Worshiped By The Bear Kings: Part One

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Worshiped By The Bear Kings: Part One Page 4

by Bolter, Rosette

  “But how is it I’m part of your destiny, but she wasn’t?”

  Brad looked at her carefully. It seemed as though he was searching for the answer to her question.

  “You have special people around you,” he said. “Your life has been blessed already.”

  “Do I?” Jasmine murmured.

  “But you’ve also never fully lived life. You’ve never been in love before.”

  Jasmine’s jaw dropped. She pulled it back quickly.

  “But that’s not because you don’t have love inside. You do. You have valleys of it. All this time. All these years … and you haven’t had anyone to share it with. Not … in the way it should be shared.”

  “Uh…” Jasmine mumbled. “You’re making me really nervous now.”


  “You’re like … seeing into my past or something. Reading my thoughts.”

  “No,” Brad whispered.


  “All I’m doing,” he said, “is looking into your eyes.”

  His last word eyes gave a quiet echo through the cave. Like there was wind behind it. Atmosphere.

  And perhaps he understood it better than she did…

  Or maybe he didn’t understand any better at all…

  But now it was time, for Jasmine and Thunder Brad to have their first kiss.


  As Brad’s body pressed against Jasmine’s, the cavern wall behind her no longer felt like a wall at all. It felt silky. Soft. Like if he pressed against her any harder she would find herself falling into water.

  He ran his fingers along the edges of her mouth. She was stirred. Prickled all over. He parted her lips with his fingers then bent down to kiss her there.

  She received him.

  He was forceful. Dominating with his movements of the lips and tongue.

  But a skill behind it. A talent. Almost … a rhythm that he was moving to…

  Jasmine could hear the song. Inside his head. Inside hers. Their song. The sound of rich, quiet orchestration. Immersed in the sounds of nature. He laid her down to the floor, and it was as though she was floating along a block of ice. The sound of dolphins laughing, jumping through the water…

  He had removed her clothes. His clothes. She wasn’t even aware of it happening. His chest, so hard and firm against her breasts. His arms behind her back on the floor, holding her up to him, so he could smother her with more kisses.

  Was there a meaning behind it?

  Did she believe his view of destiny?

  Hard to explain, but in the rare sober moment her mind had, she knew she was being swept up in this. Normally she wouldn’t be so surrendering. She’d want to ask questions. Find out all the details so she could feel safe.

  But with him, she just knew that she was safe.

  And after a life of struggle and pointless direction, she’d finally arrived at her true destination.

  There would be time for talk later.

  Right now, his cock was inside her. His hands had moved all the way around her buttocks and he was thrusting her towards him, his mouth all over the rest of her body as he did so. She watched the blue light reflect of his body and as she touched his skin, and saw that light transferred to hers, Jasmine couldn’t feel anything but bliss.

  The sex didn’t last long.

  After only a couple of minutes, Brad shot his load into her and rolled onto the floor beside her.

  As she lay with him, the cold and hard of the floor behind her returning, she couldn’t help but feel less than satisfied. She wanted more from him. Not just physically as well. She wanted to know and love him.

  Outside the cave meanwhile, crickets had started to stir. The sun was gone and the moon and stars were out in all their visible glory. Jasmine looked across to Brad and knew she wanted to tell him something. But it was important that he hear her.

  “Let’s not ruin it,” she said. “Let’s make this our end. Let’s be like this forever.”

  Thunder Brad breathed in. He seemed dissatisfied by her words.

  “The love isn’t real,” Brad said, “if you don’t have to fight for it.”

  Jasmine would remember that later.


  “Don’t worry,” Thunder Brad said pulling Jasmine to her feet. “Our night isn’t over yet.”

  “Why would I be worried?” Jasmine mumbled.

  Brad kissed her neck hotly whilst they dressed.

  They then ventured outside the cave together.

  Jasmine stood with Brad and let her eyes gaze out to the trail towards the river. She couldn’t pin point anything specific, but the forest seemed to have ignited.

  “Come on,” Brad said, and started down the trail together. As they walked, he shared a few things with her. “Our tribe is known as the Uthuro. Across this area in the forest all the bears are spread out, each with their own caves. While there are other bear shifters nearby, we do not associate with them. If anything, we stay well out of their way. Fortunately we’ve heard that they’ve moved on for this season and won’t be back for some time. The Uthuro know about other bear tribes as well, but again, we stay away from them. We are very set on protecting this area of the forest and no other. All creatures in here are our friends.”

  “Are they shifters too?” Jasmine asked.

  “No,” Brad said. “But as humans might form connections with certain animals, we have a connection with all the animals in this forest. That includes the occasional ‘normal’ bear, as well as deer, rabbits, squirrels, mice and birds.”

  “What about the people?”

  “We welcome all humans into the forest. We only ask they do not disturb the animals. And of course hunting –”

  “Is prohibited in this area,” Jasmine finished for him.

  Brad glared at her. “That isn’t funny. Imagine how your kind would feel if a bear was running around their neighborhood, breaking into their houses, and killing innocents in the name of sport.”

  “Oh,” Jasmine said, caught off guard. “I fully agree. I’m all for animal rights.”

  “But not everyone is sadly…”

  They reached the river bed. They turned right and followed in the direction they were heading earlier, towards the mountains.

  They looked so beautiful now.

  “I am King of the Uthuro,” Brad continued. “In times of tragedy, when leadership is required, I lead. As you know I have secured an identity in the human world, and I use that to further the protection of the area here. As you are now my mate, you will be shown that part of my life also.”

  “How does it work though?” Jasmine asked. “How can I be your mate if I’m not a bear?”

  “Our shifters have the biological nature to mate with humans as well as shifters as long as they are in shifter form.”

  “So you don’t mate in bear form?”

  “Some types of bear have been known to. The … Destair bears for one. But not the Uthuro.”

  “How many mates have you had before your wife?”

  “That’s an impolite question,” Brad said. “I haven’t requested knowledge of your past experiences.”

  “Right…” Jasmine said, realizing she’d put her foot in her mouth.

  “The life you had before this one belongs to you,” Brad said. “As my past belongs to me. It is in the present, and the future, which we share.”

  Jasmine looked up at him. She smiled.

  He took her hand and squeezed it tightly.

  “So where are we going now?” Jasmine asked. “Or are we just wandering?”

  “We’re going to the secret temple of the Uthuro. It is a place that is sacred to the kings.”

  Jasmine blinked. “How many kings are there?”

  “Two. Myself. And my cousin Pike. There are two of us, so if something happens to the other, there will always be leadership amongst the bears.”

  “What happens if something happens to both of you?” Jasmine couldn’t help but ask.

p; “It is very rare that Pike and I are even in the same parts of the forest. We only meet at the temple, and no one knows its location but us. And our mate.”

  Jasmine and Brad kept walking, with his last words not properly registering.

  After a moment, her confusion clicked in.

  “Our mate? Who is that? Do you have another mate?”

  “We did. She was our wife and queen.”

  “Wait, wait, wait… But I’m not a queen. Right…?”

  Brad laughed to himself. “Of course not. You would need to be married to us first. And we just met.”

  “But … who is Pike’s mate?”

  “She was the queen,” Brad said. “And now she is you.”

  Jasmine stopped. She wasn’t sure she heard him right.

  “But who is Pike’s queen? I know you lost your queen but who is Pike’s.”

  “She was Pike’s queen as well,” Brad answered. “We kings only have the one bride. It would be selfish of us to deprive the rest of the tribe of a potential mate, when one is already enough for us.”

  Jasmine heard what he was saying now. She was a little freaked out.

  “It’s completely normal in bear culture, for the female to have more than one husband. To us, we worship our brides, and expect to live our lives in service for them. I understand this isn’t a often a human custom, but it is ours.”

  “Uh…” Jasmine said between breaths. “But I haven’t met Pike, so…”

  “It’s okay,” Brad said. “We’re going to meet him now. If you don’t find him attractive, you don’t have to be with him.”

  “And what if I do?” Jasmine asked.

  “Then we shall all mate together. While the moon is still full tonight.”


  The river had come to a hill leading downward, and from there it expanded further. The area surrounding the river down the hill was littered with large black rocks and stones. There was a glorious waterfall in the corner of it, and that was where Thunder Brad was leading Jasmine.

  They approached the base of the waterfall from its side and were able to move into the cavern underneath it. Once there, Brad went to the very back of the cavern and ran his fingers along it to uncover something. There was a brief snap sound and the wall in front of them began to shift to one side, revealing a passageway. Once they were on the other side of the wall, Brad found another switch and the wall closed again.

  Ahead of them, there was hardly any light at all. Jasmine relied completely on Brad to guide her, who was holding her hand every step of the way.

  Staring at him in the darkness, she saw his eyes now emitted a bright green light.

  She stayed close beside him and trusted that he wouldn’t let her stumble or fall.

  Eventually the passageway was greeted with glowing beige lights up ahead. There was an opening into a much larger room. And from there, Jasmine could hear the same wonderful music that had been playing there earlier.

  They were now in the front part of the temple. The floor was carpeted and the walls decorated with gold. This entrance soon moved out into a large wide open room, with a circular pool in the centre of it. There were number of statues around the pool, each spraying a stream of running water into it, to keep the flood ongoing.

  Behind this area of the room there was a series of steps. They ran in spaces of four steps at a time before there was a distance before the next set of steps. At the very top of this mountain there were two thrones. A shirtless, equally muscular man with blond hair and blue eyes was sitting on the left throne, holding a scepter.

  When they had come far enough, he rose to meet them.

  “You found the hunter?” he demanded.

  “Yes,” Brad replied. “He’s dead. This girl is one of his party. But not complicit in Juliet’s death.”

  The bear king continued descending the steps until they were on the same level. Once there, he looked Jasmine up and down.

  She knew why he was looking.

  It was almost the same way Jake had looked at her that afternoon. Where she had been repulsed then, she was more embarrassed now.

  Being the mate of two kings seemed like some rather large shoes to fill.

  “Have you had her yet?” the bear king asked boldly.

  “Of course,” Brad said. “From what I can tell, she is very willing. She also has not only her physical beauty. She has an aura around her that speaks large volumes. She is someone we can trust. Someone who deserves to be worshiped.”

  The bear king was staring into her eyes.

  She felt a smile appearing on her lips, but it was unnatural.

  “I’m Spike,” he said.

  “Jasmine,” she murmured.

  “Would you like to touch me?” Spike asked.


  He took her right hand from her and pressed it against his chest. It felt warm.

  She could feel his heard pounding for her.

  “Are you sure she is the one?” Spike asked Brad.

  Brad moved behind Jasmine and put his hands at her hips.

  “I am sure,” Brad whispered in her ear.

  Spike opened and closed his eyes. Then he leaned forward into her.

  Brad kissed her shoulder and Spike kissed her lips.


  Although she didn’t know Spike at all, and barely knew Brad, Jasmine’s nervousness completely subsided as the bear kings sought to gratify her. Spike didn’t kiss quite the same as Brad did. He didn’t have the skill. What he had was a furtive, playfulness the other didn’t possess. This was less serious for him. More organic. As she engaged with him in the pashing of tongues, Brad’s kisses had found her backside. He undressed her from behind and when her pants and underwear were discarded, he spread open her cheeks to pleasure her with his mouth. In all those ways you could imagine.

  As Spike pulled away her top and began to massage her nipples with his teeth and tongue, Jasmine’s body was rocked from one pleasurous shudder to another.

  These guys, these kings, these bears –

  They were all over her.

  Eyes open, eyes closed, Jasmine could hardly stand up she was being devoured so emphatically. Spike eventually moved down her stomach, his tongue moving along between kisses in a straight line. He then inserted it underneath her clitoris and began to suck and nibble on it in his mouth. Brad had moved up to her asshole which was as numbingly, unspeakably awesome as you might expect, but with Spike licking her clit at the same time, Jasmine was on the verge of crying out and having multiple orgasms.

  When this sequence of pleasuring was at its next phase, together Brad and Spike lifted Jasmine above their heads, and carried her towards the pool.

  As they gently laid her on her back she was greeted with a cool and meditative relaxation as the water immersed her skin. Both of the bears then stripped naked and climbed into the pool with her.

  Brad held her breasts from behind, and tenderly kissed her forehead. Spike spread her legs apart and instantly she felt his heavy cock enter her, hard and firm.

  Jasmine reached up and wrapped her hands around Brad’s neck and kissed his lips upside down, whilst Spike fucked her as hard as he could.

  Inside, Jasmine knew that what she was engaging in now was beyond her wildest dreams. She would never have dared to expect to have two men all over her at the same time – for the fear that it would become about lust rather than love. With two men who were just men and no more, it would probably mean that. But these men weren’t just men.

  They were kings.


  Before it was all over, Brad was whispering in her ear: “You’re everything.”

  And: “We love you.”

  And: “We worship you.”

  Right as Spike came inside her, her lips were interlocked with Brad’s for their most passionate and intimate moment yet.

  Jasmine wasn’t sure she could ever say those words back to him. The concepts of such devotion … were almost bey
ond her. At the same time she knew neither of them expected that of her – her role was simply to be an outlet for the love the bears had to give. And while she believed she didn’t deserve it in the slightest, she couldn’t help but let their love fill up her black hole of desire…

  After the sex, they bathed and cuddled a bit before rising from the water and drying themselves off. Then they dressed each other.

  After that, Jasmine was so liberated, she had to sit down. She watched her two kings talk quietly with each other. She wasn’t sure if they were discussing her, or some other topic, but both seemed eager and refreshed. Eventually, they turned to her.

  “We were just discussing how we will take turns to be with you,” Brad explained. “Since you’re new to the tribe and you know me best, I’ll be with you for the remainder of the week.”

  “After that you’re with me for a week,” Spike said. “I am looking forward to it.”

  “Okay,” Jasmine murmured. “Me too, I guess.”

  “Come on,” Brad said. “It’s time for us to go now.”

  Jasmine smiled as he helped her up. Before leaving Spike alone she gave him a hug, and left her with a memorable kiss.

  “I can’t wait to learn more about you,” he said in parting.

  “And I, you,” Jasmine said in response to his playful vibe.

  Their hands left each other and then she was under Thunder Brad’s arm once more.

  As they made their way out to the waterfall, he asked her if she had enjoyed their mating.

  “I …” Jasmine began. “It was…”


  “Kind of amazing.”

  “Well, I guess you’re one of us now then.”

  “I guess.”

  And for a moment there. Just one or two or three.

  Everything seemed perfect.

  They stepped through the moveable wall and out from underneath the waterfall.

  To their horror the entire forest was consumed with fire.

  “No!” Brad screamed. “NOOOOO!!!”

  He left her side to race up the hill by the riverside towards the burning forest.


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