My Ranger Weekend

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My Ranger Weekend Page 9

by Lowrance, J. D.

  “I don’t care,” I answered as I opened the fridge.

  “Oh, Dakota.” Her startled voice drew my eyes to hers. “I didn’t know that was you. I thought you were Romeo.”


  “No worries,” she responded. “He was in the shower when I came down. I thought you were him. Anywho. The question still applies. What do you guys want for dinner?”

  “Whatever. I am not picky,” I answered as I reached in and grabbed a beer. “Want one?”

  “Sure,” answered Reggie. I handed her the beer as she handed me the Chinese food menu. “Everything ok?” She asked, not letting go of the menu even though I had tugged on it.

  “Yeah, sure,” I lied, my eyes not meeting hers. She let go of the menu as I took a healthy swig of beer. I could still feel her eyes on me so I looked back up.

  “Ryan is a pretty private person. She hardly ever lets anyone in.”

  “Ok,” I said not sure where this was going but interested in what Ryan’s best friend had to say about her.

  “So for the mire fact that you are standing in my parents’ kitchen, shirtless, I might add,” We both snickered before she continued, “Tells me that Ryan feels something for you. She is one of the beautiful people and may get lots of male attention but she has never done anything remotely close to what you two are doing right now.” I nodded my head. “What happened with Garrett was kind of stupid and crazy, but,” I froze dreading what she would say next, “sexy at the same time.” A hint of smile played at her lips.

  “Yeah, I just kind of . . . lost my shit a little.” I ran my hand back and forth over my head before taking a long pull from my beer. The menu lay forgotten on the counter.

  “I would say so but I think it was good for Ryan to see. She has never had anyone fight for her before, for what she wants. It has only ever been Ryan working hard to get what she wants for a fleeting few seconds before her parents push her in the direction that they want.” She paused as she took her own long drink. “I probably shouldn’t even say anything but I feel like you could reach her on a level that I can’t. Ryan has some big decisions to make in the next couple of months and she needs the strength to stand up for herself and take what she wants.”

  “Have you said any of this to her?” I asked, wanting to know how I could reach her and not her best friend.

  “Practically every day,” responded Reggie with a look of exasperation on her face. “She is as stubborn as her parents, thinking she can continue to do both.”

  “How good is she?” I asked.

  “Wonderful, amazing, fantastic. Should I continue?” She laughed. “I have been a Wether’s Wardrobe fan since day one when my dolls were dressed in it when we were eight.”

  “Wether’s Wardrobe?”

  “Yes, the official name of Ryan Wether’s line. I came up with it in ninth grade.” She walked across the kitchen and through a set of french doors into a space that looked like a study or office. She came back with a thick photo album. Reggie came to stand next to me while flipping through the album. “I wore her to junior prom.” She stopped flipping and pointed to several photos of her in a beautiful full length mint green dress. “Then senior prom and graduation.” More pointing, more pictures of beautiful dresses and big smiles. “When I need a go-to outfit Ryan never fails me.”


  “Yep. Wow is right. Ask her about the contest coming up. Better yet ask to see her sketch book. It is a showcase of her true talent.” The pride in Reggie’s voice made me realize just how much she loved and admired Ryan.

  “I will.” I turned the beer bottle up and finished it before tossing it in the trash. “Right now,” I said as Reggie laughed and I rushed back to the very place that I ran from not twenty minutes before.


  I took my time drying off, brushing my teeth, applying lotion, and dressing myself in a white sundress. Flint was nowhere to be found so I figured he needed some space. I brushed my wet blonde locks as I stared in the mirror. His quick departure was surprising after our connection in the shower but . . . but . . . Screw it! I was done over-analyzing. I grabbed my phone, opening my music app and selected Recently Added. The harmonic notes of Pitbull’s “Timber” started and I turned up the volume as I threw my hands up, closing my eyes and dancing to the music.

  “Swing your partner round and round,” I sang as I started the hair dryer. I shook my ass and jumped around singing, “I’m yelling Timber,” into the dryer. The song and dancing helped in making me forget about all the crazy-ass drama. Flint never crossed my mind as I just enjoyed myself. Yeah right! As Ke$sha’s voice ended the song, I turned to find Flint staring at me. I shut off the dryer and brushed my hair letting the silence speak for itself. The sound of a piano filled the bathroom as John Legend’s “All of Me” played from my phone. I grabbed it and made a move to leave the bathroom.

  “Hey lovely,” he said, stepping into the bathroom.

  “Hey Ranger,” I said. The anxiety I felt earlier came rushing back as I stared at this beautiful man before me. Two big steps and he was in front of me taking my face in his hands. His head dipped down stopping his lips a breath from mine. “I thought you said no more disappearing,” I whispered. This man was quickly becoming the balm that soothed my nerves. His mere presence pushed all my anxious thoughts out of my mind.

  “I’m right here,” he breathed across my lips. My hands went to his chest as I pushed up on the balls of my feet, pressing my lips to his. A moment later Flint trailed his tongue along the seam of my lips seeking an entrance that I gladly gave to him. His tongue danced gracefully with mine as my phone rested between us, John Legend saying everything I dare not even think about, let alone say.

  Flint started to sway to the music as his tongue continued to dance with mine. We stayed like that until the song ended. As we pulled apart, I opened my eyes to find his searching them. I did not know if he found what he was looking for because another song started and I quickly turned it off.

  “Show me your sketch book.” My gaze snapped back to his.

  “What?” I asked, the shock of his request must have been evident as he let out a soft chuckle before reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

  “Reggie showed me pictures of dresses you made for her,” said Flint as he ran a finger along my chin, titling it up.

  “That is so Reggie.”

  “What is?” he asked.

  “Showing off my handy work. I swear I am going to hire her to be my CMO if I ever get something started.”

  “If, not when?” questioned Flint.

  I answered with a sigh, stepping around him to go into the bedroom. “You’re right. When I get something started.”

  “Show me,” he paused. I could feel his body at my back as he continued, “please.”

  “Ok,” I conceded, walking over to my bags. I pulled out my sketch book, turning I handed it to him.

  “This is a big book,” Flint commented lifting it up and down to show me how heavy he thought it was.

  “I have a dozen others.”

  “That many,” said Flint as he stared at me in amazement. “Will you sit with me?” he asked as he sat on the bed. I nodded, taking a seat beside him. A couple of pages in, he stopped and ran his fingers over the dress on the page. “You are wearing this right now.” It was not a question but a statement.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “You look radiant in this dress; between your tan and how the white makes your solar eyes glow.” Flint commented as he took my hand in his. “You look like an angel.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered as I laid my head on his shoulder.

  “Reggie mentioned a contest coming up.” I chuckled at her subtle tactics. She wanted this for me as much as I did. God I love her.

  “How long were you down there for goodness sake!” Flint’s laughter joined my own. “The Fashion Design School of Southern California is having a contest where the winning design is worn by someone famous at the
next MTV Music Awards. Said famous person is rumored to be a presenter so the outfit will be on full display.”

  “Wow,” he exclaimed. “Do you plan to enter a design?”

  “You actually enter three sketches. The top five designs are selected and those designers make the outfits with the measurements they give you. You don’t know who you are designing for because they want to see your creativity, not what you think someone would want to wear.”

  “That makes sense,” Flint said. “When are the designs due?”

  “Soon,” I replied.

  “When?” He pressed as he squeezed my hand.

  “The end of this month.”

  “Do you know which ones you want to submit?”

  “I have decided on two and have done the final sketch of them. I have one more to decide on,” I answered.

  “Well let’s keep looking then,” Flint said as he turned back to my sketches. We spent the next hour looking over every sketch. He asked question after question and after every page he would place a soft kiss somewhere on me. The first few were on my face and then my hand. Then he moved to my neck and eventually my lips. Each kiss lingered a little longer than the one before. When we were about four pages from being done Flint froze as he ran his fingers over a metallic dress I had recently added. It was a one-shoulder dress that flowed across the body and ended with an asymmetrical hem with the high side ending a little higher than mid-thigh and the lower end ending at the knee. In the sketch I paired it with a black, spiky belt and killer gladiator heels.

  “This is the one.” Flint released my hand as he lifted the book up so he could examine the sketch more closely.

  “You sure about that?” I questioned teasingly.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely,” shouted Flint. “This is perfect. It looks rock star ready on this page. I can just imagine it up on the big stage. You have to pick this one. You will win hands down with that design.” His conviction in me, in my talent, warmed my heart.

  “Thank you,” I said as I took his face in my hands. I brushed my lips against his.

  “You’re welcome,” he cooed as his tongue traced along my bottom lip. My stomach growled, right as I was preparing to take the kisses to the next level, proving that my body craved more than just him.

  “Let’s go get something to eat,” he chuckled as he grabbed a shirt to put on.

  “That sounds like an excellent idea,” I laughed as he led me out of the room, down the steps and straight to the kitchen.

  “I’m a hungry, hungry hippo,” I called out as we entered the kitchen and found Romeo opening a bottle of wine and Reggie sitting at the counter.

  “Then it’s a good thing I ordered a bunch of Chinese food. It should be here any . . .” The doorbell rang making us all laugh.

  “I got it,” Flint said as he left the room.

  “You, missy, are in a boat load of trouble,” I said pointing at Reggie.

  “Who? Me?” She bantered. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “Oh really? Then how did Flint know about the sketch book?”

  “You ratted me out,” she hollered at Flint.

  “I didn’t tell her everything,” teased Flint as he walked back in holding two plastic bags full of food. The smell alone had me getting excited for what I was about to eat.

  “What else did you say?” I asked as I took the plate that Romeo handed me.

  “Listen,” Reggie said in full attitude mode. “This was a conversation between A and B, so C your way out of it.” Flint and Romeo howled in laughter.

  “Whatever!” I exclaimed as I threw a wrapped fortune cookie at her. She ducked and ran to stand behind Romeo.

  “Ok, ok,” Flint soothed as he came to stand next to me. “Let’s get those containers opened so we can eat.” He leaned over and whispered so only I could hear, “Or I am going to throw you over my shoulder and have you for dinner.”

  I felt a full body flush as I looked to Reggie and Romeo to see if they knew what we were whispering about. Reggie may not have known what was said but she understood the meaning as she winked at me and turned her attention back to Romeo. My boldness surfaced once again as I pulled on his shoulder bringing his ear to my lips. “As long as I get you for dessert.” His growl and my answering laughter filled the kitchen.



  Four bottles of wine later we were lounging around the pool sharing stories and memories. Between Romeo’s failed conquests, my farm stories, and the ladies’ awkward pre-teen accounts, we spent more time laughing than talking. It was a great way to spend the last night before being sent off.

  “You ready to head in?” Romeo leaned over and said to Reggie.

  “Rangers lead the way,” Reggie responded back, earning her a snort and head shake from Romeo.

  “Let’s go trouble.” He stood and offered her his hand.

  “Night you guys,” Reggie called out as she walked in the house with Romeo close behind.

  “Night,” we said back.

  “So, your last night of freedom.” I turned as Ryan stood up and then straddled me in the lounge chair.

  “Yes.” I ran my hands up and down her legs; each glide of my hand going further under her dress.

  “And how would you like to spend it?” The feel of her warm, wet tongue on my neck had me dropping my head back allowing her more access. She licked up my neck to my ear, and then nibbled across my jaw to the other ear.

  I groaned my response. “In you.” Her gasp was the only reply I received before her lips found mine. We made out again like horny teenagers. Our hands roamed over our clothes but kept it PG-13 until I slid my thumb over the front of her panties finding them wet. Her answering whimper and thrust of her hips confirmed that it was time to take this inside.

  “Are you ready to go inside?” My voice was a rasp. I pulled away to Eskimo kiss her. Ryan nodded her head in answer. She went to stand up but I tightened my grip on her hips. “Hold on,” I said as I turned, putting my feet on the ground. “You ready?”

  “Yes,” answered Ryan as I stood. She squealed as she threw her arms around my neck and tightened her legs around my waist to keep from falling off. My hands kneaded her ass as I walked us into the house.

  “That feels good,” Ryan said against my throat, placing small, delicate kisses from one side to the other.

  “Mmmhmm,” I hummed back. I love her lips anywhere on my body. One hand crawled over her ass, between her legs, finding her wet panties once again.

  “So ready for me,” I said as I pushed them to the side.

  “Oh God,” uttered Ryan throwing her head back as my middle finger entered her.

  “So tight,” I admitted as I added a second finger.

  “Don’t stop,” she panted, riding my fingers. The stairs helped to bounce her up and down on my hand.

  The room was dark when we walked in and I wasted no time kicking the door closed behind me. I threw Ryan onto the bed and she giggled as she bounced once, twice before settling in the middle.

  “I want you naked now,” I growled as I tore my shirt off and went to push my shorts down.

  “Wait. I want to do something first.” Ryan got off the bed and turned on the bathroom light. She grabbed her phone off the night stand as I came up behind her pressing my cock into her ass earning me a small, soft laugh from Ryan.

  “Sit,” directed Ryan as soft music began to play from her phone. She pulled the bathroom door almost closed, bathing the room in a soft glow. I never heard this song and looked to see a Maroon 5 cover on her phone’s screen. The sound of guitars filled the room as movement caught my eye. I turned to find Ryan’s back to me as she swayed her hips to the beat. Then she sang words that touched my heart like nothing ever had before.

  “Watch the sunrise. Say your goodbyes

  Off we go. Some conversation.

  No contemplation. Hit the road.”

  Her hands caressed her body coming to stop at her hips as she slowly, so sl
owly, pulled the white dress up, pausing as she threw her head back and swayed those sexy hips. Ryan unhurriedly lifted the dress up inch by inch until it revealed her perfect ass and pale pink thong. I greedily stared at her round ass as it swung back and forth like a pendulum. Never stopping her hips, I heard her voice once again.

  “I know I don’t know you

  But I want you so bad”

  The dress inched higher with each beat of the song until it was up and over her head letting her hair spill down her back. She turned to face me moving her body to the rhythm. Ryan looked straight into my eyes as she continued, “Everyone has a secret. Oh can they keep it. Oh no they can’t.”

  Her hands disappeared behind her back as her bra loosened and fell from her arms. I fisted my hands to stop myself from reaching out and pulling her to me. Her hands combed through her hair and traced down her neck to her breasts that she openly fondled. A moan escaped her delicate lips as a single finger from each hand circled her nipples.

  Those delicate hands started to drift lower. Each circle ventured a bit further until they were at top of her pale pink panties. Her hands rested on her hips as she hummed along. The desire in her half-lidded solar-flared eyes made them glow in the dim light. Her fingers slipped into the top of her panties and she leisurely dragged them down her body. When her arms straightened, she let them drop to the ground and stepped out of them.

  One step, then another brought her closer to me as she moved her body to the music. I stood up as her next step brought her right in front of me. She sang and I said back to her, “I know I don’t know you. But I want you so bad.” Her eyelids drew close as my lips found hers. The kiss started slow, each of us enjoying the taste of the other. My need for her pressed between our swaying bodies.

  “That was so damn sexy,” I croaked. My voice thick with need and desire for this lovely woman before me.

  “I want you so bad,” she sang with the song one last time right before it ended. The only sound in the room was our heavy breathing. Without missing a beat, the instrumental of the same song started again, indicating that it was on repeat.


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