The Curse Behind The Mask (Dirty Heroes Collection Book 6)

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The Curse Behind The Mask (Dirty Heroes Collection Book 6) Page 6

by Holly J Gill

  I ran down the gravelled drive and onto the grass where I kicked off my shoes and grabbed the waist of my skirt and ran like a bullet to the forest. I had to hide. I had to get my arse out of sight before I was dragged back in and tortured.

  My heart thumped in my chest as I ran, my breathing quickened. I kept looking back over my shoulder to check that no one was following me, no one was. I continued to the line of trees and once inside I felt safer. I made my way through the dark forest, deeper and colder than what I thought. The sound of crows, and animals rang in my eardrums along with my beating heart. I stepped on old foliage, twigs snapped under my feet as I lifted my skirt and made my way further from them, anywhere was better than there. After a while I had no idea where I was going, but I carried on, watching where I stepped.

  I kept staring over my shoulder, a swarm of butterflies dominated my tummy. I had this sense that Elijah would not allow me to go so easily. I feared he had the guards out searching for me, putting orders out to seize me and bring me back to him…I did not wish to think about it.

  The forest darkened and daylight felt miles away. I carried on, eager to get out of this darkness.

  At the edge of the forest, I was faced with a road and on the opposite side of the road, the forest continued. I had no idea where I was. I feared if anyone saw a female walking down the side of the road dressed as I was, it might get people thinking. Then I could also be faced with some of the guests who attended the ball. Shit, I was fucked no matter how I looked at this. I had no money, no decent shoes, my feet were already cut and my dress was ripped at the skirt, not that I wished to keep it, and remind me of such cruelty.

  I heard a car approaching. Terror filled me and I ran back into the forest with the dress huddled in my hands to hide behind a large tree trunk. I waited for the car to pass by and allow me to continue my journey to god knows where.

  The sound of the car stopped. My entire body was shaking, I had been rumbled, why would anyone stop, unless looking for someone…me?

  I held my breath and prayed the person would give up searching and leave me alone.

  “Megan,” I heard a familiar voice. Elijah.

  I froze to the spot and pushed my arms into my body to huddle up, begging the tree to keep me hidden from him.

  “I’m not playing hide-and-seek, come out.” I heard a twig snap, forcing me to jump. He was close. Too close. I heaved my breath, holding it, only I was certain I was turning blue. I had to stay strong, I’d escaped. I narrowed up my options and glanced around to see if there was a chance to get away from him, only I was barefooted, weak, and tired, with no clue where I was.

  “Megan…I know you’re there. I saw you. I need to talk to you! I need to explain what happened last night,” he spoke softly. “I swear to you, whatever I did, or said, it wasn’t me. It was me, but it wasn’t. The Queen cursed me because I wasn’t following the rules of the game. Fuck, I don’t even know what I did to you. What I do know is I took it. I took your virginity, and I fear that it was without a care for your dignity. Megan please, come with me, you hiding behind a tree isn’t going to help.”

  “Go fuck yourself,” I screamed. “You’re no fucking prince charming,” I snapped. I kept hidden behind the tree.

  “I agree. Just let me try and explain.”

  “Go to hell.”

  “I know what I did was horrible, and I can only apologise to you. You being out here is not safe, please allow me to take you to safety,” his voice lowered.

  “Like I would go anywhere with you,” I yelled with bitterness. “Have you any idea what you did to me, how you have left me feeling?” I wept.

  “No, but I can imagine. Come out from behind the tree,” he said calmly.

  “Fuck you…fuck you,” I screamed.

  I ran back into the forest.

  “Running isn’t going to help, Megan,” he shouted.

  I stopped on the spot and turned. “What, and being near a beast like you is? They say, ‘you can run but you can’t hide’, no damn lie.” I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand, angry as he marched toward me. He stopped a short few feet away.

  “Allow me to take you home.”

  “And how the hell do I know if I can trust you?” I ranted.

  “Because I will protect you.”

  I scoffed, “yeah right like you did last night. How do I know if you’re not intending to take me back?” His eyes were full of solemn.

  He held his hands up. “I will not take you back there. I swear.”

  “I don’t trust you. I don’t trust anyone int that house,” I screamed.

  “I understand, I understand more than you think I do. I want to look after you, make sure you get away from here…”

  He stepped forward as I moved backwards.

  “How can you have not known what you did to me?” I yelled.

  “She cursed me, she put a spell on me… The man I was before was me, I swear to you,” he defended.

  “Bullshit, I bet you had every intention of treating me like a slut. You had already made that clear before…”

  “I found out you’re a virgin. It changed everything.”

  “Yeah right, you were simply virgin-fuelled, you told me that you could have auctioned me, only I bet you wanted a virgin to yourself and bang, you made sure no other man got to me. I bet you set me up…Yes! I bet it had been your plan all along…” I clapped my hands

  His eyes widened. “That is not true in the slightest. That was never my intention. I might be cold, but I’d never do that. Now come on…allow me to take you home, and I swear you’ll never see me again,” he told me. “You can’t walk the streets dressed like that, you’d put your life in danger, especially if…”

  He stopped and chewed his lower lip.

  “Especially if…what?” I waited for his reply.

  “If the Queen finds you, or the vultures who attended the ball. Trust me, they would feast on a pretty girl like you.”

  “Like you did, only they would be better as they’d have nothing to take,” I snarled.

  He calmly moved towards me. “I would never do anything to intentionally harm you. I respected you, and I was gentle with you before the Queen got to me. I’m so sorry. I wish I’d control; I wish I could’ve broken her, only I had nothing. Megan the woman is evil…she hates happiness. She hates love. She doesn’t have a compassionate bone in her body. She is vile, pathetic, and jealous of anyone who feels sentiments,” he told me.

  “And what are you?” I asked stepping back.

  “A feeble man, with no control of his own empire. A man who felt compassion for the first-time last night, Megan,” he stepped closer. “I don’t know what is going on, but I fear for you. I want to get you to safety.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked as he cocked his head to the side.

  “Can we talk more in the car… we will be found here. Please Megan,” he begged with panic in his voice. “I swear I will not touch you.”

  I inhaled a deep breath; aware I did not have a choice looking around me. Elijah held out his hand, I stared at it, not having any intention of taking it. I brushed passed him and raced to his car on the side of the road. The car opened, and I climbed in. I buckled in, staring outside. The door opened, and he hopped in behind the wheel.

  “You’ll need to tell me where we’re going?”

  I glared at him as he pressed buttons on the dash. I gave him the address, and he fired up the car. I did not trust him. I did not trust anyone. Before last night I thought the world was rosy and full of happiness. How deluded had I been?

  He pulled the car up outside my house, and without so much as a thank you, I jumped out and pressed the code to activate the gate into the private estate. I never looked back. Elijah was still there, no doubt trying to think of some other crap to fill my head with. I was a fool last night, I should never have gone to the ball, I knew my conscience was right.

  Inside the house, the maid rushed to greet me.

; “Oh, my goodness, look at the state of you,” she exclaimed.

  “I’m fine. I just need my room and some sleep.”

  “Megan,” I heard daddy’s deep hoarse voice. I spun to find him looking me over. “Good night?”

  I hitched my breath, glaring at him.

  “You sent me into a fire pit.” His eyes narrowed. “You told me to go to the ball,” I added as my stomach somersaulted.

  “I did, did you find the prince?” he asked.

  “What?” I asked crushing under the weight of his glare. “Why did you send me?”

  “Because my darling daughter, you needed to be made into a woman.”

  I studied him, disgusted. “Did you set me up?” I had to know the truth.

  He cocked his head to the side and furrowed his brows. Pleased with himself.

  “You monster…you sent me there knowing…you knew…” Tears streamed down my face. I had to get away, away from him. This was all a nightmare. I ran up to my room and locked myself in. How could my father be so cruel?

  Days had passed and I stayed in my room avoiding my daddy. I cried until the tears had dried up. My daddy set me up and without any remorse. I trusted no one. I hated everyone but for some reason, Elijah was on my mind. I thought about what he said about the Queen cursing him. I had no idea whether to believe him or not. But he sounded and looked sincere. He kept his promise to bring me home.

  I laid on my bed staring up at the whitewash ceiling and waited for it to give me some answers, when the truth was, only one person could. Elijah. I shuddered at the thought of going back to that house. I turned over and curled into a ball, should I go back and confront him, hear everything? Only the Queen would be there, and would he be…if he told the truth, be cursed again and do…well, the damage was done. He took my virginity. Was it worth the risk to go back and confront him? Something in me felt he cared… My head was a whirlwind, driving me scatty.

  I sat at the edge of the bed, arguing with my subconscious. I wasn’t afraid of Elijah; it was the Queen. She was one messed up bitch.

  I rose off the bed and without hesitation grabbed my car keys and made my way to the house.

  “Megan, where are you going?” my daddy billowed.

  I froze and turned to face him.

  He stared unfathomable at me.

  “You have been cooped up in your room for days and refused to come down for meals and now you’re leaving the house to what?”

  “Why did you send me to the ball?” I had to question as his first reply to me didn’t add up.

  He stepped forward. “You needed to become a woman.”

  “Yes, you’ve told me that. I was happy being…”

  “A virgin! The truth is at the erotic ball, they wanted virgins. They were looking for a unique girl like yourself. The Queen heard you were a virgin and I had to make you go. I am sorry. I had no choice, or she would…”


  “I am sorry.” His face turned to sorrow. “I was paid a great deal of money to make you go and be…”

  The words he spoke haunted me. “Be what?”


  My heart dropping into the pit of my stomach.

  “Is that what happened?”

  “No… but other nasty things happened to me and…” Elijah saved me from the auction that he had mentioned that evening in the sitting room when he trapped me.

  “Elijah,” I spoke loudly.

  “Isn’t the prince called that?” Daddy asked, confused.

  “I have to go…” I wasted no further time and dashed to my car to leave our family estate. I had no idea how I ended up in the hands of the prince when the reality was…I was to be auctioned to the highest bidder as a virgin. Elijah saved me and I feared he had no idea. I arrived at the gates, which were locked and guarded. A gate guard appeared, wearing a suit and black glasses.

  “I need to speak with Prince Elijah,” I informed him.

  “Have you an appointment, there is nothing in his diary?” he questioned, staring down my vest top.

  “No, but tell him it’s the lost virgin,” I said. I was pretty sure Elijah would figure out who I was with that.

  The man went back to the office and did what he needed to do. When the gates started to open, I drove in past the forest as the house came into sight I saw Elijah standing on the steps in front of the front door. He looked swoony, and I feared I was about to sink in deep. Each breath I took felt like a hammer to the heart. I wondered if I should turn my car around and leave, knowing now what I did about the reality behind that evening, only my mind told me not to…I had to ask the questions and for some reason, he became my curse.

  I pulled the car up and before I had a chance to open the door, he did.

  “This is a surprise – I never thought I’d see you again.’ He smiled uncertainty lacing his words

  I climbed out my car, to meet his gaze briefly. “Don’t get excited Prince…”

  “Of course not, so what can I do for you?” he asked.

  “I have questions and want answers. Is the Queen here?” I stared at the house scared she was and hoped she hadn’t spotted me, not that I’d be any good to auction now.

  “No, she isn’t. Do you want to take a walk, or go inside?”

  “Walk. It helps me to think straight,” I replied, closing the car door and locking it.

  “I will take you to the gardens, it’s pretty at this time of the year, with everything in bloom,” he added, and edged me to his left.

  We ambled down the pathway that led to the front of the house and went off down the side. It really was a truly magnificent seventieth-century house complete with towers.

  “Were you aware my daddy was paid to have me attend the ball and to be auctioned?” I had to ask as my tummy buckled.

  “No, no I had no idea. Is that what happened?”

  “Yes, daddy was visited, someone found out I was a virgin and…”

  “Holy shit! I am so sorry I had no idea. I had no idea. I simply saw you enter the house and took a fancy to you and made you my chosen one, little did I know what you were to reveal.”

  I glanced at him his face subdued and shocked.

  “You saved me I think?”

  “I guess I did, without being aware.” His voice dropped. He stopped and leaned against a flowerbed wall. “This is so fucked up. That woman is pure evil.” He sighed.

  “You said she cursed you? Why?” I asked to stand before him.

  “Because I wouldn’t do what I had planned to you. I didn’t want to harm you, apparently, she already had a curse on me and for some reason, it weakened when I met you. I have no explanation as to why it did. I never wanted to make you do anything you weren’t comfortable with, but she was watching, which I should’ve known. She summoned me and that was when she cursed me. I had no idea what I was doing Megan…I swear I fought the guards but there were too many of them. I wasn’t strong enough. I’m guessing from what you said in the forest, that I was terrible to you?” he stood as we walked in stride.

  “What was the plan?”

  “To put you on the cross, make you helpless, and use many implements, draw blood.” I scoffed. He succeeded in that. “And then to fuck you so damn hard that you screamed and pleaded with me to stop.”

  “You have no recollection of anything?” I turned to him surprised.

  He sighed. “No, nothing, she takes over you. I recall being restrained for the curse and then…well, I woke in my bedroom with what I guessed was your blood covering me...”

  “Your eyes were scary, dark and sunken like you were possessed or something,” I told him.

  “I swear to you Megan, I never wished for any of it to happen to you.” He hurried in front of me and blocked my path. He placed his hands on my upper arms. “I can show you where she did it. I never…wanted any harm to come to you. I tried to get you out the house. I tried to get you away to a car to safety, and instead, I walked you into hell. Megan, I cannot say sorry enough. Please
allow me to show you.” He laced his fingers between mine and marched me around the side of the house and into a back door. I hesitated. “It’s okay, she isn’t here to harm you.”

  I gulped. I never expected to step back in the house, it clouded me with misery.

  We walked up the grand staircase to the balcony where I first set eyes on him. he led me down a corridor, and stopped outside a door glancing at me.

  “I want you to know that who I was when I came back in the room wasn’t me.”

  His hand clasped the doorknob and it clicked open. He opened the door further and we entered. He flicked the light switch on as the curtains were closed. The room was dark, cold and miserable and had a strange, overbearing aroma to it. He took my hand and walked me around a seating area behind which was a rug was with a star and restraints.

  “This was where she did it?” I questioned.

  I looked around to see candles, a table littered with potions, and a book of spells.

  My eyes moved to him. His head was bowed low.

  “Where is the room we were in?” I asked.

  “That door there,” he pointed to the far right.

  I moved past him and went to the door. I opened it and I stepped in to find the same bed I woke in, the cross, and the cabinet, all haunting me.

  “This is so fucked up. There is so much more of the story,” he told me.

  I turned to face him, “So tell me.”

  “She was made the Queen after my parents died. She told me she’s my father’s daughter, from an affair he had, meaning she was next in line of the throne, she had the box…The Box of the Damned. The box had been entrusted to our family long ago and handed down from generation to generation through the years. Inside were the darkest and most destructive evils that you could ever imagine. As Queen, part of her duty was to protect the box. To keep it safe from those who would want to do harm to the world. Only she got greedy and lifted the lid…that curse hit me and everyone else.”


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