Tangled Hearts

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Tangled Hearts Page 4

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Stepping back, he looked down at her, both of them panting. He was the first to realize what was going on. And what was going to happen if he didn’t get out of there. Fast!

  “Time!” he groaned, then kissed her again. She wanted time and he was determined to give it to her. No way was he going to mess up with her this time around. A hard, brief kiss before he stepped back and, though it pained him, he walked out of her apartment, flicking the lock before he pulled the door closed.

  Chapter 7

  Olivia beamed with delight as she walked into the back area of her store the following morning. She hadn’t slept very well, but she was…delighted and charmed…by the fact that Chris had kissed her like he had and then left her alone. He’d walked out, understanding that she needed time. She’d curled up in her bed after he’d left, unable to read any longer, her thoughts focused on about him. About that kiss and all of the ways that she liked and respected him.

  Today was a new day and she felt good. Great even, despite her lack of sleep. The store wouldn’t open for another week and she still had boxes of books lined up against one wall, but she’d set aside stocking her shelves for the morning so that she could host this reading time with the kids.

  Several parents were sitting in the folding chairs behind the adorable toddlers who were all sitting on the soft, fluffy rug she’d laid out specifically for this purpose. She’d set up a coffee station for the parents and lemonade and cookies for the kids after the story time.

  Tip and Hermi were upstairs, locked away just in case someone had allergies. Also, Hermi wasn’t the kind who ran away from strangers. Nope, she would rush right up to each of these little ladies and gentlemen and try to steal their cookie. That wouldn’t be good for business. Hermi wouldn’t even want the cookie. She just liked to steal stuff and hide it away. Of course, Tip would head right for his flower pot, not even acknowledging the existence of other human beings except if they deigned to pet him. Then, and only then, would he blink at them. If their strokes were to his liking, they might even get a flick of his tail.

  “Good morning everyone!” she greeted the room. The kids turned eagerly toward her and Olivia pulled the puppet out from behind her back. The kids wiggled, their eyes widening with excitement. “This is Joe! And he’s going to tell you a story today. How many of you would like to hear a story?”

  All of the kids raised their hands and Olivia heard a few chuckles from the parents. “Well good! Because Joe loves telling stories!” She sat down on the floor and the kids shuffled around so they could see better.

  She opened the book and…noticed a change in the air. Looking around, her breath lodged in her throat as she watched Chris walk in. For a brief moment, the sunshine glinted off his dark hair and uniform, sparked off the badge that gleamed on his hard, muscular chest. His thumbs were looped through his wide, leather belt, which held all sorts of strange and fascinating things. He looked magnificent! She flashed back to the previous night. The kiss. His bravery. The heat in his eyes and the way she’d felt in his arms.

  Chris paused at the back of the chairs, his lips curling upwards ever so slightly. His expression told her that he was thinking about last night as well.

  Olivia cleared her throat, pulling her eyes away from Chris and back to the book. Glancing around, she realized that several of the kids had noticed her staring at Chris. That meant that the adults had noticed as well. The kids might not understand what had just transpired between herself and the handsome chief of police, but the adults definitely would!

  Shifting, she straightened and brought her hand with the puppet higher. “Okay, story time!” she announced, bringing everyone’s focus back to the book. For the next twenty minutes, Olivia read the story, through Joe’s “mouth”, and talked to the kids about the characters in the book. There was a general discussion about the story and then Olivia asked if anyone wanted cookies.

  The cheer arose and Olivia grinned, excited by their excitement. Standing up, she walked over to the small storage room and pulled out two giant plates of cookies that she’d baked the previous night. “Here you go! Make sure that you ask your parents for help,” she told the kids.

  After that, it was barely controlled chaos as she set the plates of cookies on the table with the lemonade and coffee, then stepped back. Several parents came to talk to her, thanking her for the story and the puppet, commenting on the store, and various other questions. Three people asked if she could find a book for them and she nodded, eager to be of service. She took down their information and told them she’d get back to them as soon as she had more information.

  The whole time, Olivia was aware of Chris standing off to the side. He had his share of questions and comments from the residents. Many of them just wanted to say hello and thank him for one thing or another, maybe just be near him for a moment. Chris had a sort of “rock star” quality about him. He was friendly, but she could see that he kept a part of himself separate.

  She sold several copies of the book she’d read and several parents asked if she would have puppets for sale as well. Olivia hadn’t thought about that, but she nodded and made a mental note to order some. She could put them in the children’s’ book area and the kids could decide which they wanted for their bedtime stories.

  “You were a hit,” Chris declared when the store was empty.

  She smiled, shy for some reason. “Thanks.”

  “Are you going to do story time every week?”

  Olivia nodded, backing up since he stepped closer. But she couldn’t wipe the silly grin off her face. “Yes. I’d only intended to introduce myself to the town through the story time, but if I can sell more books that way, I’m all for it.” She paused and glanced at the almost empty tray of cookies. “Although, I might need to get the cookies somewhere else. It took me two hours to bake those.”

  He laughed softly, but she wasn’t sure if his amusement was about her comment regarding the cookies or the fact that he had her against the wall. “I’ll make the cookies for your next story time,” he announced, pressing his body against hers, pinning her in place.

  “You…bake?” she asked, her voice weaker than she’d intended.

  “It’s relaxing,” he replied, his hands sliding down her waist to cup her hips. “Takes my mind off of everything.”

  That was an interesting detail. “Wow! A man with many talents. You weren’t that talented ten years ago.”

  He lowered his head, nibbling the spot just under her ear that always caused her to shiver. “I have many additional skills that I’ve learned over the past ten years,” he murmured before leaning in for a kiss. This kiss started slow and easy, sensuous. As if he had all the time in the world. But when she slid her hands along his arms, her fingers caressing his neck, the kiss changed. It was firmer, more demanding. More exhilarating!

  Unfortunately, his radio beeped and Chris lifted his head with a muttered curse. They were both breathless with desire, but Chris had the fortitude to listen to the radio call from the dispatcher.

  “I have to go,” he told her, his voice as ragged as his breathing. “Have dinner with me tonight.”

  Her thoughts flashed to him in her tiny apartment. His size alone would make her place feel small and cramped. Although, last night hadn’t been cramped. Or they could go to his place. She had no idea where he lived, but she doubted that his home would be any safer than her apartment.

  He didn’t wait for an answer. “You’ll be safe,” he chuckled. “You asked for time. I’m giving you time. I’ll pick you up at six.” A moment later, he was gone, leaving Olivia still tingling with awareness and need.

  “Maybe I don’t want to be safe,” she muttered to the empty store.

  Chapter 8

  Several hours later, Chris knocked on her door. He’d gone home early and changed into shorts and a polo shirt. Knocking at her door, he scanned the area, as was his habit, shifting the bag in his hand as he waited for Olivia to answer the door.

  As she did, it took
him several moments to remember how to breathe. Her hair was down, dancing around her shoulders and she was wearing a short, summery dress. The kind that made male imaginations go wild about what was underneath the soft, fluttery fabric.

  When his eyes lifted to hers, he could see that she was nervous. “Aw, honey,” he pulled her into his arms. “Nothing is going to happen tonight,” he vowed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “You said you needed time and I’m going to give it to you.”

  She shivered, hiding her face against his chest. “Maybe I should change,” she offered.

  Chris shook his head. “No way. That dress is going to give new fuel to fantasies.”

  She laughed and he released her. A man could only take so much stimulation, he thought. “I brought you a new lock,” he announced, lifting the bag up slightly. “Give me fifteen minutes.”

  Olivia stepped back, staring at the fabric bag. “Um…a new lock?” she asked.

  “Yeah, the ones you have here are too flimsy. I have the tools I need. Just give me a few minutes and I’ll install this.”

  Olivia stepped back and he bent down, getting to work. Normally, a job like this was easy enough to accomplish. But with Olivia standing next to him watching, her long legs in his peripheral vision, it took a bit more effort on his part.

  “There,” he said a few minutes later, standing up and testing the lock. “That should hold better if someone tries to break in.” He turned and looked at her. “But if someone is trying to break in, you call me, right?”

  “Right!” she replied with an arch salute.

  He moved closer, his hands moving to his favorite place – her slender hips. “Are you mocking me?” he asked with a growl, bending down to nip her earlobe.

  She giggled, her hands quickly sliding up his arms when he tipped her back slightly. “I’d never mock you, Chief!” She sighed, toying with the hair on the back of his neck. “You have a gun and handcuffs and…”

  Olivia paused and he knew exactly where her mind had gone. “Normally, I’m not a handcuffs kind of guy,” he told her, moving closer so that she was plastered against him. “But in your case, that might be pretty nice.”

  She laughed, thinking he was teasing her again.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he growled, reluctantly pulling away from her. “Here are the new keys to your apartment.” He watched as she put the new keys on her keychain, and tossed the spare key into a drawer in her kitchen.

  “Ready!” she replied and grabbed her purse. “Where are we going?”

  He opened the door to his SUV and watched with fascination as she stepped into the vehicle. “Gypsy Park,” he replied, sighing at the voyeuristic pleasure of watching her move.

  Her eyes widened but he closed the door, walking around to the driver’s side before answering her unspoken question. “We’re having a picnic,” he explained.

  Ten minutes later, they were parked and he’d hauled a big backpack out of the back of his truck. “This way,” he said and took her hand, leading her away from the crowds that were gathering for the weekly music near the bandstand. He led her over to an area that was surrounded by trees, and spread a blanket out on the ground.

  “Oh my!” she smiled. “This is very un-chief-like.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Sit down,” he ordered. “Was that more chief-like for you?”

  She immediately sat down on the blanket and waited for him to join her. She’d asked for time to get over her last relationship, but as he pulled the food out of the pack, he wondered if she needed time to get used to him more than to get over the last guy.

  “Tell me about your job in New York City,” he encouraged, handing her a fork and a plate. For the next two hours, they talked about the past ten years, about their jobs, and ate the delicious food he’d brought. It was one of the most relaxing and tension-filled dates she’d ever experienced.

  When he pulled her into his arms, she went willingly, knowing that he would never do anything in public that would endanger her. Or break the law.

  When he dropped her off at her door that night, Chris grabbed another bag out of the back of his SUV before he walked her up the stairs to her apartment. “Here,” he handed her the bag. “Thanks for coming out with me tonight,” he said, then kissed her hard and fast before turning and walking back to his SUV. He didn’t even look back at her as he drove away. Because looking back at her might mean that he’d stop. Stopping meant he’d head right back up to kiss her again. After this evening in the park, with her warm, willing body in his arms and kissing her until they were both more than a little crazy, he didn’t think he’d stop.

  Chapter 9

  Olivia stared at the package on the tiny table of her kitchen, a dreamy smile on her lips. Catnip. And two cat toys. That’s what had been in the bag Chris had handed to her last night. He’d given her catnip!

  Brandon had given her flowers a few times. He’d never cooked for her, telling her that he’d rather just grab a sandwich at the deli around the corner from their apartment rather than cook something. And he never could have changed the locks on their door. He simply wasn’t a maintenance-minded guy. He’d laughed when she’d tried to fix the light fixture in their bathroom, encouraging her to call someone to fix it as he grabbed the remote and flopped in front of the television.

  What exactly had she seen in Brandon? Why had she stayed with him all of those years?

  Olivia sighed. “Come on kitties,” she called to Tip and Hermi, who jumped down from the couch and scrambled to the door that went connected the upstairs apartment to the inside stairway leading to the store. They were already at the bottom doorway, meowing frantically and twirling with impatience by the time she reached the bottom. “All right!” she laughed, unlocking the door. They immediately rushed inside. Tip headed right for his flowerpot, circling until he found the perfect placement and plopped down in a ball, his eyes slowly closing for his tenth nap of the day.

  Hermi rushed to the front of the store, her head swiveling as she searched for a shadow to chase. When that didn’t work, she climbed to the top of the first bookshelf and stared out at the people passing by on the sidewalk, waiting. Lurking. Planning…whatever it was that occurred to her.

  “You two are so cute,” she laughed as she headed to the last box of books. “This is it, guys!” she called out. “This is everything. I have puppets that will arrive tomorrow and a few silly, small items. Then we’re ready for the grand opening!”

  Neither Hermi nor Tip seemed impressed.

  As she stocked the last of the books onto the shelf, Olivia let her mind wander. Why had she stayed with Brandon for so long? What was it about him that had kept them together for so many years? It definitely wasn’t the sex, she thought. And it wasn’t his sparkling personality. Now that she was away from the city and all of the stress, she realized that she hadn’t actually liked Brandon all that much. Which was probably why they’d basically stopped having sex. They’d become roommates.

  “Huh,” she huffed.

  Looking around, she wondered if there was anything else she should do. Everything in the store had been stocked, cleaned, dusted, and tweaked to perfection. Olivia knew that the store would evolve over time, but right now, at this moment, it felt amazing! The town, the store, her tiny apartment…everything felt right. Staunton was so different from New York City. It was small, beautiful, and rural, and had a quirky feel to it that was…right.

  Yeah, it had been a good idea to come back here. She’d been away for too long.

  Leaning her back against the wall, Olivia looked around. Hermi bounded over to her, climbing onto her lap. It had been a long time coming, but this…this was right.

  Hermi purred as Olivia stroked her back and tail, scratched her ears. Eventually, Hermi fell asleep and still, Olivia sat there, just absorbing the sensation of accomplishment.

  Her cell phone chimed, a text message. It was from Chris. A smile formed on her face. Yeah, Chris felt right too. So, why was she waiting? Why d
idn’t she just…jump into a relationship with him with both feet?

  Because she didn’t want to be hurt again.

  That thought stunned her and she stilled. Tossing the idea around in her head, she played with it for a long moment. Chris was strong and powerful, confident and a really good guy in a scary, wonderful sort of way.

  The exact opposite of Brandon.

  “Good grief!” she muttered. Standing up, she set Hermi on the floor and looked around. It was already dark outside. Where had the day gone? She realized that she was starving! She’d grabbed an apple for breakfast this morning, but hadn’t thought about lunch or dinner. Glancing at her watch, she realized it was already seven o’clock.

  Picking up her cell phone, she texted Chris. She needed to see him. The revelations about her life, about her past and her feelings for Chris made her almost frantic.

  “Are you around?” she texted, then turned off the lights to her store. Food was a priority. Her phone buzzed with his response as soon as she reached her apartment. “Working late. Drug arrests this afternoon.”

  Olivia dumped food into the cat dishes, then danced out of the way of her mini-herd of cats rampaging towards her for their dinner.

  “I’m going out for a while,” she told them, but didn’t bother to see if they’d respond. From past experience, she knew that there were very few things that stopped Tip from eating. In fact, there was nothing that stopped Tip from eating! He was a big boy and loved his food.

  Olivia stopped at the deli, grabbing two sandwiches, chips, coleslaw and some lemonade for her, iced tea for him, thinking he might need the caffeine for the night ahead of him. With her bag of food in hand, and feeling smug that she’d gotten to pay for dinner finally, she got back into her car and drove to the police station.

  Stepping inside the building, she looked around. It was bigger than she’d anticipated. And busier! Pulling out her cell phone, she sent him another text. “I’m here at the police station with food if you have a moment.”


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