Bailey, Debbie - Kianna and Her Three Alpha Wolves [Featherstone Pack] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Bailey, Debbie - Kianna and Her Three Alpha Wolves [Featherstone Pack] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 7

by Debbie Bailey

  “Hey, guys, thanks for coming over so quickly,” he said.

  Turning back to Kianna, he took her hand and pulled her closer so that he could introduce her.

  “Kia, these are some of our seconds. They’re gonna hang around for a while to give us some backup,” Teaghen told her.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Kianna.” Savage, who was the bulkiest of the three, stepped forward and took her hand gently in his larger one and kissed it and smiled playfully at her when Teaghen emitted a growl deep in his chest.

  “Calm down, boss. I was just saying ‘hi.’” His grin widened across his face.

  “Yeah, well, say ‘hi’ without your lips anywhere on our mate’s body,” Teaghen snarled quietly back at him.

  Kianna was curious because Savage had said he’d seen her before. Certainly she would have remembered this man.

  “I can see those brains cells working away trying to figure out where you’ve met Savage before,” Duncan said to her.

  “He worked on Bubba’s ranch the year before you left,” he explained. “He got a job there so he could keep an eye on things. Bubba was a first-class troublemaker and doing business with some shady characters even then.”

  “I do remember you now. You were the one who stopped Sean from kicking the shit out of me after I hit a baseball through the window of his new truck.” Besides the Featherstones, no one had ever stuck up for her before, and she had been grateful that he did. She walked over to him and gave him big hug.

  “Thank you for saving me that day, Savage,” was all she said and then headed into the house.

  * * * *

  Both men watched her walk away.

  “She’s a special one, boss. I still have nightmares sometimes about what would have happened to that little kid if I hadn’t been there.” He grimaced.

  Slapping him on the shoulder, Ash said, “Just remember that you were there, little brother, and that you saved her from getting hurt that day.”

  Savage nodded his head in agreement.

  “So tell us what you need from us, Teaghen, and we’ll do whatever is necessary. We heard what happened out by the Point, so I take it Ray isn’t happy about little Kianna getting the ranch?” Jeff said, joining them.

  “No, he’s not. But I don’t think he wants the ranch for sentimental reasons. We have a few more things to check out, and then we’re going to call a meeting on the whole Ray issue. He’s up to something, and if it’s the same thing his daddy was into then we’ve got a hell of a lot of trouble headed our way if we can’t stop him.”

  Chapter 6

  Kianna entered the house and headed straight to the living room. She needed to lie down, and until she knew which room she would be using, the couch would have to do.

  “What the hell have I gotten myself into?” she said to no one in particular.

  Maybe I should forget about the ranch and head back to the city? She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t hear the men come in and jumped at the sound of Alex’s voice.

  “Don’t even think about it, Kianna? You run, and when we find you, we’ll just bring you back.”

  “I’m not going to run, Alex. I was just asking myself if the ranch was worth it. That if I did go back to the city then everyone would be safe. I knew Ray was pissed at me because of the will, but I never thought he’d try to hurt me. He’s always been a scraper, but nothing of this magnitude.”

  Kianna sat up from where she’d been lying on the couch and rested her head on the back of it. It wasn’t fair for her to put others in danger because of her.

  Alex came and picked her up and deposited her on his lap as he sat down. Teaghen and Duncan took positions kneeling on the carpeted floor in front of her. They all made her feel so safe and protected. How could she live with herself if something happened to one of them because they stood in front of her?

  “Baby, I want you to listen to me, and I mean really listen this time,” Alex spoke softly, his lips resting on the side of her head as he did.

  “As much as we all disliked Bubba, he left you the ranch for a reason. Maybe it was out of guilt, or maybe because he knew that, out of all his kids, you would be the only one to want to make it a working ranch again. He may have been an abusive son of a bitch, but he loved that ranch, and even though if wasn’t a working ranch anymore, he’d always said that one day he’d bring it back to life. Perhaps this is his way of making sure it does.”

  Leaning her head against his shoulder, she took one hand of each of the other brothers’ in hers.

  “But is making it a workable ranch again worth someone getting hurt? For whatever reason, Ray wants that land, and it seems he’s willing to do anything to get it. With the three of you involved, and now your pack members, it leaves too many people open to becoming a target of Ray’s.” She hadn’t expected a smile to cross Duncan’s and Teaghen’s faces at her statement, and it irritated her a little.

  “What the hell’s so funny?” she demanded. “Do you think I want anyone hurt because of me?” She struggled to slide off of Alex’s lap to no avail.

  “Simmer down, tiger.” Teaghen laughed. “We know you don’t want to see anyone hurt, that wasn’t what we were smiling at. We were smiling at how wonderful you are.”

  Kianna could feel her face heating at the compliment.

  “You have only been home for a very short period of time, but in that time, someone has tried to run you off the road, and you’ve had your house trashed, and you’re worried about others getting hurt. That shows us what an incredible person you are and why our connection with you is so strong.”

  * * * *

  Alex was amazed at Kianna’s capacity for caring about others. From the reports they’d received over the years from her dads, she was always worried about other people before herself.

  Kianna gave a big yawn and closed her eyes as she rested against Alex.

  “Oh, no, sweetie, you need a hot bath and something to eat before you go to sleep.” Standing up from the couch with her still in his arms, Alex leisurely walked upstairs to the master bathroom. His brothers had gone ahead so they could get everything ready for her bath.

  “Alex, I can do it myself.” She giggled, swiping at the hands trying to undo her jeans. “Remember our agreement? You’re all going to give me a little time to digest everything.”

  “I just want to make sure you’re not injured, baby.” He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

  “I assure you that I’m fine, so all of you leave so that I can take a bath in peace.”

  They all grumbled under their breaths but left her alone with her bath. Before closing the door, Duncan peeked his head back in and said, “If you have any problems just give a shout, and we’ll hear you.”

  Throwing a towel at the door, she laughed. “Get out now.”

  * * * *

  Once they heard the water running, Duncan grabbed an old T-shirt for Kianna to wear and placed it on the bed. They’d have to take her into town in the next couple of days to buy her some new clothes since most of hers had been destroyed during the break-in. He wondered if she’d let them pick out some lingerie for her. Just thinking about his mate in sexy lingerie made him hard.

  “Dammit, Duncan, can you please censor your thoughts a little,” Alex groused at him.

  “It’s difficult enough just being around her and not being able to fuck her senseless. I don’t need your visions of her in lingerie as well. Shit, my dick is so hard, the zipper on my jeans is going to leave an imprint on it,” he said, trying to adjust himself.

  Duncan heard Teaghen laughing as he left the room.

  Smiling at his brother, he slapped him on the back and pushed and him toward the door saying, “He can be such and asshole sometimes, can’t he?”

  In the kitchen, they worked together to get the food ready before Kianna came down. Duncan made a quick green salad while Teaghen grabbed some bowls from the cupboard and handed them to Alex. Mara, their cook, had made a great smelling st
ew that was waiting for them in the Crock-Pot.

  Mara had been with them since leaving her own pack ten years prior. The unwanted advances of some of the men in her pack made it impossible for her to stay. Her alpha refused to give her the protection that she needed, so when she showed up at the compound, they’d been more than happy to take her in. Since then she’d met her mate and had three adorable little girls.

  * * * *

  “What is that heavenly smell?” Kianna asked, her nose sniffing the air.

  Smiling, Teaghen pulled out the chair between him and Alex and gestured for her to sit.

  “It’s Mara’s great stew. You’ll love it.” Grabbing a bowl, he filled it and placed it in front of Kianna as she sat down.

  The moment he did, her shoulders tightened up at the idea of another woman being in the house with her men.

  “Don’t you like stew, sugar?” he asked.

  “I do, it’s just that…” Her voice trailed off as she sat staring at her lap, her knuckles white from the effort of not picking up the bowl and dumping it in the garbage.

  Alex reached over and lifted her face so he could see her eyes.

  “She’s our cook and housekeeper, Kianna, nothing more.” And he started eating again, his eyes filled with amusement as he passed the basket of buns to Teaghen.

  Trying to look anywhere but at Alex, Kianna picked up her fork and dug in. The flavor filled stew hit her taste buds, and she actually moaned out loud, causing all three men to suck in quick breaths as they squirmed in their seats.

  * * * *

  She was jealous! Duncan thought to himself, contemplating its meaning. This could get a might sticky if it wasn’t handled right.

  He and his brothers had never thought about their mate’s reaction to their past female companions. They didn’t sleep around, but they hadn’t been celibate either.

  Reaching for her hand, he stopped her arm from lifting more stew to her mouth.

  “We’ve had other woman, Kia. But you are our mate, and now that you are here, there can be no other for us.” Smiling reassuringly, he let go of her arm so that she could continue eating.

  “I wasn’t jealous, Duncan. You can sleep with whomever you choose.” Duncan could hear the hurt tone in her voice.

  “Kianna, there have not been many woman in our past, really,” he explained. “Anything you want to know about our past, all you have to do is ask, and we will tell you. Just please do us all a favor and don’t tell us about any men from you past. Not unless you have a death wish for them,” he said, smiling, showing his elongated canines.

  “Oh, put your teeth away, Duncan. You can’t kill what doesn’t exist,” was all she said before taking a bite of her bun.

  All three men stopped eating to stare at her. Teaghen looked like he would choke if he swallowed another bite, and Duncan and Alex just smiled at her.

  “What the hell are you all staring at? I know what a freak I am. I must be the only living 30-year-old virgin on this continent.” She groaned.

  Pulling the side of her chair so that she faced him, Alex placed his hands on either side of her face. Running his thumb back and forth across her bottom lip, he said quietly, “You are not a freak, sugar. You are who you are meant to be. Why did you never have sex with anyone, though? I’m sure you’ve had plenty of opportunities. Any man can see what a beauty you are.”

  Kianna burst out laughing. “You three are about the only ones who have ever made me feel that way. Growing up with two dads, both of whom were karate instructors and champion kickboxers, is a little intimidating for most men. Any who actually dared to ask me out never wanted a second date. I wasn’t the girly type, you know. Most of the men I knew were involved in some way with the dojo, and they didn’t like to be reminded that I could kick the shit out of them.”

  Teaghen came to kneel beside her chair. “Baby, those weren’t men. They were boys. Anyone with two good eyes can tell after meeting you for the first time that, not only are you beautiful on the outside, but you radiate that beauty from within.”

  * * * *

  Duncan stood and looked across the table at her, a frown marring his handsome features.

  “Come here, little one.” The sound of his deep voice sent waves of arousal straight to her pussy, dampening her panties.

  Something in the way he spoke called to her. For whatever reason, she moved to stand in front of him. One glance at him, and she saw the intensity in his stare. His dark-gray eyes were gorgeous. All the men had stunning eyes with colors that she’d never seen before.

  Each man was unique in their own way. Their eyes revealed very little and made her feel intimidated. Kianna’ stomach tightened as Duncan reached out a placed both hands on her hips.

  Leaning down close to nuzzle her ear, he said softly, “I can smell your desire for us, sweet one. You have allowed no other to claim you because your heart knows that you belong to us.” Slowly tipping her head back, he brought his lips to hers. The sound of chairs being pushed aside could be heard as Teaghen and Alex came to stand beside her.

  Teaghen snaked his arm around her from behind and tugged her back against him, causing a growl from his brother as she broke their kiss.

  Teaghen’s hands caressed across her stomach and down over her hips as his lips kissed down her neck, “Teaghen, please,” she whimpered. Alex held one wrist in his hand as Duncan gripped the other against his chest.

  She held Duncan’s gaze then glanced at his brothers.

  “I need time,” she whispered.

  “That’s a bunch of bullshit,” snapped Alex.

  Turning her toward him, he pulled her to where she was just inches from his face and snarled, “You belong to us, Kianna. You know this. You’ve known it since you were a young girl. Why are you denying us?”

  Twirling away from them, the tears welled up in her eyes as Teaghen tried to hold onto her.

  “I’m tired, and it’s been one hell of a day. You all promised me that you would give me the time I asked for. If you can’t do that then I’ll move back to the ranch, and we can forget about everything.”

  Duncan moved so fast that she didn’t even see him move to stand behind her.

  “We will give you the time you ask for, mate. But our wolves grow impatient for you. They want to mark you as theirs forever.” He growled in her ear right before he nipped it gently.

  “Just let me settle a little, Duncan. I need to come to terms with this whole mate idea. But right now, I need some rest before I fall flat on my face.” She tried to lighten the mood, to turn it anywhere but on the desire burning between them. It was hard enough just being in the same room with them, but having them touch her and kiss her, their tanned hands running over her body…shit, she needed to get away from them. Quickly, she headed for the stairs and the relative safety of the bedroom. Maybe after a good sleep, she’d be better equipped to deal with them.

  * * * *

  Teaghen smiled watching Duncan’s reaction to Kianna. They’d all known since they first saw her as a child that she was their mate, but Duncan was the one who took the longest to come to terms with having to wait for her to grow up first.

  As shifters, their life span was much longer than a human’s, so even though they all looked to be in their late thirties, they were much, much older. As their mate, once they claimed her, Kianna’s life span would also be extended. As they had seen from her mom though, unlike them, the human spouse of a shifter was still susceptible to human diseases and frailties.

  “Let her rest, Duncan. She’s had to deal with a hell of a lot of shit in the last few days, and we all know that, until Ray is behind bars or dead, she isn’t safe.” Teaghen put his arm around his brother’s shoulder and turned him back toward the kitchen, not even attempting to try to hide the huge grin on his face.

  “Well, fuck, Teag, I’m so glad you’re getting such a big kick out of this bullshit,” Duncan groused at him.

  “It’s you I’m getting a kick out of, little brother. As much a
s we all want to claim her, you’re the one who has had the most difficult time with the wait, and watching you and the way our little mate has you wrapped around her little finger already makes me smile.”

  “She does not have me wrapped around her little finger. I just want her to know that we’ll take good care of her and protect her no matter what.”

  Alex burst out laughing. “She has had us all wrapped around her little finger since the first time we found her on our land with a skinned knee.”

  Teaghen had been the first one to find her that day. He had been out for a run in his wolf form when he first caught her scent. Alex remembered the excitement and fear in his voice through their link when he found her crying with a large scrape on her knee.

  “I’ve found her, brothers. I’ve found out mate, but she’s hurt. I’m headed back to change. Meet me at cabin six, and I’ll take you to her. But hurry. I don’t want her alone too long. And, brothers, be prepared, she’s not what you’d expect.”

  Not wanting to scare her, he headed back to one of the cabins they kept on the property, to change back to human form, get dressed and wait for Duncan and Alex.

  * * * *

  Following Teaghen to the clearing, they could smell her scent immediately. She smelled of fresh strawberries.

  Duncan was stunned at the young girl who sat on the forest floor. She wasn’t more than twelve at the time, and they couldn’t stop the low growls when they saw the blood on her leg.

  “Shhh…stop growling,” Teaghen reprimanded him. “You’ll scare the shit out of her.”

  Entering the clearing, Teaghen was the first to speak.

  “Are you okay, little one?” he asked gently.

  Startled, she looked up into the faces of the three very big, very handsome men. Scurrying back against the tree, she pulled her knees up to her chest and lowered her head to them.


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