Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler

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Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler Page 21

by KuroKoneko Kamen

“What about the ones I’ve already prepared?” Kimamura san picked something out of his ear.

  “You didn’t?” Kusanagi was aghast.

  Kimamura- san flicked it off into the air carelessly. “Shall I dispose of them?”


  “No you shall not! Mou! Geez! Just...equip these clones with better weapons this time. Perhaps...he misses his sword. A Samurai Butler can’t be a true samurai without his sword, his soul, now can he? Or maybe just some rocket launchers or something for some more fire power. But these are the last! Got it?” Kusanagi pinned him with her angry stare. Kimamura nodded solemnly, “Yes and Kusanagi I really am sorry. I never meant for you to have to witness such a thing I”

  “Yea, well, it’s too late now isn’t it?” Kusanagi spat, “I saw...I’m emotionally scarred now! Thanks to you! Gods, I’ll probably need therapy now or something - which you are so going to have to pay for!” She hissed.

  “If you need therapy I will gladly pay.” Kimamura earned a book in his face for his offer.

  “I don’t need therapy! I’m NOT CRAZY!” She yelled at the top of her lungs, panting for breath and then deflated turned to Ranmaru. “Ranmaru, help me back to my room, I’m...tired.”

  Kusanagi sighed heavily.

  Ranmaru bowed, “Hai, Oujo-sama. ” He said before picking Kusanagi up and swooping her into his arms bridal style.

  “Oi! ” Kusanagi turned beet red, “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing? Baka! ”

  “Escorting you to your room of course.” Ranmaru declared in his monotone voice as he turned to go. Kusanagi began beating on his chest, “Put me down this instant! Ranmaruuuu!”

  Kimamura watched them go with an expression that was both sad and amused at the same time. At least something good seemed to come out of all this mess. It seems she’s finally beginning to trust again…

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  Some men look good in drag? Huh?

  The very next day...

  Kusanagi was pissed. And that was putting it lightly. A man-eating plant had eaten her SP and she had suffered psychological damage. She’d probably need therapy now. And it was all Haruka’s fault. As soon as she saw the fruity bastard she beat the crapola out of him.

  Haruka had caught sight of his princess by the school gates and rushed to greet her, arms spread wide, “Kusanagi- chan!

  Princess! Koneko- chan! ”

  Kusanagi waited for just the right moment and when Haruka was close enough she sent her fist flying into Haruka’s face so that he was sent sprawling back, teeth flying. Yep, suffice it to say that Haruka realized Kusanagi hadn’t been too thrilled with his gift after all. A beaten up and dejected Haruka stumbled down the streets of Akihabara. Again he looked at his beautiful reflection, which Kusanagi had defaced...and pouted. He was hideous. His face was black and blue and swollen. He turned and saw a giant billboard advertisement for a soda campaign that had used him. There his face was perfect, so was his hair, make-up, and clothes. Yep, he looked totally cool~, glamorous. Haruka smirked smugly to himself. What girl could resist him?

  A few girls passed Haruka by just then and Haruka turned to throw them a wink and his dashing smile, teeth sparkling 200

  (though he was now missing a few teeth in places), “Hey there ladies.”

  The cute girls instantly freaked out at the sight of his hideous face, “Eeeeyeee! It’s a perverted stalker! Ahhh!”

  Haruka put up his hands in a helpless gesture, “No, wait, I’m-” He was about to motion to the overhead billboard. But the girls did not seem to want to see reason and began beating him over the head with their school bags. Ow. What did girls keep in their bags these days bricks?

  A policeman caught sight of them and arrived on the scene, “Oi! You there!” The policeman took out a club, ready to use it on Haruka next.

  “Oh shit...better run for it!” Haruka took off running with the policeman hot on his heels. He caught sight of an alleyway and quickly ducked down it.


  Haruka turned around and was surprised to see the same strange fortune-telling girl from before. He was immediately incensed. “You!” He stomped over to her and glared, slamming his hands down on the table that she had set up before her. “Do you have any idea what happened to me because of that plant you gave Kusanagi?”

  “She beat you up didn’t she?” Tsukushi’s eyes didn’t leave her crystal ball, and she waved her hand over its pearlescent surface in a mysterious manner.

  Haruka blinked. “Well - yes, she did. How did you know that?”

  Tsukushi looked over his bruised and battered form. Cough. “I am psychic remember? And don’t worry this has all been part of my plan. This time for certain you will win Kusanagi’s heart!”

  Haruka gave her a skeptical look. “Oh no...why should I trust you again? The last time sure as hell didn’t work.”

  “Oh but this time will work one hundred percent. As long as you have - this.” Tsukushi pulled out another potted plant. Haruka groaned. “Another plant?”

  “Shut up! Look closer you pitiful human! This is no ordinary plant.”

  Haruka squinted at it. “Is that?”

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  Tsukushi smiled a cat’s paw smile, “Indeed it is. Behold - the mythical Blue Rose that no woman can resist!”

  “Is that...real? You didn’t just dye some normal white rose blue now did you?” Haruka narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Hell no!” Tsukushi growled back indignant, “Of course it’s real! What do you think this is a petty scam? I can assure you this is the real deal! Give this rose to Kusanagi - she won’t be able to resist it and then I, I mean, you will get what you want!”

  Haruka took the plant eyeing it suspiciously, “I sure hope bruises have bruises at this point.”

  Tsukushi nodded, “Don’t worry, I see success in your future...Buwhahaha!” She began to cackle evilly. Haruka raised an eyebrow at her, “What’s with the evil laugh?”

  Cough. “Evil? No, no, this is my laugh

  of...err...happiness. Yea, that’s right. Haven’t you heard a cute girl laugh extra happily before, Mister?”

  “Riighhht.” Haruka scratched his head thoughtfully. He then shrugged and decided he didn’t have much to lose anyways. He turned and left the alleyway without another word. Haruka then headed home to get dolled up for Kusanagi before driving in his flashy red sports car back to the Kimamura estate. He neared the barred, front gates that had been closed and locked against him. He could see the security cameras swiveling towards his car as it approached, and the mounted guns on top of the gate were also targeting his car. Haruka pressed a button on his dashboard and two panels opened up on the front of his Pagani Zonda before firing two rockets. These rockets went flying towards the front gate and blasted it open. KABOOM

  This was how he had gotten past Kusanagi’s security the last time. Haruka smirked, there really wasn’t anything money and connections couldn’t buy. Haruka pressed down on the gas and floored it, speeding through the flames and debris of what was left of the gate.

  Haruka nonchalantly pulled up at the front of the mansion 202

  and got out of his car, potted plant in hand. He walked up the front steps swiftly and used the doorknocker to knock on the door loudly.

  The door opened in seconds. It was her damned butler again...what was his name? Ranmaru? Haruka opened his mouth to speak but Ranmaru immediately closed the door in Haruka’s face. Haruka felt a trickle of sweat form on his brow before his temple throbbed in irk.

  “Dammit! Let me in! I’m here to see Kusanagi you great big buffoon of a guard dog!” Haruka pounded on the door with his free hand.

  Haruka then heard voices from the other side of the door-“Ranmaru, who’s at the door?” It was his Angel’s voice.

  “Newspaper salesman.” Then Kusanagi said something Haruka didn’t catch. Then-“No, allow me, Ouj
o-sama. ”

  Haruka quirked his head at the door before Ranmaru threw the door open in such a way that it hit Haruka directly in the face so that he painfully went flying down the stairs. Doesn’t that door open the other direction to begin with? Haruka thought dazedly as he picked himself up off the ground. Thankfully the plant was undamaged. Haruka dusted himself off and stalked back up the steps, trying to appear composed, but failed miserably. When he saw Ranmaru’s smug expression he burst out. “Oi! What the hell?”

  Kusanagi’s expression darkened when she caught sight of him, “You...what do you want?”

  Haruka instantly smiled as he turned towards Kusanagi, “I came to apologize. I don’t know what misfortune the plant from before brought you but I am truly sorry. I wanted to make it up to you and so I brought-”

  “Another plant.” Ranmaru deadpanned.

  Haruka flushed but held out the plant anyways, “This is no ordinary plant, you fool! This is the mythical Blue Rose!”

  As he held out the plant Kusanagi finally looked over at it and then her attention seemed to focus solely on the plant. “The mythical Blue’s real....?” Her voice had a tinge of awe to it as she reached out to take the plant. She looked up at Haruka and then smiled slightly. “Thank you, I shall accept your gift.”

  Haruka was elated, that is, until Kusanagi slammed the Bitch 203

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  door in his face.

  “Hey! Wait!” Haruka called out in a mixture of shock and surprise. That wasn’t how it was supposed to work. “Don’t you want to give me a thank you kiss or something?”

  Haruka pressed his ear up against the door to listen in on her response. “Ranmaru, isn’t it time to take out the trash?”

  Kusanagi questioned thoughtfully.

  “I believe so, Oujo-sama. ” Huh? Ranmaru came out the door with several trash bags suddenly and threw them all at Haruka who was blasted back and covered in garbage. Why me?

  “Today is so not my day...” Haruka passed out.


  Meanwhile, back inside the mansion...Kusanagi was in the tearoom observing her Blue Rose while Ranmaru was serving her tea.

  Ranmaru gave the Blue Rose a suspicious look. He had a bad feeling about that plant but he didn’t understand why. It simply unsettled him and sent the hair on the back of his neck prickling in warning.

  Kusanagi had a dazed look on her face as she continued to stare at the Blue Rose, “Isn’t it...beautiful?”

  Ranmaru looked at Kusanagi worriedly, “Hai, Oujo- sama, here your Mille-feuille pastry otherwise known as a Napoleon.” The desert was a rectangular piece of pastry with thin flaky layers that were filled with custard cream. “To make this cake I used layers of puff pastry and filled those layers with custard cream. I have glazed it with vanilla and chocolate icing that I combed into that design on the top of it.” With a flourish Ranmaru set down the delectable looking pastry before Kusanagi, which she had requested of him earlier. It had been one of her usual challenging requests since the French pastry was by no means easy to make. But Ranmaru was pleased with himself by how well the pastry had turned out. He was sure that his Mistress would be pleased. Kusanagi could hide her feelings pretty well, sure, but when it came to food she was an open book. She would always inhale the extravagant deserts that Ranmaru had gotten 204

  into the habit of making for her.

  She would always eat his food enthusiastically, passionately, and with a warm open smile on her face too. Ranmaru wondered dully if his Mistress was even aware of this fact. Because of this Ranmaru always made sure to cook with all his emotions hoping that his feelings would reach Kusanagi somehow...

  Feelings that even Ranmaru had yet to identify clearly. But instead of diving into the French pastry as she normally wanted Kusanagi ignored it, her attention remaining fixated on the Blue Rose.

  Alarm bells went off in Ranmaru’s mind. His Mistress was not acting normal.

  And so when Kusanagi began to reach her hand out towards the flower, as if in a trance or slightly hypnotized state, Ranmaru acted quickly.

  “Oujo-sama no!” Ranmaru quickly slapped the Blue Rose out of Kusanagi’s reach. The Blue Rose skidded across the table, fell off, and the pot broke when it hit the floor. Thump, thump

  Ranmaru looked down at his hand seeing the blood there where the sharp and deadly thorns had pierced into his flesh. Ranmaru flinched when he felt ‘it’ painfully flowing through his veins-Poison.

  Ranmaru quickly summoned a small ball of fox-fire into his hand and threw it at the Blue Rose, which lay still and harmless looking on the floor. The Blue Rose caught fire and was instantly consumed.

  As soon as the rose was destroyed Kusanagi blinked, seeming to come back to her senses. “Ranmaru...?” She looked over to see the burning Blue Rose and her expression turned angry. “Oi! Why did you do that? It’s not like you to act jealous, Ranmaru.” Kusanagi teased as she turned to face him but Ranmaru had turned deathly pale and had sunk to his knees, the poison already taking effect.

  Kusanagi’s eyes widened in concern, “Ranmaru!” She ran over to his side, “What’s wrong?” She placed a hand on his shoulder.

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  Ranmaru was panting for breath and in extreme pain,

  “Poison...the Blue Rose...”

  “Poison?” Kusanagi began to freak out, “I’ our personal doctor right away. Roze! ROZE!” Kusanagi yelled. Kusanagi moved to stand but Ranmaru grabbed her arm, stopping her, and panted, “Spiritual... yokai...poison...” He gasped before falling forward and passing out.

  “Ranmaru? Ranmaruuu!”


  Roze rushed into the tearoom and spotted Ranmaru on the floor passed out and looking as pale as a ghost. “Kusanagi- sama, what happened?”

  Tears welled up in Kusanagi’s eyes, “Ranmaru he...the Blue Rose...was poisonous and he destroyed it Ranmaru’s poisoned. He...protected me...oh Roze!”

  “Calm down, don’t worry Kusanagi- sama I’ll call the doctor right away.”

  “Please hurry Roze...he looks bad.”

  Roze curtsied, “Hai, Kusanagi- sama.” Roze ran over to the phone and dialed their personal doctor, Dr. Tanaka, who arrived at the estate in minutes.

  Roze, Kusanagi, along with the help of the new SPs helped to move Ranmaru into his bedroom.

  Ranmaru’s eyes were closed, his face was pale, there was a thin layer of sweat on his brow, and his breathing was becoming irregular, coming in and out in short pants. Kusanagi sat at his bedside, biting her lip, a worried expression on her face. Doctor Tanaka arrived shortly thereafter and Roze directed him to his patient. “This way, Tanaka- sensei, he’s just over here.” Tanaka- sensei was a middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair and was wearing a simple gray suit.

  “Hai, hai. Let me see.” Tanaka- sensei came over by Ranmaru and peered down at him, “Poison did you say? Let me run a quick test.” Doctor Tanaka took a blood sample from Ranmaru with a syringe and began to run the analysis of his blood with the high tech equipment he had brought along with 206



  “Well?” Kusanagi snapped.

  “Maa~ I’m afraid this is an unknown poison. And my data base has over 20,000 known human and yokai poisons listed therein.” Tanaka- sensei shook his head.

  “Unknown? What the hell is that supposed to mean! Cure him! I’ll pay you whatever you want so just...cure him dammit!”

  Kusanagi growled.

  Tanaka- sensei frowned, “It isn’t that simple young lady. This poison...comes from a plant that was artificially engineered. I could eventually come up with an antidote, since I am a genius, however...” Doctor Tanaka looked over at Ranmaru, a grim expression forming on his face. “That young man will not last that long. I’m sorry but he only has a few more hours to live at the most...”

  Kusanagi’s eyes widened in shock. “What? What was that you old quack
! Take that back! Ranmaru is NOT going to die!”

  Tanaka- sensei shook his head, a pitying look now on his face, “I’m sorry, young lady. But that’s the truth.”

  Kusanagi clenched her fists angrily at her sides, digging her nails into the palms of her hands. “Get out.” She said in a low voice.

  “Excuse me?” Doctor Tanaka questioned.

  “I said GET THE HELL OUT!” Kusanagi exploded waving her hands frantically in the air, “Both of you! You too Roze!” Kusanagi hissed.

  Roze apologized profusely to Tanaka- sensei as she led him from the room. “I’m so sorry about that, Tanaka sensei...she’s not usually this bad.”

  “Maa~ Don’t worry, I understand, Roze- san. That young man must mean a lot to her...”

  The door closed.

  It was like a bell toll.

  Kusanagi glared at the door and then turned to Ranmaru’s pathetic looking form. A few hours...? And Ranmaru would...?

  What ever happened to ‘Idiots don’t catch colds?’. Kusanagi’s inner voice piped up suddenly, You can still save him. Think Kusanagi, what did he mean when he said Bitch 207

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  ‘spiritual yokai poison’?

  You’re right, he did say something like that. Then perhaps this poison has two sides - physical and spiritual. Two ways to combat it...which means it’s like a spiritual ailment. I only know of one person that probably knows of a way to rid Ranmaru of this poison. Old Miko Akane at the Inari Shrine. Priestess Akane of the Inari Shrine was a nice old lady that Kusanagi sometimes went to for spiritual advice. Though Kusanagi had no miko abilities herself unlike her grandfather...who was able to exorcize spirits...Kusanagi still believed in the Second World. Though she had no real abilities for some reason Kusanagi had limited ‘Sight’. A ‘Sight’ that showed her the Grim Reaper’s Shadow - which told her when someone was going to die. Sometimes she also had dreams or rather nightmares that held prophetic clues of what was to come to pass. But Kusanagi didn’t consider herself a Seer. Because all she could see and predict was...Death. Her sight was...cursed. And right then Kusanagi didn’t want to use her ability to see what Ranmaru’s shadow looked like at that moment. Her last and only hope was the old miko. The old miko had been a mentor of sorts to Kusanagi and had explained to Kusanagi what her Sight ‘meant’, and had given Kusanagi powerful o-fuda and talismans to protect her and ward off evil spirits, which had worked splendidly on various occasions (such as one time when she had had to exorcize a ghost that had been haunting the girl’s bathroom).


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