Red Hot Bikers, Rock Stars and Bad Boys

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Red Hot Bikers, Rock Stars and Bad Boys Page 114

by Cassia Leo

  “I know I’ve been a jerk. And I’m sorry. But … if you’ll just hear me out.”

  She stormed out of the building and I strode quickly to keep pace. “Get lost, Danny.”


  “Our meeting is over. And I don’t wanna hear a damn thing you have to say, Danny.”

  I clutched her arm and pulled her to a street on a different block. “Oh, you’ll want to hear this.”

  “Hear what? You only spew shit.”

  I pressed her against a painted brick wall with fruit on it and clutched her face.

  She sucked in a breath as I swooped in with my kiss, planting my lips hungrily on hers, and her inhale switched to her nose. God, she felt so good. I missed her kiss. Damn, her lips were heavenly and inspirational. She stiffened in my hold and pushed against my shoulders. “Mmm, stop! You can’t do this to me, Danny. You’ll get me into trouble. Plus, I hate you so much.”

  My spirit plummeted and I stroked her hair. “You hate me?”

  “Yes! You’re an asshole. Now let go of me.”

  “I want … I crave…”

  She shook her head. “Look, I don’t give a damn what you want or crave. I am done being your freaking yo-yo or some chewed-up piece of gum.”

  “No. You have it all wrong. It’s not like that.”

  “Yeah, and I no longer care. You give me too much turmoil and stress. Stay the hell away from me, Danny.”

  I stared at her as she practically broke the sidewalk into chunks with her stride. Stay away from you? Yeah, I don’t think I can do that, baby. Fuck no. No way am I doing that. I’ll find a way to make up for my wishy-washy mental games. You are mine, and I’m gonna get you to see that, if it’s the last thing I do.

  * * *



  Kate was out with Matty, so I had the house all to myself.

  Gagging down Cherry Garcia, even though fucking hate cherries, I groaned with the spoon in my mouth when my doorbell rang. I hopped off the couch and set the ice cream and spoon down on the coffee table? My first visitor!

  I sneered. “Jed?”

  “Nah, I’m not that sexy,” Danny said.

  “Dammit.” I growled. “Did you not hear what I said earlier? I am done with you, Danny.”

  “Yeah, the whole problem with that is, we don’t have matching sentiments. I’m not done with you. Can I talk to you? Please?”

  “Uh, I don’t know,” I slurred, slumping back against the door, crossing my arms. I was determined to hold my resolve taut, but I knew it was flimsy gauze at best. Danny lifted these electrified twangs through my stomach that helicoptered like maple seeds in a storm wind, and I wanted to collect a whole lot more of them and some steamy-hot kisses too.

  He slowly knocked with his knuckle in a steady beat. “Let me in, Lex.”

  “Mmm. Maybe.” I stayed where I was though.

  “Is that maybe gonna turn into a yes anytime soon? I don’t have a bodyguard here. I just came over on the fly. So I’m feeling a little vulnerable.”

  “Oh. Sorry. Hi.” I opened the door, but realized I was absolutely frumpy in pajamas. He’s seen me in PJs thousands of times, but I hated looking like a disaster when I was hoping we could bump our seesawing ‘whatever’ into wild, hot sex and beyond. Just the sight of him, looking so perfect in a dress shirt, boots and jeans snatched my breath and made my heart pound. Still in the doorjamb because I was blocking his way, he looked around and over my head. “Cute place.”

  “Thanks. Kate and I love it.”

  “Um, I just wanna make sure there’s a, “yes, come on in,” coming my way?”

  “Of course. Sorry.” I actually, literally slapped my forehead like I was some lame-ass duffus. I slapped my head in front of Danny Zane. I might as well squeal like a fan girl too. I shifted to the side and waved him in with my arm. “Come on in.”

  I closed the door with a hard shove and he was suddenly rushing at me with his damn-hot body and all up my hair with his fingers. He whispered my name right before his lips met mine with palpable urgency. Smearing his palms down from my crown, he clutched my head and tore into my mouth with his tongue.

  I was instantly out of breath and so shaken to be ambushed with a devil’s lust that had him hard in his jeans within seconds.

  Hungry to feel him, I mean, that against me, I grabbed his hips and then his ass and shoved him tightly against my pelvis and held him in place. I caught flight as he moaned against my tongue. But reality crashed in and killed the moment. “Danny, I… wait. We can’t do this.”

  He bit his lip with a head shake. “We sure as hell can. And I’ve gotta have you.” He drew me back in with an insistent yank on both arms.

  His breath whooshed down the lower half of my face as his lips claimed mine with untamed desire. Longing, aching for his kiss, I opened my mouth and let him engulf me with rapture. I grabbed his face and he lifted my legs to wrap around his hips.

  He crashed me into the wall and pressed his readied cock against me.

  I broke off his mouth and popped the button of his jeans open. I jerked his zipper apart and shoved my hand into the gap, finding hot, hardened flesh to play with. “You’re such a beast.”

  He groaned sexy in my ear as I gripped him and rubbed my clit against my knuckle at the same time. “A beast? Hey, be nice or fuck off, Brat.”

  “That’s my plan. Do I seriously have to keep reiterating that?”

  He laughed, remembering he said that. “Just shut up and kiss me, kiss me, kiss me.” God, his deep laugh was like bourbon, warm, tingly and full of flavor.

  I kept digging into his jeans and fondling his cock as I reunited with his lips, which made him hum against my sliding tongue. “You like that, Danny.”

  He tucked his face into the crook of my neck. “I did honestly come here to talk, and to apologize, but then I saw you, looking so sweet and damn kissable. You ruin me. I can’t think straight around you.”

  “Just admit that you lied about not wanting me.”

  “It was all bullshit, and I’m sorry. This chick, she just freaked me out so bad, threatening you like that, but I can’t live my life in fear. What if they never catch her? I’m not gonna live without you. Mmm. Love what you’re doing down there in my jeans. Those strokes are so hot, baby.” He thrust against my fist pumps and grabs.

  My cell phone rang and I groaned.

  “Ignore it.”

  “I can’t. I’m expecting Nina to call. We have to go over some work crap.”

  “Shit!” Danny set me down and ripped my hand off of his glorious junk. “Your work! I totally forgot.”

  I picked it up off the credenza right beside us. “Hey, Nina. I just got in. Can I call you back in like ten minutes?” I sounded out of breath.

  “Yeah, sure. I’m always burning the midnight oil.”

  “Me too. Talk to you in a few. Bye.


  I hung up and set my phone down with a groan. I shook my head. “What’d you totally forget? About my job? You didn’t know I had a conference call coming.”

  “I, uh, don’t want to crush your dreams or anything … but, um, I found out Nina only put you in charge of us because … you’re my sister. It was a rumor, but it sounded logical. And the way she acted towards you during the teleconference confirmed it for me.”

  My heart sank and birthing tears pricked my eyes. “Oh, yeah. You know about that?”

  “Yes. You know?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “I just found that out it’s against company policy for employees to fraternize with clients.”

  “Having your hand on my junk probably qualifies as that.” He zipped back up and I whimpered.

  I huffed. “Yeah, probably. The receptionist got fired just for going on a date, so they take it very seriously.”

  “Damn, Lex.” He turned around and leaned against the wall. He hip-checked me and crossed his arms. “It’s like the whole fucking world is against us, like Fate wants to kill this
hot thing before it even gets started. Do you believe in Fate, like signs and junk? I sure do.”

  “Yeah, hence the good-luck-charm Christmas tree that’s still in your goddamn kitchen.”

  He let out a belly laugh. “God, what is it with you and my tree? You hate that thing.”

  “’Cause it’s fake. You should only have real Christmas trees and only in December, and maybe a little bit into January, but that’s it. Who wants a damn fake tree?”


  “Well, not me.”

  “They’re less mess.”

  “Yeah, but faux trees don’t have that Christmassy feel. Even a Charlie Brown tree would be better than that skinny shitling thing you have.”

  He laughed, then kissed me and smacked my ass.


  “There is nothing wrong with my tree, Brat!”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Mmm. Now we’re back to sir. Love that.”

  “You know what I meant! Go home, asshole. Before you get me fired.”

  “Fine. But we’re going to figure something out.” He left me with one more kiss and took off.

  When my fit of gleeful giggles left too, only the sick feeling of dread remained. I sure as hell didn’t want us to be doomed. And with the inability to ever move forward without consequence, it pretty much felt like we already were.”

  * * *



  Due to shitty circumstances, Alexa and I suffered the same song and dance of wanting to give into our lusts but never being able to. Between my unstable stalker and her boss just waiting for her to screw up, we decided to be hands-off, which was killer.

  We were quickly thrust into a tornado of promotion and planning for this concert anyway and all eyes were on us, all the time, which amplified every soft touch or whisper. Any graces from her simmered like embers to soul, igniting into flames that could never be addressed or played with. Not being about to kiss her, to taste her, to fuck her drove me absolutely nuts. I couldn’t kiss her, not even on the sly. There’s no way I’d be able to stop at just a kiss. I could barely look at her without dying to rip off her clothes and carry her away to ecstasy. Our lust was reaching a fever pitch, and I didn’t know how much more I could take.

  Alexa agreed with Matty about playing any gig, even small, shitty ones, so on nights were weren’t making appearances on shows, we ended up performing at least five times out a week, building up to this thing, and that totally robbed me of quality time with my hot, blond brat. But being busy helped a bit. I barely had time to breathe, never mind fantasize or indulge. I was seriously missing her tits though, like just, errr, those babies kept cry out for my mouth, and I hadn’t even had the opportunity to sample her other bits yet, so yearnings for both were thrusting mad-lusty agony onto me.

  For concert week, my team of PR peeps, as well as my roadies and additional staffers, were booked in the same hotel. We showed up early but couldn’t get into our rooms until after 1.

  Even as we sat crammed together at one table for breakfast to kill the time and go over the dangling details, media was already showing up, so this was ending up big, which we were definitely hoping for. Itchy Fringe was back in the game, and we were getting our cred back. This thing, as well as the new album we were producing, could really launch us past where we’ve already been.

  I was aware of all the glaring, curious eyes on me as I dug into my pancakes. Unspoken questions already irritated. How’s your new lead guitarist working out? Fine. Why do you look so uncomfortable? ’Cause I’m dying to fuck my stepsister, but I fucking can’t. Are you ON something? You’re sweating, Danny, and you look all bug-eyed. Please refer to the previous answer. I’m not ON anything, but I sure as fuck want to be. How do you like working so closely with your sister? Hate it. I wanna bang her like Tasmanian devil on fire, and the only way to squelch the burn I feel is with the sweet, tangy juice of her pussy. Did you guys get a new bus? Yes, but your second bus is never as sweet as the first, not even with more perks.

  I’m sure food was scrumptious at this five-star establishment, but every bite of my breakfast tasted like sand. I felt like I was under a microscope and that my building lust for the person right next to me was evidently on display. My cock wasn’t a raging hard-on yet, but it just might become one if she breathed on me wrong. I didn’t want to tick anyone off. I didn’t want her to get in to trouble or fired, but I longed to have her, to claim her, to eat her out, to make her mine, right damn here, to hell with everyone. I was so close to bursting out of cotton.

  I wanted to nibble her nipples, to say dirty things in her ear, and to press through her entrance, uh, there’s no pleasure like that in the world. I wanna know what she feels and sounds like when I slide in deep.

  Breaths out of my nostrils were becoming loud, quick and huffy like when I work out. My neck itched because my leg was flush against hers, and she was bouncing her heel rapidly in nervousness. She was surely hoping everything would go smoothly. I was hoping to not get a boner. I had interviews to give. Her motion was massaging me at the same time and it created friction against my pant leg. And everyone knows friction creates HEAT, real heat. Her vibrations spiked extreme titillation in my nuts, and I ran through all the horrible news I’d recently heard to keep my twitching cock at half-mast. But every move she made, stirring coffee, eating her scrambled eggs, dabbing her face with a cloth napkin, bumped against and stroked me, and her laugh was like a magnet trying to tug me to look at her face, but if I did that, I’d lean in and plant my lips on hers. God, how I missed those lips.

  I scratched my neck and shifted uncomfortably. And Nina, sharp cookie that she is, noticed my awkwardness.

  She gripped my hand across the table and leaned closer. “Daniel, I know you’re nervous and are hoping this’ll work out and be a success for you and a big boost for your band. Don’t worry. Everything will be perfect. Have confidence in your skills and in your team. You will rock this.”

  I nodded and took a deep breath. “Yeah, thanks. I’m perfectly confident in everyone else. I just feel like my brain is mush right now. We’ve been running so ragged. But I know myself. I’ll step out there on that stage and find my home again. I’m excited to bring the issue of substance abuse to light.”

  “Good,” she said with a nod like this conversation was satisfactorily over.

  I wanted to be cool and sharp and say the right things in a non-stupid way. Substance abuse can kill and ruin lives, and I wanted to be committed as an individual and lead singer in that mission to abstain. My guys, along with our new lead guitarist, Joey, who was wicked for sure but lacking in Puck’s finesse, were right there with me. We hadn’t had a single party since Heather horribly perished. Just thinking of it made me sick. It didn’t feel right.

  After our meal and discussion, Alexa hooked me up with various reporters for interviews. I’d much rather be hooked up with other things. I gave her a death stare when she put her hand on my back right before someone came over. “Don’t fucking touch me in public,” I grumbled in her ear.

  She blinked away moisture in her eyes. “Right.”

  Shit. I was pulled in by a lady’s hand hooking around my arm, so I didn’t have time to fix it.

  “Hi. I’m here with Danny Zane from Itchy Fringe. Are you guys excited for Soar Free?”

  “Very. We’re thrilled to bring awareness to this issue that can steal lives and wreck people from the inside out.”

  “Are you working on a new album? Your last one was a little … eerrr-blaaahh.”

  I laughed at her truthful blanch. “Yeah, you could say that, and you did so eloquently.”

  She cracked up.

  “Don’t get me wrong, we were thrilled to collaborate with Paul O’Leary and Divine Gregory, such well-respected and lauded writers in the industry, and for our deal with Middleton Records, but a lot of the songs chosen for Sticky Ones weren’t our typical groove, so we’re excited to get back to the sound that originally made u
s famous.”

  “Wonderful. Are you playing anything new for us tonight?”

  “Maybe. You’ll have to come out and see. We’ve got a killer set planned. Our diehard core fans’ll love it for sure. This kind of concert, with our edge in play, has been a long time comin’.”

  “Thank you so much, Danny. It’s good to hear from you again. Hope you guys have fun.”

  “Thanks.” I rapped her upper arm with my knuckles. “We’re pumped to have a blast.”

  Alexa went to grab my arm, but changed her mind. “You did so awesome.”

  “Sorry for that snap.” I leaned in. “It’s just … I want to fuck you, okay?”

  “No, not okay.” She gasped and looked around. “Danny, we can’t. And most definitely not here.”

  “Ha.” I chuckled. “That’s a crystal clear invite though. I heard it. That means sometime later, it might happen. But it doesn’t change the fact or lessen the pounding certainty that I want to fuck your brains out right now.”

  She let out a long, slow breath, and its sweet, chocolaty scent from something she just ate made me shiver as it coiled around my neck like the lily petals. “You know I want you too. It’s just … complicated.” She pushed me back, a hand against my gut, and I then realized it was because Raquel was coming over when I heard her behind me.

  “Raquel! He just gave a fabulous interview,” Alexa quickly said. “You’d be so proud. Could you possibly take over from here? To help Danny? I’ve got to make sure all the other bands are happy and that all their perks and demands have been covered and are being met.”

  “Yeah, sure. No problem.”

  “Bye,” Lex said. I watched her sweet ass as she walked away while Raquel went on and on about necessary bullet points for my interviews. I only half-heard her because the thing I kept hearing over and over was, ‘Definitely not here.’ I smiled.


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