Blaze: Kings of Hell MC

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Blaze: Kings of Hell MC Page 9

by Leah Wilde

  Chapter 13


  “What’s the matter, Dimitri? You look worried.” I taunted the bulky Russian bear tied to the metal chair in the basement of the Kings of Hell HQ. His tired blue eyes looked almost panicked when he saw us enter the room. It felt good to inspire a level of fear in a man so massive. He looked like he should have been able to break loose from his restraints without any trouble, but he’d been defeated.

  I held the door to the basement open as Juarez and Chase followed me in. Dimitri looked up and tracked the two musclebound men as they walked over to stand across the table from him. He actually looked concerned for his safety. It was nice to see that something was finally breaking through his silence. He looked at me with pleading eyes as I stepped up between my men and leaned on the table.

  “These two gentlemen are here to talk to you,” I explained slowly, hoping he would understand my meaning from the tone and pace of my voice. I knew he wouldn’t understand my words no more than I would have understood his. What I failed to mention to him was that their language included fists and feet. Juarez and Chase spoke in pain and torture, a language easily understood by all.

  Dimitri started to say something to me in Russian, but Chase reached across the table and smacked him with a large inked hand. I watched as his open hand slammed into the side of Dimitri’s face, knocking the words right out of his mouth, along with a little spit and a trickle of blood that was left running down his chin. Chase had the word pain tattooed across his fingers, and a spider web spread out across the back of his hand.

  Dimitri looked back up at me with rage in his eyes, but he didn’t struggle against his restraints. I figured he’d come to terms with his punishment at that point.

  “You know you’re in trouble for not talking, right?” I asked him, leaning across the table again. “Well, for not saying anything important, anyway. It seems you’ve been doing quite enough talking, running your mouth to Dr. Danvers and making her suspicious of what we’re doing here.”

  Dimitri stared at me while I spoke, narrowing his eyes in anger.

  “Do you really think he can’t understand English?” Juarez asked. “He looks like he’s listening to you right now.” He cracked his knuckles, a violent sound in itself.

  “Nah, man, he’s like a dog, sitting there listening to the tone of Gage’s words and trying to figure out what’s coming next,” Chase answered for me. “But little does he know it doesn’t matter what Gage says to him right now. What he needs to worry about is what we tell him as soon as we’re in here alone with him.”

  Chase was right. I stood back upright. “Well, Dimitri, I’m going to let these nice men talk to you now.” I gave him a dry, humorless smile, and I could see his face sinking as the realization set in that he was about to get his ass beat down by the two large men who’d roughed him up a little bit when they took him down the first time.

  “Just make sure he can still talk when you’re done,” I told my guys before turning to leave.

  Behind me, I heard Chase tell the Russian, “Dimitri, man, I’m sorry, but this is going to hurt you far worse than it will ever hurt me.”

  Then I heard the first fist make contact with some part of Dimitri’s body, and the bear grunted against the pain. I wondered if the realization had occurred to him yet that he would become their punching bag before their session was over. I closed the door and headed upstairs to meet Julia.

  She was waiting for me in tight jeans and a loose black tank top at one of the tables near the bar in the clubhouse section of HQ. She had her hair up in a ponytail instead of in a bun. Her legs were crossed, and she leaned forward just enough to give me a look down her top, showing off a little of her cleavage, reminding me of how delicious she looked naked. She looked like she fit in perfectly with the people around her, the ink-covered bikers and their slutty old ladies.

  While ink was preferred, her bare, virgin skin looked so smooth and innocent. It just made her that much sexier to see the contrast between the inked old ladies and Julia’s pure, untouched skin. I wanted to run my hands all over her smooth skin, to see the ink on my hands cross over her bare, unmarked flesh.

  We had the windows open to let in some of the cool morning air while a few of the guys lounged around by the TV or near the bar with their old ladies or the girls they’d picked up the night before. Ricky, our resident bartender, had prepared breakfast for the MC—omelets filled with ham, cheese, onions, peppers, and mushrooms, with bacon and toast on the side. Julia was finishing hers and drinking coffee when I came up.

  “How’s he doing?” she asked when I sat down, knowing that I’d been downstairs talking to Dimitri. “You think he’s ready to talk?”

  “How should I know?” I asked, laughing. “Remember, we don’t really understand each other or see eye to eye.”

  “I’m sure having him tied to a chair in a room with a single light and no windows really helps in that department,” she poked at me.

  I groaned. “Let’s not get into that again.”

  Ricky appeared with a cup of coffee and an omelet while Julia explained her position again. I nodded my thanks, letting her talk.

  “I still maintain it might be easier for me to get through to him if he feels safe with me. You know, right now, he’s still tied to that chair in that room whenever I go down to talk to him. He doesn’t even get a break when we talk.”

  “Whose side are you on, exactly?” I asked. “Are you with me, or are you with Dimitri and Ivan? Is there something going on I should know about, Julia?”

  She sat back and shot me an appalled look. “You know whose side I’m on,” she hissed. “It’s not like I’m sneaking down there and sleeping with him.”

  I raised an eyebrow, unable to resist the opportunity. “Now, there’s an idea. I wonder if it would get him to talk.”

  “You ass,” she responded playfully.

  I chuckled, trying to keep the mood lighthearted, but I really had expected her to fall in line more after sleeping with me, at least more than she was.

  “Well, look, while you’re eating, I think I’m going to go downstairs and check on him,” she said.

  I reached out and touched her hand. Covering my mouth while I finished chewing, I protested, “No, he’s fine. Sit down. Let’s talk for a bit before you get started. He’ll be there no matter when you go down.”

  She sat back down with a puzzled look on her face. “Wow, I certainly didn’t expect this,” she said, staring me right in the eye.


  “I expected you to be done with me after sex. I expected all that caring and closeness to turn out to be an act just to get me in bed. I figured things would be back to business as usual today,” she explained.

  Juarez and Chase weren’t back from the basement yet, so no, things couldn’t go back to business as usual. Not while they were still working Dimitri over.

  I grinned at my beautiful companion. “Now why would you think that?” I asked.

  She blushed and shook her head. “I don’t know.” She turned her eyes away, but before she did, I saw something in them. I couldn’t read her mood yet, but I got the distinct feeling there was something she wasn’t telling me.

  I gently stroked her arm and hand. “Nothing is going to change what happened, or how I feel,” I told her, sweetening my tone so she’d believe me.

  “I know. I’ve told myself I’m just being silly,” she admitted.

  “It’s okay, but wait for me to finish eating,” I told her. “I want to go down there with you.”

  “I really think I should meet with him alone,” she said in a serious tone. “I think I stand a better chance getting him to talk that way.”

  I stared into those deep green eyes, unable to tell her the real reason I was keeping her from going downstairs to resume questioning Dimitri. I knew if I told her I had a couple of guys persuading him to talk to her, she’d probably try to call it off again. Luckily, if it did come to that, I knew the sex would give
me at least a little leverage. While I wouldn’t have to say anything, I hoped she would be a little less likely to just jump up and walk out now that we’d slept together.

  “I certainly agree,” I told her, taking a bite of my omelet. “I just want to be down there in case anything happens. I want to be able to get to you quickly.”

  “I’m flattered you want to protect me, but I can handle myself,” she said. “Especially in a room with a man tied to a chair.”

  “Don’t underestimate Dimitri,” I warned her. “He’s not as compliant and weak as you think.”

  “You keep telling me that,” she said, challenging me. “I haven’t seen it yet.”

  “Yet being the operative word.”

  She got up to leave. “Look, just come down there when you’re finished,” she said, starting to walk away.

  I grabbed her arm, and the feel of her soft, delicate skin under my grip sent a jolt of pleasure through me. I wanted her again. “Sit down,” I told her, covering my full mouth with my other hand. “Why are you in such a hurry to go down there this morning?”

  “Why are you trying so hard to keep me here?” she snapped back.

  I realized I was all out of answers. “Just sit with me for a minute,” I told her.

  She sat back down, but I could tell I was losing her.

  “What’s with you this morning?” I asked her, knowing I was asking for a fight.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why are you being so headstrong and argumentative?”

  She cocked her eyebrow. “So, that’s what last night was about? Here I thought we’d connected, and you were just using the sex to make me more compliant.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “No, that’s not why last night happened,” I told her. I opened my mouth to tell her that I’d wanted her since the first time I saw her. I wanted to tell her that I wanted her because she was so different from anyone else I’d ever been with. But the words were lost to me. I just shook my head and finished my breakfast.

  “Let me guess. You don’t think you can tell me in front of everyone here,” she snapped.

  Juarez and Chase walked up to the bar and ordered drinks, saving me from having to explain myself any further to her.

  Julia stood up and narrowed her eyes at me in anger. “You’re a coward, Gage,” she said, storming off and going downstairs.

  I didn’t try to stop her this time. I just hoped that what the guys had left her wasn’t too upsetting for her to find. I glanced up at the guys. Chase nodded and tapped Juarez on the shoulder as he walked over.

  “It’s done,” Chase said, sitting down at the table.

  “We’re pretty certain he’ll break down the next time he talks to your girl,” Juarez added, taking a sip of his beer.

  “Well, let’s hope he gives us something soon,” I agreed. “Otherwise, we’re going to have to let him go.”

  “Let him go?” Chase asked.

  I ran a thumb across my neck.

  Chase smiled. “I was hoping that’s what you meant.”

  “Yeah, we can’t keep him around too much longer,” I said.

  “You think your girl’s going to say something?” Juarez asked.

  I wasn’t sure. I had hoped that by allowing the connection between us to grow, I’d be able to guarantee her loyalty, but it just made it seem like she thought she had me under her thumb. Not the other way around.

  “Can’t trust her, can you?” Chase asked.

  I sighed. “I don’t know, guys. I just don’t know.”

  “That’s a damn shame, too.” Juarez looked down and shook his head.

  “You’re telling me,” I said with a laugh.

  Chapter 14


  When I stepped into the room where Dimitri was being held, something felt off immediately. The large Russian was slumped over in his chair, and his breathing seemed heavier and more labored than usual. The room also seemed darker, but I chalked that up to being in well-lit rooms since the last time I saw him. I figured my eyes would adjust to the dark room eventually.

  I sat down across from him in my jeans and tank top, realizing I didn’t look the most professional but not caring. We weren’t exactly in the most professional setting. Besides, I thought that a little skin might make him talk. I was starting to realize that the men around me operated with a different set of expectations than the men I normally had to work with.

  I needed Dimitri to talk. I could sense that Gage’s patience was beginning to wear thin with his adversary, and I suspected it was wearing thin with me as well. I sat and waited for him to acknowledge me before getting started. I wanted to be sure he hadn’t just passed out in the chair.

  “Dimitri, are you okay?” I asked him.

  He didn’t lift his face, but I could see his eyes looking up at me. Something wasn’t right. Maybe he was losing his patience with this whole situation as well. He spat something on the floor. “I’m sorry, Dr. Danvers,” he started. “I don’t feel much like talking today.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, but I need you to talk. You and I are both depending on your willingness to talk right now,” I told him. I crossed my legs and sat back, trying to regain my professional composure.

  “Why do you say that?” he asked me. He hacked something up and spit on the floor again. This time I heard the wet smack of whatever it was he’d expelled from his body.

  I looked up at the dim light glowing above us. It didn’t offer enough illumination to see what he was spitting up on the floor across from me, but I couldn’t help feeling like it was something I wouldn’t have wanted to see anyway.

  “Gage isn’t going to tolerate not getting any answers out of either of us for much longer,” I explained. “I think I’m going to be replaced, and I wouldn’t count on the next person being quite as friendly. I also worry about what he’s going to do to you if you don’t start talking.”

  He laughed, hacking up more fluid and spitting. “Don’t worry about me, Dr. Danvers,” he said, sitting up and leaning back from the light.

  “Seriously, Dimitri, are you okay?” I insisted. He really didn’t sound okay today. He sounded sick.

  “I’m fine,” he said confidently, finding his solid, stern voice again and clearing his throat.

  “Well, look, I want to ensure that you stay that way,” I told him, “so give me something to work with here.”

  He sat quietly for a moment. I couldn’t even hear him breathing anymore. All I could see of him were his arms tied to the chair. The rest of him faded into the darkness beyond the light.

  I started to ask if he was alright again, but I heard him shift in his chair underneath his restraints. He was still with me. He took a slow, deep breath.

  “Ivan has a pretty big drug deal coming up soon,” his disembodied voice said flatly from just beyond the reach of the light hanging down just above us.

  “That’s news,” I said. Encouraged by this small revelation, I leaned forward, trying to keep my voice even and contain my excitement at the information that had just spilled out in front of me. “Can you tell me when and where?”

  “I don’t know anything else,” he said. “It may have already happened while I’ve been in here.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him—at the darkness where he should have been—displeased with his reluctance to provide more information. “This is not much to take to Gage, Dimitri. I really need more.”

  He coughed. “I don’t have anything else.”

  “You know, this is probably just enough to piss him off even more. Do you really expect me to believe that Ivan’s right hand man doesn’t know the details about a big drug deal he’s got planned?” I mocked him.

  He took a deep, heavy breath.

  “Why is he keeping you out of the loop, Dimitri?”

  “Don’t be stupid,” he said, growing irate. “I am the loop, Dr. Danvers. Do you understand? He doesn’t do anything that I don’t know about. Don’t ever think for a second that I don’t know wh
at Ivan is doing. Who do you think arranges it?”

  “Okay, what else do you know?” I asked him calmly. I had him right where I wanted him, ready to prove to me that he hadn’t been forgotten, that even in his isolation, he was still relevant to Ivan’s operations.

  He paused. I wasn’t prepared to wait. I expected him to be more forthcoming with information now that I’d pissed him off. I could almost hear him thinking about which details he felt comfortable letting me know. I stared at his arms with the ropes strapping them down to the arms of the chair. I couldn’t help but wonder if he would have been more willing to talk if I could give him a little room to move around.


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