Renewed Magic (The Ancient Magic Series Book 2)

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Renewed Magic (The Ancient Magic Series Book 2) Page 5

by Stephany Wallace

  "I want to read you. I wish I could understand." I said almost whining. I was about to give up my alone time and call Cyn when the journal shimmered, and the pages began flipping rapidly. It was clear the magic was rushing through it but what exactly was it doing? Suddenly, the journal closed with a thud, and I jumped. "Crapola!"

  I stared at the journal expecting it to reopen or do something else but it didn't. I frowned and waited a few extra seconds. Nothing. Sighing, I held the cover and opened it again. The second my eyes fell on the first page they widened, and I gasped. My hand covered my mouth as I looked at the impossible. The Ogham scripture was now Grandpa's writing. English writing. I could see it. I could understand it.

  * * *

  To you, who have opened this journal, be blessed.

  May light and peace guide the way as

  you embrace your destiny.

  The path of the High Priest of The Order of the Druids.

  * * *

  My hand trembled as I turned the page.

  Is that a dedication? No, it’s a letter…

  * * *

  My son, within these pages you will find everything I ever taught you, and anything you might need to become the High Priest, I know in my heart you shall be. You have been the greatest pupil I ever had, and I know with absolute certainty that you shall be greater than any Priest before you.

  If I have passed this journal on to you, it means my time as the High Priest has ended and the prophecy will come to pass.

  Lamentably, I am not aware of how long it shall take, and I understand these words will be hard for you to accept as the truth. Nevertheless, you must. Long before you were born, it was foreseen that a new High Priest would lead the Order. One the likes of which we had never seen, with the heart of a Warrior and an untainted essence, of Peace. It is my belief that you are the chosen one Cynwrig. It is no one but you who shall lead the Order and guide our people into the path of pure light and peace.

  Before I met you, I wondered about what kind of leader would come to us. I wondered if the prophecy would come to pass during my lifetime or long after I had ascended. There was only one aspect I knew to be true. There was knowledge I had acquired during my years in the Order that was not known by those before me. I knew then what I must do. So I began this journal meant only for the worthy of leading the Order of the Druids. All my teachings were intended to prepare you for your time, son. This Journal was always meant to guide you once I could no longer do so.

  Do not doubt yourself, Cynwrig. There are many trials you must face before the prophecy shall be. Believe as I believe in you and know you have surpassed both my abilities and expectations. Although I am no longer by your side, do not mourn me. Remember the teachings and know that I am in a better place, and that I shall live again.

  I Love you, Cynwrig.

  You are and shall always be, my son.

  Peace be with you.

  Nels Anwell.

  * * *

  The words seemed to blur on the page as I stared at them. My mind was going a thousand miles per second. What the… No. This couldn’t be. I knew Cyn didn’t know anything about the prophecy before the day he reunited with Grandpa at the house. But how could this be?

  “Cyn!” I called in what I was sure had been a frantic voice. I swallowed and tried to figure out why the book seemed to blur with every passing second until I realized my eyes were filled with tears.

  “What has happened, my Goddess? Is everything alright?”

  I lifted my gaze and blinked the tears from my eyes, seeing him kneel in front of me.

  My heart was pounding so hard I could barely think. "I.." I couldn't finish. I looked at the book again willing myself to speak. "There's a letter here for you. Grandpa left you a message, Cyn." My eyes settled on his, and the shocked, confused expression on his face confirmed he had never seen that before. He dried his hands with the shirt he had left on the grass and placing it on his lap, he took the book from me. His frown deepened, and I realized why.

  “What has happened? I do not understand. I cannot read it.”

  Like before the journal shimmered, the pages flipped and then closed.

  "Open it," I said, nodding to the book. "The second page," I added quickly.

  The haunting look that settled on his face once he began to read tore my heart. I had no idea why but Cyn had never seen that letter. The muscles of his jaw tightened while he read in silence.

  The minutes stretched. I held his hand, giving him the only support I could. My thumb caressed his knuckles while he read the letter over and over. There was nothing I could say at this moment, so I didn't even try. Tullia suddenly appeared behind him, and I saw him close his eyes the moment he felt her. I could feel her too. She slowly made her way to us and lazily laid on the grass next to us. Even she knew this was one of those moments. Cyn opened his eyes and tightening the hold on my hand. He read the letter one more time. Once he finished, he just stared at the page. He was in shock as I had been.

  I continued to stroke Tullia's coat. I had never particularly liked cats, not that I had anything against the cute animal but I was more of a dog person. Somehow, though, Tullia and I had become friends. I talked, and she listened, what was there not to like? Her eyes were closed, but I knew she was acutely aware of the two of us, and our emotions at this moment. She was Cyn's spirit animal after all. If she had come here for him as he read the letter, it was because his emotions were rough. He needed her. Not that I needed her presence to understand that. The torrent of emotions rushing through me from our connection was enough. I leaned in, put my hand over his heart, my forehead to his, and closed my eyes letting the peace in our connection flow from me to him, hoping it would help him. His hands left the journal and cradled my cheeks. Cyn kissed me with a need that spoke more than any words could have. When he finally pulled back his eyes searched mine.

  “How is this possible?”

  I shrugged slowly. "I'm not completely sure. I wished I could read the journal. I asked to be able to understand, and then that page appeared. The journal was in English, and I could read it. I think I only needed to ask. Did you ever ask to understand?"

  He shook his head, and I could see the regret. Maybe Grandpa had hidden the letter thinking Cyn would ask for understanding or wish to find it within the journal. Cyn handed the journal back to me.

  “This letter was meant for me. You must try again.”

  Looking at the book in my hands, I saw Grandpa in my mind's eye and felt the magic in me again.

  “I want to understand. Please show me what I need to see.”

  Like before the book shimmered, the magic flowing through it. Golden light shone as its pages whirled, then it closed. This time, however, the book opened to an empty page. Cyn and I looked at each other then back at the book, and I gasped. The page that had been blank only a second ago sparkled and one by one the words started to trace themselves. It was Grandpa's writing.

  * * *

  Dear Brina,

  I am ashamed to admit that although you are my flesh and blood, I do not know much about you.

  I write this for you, although I do not yet know you, and I find myself asking one question. Is it possible to love someone you have not met? The idea of someone? I believe so. You see, as I sit here on this day with only a glimpse of the future before me, I can say with absolute certainty that I already love you.

  Although I am not entirely sure of how long it will be until our destinies meet, or if they ever will, I know if you are born as it was foretold by Venetia, I will be an important part of your life and you of mine. The mere thought of that brings me the most absolute joy, and I am ready to assume the insurmountable responsibility that being in your life will entail.

  I realize these words might be confusing for you and for that I am sorry; my thoughts must seem disordered, so I will try once more. My name is Nels Anwell, High Priest of the Order of the Druids and your grandfather. It has been prophesized that a woman will be born of t
he Blessed family, something that has never occurred before, and she is to become the first High Priestess the Order has ever seen. If you have uncovered this letter within my journal, it means the prophecy has begun. It will also mean that I am no longer in your life. Please know that I have given up my life as I know it and my mortal body for you willingly, and I am truly honored to have been chosen to protect you.

  The trouble with prophecies is that we are only allowed a glimpse into the future, so I hope that I have done you justice. I pray to our Mother Goddess that when you read this letter, you can attest that I was diligent in teaching you everything that I know. That I prepared you to the best of my abilities for the destiny, for which you were chosen. If that has not been the case, please know that I am deeply sorry to have failed you. Whatever prevented me from passing down my spiritual knowledge to you, must have been of great consequence. It is hard to even think of failing my mission to be the one that brings your destiny to pass. Nevertheless, I must consider it as a possibility. It is the reason I have prepared this journal.

  Of only two things I was certain after I learned of the prospect of you. You would be a light in my life and the life of all of those you touched. Our people would love you, and you would do anything it took to protect them. Because of this, I have chosen to name you Brina, it means Beloved Protector, and it was my mother’s name. It embodies everything you will be born to achieve. I also knew there was knowledge I had acquired during my years in the Order that was not known by those before me, and you would need it now more than ever to prepare you for your destiny. It is my deepest hope that this journal will guide you, once I can no longer do so.

  It is impossible to know how long it will be before I can be in your life. I'm not aware of whom your parents will be, but I carry the dream of you in my heart, and I promise you that I will protect you, not only your mortal body but your heart and soul.

  I will always be there for you, my Brina, in your heart, in your memories and within the pages of this journal. Nevertheless, if you ever miss me, just look upon the stars. I shall be shining down on you.

  I Love you, Brina.

  Peace be with you.

  Nels Anwell.

  * * *

  The book fell from my grasp and onto the grass. Cyn's hands reached for the journal a second before I closed my eyes, trying with everything inside me not to let the pain take over again. It was evident he had written this letter before he had to leave his village and create a new life. He only knew that I may or may not be born one day. Still, his words had been so full of love, and they had pulled every string in my heart.

  "You could never fail me, Grandpa," I whispered, and my voice caught in my throat. I pressed my lips together and took a deep breath opening my eyes. It was a futile attempt, the tears kept streaming down my face, but I was tired of crying. I was sick of this pain, of the loss I carried inside. I was drowning in it, and I felt like the more I tried to get above the water the deeper the waves of anguish dragged me under it. Cyn's eyes met mine after he closed the journal. He had read the letter, and the look in his eyes was hard to describe. Gently, he took my hand and pulled me towards him. I knelt on the grass, letting him wrap his arms around me and try to give me comfort, but I wasn't sure anything ever would.

  * * *

  The minutes passed, while we remained silent. The beating of our hearts and the cascading water behind us created a lulling melody. Tullia was gone, and the rainforest found only the two of us in this moment. He cradled my cheeks and brushed my lips with his. The kiss was slow and soft, and deeply sensual. Every movement of his lips on mine was bursting with desire. Cyn pulled back and looked into my eyes lovingly while he held my hands. Slowly, he pulled me up. I stood still as his fingers dragged the straps of my cami down my arms. His hands continued down my body, guiding my pants down until I was naked in front of him.

  I suddenly remembered there was a very important post it I needed to tend to.

  The rhythm of my breathing changed while his eyes roamed my body, and I suddenly felt like I hadn't tasted water for a thousand years. I needed him.

  “This was your plan all along, huh?” My voice was barely audible, my pulse raced. His gaze was filled with yearning. He was looking at me like it was the first time he ever saw me.

  A spark of humor entered his eyes. “I am not sure what you are implying, my Goddess. I only mean to bathe you.” His gaze briefly went to the waterfall then returned to mine.

  “I bathed this morning, thank you very much.” I stuttered when his fingertips caressed the curve of my side, right under my ribs.

  This time he actually smiled. My treacherous eyes went to the perfect little groove on his cheek. “I was trying not to embarrass you. The truth is I am not sure you did a very good job.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. Still, I couldn't help but smile. He chuckled, leaning in and kissing my neck. A soft moan escaped me. His hands caressed my waist, and he intertwined his fingers with mine. Cyn began to walk backwards towards the stones that gathered on one side and formed the natural steps into the pool. He was the first to step inside. His fingers touched the surface to the water and it glowed. A ripple formed and grew, expanding over the water until it got to the boulders on the other side. My gaze followed the level of the water on his body as he stepped deeper. All I could hear was the thundering of my heart. It wasn't until the water was past his waist that I realized what he had done. I looked into his eyes and smiled. They glowed a soft blue. It was so hypnotic to see his eyes that way. The water that slowly rose over my body was deliciously warm, instead of the usual icy cold I hated. He really had his game on tonight. His eyes roamed my bare skin again, and it tingled as though he had touched me. I wanted him to touch me.

  Once the water reached my breasts, he pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around my waist and securing me against him. I had no idea how, but the next moment we were at the other end of the pool; maybe he had indeed hypnotized me with that look. The curtain of water fell over the rocks, yet we were not under it. He pressed my back against the boulder.

  "Don't worry. I have no intention of escaping."

  His lips curved into the sexiest smile he had ever given me, effectively taking my breath away. Tilting his head, he leaned in and bit my lower lip, gently pulling it with his teeth, then claimed my lips with hunger I couldn't describe. I had no idea what I had done to arouse him like this, but somewhere in the back of my mind I knew, I needed to figure it out. Pronto. He pressed his body against mine, pinning me to the rock and I moaned into his mouth. The sensations that ran through me at the feel of his hardened body on mine were indescribable. I shuddered as the pulsing increased, filling me with raw need for him. My eyes closed of their own volition as the haze only he could provide engulfed me. He kissed me like he had never kissed me before. Every few minutes he stopped only to look into my eyes, or to let me make out with equal enthusiasm with his delicious dimple. He didn't speak, just looked at me as though he was in awe of me, and wanted to devour me. Damn, I loved this man. The intensity in his eyes, the want, the passion, the love… I didn't deserve all of this. He pulled back leaving me gasping for air, and his lips created a trail along my jaw. Cyn bit and nibbled, licked and sucked every inch of my neck on his way down to my breasts, as they rose above the water. My fingers slipped through his long wavy hair, and I pulled him to me. He groaned, cupping my breasts in his palms. His lips closed over my nipple, and the delicate movement of his tongue around it, made my moans escape in a symphony of pleasure. My hands caressed his back following the curve of his spine until I gripped his butt. Damn, he had a fine butt. I pulled him towards me, and I felt his hardened body jerk against the most sensitive part of me. I moaned, and before I realized what was happening, he had lifted me out of the water.

  I sat on the boulder trying to clear the fog, but before I was able, he was out of the water, standing and holding me against him once more. My knees trembled as he walked me backwards. I was glad he was holding me bec
ause I was weak with the need for him. And then we were under the waterfall. The cascading water fell over our shoulders and slid down our bodies adding to the overwhelming need. I was so sensitive that every drop that slid over my nipples and navel brought me closer to the edge.

  "Cyn," I begged not able to finish talking. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I just needed to feel him inside me.

  He pinned me again and our moans mixed as he claimed my lips. His hand slipped between us, and he held himself. Suddenly the currents of pleasure were torturing me and offering relief at the same time while he moved himself, caressing the most sensitive part of me.

  "Yes…" I yelled, although I only heard a breathless whisper.

  A guttural sound came from his lips as he kissed me and suddenly his arm was under my knee lifting my leg, and holding it over his elbow. His hand gripped the wall behind me. I was sure I would pass out before I truly felt him.

  “My Goddess, look upon me. Please…” his voice was raw with desire.

  I forced my eyes open, and he slowly slid deep inside me taking all rational thoughts from me. He didn’t move, just held my gaze. I remained silent and still, not able to even blink away from his penetrating eyes. I was barely breathing.

  "Whatever doubts you might harbor about your destiny, our destiny, I beseech you to remember this. If you are only certain of one thing in this new path, let it be my love. I was born for you. We were made of the same essence, and you are my equal in every way. My Goddess. Mine. Whatever we must face, whatever shall come we will endure it together. Everything we go through will mean a great deal more to me because I have you. Tonight meant so much more that it could ever have without you. I am yours."


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