good could come of a long absence.

  “A few weeks at most and I’ll be back. But, if you get too lonely before then, remember the interstate runs both ways.” He w
as smiling, but I knew he was serious.

  “I know,” I said and then he pulled me to him, kissing me softly before letting go.

  “I love you, Riley.”

  “I love you too,” I said, opening the door, and stepping out into the summer air, which was surprisingly cool for a June morning. I closed the door and Evan smiled at me once more, before heading back to his life in Kansas City.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Mandy had proven good on her word and had arranged a time when Holly and Laura were both free to come home to Carver so we could talk about my wedding. I wasn’t sure how much planning would actually get done since it would be the first time we’d all been together since Brandon’s going away party almost four years before. I was excited to have everyone together again, especially because I never thought we’d all be in the same place again. I wasn’t thrilled about having the get together at Jesse’s, even though it had always been our go-to place, but Mandy had insisted on it. I finally agreed, but I still thought it would be weird discussing wedding plans at my ex-boyfriend’s house.

  I was anxious as I got ready to go to Jesse’s. Since my mom and Jack left on their honeymoon, the house was too quiet and I got lonely for company. Hanging out with friends and looking through bridal magazines would be a welcome reprieve from my nights of solitude.

  I was surprised to see I was the first one there. Jesse’s pick-up sat alone in front of the blue house and I pulled in beside it, waiting a few moments before turning the car off. I stepped out, walking nervously to the front door. Lights were on throughout the house and I could see Jesse’s silhouette through the curtains in the kitchen window. I hadn’t spoken much to him since my mom’s wedding…an intentional move on my part. Our past few encounters told me it probably wasn’t a good idea to be around him more than was necessary, which meant basically never.

  “Come in,” he said, once I’d knocked.

  When I walked into the kitchen, Jesse was busy getting the burgers ready to grill.

  “You don’t have to knock ya know,” he said, looking up at me with a smile.

  “Yeah, I do,” I said and then walked over to the sink, washing my hands so I could help him. “It’s like Groundhog’s Day…every time we come here. Grilling up burgers, sitting around the fire, riding quads.” I dried my hands and stood beside him, reaching into the bowl of ground beef and forming it into a patty.

  “Do you not like our routine?”

  “I’ve actually really missed our little routine,” I replied and knew instantly I shouldn’t have said it.

  “I haven’t heard much from you since the wedding,” he said as we continued to work.

  “I’ve been busy with work and stuff,” I lied, not wanting to tell him my lack of communication had been intentional and mostly by the unspoken request of my fiancé.

  “How’s your mom and Jack’s honeymoon going?”

  “They’re having a blast. She called me from some little town called Ketchikan a couple of days ago. They’ll be home soon. I’m actually excited for them to get back. It’s been pretty lonely in the house by myself every night.”

  “If you were lonely, you could’ve called me,” he said and I froze, the ground beef still in my hand, when I heard his words. I wasn’t sure what he’d meant by what he said, but I was overly aware of the images it conjured in my mind and they were images I knew shouldn’t be there and feelings I knew I shouldn’t be reminded of. I remembered the way his arms wrapped around me as his eyes traveled over my body, making me feel like we were the only two people in the world. The weight of him on top of me, never wanting him to let me go and recalling a time I thought he never would.

  The front door opened then and I felt myself exhale, unaware I’d been holding my breath during my daydream. I was relieved to see Brandon and Mandy walk-in, a heavy looking stack of magazines in hand. Holly followed behind them a moment later and I couldn’t recall a time I’d been so happy to see other people.

  “Hey!” Mandy said cheerfully. “Are you ready to start planning?” she said, setting the magazines on the table with a loud thud.

  “I swear she bought every bridal magazine at Wal-Mart,” Brandon groaned as he sat down.

  “Don’t complain. I didn’t ask you to buy them or carry them, so what’s the big deal?” she said, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend and then looked over to me with a wide smile. “Isn’t this exciting? I’ve already started going through the magazines. I’ve put some sticky notes on some of the things I think you might like, but I mean…obviously it’s up to you.”

  “Who’s getting married here? You or Riley?” Holly chimed in.

  “I’m excited,” Mandy said, throwing a quick glare to Holly. “Shoot me.”

  “Thanks for bringing everything,” I said, looking over to Mandy to let her know I appreciated her enthusiasm, even if Holly and Brandon were giving her a hard time.

  “At least someone appreciates what I do for people,” Mandy said, heading to the fridge, but was snagged by Brandon, who was still seated at the table. He grabbed her by the waist and then pulled her face to his and kissed her.

  “We all appreciate you, Mandy,” he said sweetly and I watched them from the corner of my eye. They were so cute together and looking at them now, I still wondered why it had taken them so long to realize how perfect they were for each other.

  “Where’s Laura?” I asked a moment later. “She’s still coming, right?”

  “She’ll be here in a few minutes.

  “How long is she in town for?” Jesse asked, finishing the last hamburger patty as he left my side to wash his hands.

  “I’m not sure. I don’t think long though,” Mandy replied as she forgot her trip to the fridge, instead taking a seat on Brandon’s lap.

  “It’ll be kinda weird seeing her. It’s been a long time,” I said, but then smiled. “I’m excited…to have us all together though.” I walked over to the sink, next to Jesse, and our eyes met before I washed my hands. He looked away a moment later and picked up the plate of hamburgers.

  “I’m gonna get these started. You guys wanna grab everything else and meet me outside?” he asked before heading out the door.

  Brandon and Mandy continued sitting, seemingly lost in each other to the point I could tell it was making both Holly and I uncomfortable. We quickly grabbed the condiments and walked outside.

  “I still can’t get used to them as a couple,” Holly whispered once we were out of the house.

  “I’ve had time to adjust, but I think they’re great together. It just makes sense,” I said and I could tell she was thinking.

  “I think you’re right and with everything Brandon’s been through, he deserves someone who cares about him the way Mandy does. How are you by the way?” she said, turning to me with a grin on her face. “I can’t believe you’re engaged. That’s just crazy!”

  “It is crazy,” I said and not with sarcasm like her and she stopped, still yards away from Jesse.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You seem…” she said, pausing, and I could tell she was thinking again. “I guess the word I’m looking for is glum or melancholy or something.”

  “I just have a lot on my mind. I’m still getting used to the idea of actually being engaged.”

  “And to having Jesse around?” she added.

  “No,” I said quickly. “Jesse has nothing to do with it.”

  “Keep telling yourself that,” Holly said, picking up her pace, effectively ending our conversation and not giving me the chance to refute what she said. I stood in place for a moment watching as Holly approached Jesse before joining them.

  Jesse was already cooking the burgers as Holly and I set up the condiments on the table. Brandon and Mandy joined us a moment later and soon we’d settled into casual conversation as we waited for Laura. We didn’t have to wait long and we all looked up when we heard a car pull up the driveway. I assumed it was Laura and it was confirmed when she stepped
out of the passenger side door. A girl with pretty red hair I didn’t recognize, emerged from the driver’s side and they started walking towards us. It felt like forever since I’d seen Laura. Her dark curly hair hung to the middle of her back and she wore a cute pair of shorts and a tank top. She smiled when she saw us and her pace quickened, the girl trying to keep up behind her.

  “Hey!” she called as she approached us and she went to Jesse first, hugging him tightly before rushing over to Brandon. Just like the rest of us, she was emotional when she saw him, wrapping her arms around him, her eyes watery when she finally pulled back.

  “I can’t tell you how good it is to see you,” she said, wiping her eyes and hugging him again. “This is incredible to have us all back together.”

  She made her way over to Holly, then Mandy and finally me.

  “And you, Riley, holy crap! I can’t believe you’re getting married! I can’t wait to meet this Evan guy.”

  “Hopefully it’s soon,” I said as she leaned in, hugging me and when I pulled back, I was consumed with a sense of home as the best friends I’d ever had were finally all back together.

  Laura turned and took the arm of the girl that had come with her and pulled her over to us.

  “Everyone, this is my cousin, Becky. She drove me up from Tulsa,” Laura said, introducing all of us.

  “It’s good to meet y’all,” she said in a thick Oklahoma accent.

  We all said hi and then Laura and Becky sat down at the table across from Brandon and Mandy who were openly holding hands.

  “Okay, when the heck did this happen?” Laura said, her eyes focusing on their interlocked hands.


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