Hearts on Fire

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Hearts on Fire Page 5

by Serenity Snow

  “What is the Gathering about?” she demanded, her stomach knotting in horror at being separated from Cyanna. She was angry with her for keeping that kind of secret, but she wasn’t mad enough to end their arrangement.

  “I don’t know yet,” Cyanna told her, and got to her feet to join Joslyn, who’d paced to stand before the window overlooking the back of the store. “Joss.”

  Joslyn looked at her, anger and confusion churning inside her. If that damned jackal hadn’t broken in last night, she’d never have known about Cyanna. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a shifter?” she demanded.

  “You didn’t tell me you were a wolf,” Cyanna said with a shrug.

  “That is why I’m not going to bitch at you this time,” Joslyn said and pouted. “I am mad at you for ignoring me.”

  “I wasn’t ignoring you,” she contradicted. “I’m trying to finish the designs for Mrs. Hines before we leave in a few days, so I’ll have time to spend with you when you aren’t with your sister.”

  Joslyn smiled softly. “I have a feeling we’ll have plenty of time together.”

  “I hope so.” Cyanna brushed her lips against Joslyn’s. “I really want to get to know you.” She cupped her face as she claimed Joslyn’s mouth, their tongues sliding together, stroking.

  Joslyn’s arms went around Cyanna’s waist pulling, them closer together, the way her wolf wanted them. Her wolf seemed to love touching this woman above any she had ever met, but she didn’t think about that or the fact that Cyanna’s kiss made her lightheaded. She just sank into the kiss, enjoying the lushness of it.

  “I have to get back to work,” Cyanna said. “I have to finish those and meet with Mrs. Hines tomorrow. It’ll be my last chance to do it before we leave.”

  “She’s attracted to you,” Joslyn said with an edge of anger in her words.

  “I flirt with her because it facilitates business, but it means nothing.”

  “I want to say that that it better not, but I know I don’t have the right,” Joslyn said quietly, and then drew out of the embrace. “I apologize for overstepping my bounds.”

  “You didn’t.” Cyanna touched Joslyn’s cheek. “Now, we should both get back to work if we’re going to leave on time.”

  Joslyn gave her a smile. “Can I make a suggestion?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Let’s dine at your place?”

  “Yours, that way you don’t have to get up and leave in the middle of the night,” Cyanna said.

  “Okay.” She smiled. That was thoughtful, even though she hadn’t wanted to risk Neal peeping on them. She’d just make sure all of her curtains were closed before Cyanna got there.

  “Back to work,” Cyanna urged after stealing a last kiss.

  Chapter Five

  Joslyn left work five minutes early, leaving Cyanna still working. She stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things before heading home. Once she got there, Joslyn put the wine in the fridge to chill and then headed to her bathroom for a soak. While the water ran, she undressed and added scented bath salts to the water.

  After her, bath, Joslyn took her time with her hair, and then chose the perfect outfit. Just before seven, she heard a car door slam and went to look out the window in her living room. She winced as she saw Cyanna facing the direction of Neal’s house. Then, he came into view, and she watched them talk quietly.

  Neal’s posture stiffened at one point while Cyanna’s body line remained relaxed, and damn, but she did look good in the casual navy pants she wore with the button-down.

  Cyanna chuckled at something Neal said and then she was striding toward the house with a single rose and a bag in hand.

  Joslyn waited for her to knock before going to the door. “Hi.”

  “Hello, sweetheart.” Cyanna gave her one of her dimpled and elusive smiles.

  Joslyn stepped back and groaned.

  “Hello, Joslyn.” Neal waved. His tone held a flintiness that made her skin prickle.

  Cyanna turned with a low growl that surprised Joslyn.

  “Good evening, Neal.” She closed the door.

  “Bastard needs to fuck off,” Cyanna muttered.

  “Yeah, he won’t take the hint,” Joslyn murmured. There had been something in his eyes that made her wonder if seeing Cyanna here would make him escalate.

  “Does he bother you?” Cyanna asked, picking up on her thoughts, and Joslyn guessed her worry must show in her face.

  She shrugged. “He peeps in my windows, leaves notes on my car, and he’s always asking me out or something.”

  “I’ll talk to him when we get back,” Cyanna promised. “I’ll make sure he gets the message that you’re off-limits.”

  “He’s human,” she said.

  “No, he’s not,” Cyanna murmured. “He’s an alpha jackal. Let me know the minute he steps out of line with you.” There was possessiveness in her gaze now. “Understood?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. She wasn’t a dominant in her pack, not even considered a beta. She had been trained in the basics of defense, but never made it to be an enforcement officer in the pack’s structure. She’d been relegated to tasks of caretaking and teaching until she left.

  At home, there had always been someone to look out for her, but out in the world alone, she’d encountered only a few circumstances where she had to be aggressive. Then, she’d allowed her wolf nature to surface as a show of strength, but she’d never had to go up against guys like Neal.

  “Smells like steak,” Cyanna said, holding the rose out to her.

  Joslyn smiled. “Warm spinach salad with steak and French bread. Is that okay?”

  “It’s perfect,” Cyanna murmured. “I think these tarts will go well with it.”

  “What kind of tarts?” she asked as she smelled the rose.

  “You’ll see.” Cyanna stroked her knuckles over Joslyn’s cheek. “You look hotter than a Mojave desert afternoon.”

  Joslyn grinned. She’d selected a dress with a hem that fell just above her knees. It had a low neckline, and she’d left her hair to cascade over her shoulders in curls. The look was casual enough for the sandals she’d opted for.

  “Thank you. The kitchen is this way.”

  Cyanna put the white pastry box on the counter once they got there, and Joslyn poured them both a glass of wine.

  “Thanks.” Cyanna took her glass and their fingers touched. Joslyn’s stomach fluttered.

  “What did Neal say that made you think he was dangerous?” Joslyn asked, and took a sip of her wine.

  “Nothing, baby,” she said. “One dominant always knows another. Is there anything I can help with?”

  “No. Dinner is about ready,” she said with a frown. She had a feeling that was a lie despite the fact she couldn’t detect the vaguest hint of it on Cyanna. “I just have to serve if you’re ready.”

  Cyanna studied her and Joslyn shivered, her breathing quickening. Cyanna set her wine glass down and moved around to Joslyn’s side of the counter. “You’re so sweet,” she murmured. “I just love looking at you.”

  Her breathing came ragged and quick. Her tongue cleaved to the roof of her mouth in surprise.

  Cyanna kissed her. “The only food I want is you.” She nuzzled Joslyn’s mouth and drew back.

  Joslyn pushed her hair over her shoulder, her skin warm and her heart hammering. She stepped out of Cyanna’s embrace and moved around her, leading the way to her bedroom. She could feel her energy behind her.

  In her bedroom, she turned on the light and faced Cyanna. “I picked up condoms.”

  “Good.” Cyanna studied the small bedroom cloaked in shades of yellow and orange. “Do you have a paddle?”

  “A whip.” She went to her closet. Her toy chest was meager since she wasn’t a dominant, but she’d enjoyed playing around with her last lover, who hadn’t been much of a dominant, either.

  “That will do. Undress for me, sweetheart.”

  Joslyn found the zipper of her dress at the side and slowly d
ragged it down. She pushed the dress down slowly without breaking eye contact, exposing the pale pink bra with its darker floral pattern. Her breath stuttered at the unadulterated desire that shone in Cyanna’s chestnut eyes.

  “Take it off,” Cyanna commanded in a tone tight with lust.

  Joslyn pushed the dress the rest of the way down over her waist and down her thighs, revealing the matching panties.

  “Fuck, sweetheart, you’re going to make me cum my pants,” Cyanna said raggedly.

  Joslyn stepped out of the dress, turned and kicked her dress aside. “Do you like them, Cyanna?”

  “Yes.” Cyanna’s breathing was harsh, but it was the glow of Cyanna’s eyes that made Joslyn smile. The animal was coming out to play, and she was eager to play with another wolf.

  Cyanna crooked her finger at Joslyn and Joslyn went to her. Cyanna jerked Joslyn against her and Joslyn gasped. Cyanna gave her a slow smile and then claimed Joslyn’s slightly parted lips.

  Her tongue pushed demandingly into Joslyn’s hot mouth, plundering the dark cavern. Joslyn sank against her, moaning softly as her arms wound around Cyanna’s neck. She strained up against her. Her wolf was aching for skin-to-skin contact.

  Cyanna’s fingers slid through the fine threads of Joslyn’s hair as she nipped her lips and drew her tongue over Joslyn’s throat to the hollow at its base.

  Sharp teeth lightly scraped over sensitive flesh and Joslyn’s womb clenched, her juices hot as they eased from her. Her head swam as her body temperature rose, causing beads of sweat to pop on her brow.

  Cyanna released her, stepped back from her and grabbed the whip. “Get rid of the panties, sweetheart,” she ordered.

  Joslyn pushed her panties down, her heart beating a little faster. Her hands trembled and her body tingled all over.

  Cyanna lifted the whip and flicked her wrist. The ribbons landed on one of Joslyn’s breasts. The slight sting rippled through her and kissed her nipple, causing Joslyn to gasp. The next lash landed on the top of her plump mound and the sharp bite tore through her, making her clit throb and her juices flood her pussy.

  Cyanna pinched a sensitive nipple and Joslyn let out a harsh cry. She panted. The pain was a delicious stab that made her skin hotter. Cyanna lashed her breast again, sending a sting lancing across her skin. Joslyn growled low in her throat as the wolf reveled in the pain. Nothing had ever felt so good. Cyanna knew exactly where to hit her to make her cream.

  “Cyanna.” Her voice was a plea for more as the pain pushed her mind toward a haze where all that mattered was this.

  Cyanna lashed first one breast and then the other before delivering a stinging tap to her pussy lips. Joslyn’s body tightened and she bit down on her bottom lip as she stroked a hand over her stomach. The sensation made her moan.

  She swallowed and another lash followed on her pussy, making her clit pulse and beads of sweat break out on her skin. Her blood was lava and her body was a volcano on the verge of eruption.

  Cyanna delivered another lash to her pussy, and another, before pinching her nipple. Joslyn screamed and her body trembled as delectation coursed through her.

  “Oh fuck, Cyanna. It feels so good.” Swallowing convulsively, Joslyn’s lashes fluttered to half-mast, her body on fire from the bites of pain that had her on the verge of release.

  “Look at me, Joss. Don’t fucking come yet,” Cyanna ordered roughly. She landed a tap to Joslyn’s clit with her open hand and Joslyn whimpered. “Your pussy smells like the most decadent dessert. I want to run my tongue through your cream.” Cyanna ran a single finger between the valley of Joslyn’s breasts to her pussy.

  The tip of her finger slipped through the slick heat, and she brought it away and licked it.

  Joslyn whimpered. She was on the edge of explosion and each tap sent her deeper into subspace, that place where her mind and body were one in the pleasure of pain.

  Cyanna delivered a swat to one fleshy lip and then the other before tapping her clit again. She pinched one nipple and Joslyn trembled as her orgasm detonated through her. She let out a low scream and her legs wobbled.

  “Now, I’m going to have to punish you,” Cyanna said with a growl in her voice. “Put your hands on the bed.”



  She swallowed tightly and turned to the full-sized bed with its soft quilt. Joslyn put her hands on the plush fabric and clenched as the whip landed stingingly across her ass cheeks.

  “Disobedience is unacceptable,” Cyanna snapped out. “Even in the bedroom.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” She grimaced as another sting landed on her butt cheek, first one and then the other. The ribbons landed on her back with less force and sent pleasure singing through her. She moaned and Cyanna struck her butt cheek with her hand. The heat and pain flared through her and she cried out.

  The symphony of thwacks Cyanna played on her cheeks had Joslyn breathing raggedly, her body thrumming with arousal once again. Cyanna dragged the whip lightly over Joslyn’s skin and then slapped her ass with her hand.

  “My God! I can’t take it!”

  Cyanna fisted her hand in Joslyn’s hair, tugged her head back and nipped the side of her neck. “The more pain I give you, the more delicious you smell, pup.”

  “Because you’re making me feel so good,” she whispered. Her pussy wept and her clit throbbed in burning need.

  Cyanna’s hand glided down Joslyn’s stomach to her pussy. Cyanna cupped her sex before stroking a finger over her clit. “I think you’re enjoying your punishment a little too much.”

  “Please,” Joslyn begged.

  “Please what, pup?”

  “Fuck me. I want you inside me so bad.”

  “Fuck, sweetheart. Your pretty pleading just broke me.” Cyanna released her.

  “The condoms are in the nightstand.” Joslyn heard the barely-perceptible whisper of a zipper sliding down its track because she was wolf, and then the rustling of paper. Then, she felt Cyanna behind her again, the heat of her skin burning her. Anticipation bloomed anew inside her as Cyanna’s steely cock stroked over her butt cheek. “You want me inside your hot little pussy?”

  “Yes! Fuck yes!” Joslyn cried breathlessly.

  “Are you sure you want this dick?” Cyanna whispered at her ear.

  “Yes.” Her voice was a plea.

  Cyanna pushed the head of her cock into Joslyn’s heated channel, and Joslyn gasped. The girth was more than she expected as it burned over tight tissues, parting her.

  Cyanna’s lips brushed the damp skin of her neck. “You feel like heaven,” she murmured.

  She slid deeper into her, taking her so slowly Joslyn felt the thick veins of Cyanna’s cock caressing the walls of her pussy. A soft cry fell from her lips as Cyanna sank deeper into her wet heat. Joslyn caught her bottom lip between her teeth as the pain began to subside. “Oh, fuck.” She clenched her fingers in the quilts as she panted. Sex had never been this good. Her toes curled into the warm carpet as Cyanna claimed another inch of her.

  Does it feel good, sweetheart?”

  “Perfect,” she panted.

  “I agree,” Cyanna whispered as she seated herself fully in the tight clasp.

  Joslyn shivered, clenching around the thickness. “Damn, you’re big.” She filled her, took every inch of space inside her.

  Cyanna chuckled. “But you’re handling it just fine,” she murmured in that sexy voice that melted Joslyn every time Cyanna spoke. Cyanna pulled back to push back in.

  Joslyn sighed roughly as pleasure shot through her body. She caressed her hand over the covers as Cyanna thrust into her again. Her strokes were deep, easy, yet addicting.

  “Oh damn, sweetheart.” Cyanna’s hot breath brushed Joslyn’s neck as she nuzzled her while the fingers of one hand played with her clit and the other pinched her nipple hard.

  Joslyn thrust her hips back as Cyanna’s thrusts grew faster. Her head fell back onto her shoulder, the wolf and woman drowning in sensation. She mewled, swall
owed by the pleasure overtaking her.

  Cyanna plunged into her hard and fast, fingers tight on her hip. A hard tap to her clit and Joslyn was crying her lover’s name as release rushed over her in a white-hot fury of pleasure.

  Cyanna’s soft cry of ecstasy followed.

  Chapter Six

  Joslyn lay on the bed with a pile of pillows behind her, her juices cleaned from her, watching Cyanna undress. Her wolf-sharp gaze took in every inch of russet-brown, sleek, honed muscle mingled with soft, womanly curves. Her small, high breasts were chocolate-peaked and the eye of Horus decorated her upper arm. Her cock twitched as if it enjoyed being looked at.

  Joslyn licked her lips. “Why the eye of Horus? Are you Wiccan by religion?”

  “We’re pagans.” Cyanna climbed into bed next to her and Joslyn straddled her.

  “So are we,” she said. “It’s seems so natural.” Another thing they had in common, Joslyn thought as she moved gracefully against Cyanna, rubbing her pussy against Cyanna’s cock. “I didn’t really believe you had a dick, even after what I read.”

  “Surprise,” Cyanna drawled breathlessly.

  “It’s big, too. I want to suck it.” Cyanna groaned tightly and Joslyn licked a dark brown peak before trailing kisses down Cyanna’s chiseled stomach. She bit at the muscle, licked and then moved between her legs.

  Joslyn looked up at Cyanna as she wrapped her fingers around her dick. She blew over the tip and then drew her tongue around the crown. The scent of clean soap filled her senses, a telling sign that Cyanna had cleaned up, too.

  She sank her mouth over the head and sucked.

  Cyanna groaned and pushed her fingers into Joslyn’s hair. Joslyn hummed as she savored the taste of her lover. She ran her hand over Cyanna’s smooth, hairless groin as she pumped her cock with her other hand. She licked down the shaft before closing her lips over the head again.

  “Fuck yes, baby. Suck it,” Cyanna urged roughly. “Suck my dick just like that.”


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